Member Reviews

Anna is a recent divorcee who decides to go on dates in an attempt to save her column/job from being poached by a younger/more hip work colleague, Will. In an attempt to appeal to a younger audience, she pitches an idea of going on 7 dates that are chosen by her children. As a result, Anna begrudgingly joins and explores the dating world post-divorce, but ends up learning much more about herself in the process.

age-gap romance (10 ish years)
workplace romance
definite yearning

I thought this book was very realistic with the perspectives of dating in late 30's, getting back out there again after divorce, and dating in the modern era. Anna is a very relatable protagonist and is someone who prioritizes everyone else before herself and her happiness. After a long marriage, she is understandably wary of dating again. Despite her reluctance, I liked that she went into each date with an open mind and learned/re-discovered something about herself after every date, no matter how bad the date was. We also see how Anna interacts with her children and how she deals with and adjusts to co-parenting with her ex-husband. There were definitely some laugh out loud moments, and I thought the list of google searches before each chapter were adorable. Will was easy to like, despite his flirty demeanor, when he revealed his softer side, and it was cute to see how oblivious Anna was to Will when it was painfully obvious to the reader.

Overall, this was a flirty, fun romance that also had a surprising amount of depth to its characters and plot.

Thank you to PENGUIN GROUP Putnam and NetGalley for the ARC!

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What could go wrong when you let your children pick out your date? for the hilarious answers, read Is She Really Going Out With Him!

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IS SHE REALLY GOING OUT WITH HIM? is a sweet, fun and flirty romance that felt refreshing to read. With a unique premise, Anna must write a newspaper column about her dating experiences picked out by her children, while her office nemesis Will will counter each article with his own dating experiences. Anna is divorced, not looking to getting her heartbroken again, bust taking care of her kids, and isn't serious about dating. Will is a flirt, always gives unsolicited feedback on Anna's work, and not to mention not her type no matter how cute he looks dressed at the office...there's no spark between them or is it that they just don't want to admit? Being single again forces Anna to ask herself what it is that she wants, what is it that makes her happy, and where is she settling in life, including in her career. And I so loved the google searches at the beginning of each chapter!!

Thank you to G.P. Putnam's Sons and NetGalley for the arc in exchange for my honest review.

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