Member Reviews

I strongly believe that being a good parent means that you have to read a lot of books and keep in mind that your child is not your extension, but a distinct human being. Learning about child psychology is one of the best things one can do before becoming a parent.

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I was pleasantly surprised at how practical the content of this book was! Usually parenting books are very difficult to apply in real life because so much of the content is conceptual or black and white. This book provided a lot of very real ways to parent, based on multiple different factors that may be present in a child’s temperament. I highlighted many things to remember to start doing but also felt good about a lot of things that we currently do.

I appreciated all the science backed data points, particularly around sleep. I was very surprised to see the mention of how most infants in other countries do not sleep independently. Kudos to these authors for mentioning the origins of independent sleep!

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As a parent, I am getting so many difficulties dealing with my child who has a very bad temperament. Every time he doesn't get what he want, he will do anything to make his wish coming true. Through this book, Parenting with temperament in kind, Liliana has helped me a lot to be an effective parent to understand and work more effectively with my child’s temperament.

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The American Psychological Association has such an array of helpful books for kids and adults. This is one of my favorites, teaching parenting based on a child's unique temperament. I wish it would have been available for my parents, who would have learned valuable strategies for dealing with an introvert. Highly recommended!

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