Member Reviews

This audio book hit home, the introduction of it started by naming Jacob Wetterling - a boy from my home state of Minnesota that went missing in 1989, and his body was discovered many years later in 2016.

The introduction alone hand me wanting to read more - the book started off the discovery of a jacket from an 11 year old boy that had been missing nearly 20 years.

This book follows two timelines - the night of the disappearance and current time. This book does not disappoint, it is one of those slow burns, that you don’t want to end.

Thank you to the author, publisher and Net Galley for the chance to read this book prior to publication in exchange for an honest review.

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Pub Day October 1, 2024
New Book Review

Simply put, Marybeth Mayhew Whalen demonstrates great talent for expression through written words in EVERY MOMENT SINCE.

Thus, this work produced a fantastic audiobook-and the performers do an exquisite job!

EVERY MOMENT SINCE is a tragic yet, profoundly compelling story about the loss of a young boy (Davy) that rocked a whole community. Whalen masterfully weaves the story into dual timelines. This gives readers the ability to witness the events leading up to Davy's disappearance. It also provides a glimpse, 20 years into "the future."

In the future storyline, the Davy's Back to the Future inspired, one-of-a-kind, Marty McFly jacket is found. This discovery is made just as his older brother's book about “moving on from loss" is published. His older brother is on the book tour when he gets the call.

Although it is a slow-burn mystery, the pace adjusts appropriately as needed. Despite there not being a super complex or intricate plot, it is a commanding tale.

I found it impossible to put down once I started!

Audiobook presented BEAUTIFULLY by a talented, well-selected cast of voice actors. Each performer brings an element of depth to this heartrending tale. Exquisite work by Cassandra Campbell, George Newbern, Kirby Heyborne, Jane Oppenheimer, Macleod Andrews, and Renata Friedman

#EveryMomentSince #womensfiction
#newnovel #southernfiction
#thebooktide #preorder #ncauthor #mystery #nostalgia #toberead #comingsoon @harpermusebooks @utapublishing @marybethwhalen @bookshell_f|

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I really enjoyed listening to this audiobook. The story follows several characters as a cold case unfolds. It was interesting to see the different points of view, and how perspectives can be changed and lives changed in a moment. I enjoyed the flashbacks and trying to put together the story before it was given to us. The pacing was pretty good, and the mystery intriguing and kept me wanting to figure it out. I think some of the emotional personal growth needed a bit more time on the page to make more sense, but it was an enjoyable read nonetheless. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to provide my honest review.

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I thought the synopsis sounding interesting and I was very impressed with the audiobook production. The full case of narrators really added a great depth to the story and helped manage the dual timelines we deal with. I was not able to solve the mystery. I also appreciated that we got to see how one boy's disappearance impacted so many different peoples lives. I will be going back and reading some other titles by Marybeth Mayhew Whalen.

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This was a great read for somebody born and raised in North Carolina. The various povs and the familial guilt felt so raw and well done. I loved the various narrators and would highly recommend this on audio.

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Thank you to Netgalley and Harper Collins for the chance to read this ARC

This is my kind of mystery read. I was invested in this bittersweet story right from the beginning and couldn’t stop listening. Toing and froing though time this was beautifully written with love and empathy. I felt all the complex feelings of family and friends who have lost a loved one in this way. I’m pretty good at guessing the outcome of books like this but this hard me guessing till the very last moment. Perfect!

Credit to the narrators also for a wonderful performance.

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I enjoyed the audio version of Every Moment Since by Marybeth Mayhew Whalen. The full cast narration was well paced and very entertaining. There were many plot twists that I didn’t see coming. I felt this novel would be great for a book club because there were some great talking points regarding coming of age and handling loss within a family dynamic. Thank you to NetGalley for the early release of the audiobook. This was a great listen.

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As a child of the 80s, I distinctly remember the abductions of the early 80s, especially Adam Walsh. Instead of focusing purely on what happen to the missing child, this book does a deep dive into those left behind and how the event has shaped their lives. From the siblings, to the friends, law enforcement, suspect and larger community. it shapes everyone in a different way and a few have secrets. I didn't see the ending coming, but it really made me think, especially as the actual outcome isn't necessarily the presumed outcome. This one will stick with me for.a while.

