Member Reviews

I listened to the audiobook and the narrators were all amazing! The book was powerful. It’s a mix of mystery and domestic fiction but so much more. Beautifully written story.

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I really liked this book. The family drama and mystery surrounding Davey was interesting and intriguing. I was guessing until the very end.

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This book kept me thinking and predicting. Great crime thriller. Loved the present and past storylines flipping back and forth.

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Every Moment Since by Marybeth Mayhew Whalen is an extraordinary story about Davy, a boy who has been missing for many years, and the people who have been most affected by the tragedy. His brother Thaddeus is a bestselling author whose book detailing the events surrounding Davy’s disappearance has earned him a lot of attention but he hasn’t found peace. Their mother Tabitha makes weekly lists of her regrets but nothing on those lists will bring back her youngest son. Anissa is working on the case and cannot share the crucial information that she befriended Davy the night that he disappeared. Gordon has been accused by the police and the community but he maintains his innocence even after a new clue points to him once again.

This poignant, read-in-one-sitting masterpiece will rip your heart out and give you hope all at the same time. I’m grateful to NetGalley for allowing me to listen to the ARC because the narration was outstanding and I’m now officially a Marybeth Mayhew Whalen fan.

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Really well written with great plot and pacing- a thriller mystery that will keep you guessing the whole time with various POVs and real characters.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.
Wow. A lot to unpack here with this book. First, phenomenal performance by all of the narrators. They did an excellent job.
The beginning of the book was a little confusing with the different POV’s and also the different timelines. However all of it came together and you get to learn more about each character and the roll they played in Davey’s life and disappearance.
Phenomenal book though about family and friends and a town facing a tragic loss and coming together as one to solve what happened.
Some slight surprises at the end that you kind of expected but were unsure about. Really great book.

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I LOVE FULL CAST AUDIOBOOKS!!! I wish more books had this. This was absolutely fantastic. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this audiobook!

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Set in a small North Carolina town, Every Moment Since, explores how a missing boy of 10 affects his family, their neighbors, and the rest of the community. The mystery surrounding his disappearance has a ripple effect on the community and forever changes relationships. The story is told from different POVs and dual timelines. It’s a character driven, emotional mystery that is well written. The audiobook is really brought alive by a cast of narrators.

I highly recommend adding this book to your fall reading lists. This was the first book I have read by @marybethwhalen but I’m now adding her other books to my TBR list.

Thank you @harpermusebooks for allowing me to listen to this audiobook ahead of publication in exchange for my honest review.

(This same review was shared on the Barnes and Noble website)

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Every moment since. The investigation of a ten year old case of a missing boy This reminds me of a cold case podcast

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What first caught me eye, or attention, with this book was the full cast of narrators. I LOVE that and the ones utilized to tell this story were top tier. It made keeping all the characters straight so easy and made them all jump right off the page and into my life.

There was a large web of interweaving characters in this story, all people who are involved both intimately and briefly with our main character, Davie. Yes, Davie was missing from the first pages of this read but man did he still have a huge presence in this story regardless - especially through the way he altered the lives of so many people around him.

The way Davies brother, Thaddeus incorporated his story through excerpts of his memoir was such a unique way to let readers know his experience (or at least with as much truth as he retold) was very cool and something thar I think added a lot to this story. Poor Thaddeus, he went through so much and had to face consequences of one, teenage mistake for the rest of his life.

There was heartbreak, intrigue, twists and turns and shocking truths sprinkled throughout this story and I truly appreciated all of it - I couldn’t hit pause, I wanted to listen to this all the way through because I needed answers as much as everyone in town needed them. You truly are brought right into the folds of the friends and families of this story and it was a gut wrenching place to be.

And OOF that ending.

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THE PERFECT FALL READ!!!! I cannot wait to see people talk about this book. It is simply perfection. I felt like I was apart of the story that's how good the audiobook was.

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It’s 2006 in Wynotte, North Carolina and the jacket of Davy Malcor has just been discovered, reopening a twenty year old cold case; one of the biggest missing child cases in America. In 1985, Davy went missing while out playing with his friends and was never seen again.

In the present, we follow four timelines:
Thaddeus Malcor is Davy’s older brother who was left in charge of watching him the night he went missing. Now, he’s profiting off of the disappearance through his bestselling memoir about the event.
Tabitha Malcor is Davy’s mother who is living in the same house (albeit without the husband now) advocating for other victims.
Anissa Weaver is a Public Information Officer and acting as the family’s liaison but she is hiding her secret connection to the night Davy went missing.
And we have Gordon Swift. The man long suspected of being the one who took Davy but was never tried in court. He rumps around town with the shadow of the disappearance looming over him, trying to keep out of trouble.

Woven in to these present storylines is a past timeline from 1985 where readers get a third-person view of the events leading up to the disappearance. I realize now as I’m writing all of this down that it sounds like a lot to keep straight but I assure you that it never once felt like that as each one of these characters are complex, layered, and easy to distinguish between.

This book is as much of a character study and an intimate study on grief and hope as it is a mystery; an examination on how one tragedy can spread out and affect the lives of so many on a personal level. That said, there are no cheap thrills here. It’s very literary—beautiful really—foreboding, and it never failed to keep me on the edge of my seat.

You will have to rearrange the pieces of your heart after this book shatters it.

Full cast narration—ohhhhh how I LOVE full cast narration—by Cassandra Campbell, George Newbern, Kirby Heyborne, Jane Oppenheimer, MacLeod Andrews, Renata Friedman. They absolutely knocked it out of the park with this one and brought so much to the characters’ voices.

Thank you Harper Muse and NetGalley for the audiobook in exchange for an honest review! Available 10/01/2024! Posted to Goodreads.

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Every Moment Since by Marybeth Whalen is a dirty about a missing child and the effects his disappearance has on his family and the small town he's from. I really enjoyed all of the del emotions this story evoked. I ended up caring for so many of the characters by the the end. The story was very slow but somehow didn't seem to drag at all. The multiple povs told over the course of twenty years kept the suspense high and the story moving. And even better, I wasn't able to guess what happened in the end. I love a hard to figure out mystery. The narration was absolutely wonderful. The large cast of narrators all did so well at bringing their characters to life.

Thank you to the publishers and netgalley for this alc in exchange for an honest review.

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All of it. Every emotion. So many feels. Invested in the story as though I was part of it. Every Moment Since will likely hold the title of favorite summer read of 2024 thanks to my advanced readers copy. Ya'll will be reading this in October so prepare for it to be on your Fall 2024 favorites list.

Centered on a missing child, Marybeth Mayhew Whalen penned a story where multiple main characters each share a single event and we witness the price each pays over the years. As an audiobook I am in awe of the casting - frequently a book has one narrator, occasionally two. This one has a full cast - six narrators, and this experience was like being inside a movie. Each of them knew the assignment and sold me on the emotions of each character.

I just cannot say enough about this book - I'm now gut punched will need days to recover.

And, also me.....running to the internet to discover (and start) another book by Whalen.

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