Member Reviews

In this fictionalized personal story, author Sophie Kinsella shares her real-life devastating cancer diagnosis and how her family is coping. Facing it with her trademark humor, she details the story of 'Eve's' brain tumor and how she not only lost her short term memories but how she had to learn to walk and talk again.

With her patient husband, family, and five children by her side, Eve takes joy where she can. In quiet family times, remembering the good times, and that she is still here. to do so.

The book is hopeful despite the grim outlook and readers will want to reach out to the author to express their best wishes and concern.

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This is emotional, raw, and at times funny. I love the concept of writing a fictional autobiography. This was a way for the author to share her story with the world in a way she felt comfortable. While this is a short and quick read, it will definitely keep you thinking for a long time. For anyone who loves Sophie Kinsella or for that matter anyone who hasn't read any of her other books, this is one to not miss!

Thanks to NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group - Random House | The Dial Press for a digital ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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“What Does it Feel Like? Is a beautifully written novella by Sophie Kinsella. She uses this lightly fictionalized account of her battle with glioblastoma, to share her journey. It was moving, hopeful and utterly honest and raw. I couldn’t put it down.

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What Does It Feel Like? by Sophie Kinsella is the heartwrenching semi-autobiographical account of one woman's staggering diagnosis of grade four gioblastoma.

Eve is a successful novelist who is in the prime of her life with a dream career, a loving and supportive husband, and five wonderful children. Suddenly, her world is rocked by a cancer diagnosis. Her experiences of surgery, recovery, and treatment are heartbreaking, but her spirit of optimism cannot be dimmed no matter how dark the day.

I have long been a fan of Ms Kinsella's writing, and while this is a difficult read knowing that Eve's story mirrors her own battle, it is uplifting, too, in that her sparkle continues to shine through. Prayers for your own happy ending Sophie.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group for an ARC.

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This is an emotional and raw autobiographical story about Sophie Kinsella’s life after she gets her brain cancer diagnosis. Written as a collection of her inner thoughts, I deeply admire Kinsella's positive outlook throughout her journey and her bravery for writing a book like this. At only 144 pages, I finished this one in just a sitting and can only hope she will continue writing stories.

Thank you Random House for the ARC!

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This book....

Is honest. In a raw, but beautiful way. Although this is a work of fiction, the author has stated that it is also autobiographical about her own journey with cancer, and she brings us along on her graceful, hopeful struggle after surgery as she heals and deals with this jarring, unforeseeable diagnosis.

Is full of laughter. I've read other books about the journey of cancer, and they are not necessarily uplifting. I so appreciated Sophie Kinsella using her wit and positive outlook as she shares the reality of her frustration and fear of the unknown.

Thank you for a book full of hope, love, and laughter about a topic that is often talked of in sadness, tears, and dread. May we all live "normal plus" everyday.

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What Does It Feel Like?’ by Sophie Kinsella

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (5/5)

Trigger Warnings: Cancer, Memory Loss, Hospitalization

This short novel is very different from Sophie Kinsella’s usual books (Confessions of a Shopaholic, The Burnout). It is both heart-wrenching and uplifting, and it captivated me from start to finish.

Eve, a successful novelist, wakes up in a hospital with no memory of how she got there. Her husband explains she had surgery to remove a large malignant tumor from her brain. As she struggles to regain her ability to walk, talk, and write, Eve is also faced with how to explain her diagnosis to her children. Through her journey, she remembers what truly matters: holding hands on long walks, family game nights, and always buying that dress when she sees it.

Told through short anecdotes, Eve’s story is filled with warmth and humor despite its heavy subject matter.


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Publication Date: October 8th, 2024

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

I wasn't sure what to anticipate from this book, but it delivered, and it's truly courageous to write about something so personal. Sophie Kinsella's story is captured in a fictional manner, rendering it raw and profoundly authentic.

Thank You Netgalley and Random House Publishing Group - Random House

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📖📖 Book Review 📖📖 After surviving a cancerous tumor as a young adult, my mom went on to have a finding on a scan that they thought was a recurrence when I went away to college. During my flights home to met with doctors from Hopkins my freshman year of college, we learned that she had a large brain aneurysm that had not yet ruptured and was a ticking time bomb. Before her death a few months ago, the appointments and brain surgeries she went through was the scariest time in my life. Kudos to Sophie Kinsella for writing such a raw and scary book that allows a glimpse into what the experience of life altering brain surgery looks like. Before and after such a massive diagnosis is definitive and Kinsella demonstrates this perfectly with her characters. Eve’s vivacious and bigger than life personality may be saved by the skilled hands of surgeons but her short term memory is gone and she will never be the same. Reading this book so soon after my mom died was a beautifully cathartic experience and I really felt like I could empathize and connect with a health experience that she went through and forever shaped her life experiences..