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Wow! What a great book! This book was so well written. Even though there were many characters and dual timelines it was so easy to follow. The story being told had me hooked from the beginning. Great book! The narration was amazing! The use of multiple narrators made this a very enjoyable read.

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I absolutely loved Every Moment Since from start to finish. The audio production was top-notch, immersing me completely in the story. The plot was perfectly paced, offering just the right amount of detail to satisfy my curiosity while still keeping me on the edge of my seat. This is a captivating story that explores the complexities of living with uncertainty and the emotional resilience required when the answers you seek aren't the ones you hoped for. It’s a beautifully crafted, gripping tale that kept me hooked until the very end.

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This is my first audiobook and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The narrators were all excellent, brining in more to the book than the text. The narrator for Tabitha's parts is beyond exemplary, her words stirring in a deep ache as a listen/reader.

This book is a goldmine! What I expected from the blurb was more of a mystery thriller and police procedural on a decades old cold case... But the book is not about the missing child. It's about the family that is lost... Not literally but figuratively.

The plot is about a 11 year old child, Davy Malcor, who is lost one night... Never to be found again. After twenty one years, someone finds his jacket, reopening the decades old cold case. The book follows the family and closed ones of Davy as they deal with the revelations, how they've tried to move on but failed. There is a constant back and forth in timelines, excerpts from a book written by Davy's brother about his disappearance, which might be a little confusing in the initial few chapters.

I sobbed with Tabitha (Davy's mum) and I was shocked at the little plot twists. It's a unique book in the sense that there is no clear villain to hate... It's a giant wheel of consequences which is still haunting everyone involved. Ab absolutely gut wrenching book, which will make you cry for a child you don't know.

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Thank you Netgalley, Harper collins Focus and Marybeth M Whalen for the audio arc of Every Moment Since.
Narrated by Cassandra Campbell; George Newbern; Kirby Heyborne; Jane Oppenheimer; MacLeod Andrews; Renata Friedman.
Every Moment Since is a small town mystery thriller surrounding a cold case of the disappearance of Davy Malcor. As a multi POV and duel timelines, makes this book a slow burn, with lots of character development, descriptive storyline to work out what indeed happened to Davy.
I found reading this deeply emotive. With the character building from different POV, I found I bonded and cared for the characters, especially Tabitha, Davy's Mother, All the characters have stories to tell, secrets to keep and the subplots come together very well.

The narrators, coupled with the multi POV, gave everything a very human feel to the whole book which I enjoyed very much. Each narrator brought something different to the table, brought the characters to life and all of them were a pleasure to listen to.

4 Stars

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The narrative alternates between two timelines: the night Davey disappeared and the present day. We witness the family reliving their grief, complete with conspiracy theories and far-reaching consequences. The full cast audiobook offers a captivating listening experience.

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"Every Moment Since" is a slow-burn small-town mystery, driven by strong character development and lingering emotion over a longtime cold case. Davy Malcor disappeared one night in 1985, seemingly vanishing into thin air from the field where his teenaged older brother was playing with his friends. For his brother, who sent his pesky younger sidekick away into the darkness shortly before he disappeared, there's a heavy dose of guilt to go along with his grief. Despite the town's best efforts, no one was able to find any sign of Davy — until 20 years later when his distinctive jacket is found stashed in an old shed. With this fresh clue, will the community be able to find the truth or even find Davy?

This is a multiple POV narrative, narrated by a full cast. While most of the story revolves around Davy's older brother, Thaddeus, Davy's mother, and the police, grief itself is portrayed so pervasively that it's almost a character itself. There's a melancholic weight to this novel that feels both undeniable and inevitable. I enjoyed the mystery, and the fact that the plot wasn't cookie-cutter predictable.

As a side note, I am notorious for reading books and forgetting the salient plot points within days — even those I genuinely enjoyed. There's something about the author's writing, or perhaps just the poignancy of this story, that managed to stick. One glance at the synopsis and it all came back to me, even the culprit. Well done!

