Member Reviews

Absolutely beautiful and brave novella. I couldn’t put it down. Obviously a slight departure from her normal work, nevertheless a top tier Kinsella!

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Yall... when I say I cried my eyes out...
I. Meant. That.

This is so raw, emotional, deep, heartbreaking and yet inspiring. Then reading the author's note. I cried even harder. Praying for Sophie and any others currently battling the atrocious disease. My sister was diagnosed recently with breast cancer so this truly hit me harder.

This just...geez. I can't make words,my tears are doing the talking. Go read this!!

I received this ARC from NetGalley and Random House Publishing to read/review. All of the statements above are my true opinions after fully reading this book.

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Sophie Kinsella and I are around the same age. I remember being hooked on her Shopaholic books when I was in my twenties and early thirties, following avidly as heroine Becky navigated life, love, and motherhood with her breezy, effervescent style. It’s a bit jarring to read her latest work and realize (jarringly) that 30 years later, we are now well into a different season of life. In this, her most autobiographical novel yet, SK tells the story of Eve Monroe, a successful novelist and beloved wife/mother (also a bit of a shopaholic) whose life changes when she is diagnosed with brain cancer. This short novel goes back and forth in time, following Eve’s faulty memory as she courageously fights on. Written in SK’s trademark lighthearted style, this book nevertheless is a poignant (and at times scary) read about mortality, identity, resilience and hope. Keep the tissues handy.

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Publication date: October 8,2024

Traditional format 📕 (digital). First off let me say this is more a short story than a book. At only 144 pages I read it drinking a cup of coffee.

Author Sophie Kinsella has written a fictional account of her battle with brain cancer. It’s written very much in the style of her Shopaholic series and I even imagined the voice of Becky as I was reading this. It has all the humour you would expect of one of Sophie’s books only it’s her real life story. I also enjoyed the format (snippets, texts, articles etc within the chapters.

“Why would an author want to write her memoir in the form of fiction?” i thought as I was reading this but the author’s note give you all this plus more and pulls the whole book/story together.

If you’re a fan of Sophie’s work give this short one a read. Because I thought Sophie’s explanation of why she wrote her story in this format brilliant I will give this one 5/5 and wish her a continued happy ending on her battle ❤️

Thank you to Random House Publishing Group - Random House | The Dial Press for a digital ARC of this book in exchange for a review.

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What Does it Feel Like? is the story of Eve and how her life totally turns upside down when she wakes up in the hospital after having a brain tumor removed. The story is told in a vignette style with short chapters which give us a glilmpse into Eve's life and at times almost feels like stream of consciiousness. This is not the usual fun, lighthearted books that I have previously read by Sophie Kinsella, but it totally works. The vingnette style was extremely effective. I was instantly sucked into Eve's world and deeply cared about her and her family as they navigated this devastating news. Not only did I come to care for Eve, but also for Sophie Kinsella who stated that "Eve's story is my story". What a brave move for Sophie Kinsella to tell her story in such a way and to express to her readers what is really important in life. Deep down we all know this, but life sometimes gets in the way and we need a reminder. Bravo to Sophie Kinsella for giving us the reminder and for packing so much so well into such a short novel. This certainly shows that a great, hopeful, and beautiful story can be conveyed extremely effectively in a consise manner. I hope and pray that she herself has a happy ending. Thank you to Net Galley for my copy of this book.

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An incredibly short read for me and I was able to burn through it in less than two days while traveling and visiting with family. I was tempted to give this fewer stars, because there was a lot of disjointed to it, but because it is Kinsella writing about her own experiences, I felt that it still justified a 4 star rating.

What I liked? The chapters where we were focusing on Eve and her journey. It was hard to read, especially knowing how closely this ties to Kinsella's lived experience with her cancer diagnosis and treatment, but these were the parts of the book that resonated most and were the most moving. The in between (as I like to think of them) chapters or sections felt disjointed and didn't work for me for whatever reason. I get that they were still tied to the story, but these moments just pulled me out of what Eve was experiencing. Maybe it was important for Kinsella to take these pauses in her writing.

I have to say that, after reading everything that happened to Eve as she fought to live and get through the surgery recovery, I am floored by how positive Kinsella has been about her illness. It's not a great situation for her, but she is continuing to do what she does best and to use that to teach as well.

I feel for her. For her family. And for those who are in similar situations with their health.

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I’ve been a Sophie Kinsella fan since the beginning and have read all her books and was excited to see this on NetGalley. Knowing her personal health issues, this was a heartbreaking read. I commend Sophie for being vulnerable and basing this short story off her struggles. Highly recommend.

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Eve, a successful writer who has just had her latest novel optioned for a Hollywood movie is sitting on top of the world. She has a loving husband, five wonderful children and a world of friends who support her. She has all the luck in the world until one day, it runs out.
Waking in a hospital bed, Eve can't recall how she got there, why she is there and why her head feels so funny. When her husband reveals that she's been in the hospital for weeks following surgery to remove a brain tumor, she can't seem to hold onto that thought and asks him repeatedly every day why is she in the hospital. Finding out that the tumor that was removed was cancerous and an incurable type as well, Eve must face the reality that her days are numbered and make a plan for how she will spend the rest of them.
Told in short chapters, readers get a feel for how Eve's brain is now trying to function, the successes and the multiple daily failures and her courage to keep fighting for as long as she can. Finding out in an author's note at the end that Eve's story is actually Sophie Kinsella's story is shocking and heartbreaking and readers will want to embrace their favorite author and wish her and her family only the best in this situation.
Honest, Raw, Real.

