Member Reviews

Heartbreaking short-story/novella autobiographical/fiction book about an author battling brain cancer. Wow...what an amazing, emotional glimpse into what Sophie Kinsella (and her family) has been through over the past 2 years. I'm glad she shared her story - and I only wish the book was longer because I love her writing!!

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This is very sad. Much, much sadder than I expected it to be. It's hardly a novel, really just a novelette, but it's extremely affecting while also being extremely readable, which is quite a feat.

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5 stars. Sophie Kinsells packs so much raw emotion into a quick 144 pages. This novella was so different than any of Kinsella’s other novels, although it does seem to start out that way.

Eve, a well read author of a bestselling novel turned screenplay walks the red carpet and brushes elbow with celebrities. Next thing she remembers is waking in the hospital with grade four malignant tumor. The format of this novella reads like a private journal. The emotional thought process and stages of grief that come with a cancer diagnosis of an otherwise healthy wife and mom of five will have you counting your blessings.

Make sure not to skip the Author’s Note on this one. It connects the story to Kinsella on a personal level.

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This was my first book by Sophie Kinsella. Wow. Just WOW. Don’t miss this one. From the Author’s Note, “What Does It Feel Like? Is fiction, but it is my most autobiographical work to date. Eve’s story is my story.” I highly recommend What Does It Feel Like?

I will definitely read additional Sophie Kinsella books. I already have one downloaded on my phone. It seems that starting with What Does It Feel Like? is the wrong place to start. My heart and love and prayers go out to Sophie Kinsella.

Many thanks to NetGalley, especially for yet once again, introducing me to a “new to me” author. Thank you to NetGalley and The Dial Press/publisher for approving my request to read the advance review copy of What Does It Feel Like? in exchange for an honest review.

144 pages
Publication date is Oct 8, 2024

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Sophie Kinsella writes mostly an autobiography using fictional characters. These characters represent her family as they navigate her brain cancer diagnosis, surgery and post surgery.

This novella was devastating because you know it can happen to anyone at any time.

Well written, as all her books are, Kinsella gives us a very personal glimpse into her life.

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Thank you so incredibly much for the opportunity to read What Does It Feel Like prior to publication… because… wow. I saw Sophie Kinsella’s name and knew it would be enjoyable, but this one hits different than her other (also wonderful) work. It’s short but immediately captivating. I read it in one sitting. It’s lyrical, devastating, and had me either tearing up or softly laughing within each chapter. And then to realize how closely based it is on Sophie’s life? No notes. All of the stars. I will post this to Goodreads and will absolutely be recommending this to my community.

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This was a short novella and not at all what I was expecting from a Sophie Kinsella book. It was about her cancer diagnosis, but turned into fiction. It was written in snippets rather than a true chronological story. Overall the book was meaningful and I’m sure difficult to write and send out into the world. I just prefer happier books in general. Thanks to Random house and NetGalley for the ARC.

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This unflinching, but optimistic novella packs a big emotional much as readers endure the experience of being diagnosed with a brain tumor along with the main character/author. It is such a beautiful and powerful story that anyone can learn from; but most importantly, it is a reflection of humanity at its finest. I loved this brave little book!

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This autobiographical fiction breaks your heart and puts it back together with a lot of life lessons. I have been an avid reader of Sophie Kinsella’s books. I pick these happy, positive books in two situations- either when I am feeling low and need an escape or when I am on a vacation and want a light hearted read. She is the queen of happy endings. This autobiographical fiction of her talks about Eva who is going through a life threatening malignancy and her journey through it. It is thought provoking and kind and life affirming. Very different that all the other Kibsellas you have read however, won’t disappoint. Highly recommended!

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Lovely story from Sophie Kinsella, short but sweet. A glimpse into life after an intense diagnosis, and how everything changes.

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I love Sophie Kinsella. She has been a favourite of mine since my early teen years. Although this book is written much differently than her other books, it is the most raw and heartbreaking one yet. The story revolves around Eve, who is diagnosed with glioblastoma and needs to try and adjust to her new life. Written mostly in first person, it offers a vulnerable look into the mind of a person fighting cancer. I had tears streaming down my face more than once.
Kinsella opened up earlier this year that she was diagnosed with a glioblastoma in 2022, and she said most of Eve’s struggles were her own.

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Heartbreaking, raw, and real. I absolutely LOVE Sophie Kinsella and this book has climbed quickly to the top of my favorites. Her personal story inspiring the fiction made it so raw and emotional, I cried more than once. Eve's story about dealing with a brain tumor and everything physically, emotionally, and mentally is a quick read, only because I could not bear to put it down. When authors write what they know, the story sings off the page, and this is no exception.

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This is a really tough book to review. This book is fiction but heavily based off the author's life and her experience of being diagnosed and living with brain cancer. Initially, I found the writing style really difficult to read and found it quite difficult to connect with the main character, however, enjoyed it more as the book progressed. It is a very short book with so much happening in such a short number of pages that every page turn felt a bit a jarring and abrupt but very symbolic to the chaos of a terminal cancer diagnosis. A lot of this book is written in a stream of consciousness where you get every thought that is going through the main character's head- which is very interesting but also a bit hard to read.

Overall, that is how I would sum up the book: interesting and hard to read.

I really applaud the author for the perseverance she has shown through her circumstances and writing such an intimate story about her experience. Additionally, big thanks to NetGalley for the ARC!