Thank you to NetGalley, HarperCollins, and Marybeth Mayhew Whalen for an advance copy for my honest review.

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This book is being released October 1st. Thank you to Net Galley #netgalley and Harper Collins Focus for my advanced copy.

Thrillers are not my typical genre. I do like a mystery and this book gives us a good one. What happened to Davy Malcor? He went missing 21 years ago. One Saturday night, Davy's parents went to a party and Davy was under the not so watchful eye of his older brother TJ. TJ and his buddies were drinking beer and Davy was wandering around on his own and has not been seen since. Or was he? In the present day TJ, now Thaddeus, has written a best selling memoir about his family and his missing brother Davy. Davy's mom is divorced and weekly she chronicles her regrets - just not her biggest one. Anissa, the public information officer assigned to the case can never disclose her ties to the case, and then there is Gordon. Gordon is the number one suspect and someone who has been less than honest about everything that happened the night Davy disappeared. I thought this was a well written, nicely paced story with characters that I cared about and I gave it 4 stars. I also loved the audio narrators.

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I don't usually read stories about missing children. However, I'm glad I chose to read this one. The story was excellent. I was completely immersed in both timelines. It was difficult reading in some places, but worth it. Great characters, beautiful writing, and a satisfying conclusion make this a five star read.

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Wow let me start and say what an amazing audio production! Really brought the story to life.

This was such an intense mystery that toes the line between literary fiction and thriller, making it emotional and compelling.

Whalen did such a great job plotting this, mixing the past and present with family and community members point of views. The audio would be a grata way to read this with each narrator having a distinct voice.

One thing that really stood out though is the toll trauma and grief take on families and how it alters the very DNA, Whelan handled this with alot of grace and I really loved these elements.

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4.25 rounded down

I listened to the audio of this book and enjoyed it! There was one male narrator (Thaddeus) that I didn’t jive with, however, I suppose it made the character less likable, which felt like the intent!

This book jumps right in with the missing boy (Davy) and the story of what life has been like since he’s been missing. It’s not set up as a mystery, but it feels like one since no one knows what happened to him the night he disappeared. We hear from several different perspectives, some more sympathetic (and likable?) than others. The audio version has a wide cast to fit these different narrators and it works well.

Overall, this was a very interesting and compelling story. There were sympathetic characters and unlikeable characters to me, which help propel the story forward.

Advance reader copy provided by Harper Muse and NetGalley but all opinions are my own.

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Let’s talk about this cover…LOVE IT. The first reason why I clicked for the book was the catchy color and all the fall feels. Second I love that there was multiple narrators reading, like that they had excerpts from Thaddeus’s book. I had a feeling I knew where the ending was going and who did it but also got a little surprise in it. Had all the feelings for the family and love this read. 4.5 stars and a definitely a book I’ll suggest to friends and book club. Thank you to net galley and the publishers for the early read for my honest opinion.

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Every Moment Since follows the story of little Davy before he disappeared in the small town of Wynette, North Carolina. After tagging along with his brother Thaddeus to meet up with friends one evening, Davy disappears and years later has yet to be found. Thaddeus and his family remain haunted by the unknown and lack of answers, until finally one day Davy’s sweatshirt is found, and they all return to a time and place of the past, finally finding the answers they’ve craved most.

This mysterious thriller does a great job using multiple perspectives to cover the story, slowly piecing together the details that solve the case of Davy’s disappearance and beyond. The narration is well done and uses multiple voices to help the reader follow along and give characters more development. The characters and their relationships are complicated due to the traumatic past that they share and how it has impacted them in different ways—broken relationships, false accusations, and buried emotions. The timelines are explored past and present to demonstrate the correlation between the events as they transpired with Davy and the current state of grieving and acceptance of those who remain affected by his cold case. Overall, the plot is well written and keeps you guessing for some parts until nearly the end, leaving the story on a satisfying note, even leaving off with elements of hope for the future rather than remaining stuck in the past.

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