Member Reviews

This book was so moving. Knowing that it was fiction but based very much on Sophie Kinsella’s real life story made it even more emotional for me, especially considering I’ve been a lifelong fan of her books and I’ve grown up with characters that she has written.

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A short read, but an absolute whirlwind of emotion.

This review is difficult to write. What more can I add to such beautifully heartbreaking yet heartwarming words?

‘What Does it Feel Like’ is Sophie Kinsella’s fictionalized autobiography which follows Eve Monroe, a successful author, wife, and mother of five. The anecdotal prose brings you deep into the mind of Eve as she goes from walking red carpets, to waking up in a hospital bed with her recent memories stolen from her.

It takes us through the “real-time” thoughts and emotions of grappling with life altering news, loss of independence and the fears of the unknown, but above all else, holding dear what really matters in life - family.

This novella brought tears, laugher, and more tears. There was such an honest depiction of what it feels like to no longer be in the drivers seat of your own life, proving there are no secret spoilers to guarantee your own happy ending.

A perfect balance between the grim haze of an unknown future and the beautiful family dynamic of love, hope, and humor.

An EASY 5 stars. I will be thinking about this one for a long while.

Thank you so much to Random House Publishing and Netgalley for an eARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Publication date: Oct 7, 2024.

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To say I was surprised by this book would be an understatement. I had no idea what I was in for. 😢

Earlier this year, Sophie Kinsella revealed that she has been battling an incurable brain tumour since 2022. While What Does It Feel Like is a work of fiction, she describes it as her most autobiographical novel, with much of it drawn from her own experiences, with some details changed.

From the very first page, I was utterly captivated by her story. It's an uplifting and heart-wrenching narrative. 💔💔

If you're already a fan of Sophie Kinsella, this book will profoundly resonate with you. Even if you're not familiar with her work, you'll find yourself deeply moved by the raw emotion and honesty radiating from every page.

❤️Thank you, Sophie, for your courage in sharing this deeply personal story.❤️

I received an advance copy of this book from NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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This book was gripping and hard to put down. It didn't feel like everything else you see out there, it felt very fresh. I really enjoyed this book!

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I was immediately excited about reading this book by Sophie Kinsella, one of my favorite authors. What you will not find here is another Shopaholic book. Kinsella details her diagnosis with terminal brain cancer and life after diagnosis and treatment in a semi-autobiographical novella. Although this book clearly doesn't have her trademark lighthearted touch, there are moments of levity in the vignettes. I could feel the pain and challenges she was going through while I read about them on the page. This was a quick read; it only took me one sitting to get through it. I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to understand what it's like to be given a terminal diagnosis. I can only hope that things turn out well for Ms. Kinsella. She has contributed greatly to this reader's enjoyment and interest in books over the years.

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Sophie Kinsella is one of the most beloved author's of our time known for hilarious and spunky characters who we can relate so well to. Just seeing her name pop up on NetGalley made me request this novella alone, but then you read the synopsis and you quickly realize this is unlike anything she has ever written before. An autobiographical book still told with her humor, but a much heavier topic, based on her journey navigating brain cancer. I am so sad to learn of her diagnosis and all that she has been through over the past two years, but I am so inspired by her ability to have a positive attitude throughout the process. I don't think I would be able to be that strong. What a wonderful role model, not only for other's going through something similar, but also for marriages. Her husband sounds like a true gem. I would read a whole novel solely based on their love story. I want to thank her for sharing her experience and for being so brave.

Pub. date: Oct. 8, 2024
Thank you NetGalley and Random House Publishing group for my early copy!

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Thank you NetGalley for providing a copy of this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I have been reading Sophie Kinsella's novels since the beginning of the Shopaholic series. I have also loved her style of writing and the stories she is able to bring to life on the page. This book was wonderful. What a way to share with the world what she has been going through the past couple years. I appreciate how she tweaked her own story to match her writing style, but that it still came across as a very open and honest story.

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⭐️ 5 stars

Thank you to NetGalley, Sophie Kinsella, and the publishers for providing me with this e-ARC!

