Member Reviews

Anna, Will, Lottie, Noah, Michael and Loretta. You all have my heart. What an amazing character driven book where the plot is equally as entertainable! It was refreshing too to read a book where characters are not on the young side and feel more relatable. Also, the kids! They need their own follow up stories! I adored them so much. This book had me laughing out loud so many times!

The way the author wrote this made me fall in love with the characters. Also, seeing Anna going through new experiences was so great!

This book took me a little to get invested in but overall I highly enjoyed it once I got over the initial slump.

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I love Sophie Cousens, and this book just kept true to that. The concept of her kids choosing her dates was sooo cute! I thoroughly enjoyed this book and if you need a super cute romcom, pick this one up!

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Is She Really Going Out With Him by Sophie Cousens follows a recently divorced mother of two as she navigates writing a dating column with her work nemesis. The plot twist– her kids are the ones setting her up. After many hilarious and rather awkward dates, she finds herself in a situation she never thought she would and more specifically with a man she never wanted to be with.

Sophie Cousens writing is absolute gold. From the way she writes the main characters' incredibly awkward dates to the way she writes her kids, I was laughing at almost every page and wishing there was more when I finished. I haven’t read any other of Sophie’s works but I definitely will now. Highly recommend.

On sale 11/19/2024

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A solid addition to the Sophie Cousens line up!
Read this for:
Age gap romance
Character growth
She's a divorcee
He's a player
Dating disasters
Second chances

I really enjoyed this sweet story and always look forward to a new Sophie Cousens book.

*3 spicy fade to black scenes, some strong language (f-words)

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How do I love Is She Really Going Out with Him? Let me count the ways!
1) enemies to lovers (!!!!)
2) hilariously bad dates
3) prick of an ex husband (it’s enjoyable. Trust)
5) FMC is a journalist (I have a degree in journalism)


Recently divorced from a man that seemingly outgrew her, Anna Appleby (um, I love her name?!) is content with life. She has two awesome kids and a career she is proud of- until her paper is bought out and staff cuts out her column in jeopardy. Trying to draw in the coveted 18-35 age range, Anna suggests she pen a dating column. Will, her work nemesis, convinces their boss to have them team up - dating columns, side by side, his vs her perspectives. Will hits up the dating apps for his take, and Anna is set on dating people she meets in real life situations. The twist? Her kids pick the men she goes out with.

Sophie Cousens steals my heart every time. I could not put this book down. I cried, I laughed - I EMOTED, you guys. Emoted nonstop.

Thank you to @netgalley and @sophie_cousens for the gift of this wonderful book in exchange for my honest review! Loved every word!

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Anna’s on the wrong side of 35. A journalist, divorced and a single mum… Requested by her boss to write an ‘aspirational column’ on dating. Her children help pick her conquests… the aim is “a normal, nonpyscho, ordinary man”.

With a sex and the city edge, this book interspersed with hilarious and mundane Google searches was… Laugh out loud funny… Poignant… Fresh… Saucy &Smart

Perfectly for those who enjoy:
- Lovable characters
- Not your average rom-com
- Fun and entertaining reads
- Laugh out loud fiction

Thoroughly thoroughly enjoyed it!

With thanks to Group Putnam | G.P. Putnam's Sons and Netgalley for an ARC copy in return for an honest review.

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I love me a Sophie Cousens. But this didn't end up quite scratching the happy-go-lucky itch. Maybe it was more realistic? But I was unsatisfied with the ending (honestly more for Will than for Anna). Anyways...not my favorite. But I'll be back for your next book, Sophie Cousens! Thank you Putman & NetGalley for the ARC in excahnge for my review.

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've enjoyed all the Sophie Cousens books I've read previously, but this was the weakest one so far. I think she was attempting an enemies-to-lovers romance, but she didn't quite succeed. I couldn't really figure out where she was going and I didn't like the character of Will. I did like that Anna was late 30's and divorced with kids. Love the older representation!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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This story was just so good. It was exactly what I look for in a rom-com. Anna was so funny and I loved that she was in her late 30s, which made her more relatable. Hearing her talk about her divorce and her life as a mom was just comical. All of the dates she went on were ridiculous and had me cracking up. And Will was just sexy. I thought he was annoying for all of 30 seconds and then I was hooked. I really enjoyed his and Anna’s story arc. So glad I was able to read this one.

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I absolutely LOVED this book! I couldn’t handle the tension between the male and female MCs. It was so good but also not too good! I’m glad that Anna found her love and also stayed true to her career as well, it was a good balance. Will was also so sexy but also incredibly real the more we learned about him. The story arc was chefs kiss and I fell in love with Anna and Will when they were on their mountain getaway!

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I really wanted to love this book! I thought the premise was so fun and whimsical.

