Member Reviews

With every new book that Sophie Cousens comes out with, she cements herself more and more as a favorite author of mine. <i>The Good Part</i> was one of my favorite reads of 2023, and I know this book will end up being one of my favorite reads for 2024.

Her books always hit that sweet spot for me and are a wonderful combination of humorous and poignant. This book was about starting over after a divorce and it was an excellent read. I loved the character growth of Anna. It was nice to see her change from being defeated by her divorce to taking her life back.

I loved all the dates that her kids chose for her. It was interesting to see how they played out. I also liked that each chapter started with a Google search that Anna did of things that were mentioned in the prior chapter.

The romance was so cute. I loved every scene where they interacted together. I also loved that he was younger than her and Anna wasn’t bothered by it.

Overall I loved this one and I can’t wait to see what this author will write next!!

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I really enjoyed this one surprisingly. The main character, Anna, was incredibly annoying and self centered through-out the book. I really enjoyed the premise of her kids picking her dates. About a third of the way through, I knew exactly how it would end. And that is in fact how it ended. By the end, I was actually enjoying it as the characters developed.

Thanks to NetGalley, the author, and Putnam Books for an ARC!

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This is my third Sophie Cousens novel and I am so glad I didn’t give up on her, because this book was an absolute delight. I loved that the FMC was in her late thirties and still so vulnerable and willing to grow. I thought her reasons for trying to protect her heart through this project were realistic for someone her age, and eventually she learned that putting herself first was worth it.

This book was filled with lots of fun, realistic situations, and my favorite part was the Google searches at the beginning of each chapter, which I choose to see as more elder millennial representation.

This is by far my favorite Sophie Cousens novel, and I can’t wait to get my hands on a hard copy. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the eARC.

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If you’re looking for a light, fun romance, Sophie Cousens can always be counted on!

This wasn’t my favorite by her and I wanted a lot more out of the ending but overall, I still enjoyed it.

Thank you NetGalley and Penguin Group Putnam for the ARC.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC of this book in exchange for honest feedback.

This is now my third Sophie Cousens and it’s another winner for me! I will say this was a bit slow to start but then I didn’t want to stop reading.

First, I love the concept of going back to in person dating. TBH these days, dating of any kind makes me feel cautious because I feel like somewhere along the line, the creepers have come out of the woodwork. I mean…they’ve probably always been there but now have the ease of internet dating in their favor. That being said, in person dating at least helps reduce, if not eliminate, the possibility of being car fished. The way Michael wrote a handwritten invitation for their date was too cute. One thing I couldn’t wrap my head around was Neil. After their date, he told his ex and other parents at the kids school that he and Anna were dating. But presumably the parents know she’s a journalist and would have read her article where she’s going on multiple dates?

This is the type of book with lots of characters and most of them are quite likable with maybe 1-2 exceptions; even then any of the less likable characters are hardly featured so you’re not left to dwell on it. Anna is a divorced journalist, mother of two, trying to ensure her writing is relevant and relatable to avoid losing her job. Hence the idea to go on dates chosen by her kids and write about them for her column. Will started at the magazine 6 months ago and at 8 years younger then Anna, it seems he’s gunning for her job - what with all the unsolicited advice on her columns, and trying to write his own dating column by securing dates using dating apps. Along the way, Anna means some fun people, steps out of her comfort zone and starts thinking about her own happiness and not about making others happy. Will is just…so easy to fall in love with. He’s close with and helps take care of his younger brother even as it has held him back from going after his dreams. And despite an initial misconception, he is supportive of Anna and encourages her to stand up for herself and go after the things she wants and deserves.

Brief thoughts on some of the other characters: Loretta seems so fun. It was nice to see Noah lose a bit of his grumpy side. Jonathan is someone I wouldn’t mind working for.

Overall it was nice to see both the progression of romance as well as to see Anna come back to herself through this experience. It was even nice that while the sex was mainly implied, it still had a tiny about of spice.