This novella is a must-read for everyone. Though Sophie Kinsella presents it as fiction, it is largely autobiographical, reflecting her own experience of discovering she has cancer. The protagonist, Eve, wakes up one day with impaired memory, and the story unfolds through a series of fragmented scenarios that vividly portray her journey. It delves deeply into grief, rationalization, and the profound impact on her marriage and children, all while exploring the process of coming to terms with death.

This story is both heartbreaking and inspiring —I found myself in tears throughout the entire read. As someone who has experienced the loss of a loved one to glioblastoma, it brought back many memories for me.

Overall, this novella sheds light on the harsh realities of cancer. It is raw, real, and a powerful reminder not to take life for granted.

Thank you, Sophie, for your bravery in sharing your story

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This is the most raw, realistic, and brave book I've ever read. When I read the authors note at the end of the book, I burst into tears. Having watched a very close family member being diagnosed with this exact disease, I can't even describe the importance of this book. I will be recommending it to everyone I know. What a beautiful, heart-breaking, and uplifting story. Thank you for sharing it with the world, Sophie Kinsella. Some of us needed to read it as much as you needed to write it.

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I honestly can say this is abeutifully written novellas that will leave the reader in tears of joy, heartbreak, hope and (of course) humor. Going into the book I was not sure what to expect, I had seen on Good Morning American Kinsella and her husband sit down and give an interview about her recent Brain Tumor diagnosis. It was hard to imagine the author who has left me laughing out loud on airplanes while reading her books, could tackle such a personal and heavy topic like cancer.
This Novella reads like her personal stream of consciousness following her surgery to remove the brain tumor. It does not go into deep detail, she just invites us to understand what is going on.
The strength she showed and how she was able to remain joyful pulls at every emotion you have. When I closed the book, (if I was a cryer) I would have been sobbing happy tears.
I really can not do this Novella justice, but Kinsella has given us readers a gift with this book. Usually I would be thanksging Net Galley for this Advanced Copy Read, but I think they wouldn't mind if I gave my sincere thanks to Sophie Kinsella and her wonderful family for this book. Truly great insight.
Prayers to the Kinsella family

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Thank you to Random House for the ARC of Sophie Kinsella's new book!

Sophie Kinsella has been my comfort author for so many years. I always turn to her books when I need a pick me up or I'm in a slump. Her humour is unmatched and her writing is just like a warm hug. So reading this, while being a hard read, was so extremely enjoyable. Somehow she has taken a hard and sad subject (one that's literally a reflection of her life) and has made it funny and heartwarming, and I wish I could just give her a big hug. A short but monumental read.

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I am a Sophie Kinsella fan and this book broke me. This is an autobiographical novel of Sophie Kinsella's battle with glioblastoma.
Sophie knows how to take us on a journey, her journey. This will have you crying and wanting to see life like Sophie does. This was a beautiful, powerful and inspirational story.

I want to send all my love to Sophie and her family during this difficult time.
Thank you to NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group - Random House for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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This is a lovely, thoughtful, heart tugging novella.

Sophie Kinsella’s What Does it Feel Like, a fictional account of her own struggle with brain cancer, centers on Eve Monroe a successful author that one day wakes up in the hospital to learn that she has glioblastoma, a malignant, cancerous tumor with a median life expectancy of fourteen months post diagnosis. She has no idea what has happened to her, what symptoms she’s shown, no memory of being in the hospital or the eight hour surgery to remove the tumor. She has to learn how to walk and talk again and continually struggles with basic tasks and her short term memory. Above all else she and her family have to adjust to this new reality: how your whole world changes when faced with a serious health condition.

I really enjoyed What Does it Feel Like? Kinsella’s book is an honest, unflinching portrait of a woman diagnosed with a terminal illness as she struggles with diagnosis, grief and acceptance and yet it is filled with such joy.

I love that Eve (and one can look at Kinsella’s social media and posit the same goes for the author herself) has been able to infuse moments of silliness and light in between the gravity of grappling with serious illness. As some who live with multiple chronic illnesses herself, I understand the wisdom and necessity in this choice. Through the use of texts, emails from friends and a series of articles Eve writes to her readers, Sophie Kinsella communicates the minutiae of being sick and infuses it with humor and grace. I recommend this quick read wholeheartedly.