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This book was so heartfelt and I cried while reading this book! The story was so refreshing to read and the writing style was so beautifully done!

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If you haven’t yet discovered the joy that is Sophie Kinsella’s 30+ novels, you’re seriously missing out on some of the most delightful and heartwarming stories ever written. Stop what you’re doing right now and grab one—I promise it’ll be worth it!

Whether or not you are a fellow Sophie Kinsella fan, let me give you a little warning: What Does it Feel Like? is going to tug at your heartstrings in a way you might not expect. It’s going to make you cry, yes, but it’s also going to fill you with hope and remind you of just how resilient the human spirit can be. And, if you’re anything like me, it might just inspire you to binge-read the entire Confessions of a Shopaholic series all over again!
What Does it Feel Like? is a uniquely personal and deeply moving autobiographical novel that delves into Sophie Kinsella’s battle with glioblastoma. The book is a beautiful tapestry of her inner thoughts and experiences, woven together with the wit, charm, and warmth that we’ve all come to love in her writing. Through the eyes of the main character, Eve, we’re taken on a rollercoaster ride of emotions.

I’ll be honest with you: I spent about 69% of this book in full-on ugly-cry mode. But don’t let that scare you off! There’s also about 20% of the book that made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, like I was reconnecting with an old friend. And then there’s that last 11%—the moments where Sophie’s signature humor shines through, and I found myself laughing out loud, even through the tears.

This book is an absolute must-read for anyone who loves Sophie Kinsella, or just appreciates a beautifully told story of strength, courage, and love. Sophie Kinsella is, without a doubt, the bravest women for sharing this incredibly personal journey with us, and I adore her all the more for it. So grab a box of tissues, settle in with your favorite cozy blanket, and dive into this unforgettable story—you won’t regret it!

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I wish this book had been a full length novel instead of a novella. I would’ve loved for her to go deeper into what it was like to find out that she had cancer, and what daily life was like during recovery. But if she thinks a short story is the way to go I won’t argue. It was an emotional read and I hope she and her family have a happy ending.

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This is one of the most heartfelt books that I have read this year.
I'm a big Sophie Kinsella fan. I've read all of her books, and the way her characters learn lessons with so much humor and poignancy (especially humor) is truly unique. She has brought so much to the world already through her books. When I learned that her newest book was semi-autobiographical, it impressed me even more that she had used her story to create something that would help others hope for a better future. Just as her other books have done, but this one is on a level of its own.

Eve is a successful author (famous for happy endings, as she notes). She feels that she truly has it all: five wonderful children, a loving husband, a career that has brought her fame and success. But the reader is plunged quickly into the main conflict of the book as Eve suddenly awakes in the hospital with no memory of what has occurred: She's been diagnosed with an incurable form of brain cancer and has had a tumor removed from the brain. Her memory is (understandably) faulty, so every time she awakes the reader experiences a glimpse of what happens: the shock at being in the hospital, the worry over where her children are, and her husband's pain as he reminds her yet again of what has happened.

But as sobering as this premise truly is, Kinsella's signature warmth and humor winds through it, and although she cannot promise herself, her family, or her readers the "happy ending" that they all want, she describes a more important lesson about what happy endings may truly be.
As I said, I was so impressed with Kinsella's bravery in writing part of her and her family's story for the world to read. Being brave and strong on your own in circumstances such as these is hard enough, sometimes impossible. But being able to convey strength and wisdom, in spite of your own fear, to bring hope to your family (and, in this case, your readers) is really remarkable. I wish Ms. Kinsella and her family all the best at this time, and I am so grateful to have been able to read this book.

A huge thank you to NetGalley and Random House for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Closer along the lines of a novella than a novel, Sophie Kinsella has fictionalized her own story and her battle with glioblastoma: a rare incurable brain cancer. It is short and told in little snippets where you get snapshots of her life at any given moment. The amount of humor packed into a book so full of what should be grief is astounding. Somehow, this book is filled with more hope than sorrow and more love than sadness. While you will feel your heart hurt for everything the protagonist, Eve, is going through, you’ll feel even more gratitude for the way she handles such a difficult and life altering situation.

I don’t want to go into too much detail with this review since this novel is so short, but I do want to say this: there are things we can control in life and things we can’t. This novel is an overwhelming affirmation that staying positive in a situation you can’t control often leads to, at the very least, a happy person. Eve’s attitude was everything. She could have been all doom and gloom and caused her husband and children to feel the same. Instead, she remained positive and left everyone in hopeful spirits. I think that is so so important and I truly loved reading this book.

Overall, this novel will pull at your heart strings and make you want to cry at the unfairness of it all, but also the beauty of overcoming hardships. A quick and easy read that will sit with you long after you’re finished. 4.5/5 stars rounded up for social platforms.

**The book review will be posted on my blog and other social platforms on the book's release day.

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This is such a moving story. As someone who not only has family members that have passed due to cancer, some that are currently fighting cancer, and a close call with cancer myself this book had me so emotional. There were plenty of tears along with laughter. Have the tissues on hand as you follow Eve's through her journey and struggles along with her husband Nick.

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It was interesting to read this book and thank you Sophie Kinsella for sharing your personal story with the world. I have read every Sophie Kinsella book and enjoyed every one of them. Keep staying strong Sophie, I hope a cure is found for you.

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