Member Reviews

In order to save the world from being taken over by monsters,sixteen year old Jackie is sent back in time to stop the apocalypse.

The cover for this is misleading, you’d expect a bright and colorful graphic novel with cute illustrations. Once I started reading I was taken back by how different the art style is from the cover. The plot seemed rather interesting so I decided to just push forward,but boy was this a mess.

This felt so incredibly rushed, the plot goes from zero to one hundred instantly. There’s no setup, we’re barely given any information on these characters at all and the story just continues as if this is normal? The transformation of the magical guys is dull, we only see one of them completely transform and even then we’re not told what his powers are.

At the very end of this volume there’s pages dedicated to the characters, in which we finally get more details about them. Having that be at the end of the story instead of at the beginning or even once the characters are introduced just doesn’t flow well.

This is definitely not one I’m going to continue reading,there wasn’t much to grab my attention and the execution of it all was poor.

Thank you NetGalley and Monster candy publishing for giving me this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Disclaimer: I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Jackie and the Magical Guys Vol. 1 by Amy Linsamouth and illustrator Hamons is the goofy beginning to what I believe will be an entertaining series. When I saw this on Net Galley I knew I needed to read it, the cover alone had me interested and then I read the title. I'm so glad I requested it and was accepted as a reader. I read it almost immediately after getting the email that I was approved. It gave me this odd nostalgic feeling. There's something about the writing and humor that felt like watching cartoons as a kid. It also already has me speculating on what's going to happen next. I am so excited for volume 2. I personally loved this comic, but I know its not going to be for everyone. There are so many goofy moments and even more puns. So, if you don't like puns, fast pace team building, or accidental gender fuckery this book is not for you.

However, if you do like puns, fast pace team building, or accidental gender fuckery then read this comic. It has that same outlandish humor and general disregard for weird shit as The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. And if Beast Boy was your favorite Teen Titan you will love this story. Or at the very least you will love the characters. Especially since there is no shortage of goofy and diverse characters to love. I think my personal favorites so far are Blaze's grandmother and Reid. I love Blaze's grandma because she is silly and through everything her only concerns were her Matcha Love Coffee House drink and getting her grandson some friends and a date. I love Reid because of his personality, lack of shame, and proclivity for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. That and he's a bit of an idiot which is my favorite type of character to read about.

However, there was something in this comic that I usually don't like in books and media in general. Cliff hangers. Technically there were 2 cliff hangers. But I didn't dislike them in this case. It got me even more excited for volume 2. I was already planning on continuing the series before I even finished this volume. I mean it has all my favorite things: beautiful art, a diverse cast, lovable characters, and gender fuckery. The cliff hangers just made me drift off into excited speculation about the story. I've already talked the ears off of my housemates and anyone else who will listen. (But I've tried to do so without spoiling the comic for them. So, I think I mostly sound like I'm rambling in insanity).

Overall, Jackie and the Magical Guys Vol.1 was an entertaining opening to a series that I believe will be equal parts goofy and dark. The world Amy Linsamouth has created is so interesting and unique. I enjoyed the time travel, I don't think I've seen it written like it is in this comic before. I'm so glad I requested this comic. Honestly the art and story go so well together. Hamons captures the emotions of the characters in the funniest ways. While also capturing the more nitty gritty side of the story in a way that doesn't diminish either. I love Hamons' art, it is absolutely beautiful and at times funny. (I especially enjoyed the goofy little memeish faces the characters make.)

I will leave you with a couple of my favorite out of context quotes. First: "I just urinated, and I don't know where it came from..." (pg 93). And: "That is correct. I am very maternal. For example, I know plants are just waiting for us to die until our carcasses become fertilizer for them. That is my maternal warning to you." (pg. 81).

There is just one last thing I want to say its not about the comic itself at all. I think Monster Candy Publishing has my favorite logo I have ever seen. You need to look is up because it is perfect and my mind will not be changed. It honestly feels like they were the perfect choice to publish this goofy and wonderful comic.

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This was short and hasty. Jackie is sent back in time to save the future, and she chooses four high school boys as her champions. The only catch is, she has to change them into girls—though the effect can be countered. Why? No idea.

A monster from the future has followed Jackie to the past and the champions defeat it. But Jackie refuses to transform them back to regular humans. Which is good, because the cliffhanger ending reveals there’s more work for them.

Illustrations were full colour, but really small and cramped. Dialogue was mostly the cringiest puns I’ve read in a long while. The story didn’t make much sense and there wasn’t really anything that would entice me to reading more.

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I loved the art style, it was amazingly done and you can 100% tell there was alot of care put into this. i read it perfectly on the kobo libra color without having to do anything but send it to my device.

The store was well thought out and I loved how time-traveling was implemented. i cant wait to see whats next

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Jackie is a sixteen-year-old girl, with a lot on her plate, her mother has just sent her back in time with no training to save the world from monsters. Where she is tasked with finding four strong females to help her, however, a monster shows up and she is forced to convert four guys instead to magic girls, can this ragtag team save the world?

If you like magic girls, a lot of puns and humour this manga is for you.

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I received an advanced copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
Far into Earth’s future, monsters have taken over completely. Jackie’s mother sends her back into the past to change the outcome of the future. In the past, younger Jackie enlists four guys to help her defeat a creature of the future. Can Jackie and the four “magical” boys defeat the monster before the end of the day?
This comic takes the magical girl theme into a gender-swapped adventure. Jackie’s from a futuristic Earth, as humanity is on the brink of extinction. She time-travels back into the modern past to save Earth. With the reluctant help of four random boys, Jackie becomes desperate to save her future and that of mankind. It was interesting, in the form of the magic that was used for the boys and what they got as gifts. Otherwise, fast paced and poppin’ colors, this comic draws science fiction meets social media together as one.

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Jackie and the Magical Guys follows Jackie, a girl from a grim future, who is sent back in time to save the world. The only problem...she transformed a bunch of teen guys into magical girls to save them all from a monster, and they ARE NOT happy with her.

Overall, the concept sounded super interesting. I mean, teen boys turning into magical girls to save the world-so unique! After reading, I found the story was very average. It wasn't bad but also didn't grip me or make me want to read any more installments. I felt confused some of the time as to what was happening. For instance, she tells all the boys to take this serum which transforms them into magical girls with powers, but we only see 2 of them transform. So what happened to the other 2? Did they take the serum and just not transform, or was it omitted?

I wasn't in love with the art style either-from the cover I was thinking there would be brighter colors, and more chibi like characters. But since it was a grim novel, the color palette was darker with more grey tones than anything, and the characters more graphic novel style than manga. (Cover style does not match interior art style). I also think that the novel was very short. It did end at a good spot (cliffhanger ending), but if I was going to purchase a graphic novel, I'd expect at least 150-200 pages. Otherwise it ends up getting too expensive when you buy multiple installments.

Overall for me this story was average, 3/5 stars. I'd recommend trying if you think the concept sounds cool and are into slightly darker stories, with a unique magical girl twist.

Thank you to netgalley and Victory Editing for providing an arc in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you NetGalley for an advanced ARC of this graphic novel

That was allot of fun and I loved it, I do look forward to more and also the chosen one troph as well as saving the world, I think this was a good opening and I would not of complained If their was a bit more of a slow burn.

This was fast Paced, funny with good art work

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