Member Reviews

"What Does It Feel Like?" by Sophie Kinsella is a deeply moving and beautifully crafted novel that will stay with you long after you've turned the last page. Through Eve's journey of rediscovery after a life-changing diagnosis, Kinsella explores the fragile nature of memory and the enduring strength of love. The author's raw, personal connection to the story shines through, making every word resonate with authenticity and emotion. This book is a poignant reminder to cherish the small moments in life and to find joy even in the face of adversity. Kinsella's ability to infuse humor into heartbreak is masterful, making this novel both a tearjerker and a heartwarmer. A must-read that captures the essence of what it truly means to live. We are all routing for your happy ending!

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As someone who has lived through a parent receiving this exact diagnosis, this was difficult to read. “Eve’s” experience shines with authenticity (which makes sense), but this will be either be a painful or cathartic read for people who have been personally impacted.

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I’ve been a Sophie Kinsella fan since I was 13 years old. I stumbled across a copy of Confessions of a Shopaholic in a thrift store while on a family vacation I didn’t want to take. I spent the rest of it holed up in the upstairs bedroom of my grandmother’s house, flying through the pages of that book and by the time I got home, I was hooked. The Shopaholic series colored my teenage years to the point that 3 different people got me the movie as a gift when it came out. I still read the series once every couple years and I fall in love all over again.

I didn’t know what I was getting into when I got the ARC of this book (because at this point, when I see Sophie Kinsella’s name, my eyes just kinda glaze over and I regain consciousness to a ‘thanks for your order!’ email) but I truly just cried my way through it. I had no idea that she was going through something like this and it is incredibly brave of her to share it with the world the way she did.

The concept of normal+ really resonated with me and I will always make sure to get the upgraded tickets and fancy snacks in honor of the woman who has brought me so much joy through the pages of her books.

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This memoir, with fiction used Eve is so moving. Eve, a writer who discovers that she has brain cancer and her life treatments is so tender. This is so touching and uplifting with cancer and hope for a happy ending.

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This was a hard book to read because it closely reflects th struggles the author is going through herself. If only she can write her own happily ever after. It's a quick read and very engaging.

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What Does It Feel Like
By: Sophie Kinsella

I requested this book because I have been a fan of Sophie’s books for a long time. They always have a happy ending which has been so satisfying as a reader.
In this semi-autobiographical novella, we are introduced to Eve, a successful author who one day wakes up in a hospital and has no idea who she is. She slowly learns that she had an operation to remove a tumour from her brain and that she has stage 4 brain cancer. Like Eve, Sophie Kinsella also has stage four glioblastoma. During the story, Eve reminisces about her past and her life as an author. One story in particular stood out for me. Eve recalls a book signing at a bookstore when she announces her next book does not end happily. A reader wails but you are the queen of happy endings!
Sophie Kinsella's books have been her gift to her readers. She gave us our happy endings. But this book is not about us. Sophie said it was therapeutic for her to write this book and I can understand that. This book was about Sophie and what we as her readers can do for her…Let her write, what she needs to write and for us to celebrate this writing! It is a gift we can give back. So I will tell you honestly, I loved this little book and I celebrate all that Sophie Kinsella has given us, with gratitude. Thank you to NetGalley and Random House Publishing for this Arc in exchange for my honest opinion. And thank you to Sophie Kinsella for all your books.

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What Does It Feel Like is a fictional but also autobiographical story of Sophie Kinsella’s journey with a rare brain cancer.

This novella was such a mix of emotions. Sophie’s Shopaholic series had gotten me back into reading back in the day and I loved her story telling.

This was different but even more compelling, heartbreaking and beautiful.

Major balling happened but so glad I got to experience this.
This story is about cancer and will not be a story for everyone but please give it a read if you can.

Thank you Net Galley, Sophie Kinsella and Random House for the eARC in exchange for my honest review.

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This short novella was just so powerful and brave. The author, who is battling glioblastoma herself gave us a small glimpse into the challenges she’s facing with incredible selflessness. She’s an amazing writer and person. Thank you NetGalley for this powerful ARC.