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3.75 Stars

First, thank you so much Netgalley for an eARC of this novel! I was sold by the title, cover, and description alone so hats off to all of the designers.

I'll start off this review with the things I liked as there were so many good elements to this novel. The primary thing I loved was that the MFC Anna was a mature adult living with kids and figuring out her life without her divorced husband. I found the depiction of her situation to be extremely well written and displayed. Although I am not married and never have been, Sophie Cousens depicted Anna's life so well that I was able to instantly connect and empathize with the characters. Further, I ADORED Anna's kids. Sometimes when I read a book with young children in it they read as though they are brainless, not young humans. Both of the children had strong, well developed, personalities with their own storylines. I loved how the kids were genuine people that were in a tough situation with both sides of their mom and dad. Without going into spoilery detail, I loved that the kids were never the ones caught in the middle of the parents' crossfire. Both parents were considerate of their children and they never became the drama in the book which I LOVED.

I also loved that the MMC Will communicated as best he could and reacted to situations the way a real human would. I may be biased because Will was just such a perfect MMC that was swooney, smart, and caring but I would love for more cinnamon roll MMC's just like him.

Also, I loved the character growth and, perhaps more importantly, willingness to grow. Because of that willingness/openness, I found that the crazy dates and plot was all the more believable and enjoyable. Many of the dates were nearly unbelievable but Cousens somehow made them work and I loved that!

My perhaps favorite part of this book was actually the chapter title which contained Anna's google search history. This minor detail actually improved the book so much as they made Anna so relatable. Honestly, I will probably go back and just reread those!

I did have a few struggles with this book, as much as I enjoyed it. My primary difficulty was that the writing moved very slowly. Often when I want to read a romance/rom-com book I want something that sucks me in and keeps me reading. While the plot was interesting and the characters were very entertaining, I found the writing itself got bogged down quite often. I think that if the writing moved quickly and cut out a few of the unnecessary scenes, then this would have been a solid five star read for me. Unfortunately, that drag in the story made it difficult for me to get invested until about 70% of the way through.

My only other complaint was that even though her job was on the line, Anna never looked at finding another place to work and felt as though the dating articles weren't as high stakes as they ought to have been. I would have LOVED to read more of her articles about each date to really see her reflection and growth from each man, but that just wasn't the case.

Overall, if you don't mind a bit of a slow romance I would recommend this book! The dates throughout are entertaining, I loved the romance with an "Idiots in love" theme. My favorite scene had to be the camp ones (iykyk) but genuinely found every chapter to have something interesting.

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In Is She Really Going Out with Him, we dive into Anna Abbleby’s world. Recently divorced and struggling to keep it all together, she’s thrown into a new role when her paper is bought out and she’s asked to write a dating column. After years off the dating scene, she’s far from “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days” and more like “How to Survive 10 Awkward Dates” as her kids take over and pick her dates. The result? A hilarious rollercoaster of romantic misadventures that show both the absurdity of modern dating and the real connections Anna starts to make. This book beautifully captures the city's charm with references to local landmarks and Jane Austen nods that I adored. The side characters were a highlight, adding depth and humor that enriched the story. Although there were a few bumps along the way, the ending was absolutely perfect and left me with a smile. I love that good feet kicking feeling!

Thank you to the publishers and NetGalley for the earc!

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I am such a huge Sophie Cousens fan and was so excited to read this one! And let me say, it did not disappoint. What a refreshing premise and I’m a total sucker for enemies to lovers. As much as I love that trope, there was nothing here that felt redone or trite. Loved, loved, loved it!

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Is She Really Going Out With Him is a hilarious and heartwarming story about Anna Appleby, a recently divorced journalist who lets her children choose her dates for a new column. The book is filled with quirky dates, laugh-out-loud moments, and touching scenes as Anna navigates her new life. The tension with her co-worker Will adds an exciting enemies-to-lovers twist. Cousens' fast-paced writing and witty characters make this a delightful read. Anna's journey of self-discovery and unexpected romance is both relatable and entertaining.

