Member Reviews

LOVE LOVE LOVED this! Obviously I am a big fan of Sophie Cousens but this was fantastic. I related to Anna so much. I'm not divorced but sooo many other things in our life were exactly the same- down to the name of the son. This was so cute and funny. I read it in less than 24 hours because I could not put it down. Love a middle age romance.

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Single Mother Anna goes on a series of dates with men chosen by her children. Her dates are embarrassing and some endearing. She experiences horrific and hilarious things- I found myself laughing out loud at times.

I could not put this book down. I was drawn to Will and Anna and their stories. This was a beautiful story that slowly revealed more about the character. You truly can’t judge someone without truly knowing them.

There is one closed door sex scene that has bizarre dialogue. But it is quick and skippable.

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A huge thank you to Sophie Cousens (whose backlog I now need to read), netgalley, and the publishers for this book.

I loved the concept of a divorcee going on dates picked out by her kids, and thought it would be a cute read. It was cute, but it was so much more than that too. What it feels like to be alone, starting over, and the struggles of motherhood were all there.

It was laugh out loud funny too - the dates, the giggle searches at the start of each chapter.

And of course the romance was fantastic too. A must read!

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4.5 rounded up. As usual Sophie Cousens doesn't disappoint! Thank you NetGalley for the arc of this book in exchange for an honest review. I loved the plot behind this book and the dates good and bad Anna went on were fantastic. The characters in the book were all quite lovable as well. I also enjoyed the "internet searches" at the beginning of each chapter. It was a fun and entertaining touch. Overall a cute and fun read. I look forward to reading more by this author in the future.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this arc.

Sophie Cousens is on my ‘must read’ authors list, I’ve read all her books and just like this one; they are all amazing!

Anna is a single mom recently divorced who is having a hard time moving on and finding herself. She is a journalist for a local magazine and begins an article where she goes on dates with men chosen by her children. None of the dates are ideal, but Anna does find love again on her own. I could tell right away that Will had feelings for Anna, but found it cute how Anna was clueless about it. I enjoyed their back and forth banter and found their whole love story to be cute!

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I really enjoy Sophie C0usens! It reminds me a lot of her other book "This Time Next Year" where the FMC learns to stand up for herself and take opportunities as they come. It was great to read about someone growing and better their life. I loved that while romance was a focus, so was friendship, personal growth, and family relationships. Good banter!

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This is the fourth book that I’ve read by Sophie Cousens and each book is better than the last. I absolutely loved the concept of divorcee, Anna, having to date offline and that her children would choose the potential suitors. The witty banter and endless flirting between Anna and Will is very entertaining and the disastrous date choices keep you wanting more. I could not put this book down and this ended up being a quick read. It is one of those books that you expect to light and entertaining but you get a bit more with Anna’s journey.

A big thank you to NetGalley & Penguin Group Putnam for an advanced digital copy, so I can enjoy another fantastic book by this author. If you haven’t read her books before, then check out The Good Part, I Just Haven’t Met You Yet or Before I Do.

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Thank you NetGalley for the chance to read this book early. Sophie Cousens never disappoints me. Anna is a columnist who has gone through a divorce and now has to change her column at work in order to keep her job. Because of her work rival, Will, she decides she’ll go on 7 dates with men her kids choose (an alternative to online dating). These dates force her to meet people she wouldn’t normally choose to date (like her grouchy neighbor) and try new things as well. Besides her column, Will is also writing a column about his dates. They coordinate columns and in the process, have to spend more time together.

Things I really enjoyed:
*Anna making new friends
*Anna standing up to her ex husband
*Anna standing up to her boss who never appreciates her talent
*Anna and Will realizing they might have misjudged each other.

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Is She Really Going Out With Him by Sophie Cousins is a fun twist on a workplace romance. I got sucked into the novel at about 30% in and had a hard time putting it down after. I loved the nostalgia of the 2000s era rom-com this novel gave me while reading it. I definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a cute romance novel.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the chance to read an advanced copy of this sweet book. I loved how the book is just as much about a woman falling in love but also discovering herself again. It was refreshing to see a romance about a woman in her mid/late 30s. Coming out of a divorce with 2 children. She comes out of her comfort zone, finds new friends, new hobbies, and love.
I always love Sophie Cousens' books, and this one was another great one to add to her collection. It was an inspiring, funny, and heartwarming book!

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i love sophie's books so muh because they are always quick romances to read but with an extra hint of feel good feeling in there. this one was no different. the most sweey swoon worthy romances! likeable characters, the plot was just okay to me but what saved it was the characters. i loved them alot!