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What Does It Feel Like? By Sophie Kinsella
Rating: 5⭐️s

Was anyone else completely blown away by Kinsella’s Good Morning, America last week? I could not believe that she has been suffering from a brain tumor since 2022. It broke my heart for her husband and five children.

This novella is slightly autobiographical with some changes to it. It had me laughing, and it had me crying. Fair warning: there is the discussion of terminal cancer in it. I think it’s a good reminder to read the story for its messages on appreciating and enjoying life.

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Raw. Honest. Beautiful.

Sophie Kinsella’s books have been a part of my life for the past sixteen years. This was like reading about a dear friend.

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This is a deviation from the author’s normal rom-com. This novella is a fictionalized autobiography. of the author’s journey fighting brain cancer. Eve, the main character, is an author who has lead a charmed life with both a strong fan group and a movie deal based on her work. Unfortunately she suddenly has brain cancer. This story documents her inspiring story as she goes through her healing process. It is a brave, honest, heart breaking yet optimistic story.

Thank you to the author, Netgalley and Random House for sharing her story and this book.

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In this bittersweet story, Sophie Kinsella tells the story of her cancer diagnosis and the journey that follows through her fictional character, Eve. Heartbreaking and uplifting at the same time, “What Does it Feel Like?” is one of those stories that will stay with the reader forever.

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I’ve been a Sophie Kinsella fan for a very long time now. Her books are always a delight. Funny, lighthearted, and so positive. I requested this one not even knowing what it was about or what is going on in her life. It’s devastating.

Despite this be fictionalized, this was Kinsella’s most autobiographical book. The main character, Eve, is a successful author, wife, and mother of 5 who finds out she has incurable brain cancer. What Does It Feel Like is a novella with short vignettes and snippets that reflect Kinsella’s experience navigating illness. The fact that she maintains positivity and optimism is such a testament to the person Sophie is and I know I’ll be keeping her in my thoughts wishing her well. The Queen of Happy Endings deserves her own and I’m so thrilled she’s doing well, all things considered. I really loved this peek into her life and I hope she has many more books to come.

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Thank you NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for a fair and honest review.

I have been reading Sophie Kinsella books since the start of the Shopaholic Series. What Does It Feel Like? is a COMPLETELY different book. Going in to reading it, I did not know that it was based on Sophie Kinsella's own experiences. Having known a couple of people that have lost their battle with Glioblastoma - this novel was definitely heart breaking. It was honest and raw and brave.

I wish Sophie Kinsella nothing but the best in her fight.

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I have read almost everything written by Sophie
Lindell’s and Margaret Wickham (her alternate name). Her books have offered me pleasure, escapism and laughter.
This book is a complete departure. It is raw and brave and compelling. A true story of fighting for your life. A must read!

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It is very difficult to write a review for this book. It is the author’s fictionalized version of her own experience with an aggressive brain tumor. If you are a fan of her work like I am, her story will completely break tour heart. Her sense of hope
and positivity are inspiring.

Thanks to Netgalley for this eArc.

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First, I love Sophie Kinsella's work. I have not read all of them, but I have read a more than 3/4. So when I read this was the most autobiographical of all of her work, I went to discover WHAT??? I saw the clip with her husband and then I devoured What Does It Feel Like? I may have smiled a bit, but mostly I cried. I cried for her sweet husband, I cried for her kids, and I cried for those of us who look forward to a new story from this sweet, down to earth author.

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What Does It Feel Like? is one of those reads where you immediately want to go hug your loved ones afterwards.

Eve is a bestselling writer who wakes up in a hospital bed not knowing who she got there. Her husband is ever present, walking her through the who's, what's. when's and where's of it all. She's got to discover how to walk and tell her stories once more and let those closest to her back inside her heart. But with those discoveries comes beautiful memories of her past that allow her to feel whole again.. like she can take on anything.

Immediately while reading I knew this was based on Kinsella's life. I applaud her for writing this story as a) it's tough to talk about your own self on page and b) the emotions put out there made myself emotional. Readers take note, this isn't a typical Kinsella long length read but rather a look into putting herself back together--- one word at a time.

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I became a Sophie Kinsella fan many years ago when I read and fell in love with her Shopaholic series. I love the humor and warmth that is always found in her writing. When I recently learned of her brain tumor/cancer diagnosis, I was crushed for her and her family, and even more so after reading What Does It Feel Like?, which as she explains is fiction but mostly not. It's her own story with names and a few details changed for artistic license. As I expected, it is brave, honest, heart breaking, and literally gut wrenching in places. But as always, it still contains humor and warmth. And hope. It's a very quick read (I read it in just about an hour), which will definitely hit you in the heart and tear ducts. A huge thank you to Random House Publishing Group and NetGalley for allowing me to read an ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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I wasn't expecting this. I was expecting a light summer read where I could be entertained and laugh and let my cares fly away. This was not that.

The author that I equate with all of that has written a personal masterpiece that I could not put down. She dug right into my heart and shared her most personal story. She opened up and revealed so much of herself through the character and her family. I hope she gets her happy ending. Sending love and prayers.

I highly recommend this book, although be prepared with tissues.

Thank you to NetGalley for this advance copy.

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