Member Reviews

This book was gripping and hard to put down. It didn't feel like everything else you see out there, it felt very fresh. I really enjoyed this book!

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From the outside, the Agarwals have the perfect life. Rich, connected, close to each other-- no one could want for more. Beneath the glamor, however, lies a tangle of secrets related to a decades-old tragedy that has twisted family love into choking obligations that require the ultimate sacrifice. Myra, born into the family, and Zoe, who married in, alternate POV as both begin to realize what grief has metastasized into for the entire clan during what should be a celebratory weekend. Everyone knows their role in the family, and everyone plays it to deadly precision. Recommended for Louise Candlish and Lucy Foley fans.

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Thank you NetGalley and PENGUIN BOOK VIKING for the eARC.
Wow, this was quite the book! Dark, compelling and claustrophobic, with a WOW ending.
None of the characters were likeable, but I was fascinated with them. The small island off the coast of Scotland added to the claustrophobia I felt. The family is ricj, entitled and overbearin, especially the mother, and I kept reading with a feeling of doom. I just knew it wouldn't end well, but I just couldn't stop reading - I absolutely loved it!

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What a family! Fun mystery set on a remote Scottish Island while the 3 children and their spouses wait to see how their dad will split up his company. I flew through it and loved the setting description.

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC!

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There are so many locked room mysteries now that authors really need to come up with a unique take. This author did! The beginning of the book sets up the story and characters, and once everything gets going you won’t be able to put it down. Everyone is up to something and trying to figure it all out was such fun; it was like a giant puzzle. Plus, I love a good plot twist!

Thanks so much for the opportunity to read! I’ll be recommending this book closer to publication

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I feel like there are a lot of books out lately with a similar plot to this novel. However, I found Trisha's novel unique because of the way she wrote the characters. The action was enticing and suspenseful. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.

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A slow burn, taking the time to flesh out every character, The Inheritance is a classic thriller with an evocative setting.

A wealthy Indian family comes together for a reunion on a beautiful Scottish Isle owned by one of the daughters. What begins as a picture-perfect family gathering begins to devolve into infighting, revealing dark secrets, bad blood and money problems. The three children assumed that their father would be retiring and had been planning what to do with their inheritance, but as this plan falls apart, the cracks in the perfect family are exposed.

The tension and suspense builds as it is revealed that the family is not alone on the island. The reader knows that a murder is coming through foreshadowing. My one critique of the book is that the murder comes in the 11th hour and is quickly solved and swept away. I would have enjoyed more time spent on the mystery and less time on the family drama.

A great book for fans of locked-room mysteries, rich people behaving badly and family conflict.

Trigger warning to readers - there is a great deal of descriptions of miscarriages throughout

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This book was so great. I love the character’s story line and the story plot. Cant wait to read more from this author! Plus, the plot twist!! I really didnt expect it.

Thank you netgalley for the arc!!

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This wonderfully-written locked room, destination thriller is The Guest List with an Indian family. The detailed, fascinating characterization keep readers riveted to the middle of the novel, until the common rich kid tropes: arrogance, entitlement, and insufferable loyalty take over. Added to the family drama is the theme reminiscent in Tana French and Lucy Foley novels: landowner/native squabble. The ending is honestly disappointing and sad but overall this book is worth reading. Thank you Penguin Random House/Viking Books and Netgalley for the digital review copy.

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Twist after twist. An isolated Scottish castle. Hundreds of millions of pounds at stake. Furious pacing. Monstrous characters. Who gets murdered? You cant’t ask for more!

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#TheInheritance #NetGalley
A fun read.
Meet the Agarwals, who have gathered on a private, luxury island off the west coast of Scotland for a much-anticipated family reunion. Raj, the patriarch and a business tycoon, is about to announce to his wife and three children the succession plan for his multimillon-dollar Delhi-based company. Shalini, the fragile matriarch, is ready to have her husband to herself after years of sacrifice to the family business. Myra, the golden child, owner of the island and host of the reunion, is, unbeknownst to her family, on the brink of bankruptcy. Aseem, the son and supposed heir, is torn between his love for his wife and his duty to family. Aisha, the youngest, a party girl whose antics are legendary, can’t pass up an opportunity to wreak havoc. And then there’s Zoe, Aseem’s wife, the outsider whose #InstaPerfect life is built on a foundation of lies. They’ve all got secrets they would die to protect. Who will survive this high-stakes reunion, and who will become a victim of their own greed? One thing is certain: this family gathering will shatter more than just their illusions of unity.
Thanks to NetGalley and Penguin Group Viking for giving me an advance copy.

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The beginning is pretty slow and a little hard to get into, but as the story moves one we see that everyone has things to hide and ulterior motives for being on the island.
The are moments where the plot seems to drag but the family drama keeps you interested. The characters are well written, the family dynamics are infuriating sometimes but well written as well.
At some point I thought I had everything figured out, only to be proven wrong.

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Thank you NetGalley and publisher for this arc!