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I might be a @sophie_cousens fangirl, but this book was so good! The story concept was fun and the female lead character, Anna, was great. I found many aspects of her relatable. This book hit all the emotions and had me laughing multiple times. I highly recommend everyone grab this one when it hits shelves in November.

I received a free copy of this book from the publishers, via NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review.

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I read another of Sophie Cousens’ books not too long ago, Just Haven’t Met You Yet, and I absolute adored it. So when I saw Is She Really Going Out With Him available as an ARC, I quickly applied and was so excited to get it! (Side note, Sophie Cousens is now 100% on my auto-buy author list!)
I love the idea- a recently divorced 38 year old journalist, Anna, needs a fresh new idea for her column and ends up with the plan to let her young children choose her dates and then write about her dating journey. I’m happily married, but I can only imagine the hilarity of letting my own young sons choose my dates, including where to go and what to do. I mean, the arcade or trampoline park might actually be an awesome first date… we might be on to something here!
Aside from all of her quirky dates, she has some serious tension with her co-worker Will and I kept my fingers crossed from the beginning for an enemies to lovers situation. I got so frustrated with Anna at times because she really had it out for him but in reality Will is just… perfection. I loved her journey though and I’m happy she found her own happiness in the end.
I actually laughed out loud SO many times throughout the book. Anna thinking, “I hope he’s not expecting me to stay until midnight” at a house party where she wasn’t supposed to arrive until after 10pm, is so relatable. If it had been me, I wouldn’t have even left my house, so good on her. Also, I’m obsessed with the Google searches at the beginning of each chapter. I looked forward to seeing what she was searching just as much as seeing what happened next.

Thank you so much to NetGalley and Penguin Group for allowing me an opportunity to read the arc and provide my honest opinion!

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Anna Appleby is a journalist, mother, and recent divorcee. Anna has found love for her new life as a single mom despite the obvious challenges. However, she's caught wind that her office rival may be moving in on her territory just as word goes around that the magazine may be in trouble. In order to stay relevant, Anna pitches a dating column in which each of her 7 dates will be chosen by her children rather than online. Anna isn't looking for her happily-ever-after, but she might just find it anyway!

I always, always, always love Sophie Cousens books. It's so easy to get wrapped up in the narrative through her fast-paced writing style and quick-witted characters. Sometimes I find myself loving the side characters more than the main characters. This was no exception, as I found myself rolling my eyes at Anna a few times. However, there were some really touching moments near the last quarter of the book that may have caused me to shed a tear or two.

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Well, it’s Sophie Cousens, so of course I loved loved loved it! I especially love how intricately drawn the secondary characters are in her novels. Like Loretta. Come on. She’s perfection. And so is Lottie. Even the ones I’m not supposed to like are well-written! I really appreciate that. And also, I love the Britishness of her books. And the interesting jobs the people do. I just love all of it so much!!! 💜💜📚

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4.5!!! wow. this book was CUTE.

Thank you NetGalley, Sophie Cousens, and Penguin Group Putnum for an advance copy of this book.
Publishes Nov. 19th, 2024 !! Add this to your TBR immediately

I was hooked right away. This story follows a woman named Anna, who is a recent divorcee and a mother of 2. This story is all about Anna's journey of finding herself again and potentially love post the divorce. I ate this book up!!! It was witty, fun, and overall just so enjoyable to read. I had butterflies and laughed lots while reading this book.

There is such sweet romance in this story as we follow Anna, who is writing for a column on "how to date without technology, the old fashioned way." First off, this idea for a magazine column is genius. But the men that Anna goes on dates with and the friendships made along the way is just so wholesome. Specifically, my favorite character was Will, our MMC. He was just incredible to me and I loved everything about him. (plus his relationship/friendship with Anna... hehe). There was definitely some spice, but not a lot of detail.

Overall, I would absolutely recommend this book once it releases! It was SO cute and wholesome.

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I was expecting this to be a bit unoriginal because of the concept: 38 year old divorced mom finds love again. But I was pleasantly delighted at how cute and entertaining this turned out to be. Sophie Cousens has created a fun romp that I read in one sitting.

