Member Reviews

This is a great closed-in novel. It moves at an interesting pace, and you can feel the arctic cold and desolation. Rachel is faced with many challenges, and I am amazed at how she faces each one! I am amazed at the level of knowledge the author displayed in this book. I only wish it had a bit more at the end to seal the resolution we can imagine in our heads! Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC!

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Expedition Day: 152
Temperature: -69C
Location: Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica. Deep field.

Rachael left her husband and 15-month old daughter for a five month expedition to Antarctica during their winter season in order to do critical research that could possibly save the world from catastrophic climate damage. When their team leader falls critically ill and needs to leave on the last flight out until spring, the rest of the group has to decide to leave or stay. Despite the others’ objections, Rachael decides that they need to stay, and when she ventures out to the deep field on her own, things start to go very wrong. Soon she finds herself lost and without shelter, has limited supplies, and the only communication she is receiving is an emergency broadcast reporting that a nuclear war has broken out. Can she fight through grief and despair and find her way back to base camp, and even if she does, is there anyone left to come for her?

I really really enjoyed this! This book caught my eye because I love reading anything about Antarctica expeditions and survival stories. This book was terrifying and full of suspense, I literally had anxiety the entire way through and had to read it in one sitting. I loved this unique plot and highly recommend checking this one out!

Thank you NetGalley and Crooked Lane Books for this advanced copy in exchange for my honest review.

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First of all, thank you to NetGalley and Crooked Lane Books for an advanced copy of Whiteout in return for my honest review.

My honest review is that, I LOVED THIS BOOK!

I have no idea why I decided in July 2024 that I HAD to read a book that isn’t being published until Feb 2025 instead of something off my TBR but it is what it is. This book reminded me of the book/movie ‘The Martian’..

The whole time I was rooting for Racheal, I felt her pain, her panic and when I say panic, this book had me on the edge of my seat panicking for her!

A fantastic thriller with the best twists that I honestly did not see coming which is crazy for me. I wanted more out of the end, not because it wasn’t done well, there was a sense of closure but I’m greedy and I wanted more.

I recommend 100%

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Rachael is on an Antarctic expedition when she becomes isolated and receives a BBC broadcast reporting a nuclear attack.
She will try to survive while facing loneliness, her memories and the elements. We learn how she got there through her recollections and her diary which is an explanation of her reasons for being there and not with her husband Adam and her daughter Izzy. During the novel we can see how although sometimes she seems to faint, but Rachael is a fighter and never gives up.
The narrative rhythm goes from more reflective at the beginning to accelerate with the events creating the same sense of urgency that our protagonist feels.
A fantastic and different thriller with an interesting twist and where the main enemy is nature.

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