WOW! What a great book! This book had me on the edge of my seat the entire time. Had me guessing! That plot twist got me! lol what a great read!

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This was a 4.5/5 for me. I thought the writing was incredible and had the perfect amount of twists and turns throughout that kept me intrigued. My only critique was that it seemed a bit slow at the start and it took around 50% to really get into it and for some of the dots to start connecting. I think it could have been slightly shorter, but overall this was a great read.

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I received an advanced copy of this book from the PENGUIN GROUP Viking via NetGalley.

This book dives deep into the dark secrets of the Agarwal family, as they gather on a secluded luxury island off the coast of Scotland for what is supposed to be a momentous occasion. The patriarch, a powerful business tycoon, is set to unveil his succession plan for the family’s billion-dollar company, but the idyllic setting quickly becomes the backdrop for a storm of hidden motives and unraveling lives.

Each member of the Agarwal family brings their own set of troubles to the island. Shalini, the matriarch, is ready to finally have her husband to herself after years of sacrificing for the business. Myra, the golden child and owner of the island, hides a desperate financial situation from her family. Aseem, the presumed heir, is caught in a tug-of-war between family duty and his love for his wife, Zoe—the outsider whose picture-perfect life is built on lies. And then there’s Aisha, the rebellious youngest sibling, always ready to stir up trouble.

As the reunion unfolds, it becomes clear that everyone has secrets they’d kill to protect, and the peaceful island retreat turns into a high-stakes battleground. The story’s isolated island setting adds to the tension, creating an atmosphere of suspense that keeps you turning the pages.

However, some parts of the book can feel a bit slow, with the pacing occasionally dragging as the family drama unfolds. But just when you think you have it all figured out, the plot takes a sharp turn, leading to an unexpected and slightly confusing ending that leaves you reeling.

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This genre is not usually my cup of tea but I had to give it a try and it did not disappoint!
I love the plot and characters. The pacing is great with so many twists and turns. And then before you know it, the most unexpected thing happens! I really enjoyed this dysfunctional family.
I think the only thing I would like to see added is a trigger warning.

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I think this is one of the best dysfunctional-family dramas/thrillers/mysteries I have ever read. Secrets, lies, betrayal, deceit, and murder. Every chapter peels back another layer of the Agarwal family’s hidden darkness and just when you think you have the pieces of the puzzle laid out, the next chapter adds one more. And another after that, and another after that, until the very last line of the book when—BOOM! I did see that last line coming, but it was no less effective when reading it. I have such appreciation for how complex and layered this book is. Kudos to Trisha Sakhlecha for a job well done!

Thank you to NetGalley and PENGUIN GROUP Viking | Pamela Dorman Books for an advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review.

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The Agarwal family gathers on a luxury island for a family reunion where the patriarch is set to announce the succession plan for his billion-dollar company. Tensions rise as family members, each with their own secrets and motivations, are pushed to their limits. The reunion ends in murder as greed and deception unravel the family's illusions of unity.

I didn't know what to expect when I picked up this book. I rarely read the blurb, but the captivating cover drew me in, and I was thrilled to add it to my collection.

This novel was a departure from my usual reads. It delved into the intricate dynamics of a large family, showcasing the beauty of togetherness and loyalty. Coming from a big family myself, I could relate to the emphasis placed on these values.

The unexpected ending took me by surprise, leaving me reeling. The story was filled with twists, darkness, and tragedy, tugging at my heartstrings as I navigated the complexities of family life. It was a messy, emotional rollercoaster that left me both shaken and enthralled.

Whether you love it or hate it, this book is a worthwhile read for any bookworm looking for a gripping, thought-provoking tale.

Thank you NetGalley and PENGUIN GROUP Viking | Pamela Dorman Books for digital ARC copy. I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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A high-stakes family reunion on a remote Scottish island turns into a gripping thriller when a death uncovers deep-seated secrets and rivalries among the Agarwals. As patriarch Raj plans to announce his retirement and the future of his multimillion-dollar business, tensions rise, and hidden agendas emerge. Told from dual perspectives, the novel intricately weaves together the personal dramas and motives of family members like the ambitious Myra, the conflicted Aseem, and the rebellious Aisha. With its suspenseful plot and rich character development, this debut keeps readers hooked from start to finish, leading to a satisfying and surprising conclusion.

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What could possibly go wrong when a VERY wealthy family gets together for an anniversary celebration on an isolated island, in a residence under construction, accessible only by boat, cut off from outsiders? Well that sets the tone for this interesting mystery. Told from 2 first person POV, we learn about the interactions of parents, siblings, best friends and exes. Mama and Papa are celebrating an anniversary. Papa is about to announce his plans for the sale of his multimillion business and the distribution of assets among his children. We learn of the loves, hates, loyalties and lies as the story progresses. There is a hint dropped about a dead body. Nothing is at it seems, or is it? This author keeps the reader guessing throughout. The many chapters are short alternating between the two narrators. This novel will hold your attention to the conclusion.

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