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A solid 3.5 stars from Sophie Cousens. This is a pleasant, if uneven, romance about Anna, a recently divorced woman who is getting back into the dating world. But only because she pitched the idea to her magazine editor in an attempt to secure her job from her work rival, the very delicious and annoying Will. She will go on seven dates with suitors specifically chosen by her children, while he will go on dates with similar people but on the apps. Digital vs. Analog dating? While the concept was cute, I was a little bored by her dates, and the characters did not feel fully formed.

Thank you NetGalley and Penguin Group Putnam for the ARC for my honest review.

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4.75⭐️ This was my first book I’ve read by Sophie Cousen’s and it definitely will not be my last. I absolutely loved this!

Anna is a journalist and single mother. She ends up having her kids pick her dates and writes about them in her column. I truly could not stop reading this! I laughed, I cried, I was giggling and kicking my feet over the banter. I could not get enough of this book. The rivalry between Will and Anna was giving me little flashbacks to Iris and Roman in Divine Rivals and I was eating up every second of it!

If you’re looking for a heartfelt romance that will make you laugh and possibly cry definitely check this out.

Thank you Netgalley and Putnam for the ARC.

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I really love this new wave of romance books involving people in their 30s. Sophie Cousens doesn't always follow a strict formula in her books which I appreciate, and this was no exception. Although I knew where the story would end up, I didn't necessarily know how we would get to that point. Overall, this was really heartwarming and fun!

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this was a sweet read! a roller coaster of emotions (in a good way!) and I had a lot of fun seeing this journey

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i really loved seeing how much Anna grew during her journey back to love. I knew from the beginning Will would be it for her. Their love story is adorable. I really enjoyed all of the side characters, especially learning a little about her children.

Thank you NetGalley for this ARC (:

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC of this book.

My sister recommended this book to me and boy am I so glad she did!! This is my first Sophie Cousens book and I can’t wait to get to the bookstore and pick up some of her other books! I could not put this one down! I absolutely devoured this book, I got so absorbed. I cannot remember the last time I got sucked into a book like this.
It has everything. A great plot, witty characters, banter, a genuine but also hot love story. I can’t find a single thing I didn’t enjoy. I really loved how everyone had normal and not over the top reactions and there wasn’t really unnecessary drama.
I also really loved how Anna found herself again, slowly throughout the book. Will Havers is definitely my new literary crush.

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Another amazing sweet read by the one and only Sophie Cousens.

Enemies to lovers? Maybe?
Friendship goals? Yes
Grouchy neighbor? Yes
Unique story? ABSOLUTELY YES
Family life? Yes

This book has all of that and so much more.

Could you imagine being a Mom, newly single (divorced), and letting your kids pick who you go on dates with? This novel just goes to show that the grass isn't really greener on the other side.

Thank you NetGalley and G.P. Putnam's Sons Publishing for my ARC.

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Love, love, love Sophie Cousens writing. She's back with another story from overseas, this time a middle-aged journalist stuck in a rut. Anna is a divorced mother of two, who feels a fellow journalist is trying to horn in on her job, and possibly edge her out. She raises the stakes at work and ends up agreeing to write a dating column, where her children pick her suiters - what could possibly go wrong?

With some definite rom-com energy, her colleague Will begins to appear as a possible suiter as well, but can she get out of her own way to let a new life begin? Can he work out his personal drama to admit what he really wants? It's a story that isn't resolved until the last few pages and no matter what happens, will leave the reader satisfied.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC!
I have to admit, I picked up this book solely because of the title, and I'm so glad I did! I’ve never come across a story where the plot revolves around letting your kids choose your dates, but I had an absolute blast reading it. The book is incredibly British and a bit choppy at times, but overall, it was a thoroughly enjoyable experience!
Anna is such a relatable main character—her journey toward embracing her life and relationship status felt very authentic. The dates she went on were entertaining, and I found myself loving several of the men she encountered. Noah, for instance, is the sweetest, grumpiest man, and I adore him! Will, on the other hand, was a bit of an enigma for me. I think his character would have been more understandable if we’d gotten his perspective in the story. I needed more insight into why he was interested in Anna from the start. Their first hookup felt a bit rushed, and I think it could’ve benefited from a bit more buildup or dialogue.
And as for Sylvie, I would’ve lost it if she kept insisting the kids had two moms and then named her child after my boyfriend! But that’s just me.
I’m definitely looking forward to reading more from this author because the story was so easy to read. I could see myself bumping this rating up to a four by the end of the month!

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