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Oh, this book. Honestly it was beautiful and heart wrenching and so moving. An absolute must read, especially for Sophie Kinsella fans!

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This was a hard book for me to read. Not only is Sophie Kinsella a favourite author, and I am so sad about her diagnosis, but I am also a cancer survivor so a lot of this hit too close to home. Being such a Sophie Kinsella fan, I did want to read this though so I read it in small bits at a time. I’m sure Sophie Kinsella’s fans are going to like this one, despite the major amount of tears they may shed. It certainly was a tear jerker for me!

Thanks for the opportunity to read this.

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HIGHLY recommend
5.0 stars

This is a semi-autobiographical fictionalized novel. Yes, this novel sounds complicated, but it really isn't. Sophie tells her personal story in a fictionalized way to protect HER privacy, HER husband's, and HER kids. I completely understand it and fully support it.

This is a story of Eve and her glioblastoma tumor, but it parallels Sophie's. It is a difficult journey and so very hard for the patient and the family.

Sophie Kinsella is able to synthesize the good, the bad, and the ugly about her cancer story in this very well-written, yet short novel. It was moving and powerful!

This review will be published:
• Goodreads -
• Books by Dorothea -
Both reviews will be published on 8/20/2024

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4.5/5 stars

Sophie Kinsella is one of my favorite authors. She announced earlier this year that she had been diagnosed at the end of 2022 with glioblastoma (an aggressive form of brain cancer).

This novella tells a fictionalized version of what she has gone through. And my heart broke reading this story.

Eve is a successful novelist who has surgery to remove a malignant brain tumor. This is such an unbelievably brave story to tell. It will definitely help readers be able to better understand what the author has experienced.

I really like when author's write what they know. I don't think that any other author could have written about this topic in such a meaningful way. I think that this book will bring so much awareness to this type of brain cancer.

This book is a quick read. But it will make you feel so much. It is a hard book to read. I want to cry for the author and her family. I am so thankful that her condition is currently stable. And I wish her so much love and support.

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Sometimes I just pick up a book without reading what it’s about cause I like the author. Thats is how this one started. I didn’t realize it was a short story and that I would finish it within a few hours. I also didn’t realize it was based on her personal journey with a brain tumour. If you enjoy Sophie Kinsella’s novels over the years like I have I highly recommend reading this one. It’s a story of a fighter, a mother, a wife and a writer. It will keep you turning the pages
I want to thank NetGalley and publisher for the arc. And I would like to thank Sophie personally for sharing her journey with us.

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Wow! My first Sophia Kinsella but won’t be my last! Funny, heartbreaking, and so very real it touched on every emotion. The story of Eve, an author who has brain surgery for an incurable cancer. This book will stay with me for a long time! It is short and a very quick read. Put it on your TBR list!

Thank you to Net Galley and Randon House for the ARC to read and review!

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Loved this so much! Sophie Kinsella is brilliant as always. Thank you NetGalley for the advance ecopy.

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I love Sophie Kinsella’s book so I jumped in right away and her publisher approved me for the advance copy! I was so happy. Thank you! I didn’t even read the synopsis and it started out with a funny light hearted story but then I couldn’t read on without tears. As a mother of three young children, it was heart breaking to think of the possibility of leaving children behind, which could happen to any of us anytime.
It was such a beautiful story. Eve’s family is so beautiful and very supportive to cope with such tragic and cruel moment of life.

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Sophie Kinsella’s latest autobiographical work is an emotional rollercoaster that leaves you with a heart both heavy and uplifted. Despite her knack for weaving humor into even the most trying circumstances, this book manages to pierce through the surface with a poignant and deeply personal narrative.

Kinsella’s ability to fictionalize her own life story while maintaining her characteristic optimism is nothing short of remarkable. Her distinctive sense of humor shines brightly throughout the book, offering relief from the more intense moments. Her comedic flair is evident, from uproarious episodes that had me laughing uncontrollably to lighter anecdotes that balance the more sobering aspects of her story. Her resilience and ability to find humor even in such dire circumstances make her story both inspiring and relatable.

