Member Reviews

Sophie Kinsella has long been one of my favorite authors. I have read and enjoyed every single one of her books and those written under her other name, Madeline Wickham. So when I saw the news that she had glioblastoma brain cancer, I was immediately devastated for her. This short book is a peek into her life before and after her diagnosis. It tells of her strength during such a hard time and I was sad to see it end so quickly. Wishing all the best for Sophie!

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Oh My Goodness! I just want to give Eve/Sophie a big hug and say THANK YOU!! This book is such a sweet account of a horrible disease. I love that Eve was so positive through her treatment and experience with cancer. I love that her husband, kids, and friends were so supportive. I love that she is so honest in the parts of her recovery that she writes about. I have always enjoyed Sophie Kinsella's books, and I devoured this one quite quickly. I'm sad, but thankful for all of her works of fiction, and this autobiographical one, as well.

Thank you to NetGalley for allowing me the privilege of reading What Does It Feel Like?

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Although this is a short book, it was amazingly done. I had no idea the struggle Sophie Kinsella went through and I understand this is a work of fiction based on fact. But this hit hard and kept the punches going. It really is the bravest book you'll read all year. It was fabulously done and amazingly written and I can't wait for the general public to get their hands on this book.

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This is a difficult review to write. I did not read any media releases or other reviews prior to reading this book. Essentially, I went into it unbiased and blind to the subject matter. All I knew is that it was a new Sophie Kinsella book.

As I finished this book, I was bewildered - why was it so short? Not novella length, but it was also not a full novel either. Upon reading the end notes, I was shocked to learn that this book is a semi-autobiographical work and that this is a fictionalized account of the author's personal experience.

Which kind of changes everything. It shouldn't, but it does.

Honestly, how do you give a bad review of someone's life story when they had brain tumor?

Here's where I stand with it: I applaud Sophie for being brave and writing down her experiences. That takes a ton of courage.

That being said, did this book need to come out now? There's not much of an ending; the book just kind of leaves off and only when you read the end notes do you confirm it's her personal story.

I feel this book could have waited a year or more to come out. It was too short, too choppy. Almost like it was a personal diary, not a novel or autobiography. I mean, if you are going to write about this experience why not make it a true autobiography, starting with her very first book?

I wish Sophie all the best in her continued recovery.

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What Does It Feel Like by Sophie Kinsella is told in a series of vignettes about a writer diagnosed with brain cancer. It takes you on the author’s journey through her own thoughts as the character Eve tries to accept her new life with cancer. This is a hard book to read but so also do amazing. I highly recommend this book.

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Wow what an emotional and beautifully told story. Hard topics so well done. Eve’’s story had me feeling all of it. Thank you for the opportunity to read this ARC,

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This book is so unique from the other books written by Sophie Kinsella but then you read her author's note and understand why. This is written as a fiction story but is also autobiographical. Her writing style has always been effortless and easy to read and What Does It Feel Like is no different. There were times in this story that I laughed and cried. The way she wrote Nick and their love for each other grabbed my heart strings.

This story is for all readers but especially those dealing with health struggles or difficulties in their life where they need that reminder to stay positive and have hope. It also emphasized the importance of having strong support around you as well.

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Such a poignant story of Eve and her family during her battle with brain cancer. This novella was a very quick read but it was packed with a moving portrayal of recovery. I’ve always loved Sophie Kinsella’s novels and this is no different. Thank you to NetGalley for this ARC.

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What Does It Feel Like was a raw and touching story! Thank you to Sophie Kinsella for bearing her soul on these pagesa and being so vulnerable to share them with us!

Thank you to Negalley and Random House for this e-ARC!

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This novella made me really think about what is important in life and how things can change in an instant. Sometimes we always get caught up in our lives and what they will look like in the future that we forget about being in the now.

Going into this I had no idea that this was based on real life experiences from the author and that made it an even more emotional read. Having read all of Sophie Kinsella’s novels I was unaware of what was going on in her personal life. She is a true inspiration as a working mom who can be faced with devastating tragedy but continue to push forward!

Thank you for sharing your story!