I received this free advance copy from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review and feedback.

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I requested this book based on the author, but didn't read the synopsis. I was surprised to see a semi-autobiographical story about her recent cancer diagnosis. It was full of Kinsella's usual charm, but the fear she must have felt was also woven through. If you have a loved one dealing with cancer, maybe skip it, but it was a lovely book that let me imagine how my loved ones might have felt during their battles.

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Sophie Kinsella is one of my favorite authors and i read everything she writes. This book was a glimpse into what she has been dealing with. The only downside to this book, was it was too short. I wanted more!!! I hope she improves and continues to write more books.

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Sophie Kinsella is a successful writer of novels, and even though What Does it Feel Like is a novel, it mirrors Sophie's real-life experiences two years ago through a devastating and challenging diagnosis of glioblastoma brain cancer and subsequent surgery and therapy. The character in the novel, Eve, also undergoes chemotherapy and radiotherapy, and struggles to adapt to her major life changes. Reading about Eve is heartbreaking and sad, but her fighting spirit gives the reader hope as she deals with her five children and a husband who is very supportive of her. This autobiographic novel allowed Kinsella a chance to tell her story in an honest manner with her optimism and challenges while facing a serious diagnosis. It is raw, but positive and inspires hope and recovery for the future.

Thank you to Random House and NetGalley for an advanced reading copy for a review.

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A terrific title for a complex prognosis that would surely accompany a complex variety of answers .
Sophie Kinsella is a go-to author for lovely, slap-sticky , unputdownable , happy-ending novels. This semi-autobiographic novella is more serious by shear subject matter but the writing is undeniably Sophie. She beautifully manages to weave in dry and kind of dark humor into a humorless health crisis as a coping mechanism.
Kinsella, a fairly private yet well-known author, opens up to her readers through her love and her amazing ability to put thought and feeling into print. She writes about her diagnosis of stage 4 glioblastoma, an incurable - cancerous brain tumor. Sophie chose to change the names of herself and her family members in order to give herself the freedom she felt she attained by writing from a fictional character's point of view. What does it feel like, a perfect question for anyone who is / has experienced a traumatic health crisis ; whether themselves, a family member or close friend. The answers would probably be as varied as the people being asked..
If honest, I have a hunch most of us with no experience which such a life situation would truly want to understand what that type of ordeal feels like, from a place of compassion. Kinsella allows the reader to understand a sliver of what it feels like.
Big hugs and prayers to Sophie & fam. KEEP ON GOING!
Thank you Netgalley and Random House for the opportunity to read this ARC.

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I am in awe and so deeply moved by this story and how brave and graceful Sophie Kinsella is in telling it. This is a fictionalized novella of Sophie's own experience being diagnosed with a very aggressive and particularly scary form of brain cancer. I was sobbing one minute and giggling with tears in my eyes the next. I want to thank Sophie for sharing her story with us especially in such a gorgeous and hopefully way. This book was SO real and raw and heartbreaking, but it was infused with so much warmth and optimism and joy and pure love. I don't know how it's possible to write so beautifully about something so difficult and painful especially when she's in the midst of dealing with it. Like I said, I am in awe. Sophie Kinsella will forever be my favorite author and I hope and pray that the world will get many many many more new books from her for years to come.

Huge thanks to NetGalley and Random House for providing this copy in exchange for an honest review.

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This is a “fictionalized” autobiographical novella. Ms. Kinsella tells her story with some fiction thrown in. The book flows quickly and easily. The author is known for her Shopaholic books and ties it to the protagonist in this book. The center of the book is before and after she is diagnosed with a brain tumor, which Ms. Kinsella is still battling in her life. The book shares what life is like when everything is going great and when a turning point occurs with a life-shattering diagnosis. The impact to herself and to each member of the family. Be ready for some challenging insights.

I received a complimentary copy of this book through NetGalley. Thanks to the publisher, The Dial Press, An Imprint of Random House, and the author for the privilege to read this advanced copy. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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This book was so different than Sophie Kinsellas other books, obviously. As heartbreaking as the story is, I couldn’t put it down. Being able to read the POV of someone with a brain tumor seems like a rare insight and I’m so glad she wrote this story.

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