Honestly, I just found it really hard to connect to Anna. From the beginning I felt a LOT of second hand embarrassment and it got to the point where I wanted to DNF the story.

Maybe readers in a similar point in their life (divorced with children) could relate and enjoy more.

Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I absolutely devoured this book! Will is the ultimate book boyfriend—one of those swoon-worthy characters we all can’t help but fall for. The enemies-to-lovers trope was done to perfection, blending depth with laugh-out-loud moments that kept me hooked from start to finish. Watching Anna’s character blossom with strength and confidence was so satisfying. And the cherry on top? Just the right amount of spice—enough to keep things interesting without overpowering the story. I wouldn’t say it’s closed door but maybe a “door cracked” book. Ha I’m definitely adding this author to my must-read list!

Huge thanks to NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest thoughts.

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Easy 4.5 stars! This book was a GEM. The characters, their story arcs, the 90s rom-com vibes, the wit — it all just WORKED. It had heart, it had humor, it had me invested and engaged until the very (fulfilling) end.

The Good Part was my first Sophie Cousins book, and I absolutely loved it. This one did not disappoint. Thank you for the opportunity to ready this early copy!

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Is She Really Going Out with Him? By Sophie Cousins is a stand-alone adult romantic comedy.
Anna is a newly divorced 38-year-old woman struggling with some mid-life depression as her jerk of an ex got in shape and moved in with his much younger new girlfriend. As part of spicing up a dying magazine, the editors give Anna and her competition Will a dating column where her kids choose her dates and he tries to match her theme.
This story reminded me of a more grown-up How To Lose A Guy in 10 Days. I was afraid that the story would be too depressing with Anna being an older character, but I was pleased at the lightheartedness of this story. Anna certainly starts understandably bitter but finds herself again through some terrible and funny dates and some well-timed banter with Will. Will is the perfect romantic lead I loved the way he teased Anna and was head over heels for her way before she fell for him. This book was fun to read and perfect to relax too.
Thank you to Net Galley for this Arc. All views and opinions are my own.

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This was such a great read! I found the antics of the main characters hilarious. The premise was super cute and the writing had me laughing out loud.

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This one was super cute!! I had a hard time getting into the book in the beginning because the main character is a little older and divorced, which are two things I can't really relate to. As the story developed , I fell more in love with the characters, especially Will. This was a really easy read that you could knock out in an afternoon. It's a good summer romance.

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This was an almost perfect romance story (because nothing is perfect.) It had: laugh out loud humor, self-deprecating humor, warm fuzzies, incredulous situations that worked, snappy dialogue, and true affection. A woman: who had it all together; lost it; good job but then bought out; committed to trying anything to keep her job, even it meant writing a dating column and dating whomever her children suggested. She also learned compassion, finding out other peoples' stories, and how to find her own story. I highly recommend reading this book.

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I love a good enemies to lovers story. It’s hard starting over and I think this book does a good job at showing all the ups and downs and finding yourself again. I enjoyed the characters and the relationships they created.

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This was my first book by Sophie Cousens, it was cute, I enjoyed it.

In this book, we have Anna who’s a column writer, divorcee, single mom of two children. Unfortunately her job is in jeopardy, her column needs to be geared towards a younger audience. With someone threatening to take her job, she decides to go on dates and write about them in her column. She also decides to let her children be the ones who pick her dates, as she realizes online dating isn’t her cup of tea. She may find love where she least expects it…

I loved Anna, her character growth through this story was wonderful. I also loved her kids, they were so sweet and funny, really gave an extra layer to the story. I definitely recommend this book!

Thank you Netgalley and Putnam, for the ARC!

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Anna Appleby is a divorced mother of two and that's okay with her. She loves her children and her job, and she's perfectly happy single - just because her ex is dating again doesn't mean she needs to. Yet when her office rival, Will, starts making moves to take over her column, Anna knows she has to do whatever she can to keep it, and apparently that means dating. Pitching her idea was a bit of a desperate move, and the inclusion of her children choosing all her dates was not quite ideal, but the bosses love it so there's no going back. Through a series of first dates that range from awkward to disturbing to honestly not that bad, Anna slowly starts to do the one thing she never though she would, put herself back out there. But if she does find herself in love's path once more, will she be brave enough to give it another shot?

I really enjoy Sophie Cousens' writing and her ability to make her characters and their chemistry feel real. Anna is exactly who I wanted her to be, loving, intelligent, a bit frazzled by life, and damn good at her job. Following her through her dating adventures was delightful, her banter with Will was always a highlight, and the wonderful cast of side characters added so much charm to this already charming novel. Is She Really Going Out with Him? is a numerous and heartwarming read, and I already cannot wait to see what Cousens has in store next.

Thank you to Putnam Books and NetGalley for the digital ARC in exchange for an honest review. Opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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