Member Reviews

Thank you Netgalley for giving me the opportunity to read and review this book. These opinions are completely my own.

I can already think of art and writing projects attached to this book and it brings me joy.

I found this book so imaginative and beautifully illustrated. Simply beautiful.

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In The Remarkables: The Most Incredible Children I've Met - So Far!, the author shares all of the incredible children she has met while traveling. Every child is unique and remarkable. In this book, the author learns about each of the unique children's quirks, superpowers, challenges, and everything else that makes them special and unique. The HAIRY child has so much hair that she does not need clothes. It is important for the SPRINGY child to hold on tight to his chair. If he lets go, he will launch into the air like a rocket. A SCRIBBLY child has knotty hair, hands that love to create, and lots of wacky ideas. The CLOUD child always has her head in the air, wandering thoughts, and a shape-shifting body. A ROOTED child has very close bonds to his parents and always feels safe when they are nearby. A CRYSTAL child is delicate, fragile, and frail. Because I am transparent, you can read what I am thinking. My parents are very careful with me. In every way, the FOLDAWAY child is practical. You can fold me into a perfect bundle with the instructions I come with. You will meet many children during your journey through The Remarkables.

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What a fun and quirky story that you could reread often so many little worlds inside worlds. The illustrations and storyline was so dreamlike and magical, throughly enjoyed.

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Cute idea, but way too long and detailed. There was not much of a story, just lots of small pictures and facts about special children.

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I received an electronic ARC from Gecko Press ™ through NetGalley.
Perrin offers readers a look at all sorts of remarkable children. Readers may see themselves as they learn about them. Some are sadder to read about and adults will make connections to families they know. Others will bring joy to hearts as they see how the children engage with the world. All are loved and supported in this story. I like the short paragraph and short information style. The illustrations capture the essence of each and offer further details to connect with the text. Don't miss the fun quiz at the end to see what type of child you are.

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Holy cow! This book is so unique. Each page/spread focuses on one “child” and has a central text with several spot illustrations and short texts surrounding it. I would love to use this book over a couple of weeks with my students as a character study.

Children will definitely see they have several characteristics through reading this book. I am new to the writing and art of Clotilde Perrin, and will be looking into her backlist after reading this title.

Definitely an add to every child’s bookshelf, library and school! Wow.

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