Member Reviews

*NOTE: This is a review of the entire series*

I love reading LGBTQ+ fiction. I also love reading fantasy books. When the two genres are combined, it's a must read for me. I saw the Oracle series, and fell in love with the covers. After seeing them, I knew I had to read the series. Unfortunately, after reading all four books in the series, it was just okay. There were parts that I liked, but the parts that I disliked outweighed that.

I have different feelings about each of the books. In the first book in the series, The Oracle's Flame, the twincest made me very uncomfortable. I did love the way that both of the guys fell in love with who they did, but the twincest just creeped me out. However, I did think that the next book in the series, The Oracle's Hatchling was enjoyable. I had problems with a few things in the book, but I thought it brought something new and different to the story of the dragon's world that Mell Eight had created. The third book in the series, The Oracle's Golem was really good as well. I liked how the two main characters took the time to build their relationship, instead of just instantly falling in love. I did expect a different ending to The Oracle's Golem, and was really disappointed when it didn't happen. The last book in the series, The Oracle's Sprite, was just weird. I wasn't sure what to think of it at first. when the big plot twist was revealed, I understood it better, but I still thought it was odd. It was definitely my least favorite book in the series.

Even though I have a lot of mixed feelings on The Oracle series, I did find it enjoyable. The ending of The Oracle's Sprite said that there would be a fifth book, but as far as I know, it was never released. If a fifth book does get released, I will probably read it because I've invested a lot in reading the series up until this point.

I give The Oracle series: 3/5.

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