The premise of a columnist writing about her dating life seems overdone, but this had a nice unique twist to it. Anna and her children were believable and adorable. it was really well written and moved along at a great pace. The enemies to lovers was well done as well.

I'd highly recommend this book!

Thank you NetGalley, Sophie Cousens and Putnam for this advanced copy. This is my honest review.

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I am still a little in shock that I was approved for this ARC, but am SO BEYOND thankful I got to read this gem of a book before the masses. I'm a huge fan of Sophie Cousens, with Just Haven't Met You Yet being one of my favorites in the genre. Is She Really Going Out With Him may henceforth be known as my favorite Cousens book to date!

Josephine (a journalist, recent divorcee, and mom of two) finds herself giving the reins of her dating life to her children instead of a dating app. There's drama, hilarity, a little pain...but most surprisingly, the beautiful journey woman who lost herself as she relearns how to *want* again. Her story is like so many women I personally know; women who no longer know who they are because their identity was completely dedicated to another - whether that be a spouse, child, job, etc. We follow Josephine on her dating adventure as she discovers that what (and who) she desires is where she least expects.

Part of the fun of this book is meeting the "dates" she goes on, so I do not want to spoil who the main love interest is, but I love him, I love him, I love him. I was skeptical at first, but as the book went on I quickly switched my tune to NEEDING her to choose him and felt devastation at the possibility it wouldn't work out. Even as you start to really grasp who the MMC will be, Sophie somehow played this game of cat and mouse where I felt at any moment he could be a red herring for the person she REALLY pursues. My tune went from, "Meh, this could be a fun dynamic,' to "JOSEPHINE, GO GET THAT PRECIOUS BABY ANGEL MAN."

No spoilers, but I wasn't disappointed. :)

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5 🌟

Thank you Putnam and NetGalley for my ARC.

This book, in short, is a DELIGHT. A new divorcé and mother of two ends up in a work rivalry with a very hot (!!) younger man. To save her job, she agrees to go on a series of dates for her magazine column — catch is, her children pick the men.

The romance is swoony, the spice is closed door, the personal development plot will have you rooting big firm for the FMC. And there is a huge cast of endearing, hilarious, and weird supporting characters.

This book exceeded my expectations and was like a warm hug. Loved it!

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Sophie Cousens does it again! Is She Really Going Out With Him manages to be both a lighthearted escape with witty banter and a look at navigating the emotions of divorce, loneliness, family obligations and the pitfalls of dating!

I loved the pop culture references, and the past google searches were such a fun way to start each chapter. The book read so easily and quickly, and left me swooning.

Thank you to G.P. Putnam's Sons and NetGalley for the e-ARC in exchange for my honest, unbiased review.

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Thank you to the author and publisher for providing me with a digital ARC of this title via Netgalley in exchange for my honest review.

3.5 stars - I first came across Sophie Cousens on Netgalley and am now a huge fan. I saw she had a new book coming out this Fall and was so excited to be given the chance to read an advanced copy. I started reading as soon as I got it and finished it the next day. Is She Really Going Out with Him is about a divorced single mom who is trying to save her job as a journalist while raising two kids with her ex who is already dating. She is given the assignment to write a dating column from the perspective of someone who doesn't want to use dating apps so comes up with the idea of going on 7 dates, all chosen by her kids. I liked her, I wanted her to be successful. I liked that she was open to her kids choices and gave it some effort even when she really wasn't interested. I found her dating experiences to be relatable, funny, and sweet. This wasn't my favorite title, but I enjoyed it and would recommend it to friends.

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This book had me giggling from the start, and hooked me with the adorable banter. I absolutely loved the pop culture references, and the past google searches were such a fun way to start each chapter. The book read so easily and quickly, and left us swooning. This is my second by Sophie Cousens, and she delivered again! I can’t wait to read the rest of her books.

Thank you to G.P. Putnam's Sons and NetGalley for the e-ARC in exchange for my honest, unbiased review.

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