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Beyond beautiful. Such a good read that I enjoyed! I'm so glad that I got the chance to read it early and will definitely be recommending it to multiple people who enjoy these types of novels. I enjoyed the characters and especially enjoyed the writing by this author. I hope the author is able to writing additional books bc I will def be reading. Thank you to the publisher for my early copy of this book!

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Heartbreaking yet genuine. Sophie Kinsellas books have been a part of my life for what truly feels like forever and this one broke my heart open. Thank you for giving us a glimpse. 5 stars.

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What Does It Feel Like? tells the story of how a famous writer, Eve Monroe, transitions from being a successful novelist to a cancer patient. The book is partly fiction and partly an autobiography by the author, Sophie Kinsella.

Eve Monroe, as a famous writer, seems to have it all. She has five beautiful children and a loving husband, Nick Monroe. But when she wakes up one day with no memory of what happened, even I, as a reader, thought I was diving into a thriller or mystery. However, as I kept turning the pages, I realized this was more of a recovery journey, focusing on Eve as she tries to regain her strength with the support of her family and friends while battling a rare, incurable disease—glioblastoma. She can’t trust her own mind, but she can trust her family. The moment when Eve comes to terms with her illness was truly tear-jerking.

This was my first time reading a Sophie Kinsella book, and I was completely shocked to discover that much of it was based on her own life. It was incredibly brave of her to share her story. I can’t even begin to imagine how tragic and heartbreaking the news must have been, especially for her family. I really admire her husband for being so supportive throughout her recovery journey.

Overall, this was a heavy, poignant, and deeply moving read. I definitely recommend it if you’re looking for a short, quick, and touching story about recovery from illness.

Huge thanks to NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group - Random House for giving me this beautiful ARC.




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Eve is a successful novelist who wakes up one day in a hospital bed with no memory of how she got there. Her husband, never far from her side, explains that she has had an operation to remove the large, malignant tumor growing in her brain.

As Eve learns to walk, talk, and write again—and as she wrestles with her diagnosis, and how and when to explain it to her beloved children—she begins to recall what’s most important to her: long walks with her husband’s hand clasped firmly around her own, family game nights, and always buying that dress when she sees it.

I don't know how you would give this book less than a 5. Sophie writes this from her own personal perspective as she went through this herself. It is semi-autobiographical as it details Eve's scary time dealing with a malignant brain tumor.

It is amazing that Sophie (Eve) is alive to write this book as this tumor has a high mortality rate. Such a great book about what that family dealt with during this time!

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This was a really quick read. The fact that it is autobiographical makes it even more powerful. The story is heart breaking and poignant, and I would recommend it to others to read.

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What Does It Feel Like?
by Sophie Kinsella
Pub Date: October r8, 2024
Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.
From #1 bestselling author Sophie Kinsella, an unforgettable story—by turns heartbreaking and life-affirming—of a renowned novelist facing a devastating diagnosis and learning to live and love anew.
This book deserves all the stars! I was moved by this
heart breaking, beautiful, raw, poignant, powerful, and inspirational story. This is an autobiographical novella although some events and facts were changed by the author. This is a must read but keep the tissue box nearby.
5 stars

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A semi-autobiographical novella about an author diagnosed with incurable brain cancer. The story follows the little moments in their life, managing to find small bits of humor in the midst of grief. A deeply moving, poignant and heartbreaking story. Highly recommended.

Thank you to NetGalley and Random House for an ARC in exchange for this honest review.

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I’ve been a fan of Sophie’s books for years, so after learning of her rare cancer diagnosis I was interested to learn more from her novella. Which this is her most autobiographical novel detailing her journey. Anyone that has been through it either by someone you know or having cancer yourself, will find this emotional. I hope Sophie still has many years with her family. Her books have always put a smile on my face, but this one brought tears.

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Beautifully written. The storyline makes you stop and think and is told perfectly. Thank you Netgalley and

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Thank you NetGalley for the ARC.

I guess I should read descriptors more lol as I was completely unaware that this was only about 75 pages. I read it in the hammock in one setting oblivious that it was essentially truth until the author's note☺️ I thought it was engaging, believable and, at times, poignant. The memory loss section definitely resonated. I did expect more though. How did the family move forward when it became clear she had beaten the odds?

As posted to GoodReads

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