Member Reviews

We find Jason Bourne again in trouble as his past comes to haunt him. Who will help him? And who is guiding him behind all of the maneuvers? Again AI pops it’s head into this book as part of the plot. They try and find some missing files and it takes them to many locations. Great read!

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Brian Freeman continues to expand the world of Bourne. I love the clean prose, tense plotting, and links to this creative universe. One of my current series in the thriller market.

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Brian Freeman is one of my favorite authors. As I began to read The Bourne Vendetta I felt as if I was in a comfortable reading zone, in good hands. There is plenty of action here, but essentially Bourne is looking for hacked files, and, well, that is not as exciting as chasing rampaging terrorists. But I enjoyed the novel and will gladly grab the next Brian Freeman tale. He has brought me great reading joy.
Thanks NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.

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The Book I am reviewing is "The Bourne Vendetta" by Brian Freeman. I first of all would like to Thank Brian Freeman the author, Net Galley for the ARC of the book in exchange for an honest review. Also, a thank you to Penguin Group Putnam for approving an ARC for me to read.
I have not previously read the book installments by Brian Freeman, but I have seen several Bourne movies. In my mind Jason Bourne is Matt Damon and Matt Damon is Jason Bourne. HIs other identities referred to in the book are his real name David Webb and also his name Cain.
In this book he still has his ties to Treadstone and has three women he is both working with and or trying to save.
The enemies Files that are beneficial and powerful to many entities and countries who are after it. Bourne is continually looking over his shoulder and either entering or exiting situations where his life is always at risk.
His weakness being beautiful women as mentioned numerous times in the text almost has a James Bond feel to the story. He has many near misses and close encounter with evil men also in search and on a quest for these files.
There are many twists and turns and unexpected situations which made for an exciting page turner. The three Beautiful women that he works with are smart, clever and not exactly trustworthy. By the dialogue and exchanges you can't be completely sure if they are for Jason Bourne or working secretly to snatch the files when he finally gets them. If that ever happens.
I thought this was a good story and I could picture it in a movie. I read it really fast which is always an indication that I like a book. It is entertaining and with the many twists and turns it was hard to put down.

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The Bourne Vendetta is a raw and energetic action-packed entry in the series that builds upon the amazing new universe that Ludlum created and Freeman augmented. Top-notch storytelling with tons of twists.

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Review: I had a difficult time engaging with the story line and the characters. No depth was created for the characters even though there was plenty of time to do so with the intense movement. Some of the failed characters that stood out were Cody and Irinia, who stood at the pinnacle of Trope what with the evilly criminal that looks like Rasputin and the hottie damsel held hostage to Bourne’s weakness. Old and reused scenes from any spy novel, traipse across your eyes with ephemeral disregard.

This is one instance where movies are better than this novel. Bourne lacks the personality that made him interesting. Smart, deadly, master strategist and removed from empathy when the situation demands it. This Bourne is none of those things. He is drawn as being inept and vulnerable in all aspects which was a great let down in the old “Transport my Reality”, department.

Every chapter devoted to his old flame “Hottie novelist Douche Nozzle” pushed me closer and closer to DNFing this POS. These chapters ran like an afterthought, wholly inserted into a running story line. The whole “I am a distraught and complicated novelist searching for the truth who likes manly bulges but wants Jason….” blah dee blah.

I almost got to the end but the premise was lame as were the characters, lame-r.


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“Robert Ludlum’s The Bourne Vendetta” written by Brian Freeman is another great thriller bringing back all our favorite Treadstone agents. It is a non stop page turner that sends Jason Bourne into a high stakes mission to recover an AI data mining program that can be used to blackmail or eliminate heads of state, criminals or anyone in a position of power. As in the other Bourne books, the fiction in this story is so close to reality that I am still thinking about the consequences of the development of this kind of technology. The plot, intrigue and cast of well developed characters (including all the past women in Bourne’s life) makes this book a great addition to this series, and the final unexpected twist at the end sets us up perfectly for the next installment. I can’t wait!

Thank you NetGalley and PENGUIN GROUP Putnam for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Brian Freeman delivers another thrilling entry in The Bourne series with “The Bourne Vendetta.” Jason Bourne, still connected to Treadstone, finds himself entangled in a high-stakes mission to recover stolen information known as The Files. These files contain data mined by artificial intelligence from various websites and apps, which can be used for blackmail or to eliminate individuals who stand in the way.
As Bourne races to uncover the perpetrators behind The Files, readers will encounter familiar characters from Freeman’s previous Bourne novels. This continuity adds depth to the story but also presents a challenge: keeping track of the numerous female protagonists, many of whom are former lovers of Bourne.
Despite this minor complexity, Freeman expertly maintains a gripping pace throughout the novel. “The Bourne Vendetta” is a satisfying addition to the series, offering fans another engaging spy thriller to enjoy.

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Thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the ARC to this book in exchange for an honest review.

As soon as I saw this on NetGalley, I asked for the ARC and was so excited to read the next part in Jason Bourne's saga. I think this is the 3rd book by Mr. Freeman I have read in the past year, and I have really become a huge fan of his books. This is the latest in the triangle between Jason and fellow Treadstone assasin, Storm, and Abbey Laurent all being manipulated by now head of Treadstone, Shadow. I felt this was a little bit of a transition book in the series, and although I finished this in one reading, this was not my favorite book in the series as it felt a little rushed and perhaps the series needed a breather before beginning a new arc to the Jason Bourne story. Somehow I feel the next book will be incredible. That being said, I liked the book. 4-stars.

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And the hits keep coming!!
Another simply amazing Treadstone thriller by Freeman.
Jason Bourne is back with Treadstone operatives, past and present. Treadstone Director, aka Shadow, wants Jason to help her secure "the Files' - a stolen computer program that apparently holds damaging info on high level govt and civilian figures that could provide reasons for blackmail and assassinations. Storm, his former Treadstone lover & partner, wants him for the same reason. Only she wants the files so she can take down Treadstone and Shadow. Both think he's playing for them.
But is he?
And Abbey Laurent, his real lost love, whom he believed was safely tucked away in Canada out of harms way, suddenly shows up with a new husband who apparently is right in the thick of the intrigue, murder and mayhem surrounding the quest for the files.
Spellbinding, thrilling and filled with terrific characters, intrigue and a plot that is so twisted it just may and probably is, really close to real.

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This novel is replete with non-stop action beginning with an exciting motorcycle chase. The reader is never sure who the “good guys “ are in this story about the search for “the Files.” There are a plethora of murders along the way as the action shifts from Las Vegas to London to Arizona to Estonia to California to Washington DC. Artificial intelligence plays an important role in the intriguing proceedings.
I am certain that Robert Ludlum would be happy with this latest installment of his central character, Jason Bourne.
I thank NetGalley, Brian Freeman and Penguin Group Putnam for the opportunity to read and review this book prior to publication.

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The Bourne Vendetta is another winner from Robert Ludlum. If you are fans of his series, you will enjoy this story. It was an action packed thriller that kept me engaged from the very beginning to the very end.

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