Chapters detailing family Scrabble nights and early morning conversations with her husband provide a glimpse into her personal life and offer a heartwarming contrast to the more serious themes. These segments emphasize the importance of familial bonds and personal connections, enriching the reader’s understanding of Kinsella’s life beyond her medical challenges.

Initially, I approached this book with trepidation, fearing the potential emotional toll of reading about a fictionalized version of Kinsella’s battle with terminal cancer. However, my concerns were quickly dispelled as the book unfolded. Kinsella’s bravery and openness in sharing her struggles are matched by her incredible ability to inspire and uplift. Her journey through illness is a testament to her strength, and her story provides a beacon of hope for readers facing their own adversities.

Kinsella’s writing has long been a source of joy and comfort for many, and this autobiographical account only deepens my admiration for her. Her courage, combined with her comedic genius, continues to resonate, reminding us of the power of humor and hope. This book is a celebration of Kinsella’s remarkable spirit and an invitation for readers to embrace positivity and resilience in their own lives.

In a world where we need more voices that uplift and inspire, Sophie Kinsella’s words stand out as a beacon of light. Her latest work not only enriches her legacy but also offers a powerful message of enduring hope and the transformative power of laughter.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Random House Publishing for the opportunity to read the advanced digital copy in exchange for my honest opinions!

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What an incredibly moving way for Sophie to share her life for the past couple of years with her readers. She has said that while this is not an autobiography, it definitely has close ties to her own personal story, and that was apparent from page one. Eve getting the idea for Hey Big Spender made me smile, knowing this was a reference to one of my favorite series EVER.

I loved the format of this novella. How the story came in snippets and burns, texts and conversations. It felt fitting for the subject matter, and was a beautiful way to ease the reader in to a difficult moment in someone’s life. Kinsella’s unwavering honesty, bravery, and openness will undoubtedly help readers who may be struggling with something of their own, and I am so happy that she is currently stable and will hopefully be writing books for years to come.

Thank you to NetGalley and The Dial Press for the arc. All opinions are my own.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Random House Publishing for this ARC. A heartfelt and poignant novella about receiving life's worst news, and the denial, turmoil, fear, bravery, love and hope that comes with that journey. I’ve been a fan of Sophie Kinsella’s books for over ten years and, while this is certainly a more serious and autobiographical work of fiction than her previous novels, it still had Kinsella’s signature British wit and silly style of storytelling that I’ve always enjoyed. Even with the subject matter, I found myself laughing at some parts. As a friend of someone with cancer, I appreciated the raw vulnerability and honest look at what the diagnosis, chemo and rehab part of treatment is like. I enjoyed breaking up the story with vignettes as a way of moving the timeline along or zooming out of the story to hear from Eve’s loved ones during her recovery. I also loved the author's note at the end as a peak into what events in the book actually happened. I requested this ARC after seeing an interview with Sophie Kinsella and her husband on Night Line and their marriage was clearly an inspiration for Eve and Nick’s relationship. Big thank you to Kinsella for sharing such a raw part of herself with her readers.

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Sophia Kinsella has been a long time favorite author of mine and this latest book, What Does It Feel Like, is the most honest, raw book I think she has ever written. I knew before I started the book that I had read online that she has undergone a brain tumor removal and this book is basically based around her experience with living a glorious, blessed life and then being handed unimaginable news. Having a front row seat to this exact type of brain tumor when a close aunt of mine passed several years ago, I can only imagine how hard it was for Sophie to open up her heart and soul and put these thoughts and feelings on paper for the world to see. The book itself was a fast and easy read which is usually the case for her books although it was in a slightly different format than I've used to. To say I enjoyed the book seems to trivial. I laughed and cried and read it in only a few hours.... the whole time, having immense admiration that Sophie could write this story from such a place of love, happiness and positivity. Thank you, Netgalley, for letting me read an advanced copy of this book and thank you, Sophie, for being so brave and putting your story of hope and love out there for others.

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