Review is on Goodreads and will be posted on instagram closer to publication date and on Amazon when published!

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Wonderful and perfect. She has made a terrific and thoughtful fiction over what was and is a challenging situation. Very inspiring!

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This was such a heartbreaking read. When I requested the ARC, I had no idea that this was a fictionalized version of the author's life. I am a huge fan of Sophie Kinsella which was what drew me to the book. Upon reading I immediately picked up that this was different than her typical books, yet the humor and her writing style was still present throughout. I cried through most of it, and then was floored to get to the author's note and find out that the character of the book was based on her. This was really heartbreaking and also still full of the humor and good storytelling that is a hallmark of her other books. I highly recommend this!!!

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I have read every Sophie Kinsella book since the first Shopaholic one. This one was quite a bit different but no less wonderful. You feel for Eve and go through so many emotions for her and her family. I really realized what is important in my life. Such an amazing book that makes you feel so much.

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This novel fully captures the overwhelming whirlwind that is a cancer diagnosis. The author’s own diagnosis and personal experience made this novel even more searing and heartbreaking.

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"What Does It Feel Like" has a gorgeous cover and interesting plot in that it concerns the real-life journey of author Sophie Kinsella who announced her diagnosis of Glioblastoma last year. This was not like her typical book, but I expected that, and wanted to learn more about her experience. I would recommend this for fans of Kinsella as well as readers who are drawn to learn more about others' journeys through dark times. This story will lead you through her initial battle and surgery. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC. Pub Date: Oct 8th, 2024

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Expect to laugh a little, cry a lot, ponder the meaning of life and finish this book hoping you’re able to live a life full of “normal plus.”

If you have not read one of Sophie Kinsella’s 30+ novels, you are absolutely missing out. In fact, you should stop what you’re doing and go read one now, don’t worry I’ll wait…

Ok, so now that I have you, a Sophie Kinsella fan, I should probably warn you that this book is going to break your heart. It will also give you hope. And it is probably going to make you want to re-read the Confessions of a Shopaholic series.

What Does it Feel Like? is an autobiographical novelization of Sophie Kinsella’s battle with glioblastoma. Written as a collection of inner thoughts and anecdotes, you’ll be taken on a journey of grief and self-discovery as the main character Eve learns to live after her diagnosis.

I spent 69% of this book crying my eyes out, about 20% of this book feeling nostalgic and wanting to re-read the entire Shopaholic series, and 11% of this laughing my ass off.

An absolute must read. I absolutely love Sophie Kinsella and I think she is the bravest queen for writing this.

Thank you NetGalley and The Dial Press for sending this book (eARC) for review consideration. All opinions are my own.

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What Does It Feel Like?
4/5 Stars

This fictional-but-semi-autobiographical novella follows Eve, an author recently diagnosed with a Grade 4 Glioblastoma - a terminal brain cancer. Told in snippets of her experiences from surgery, to being a year out from it, we get an exposed depiction of what it is like to live inside the ill brain of someone going through all the stages of grief. A shorter novel than most, it’s a quick read.

What I Liked-
THE FEELS: It’s quite surprising to read about hard things like this happening to people you know (or are, at least, aware of). It’s a painful but humorous accounting of the life that Sophie is now living, and how she is trying to get through the worst of it. It punches you in the gut. And it should. It hurts. But it also has a delightfully uplifting message about taking control of your reactions to things, even when you can’t control the outcome.
THE STYLE: I thought the snippet-y prose of this book was the perfect way to let us glimpse into Eve’s thoughts and feelings. It made it feel diary-like and personal.

Triggers: Cancer, talk of death.

Conclusion: I really enjoyed this, which feels terrible to say but I’m sure most will understand what I mean when I say that. I do not enjoy the topic of the story, or what Sophie is going through, but I can appreciate that she took the time to put her feelings down on paper for us readers, because that’s a very vulnerable place to put yourself.

Good Quote: “And right at that moment, this is her only aim in life, the only happy ending she wants. Just to keep going.”

Thanks so much to NetGalley and Random House / Dial Press for providing an ARC of this book. This book releases October 8, 2024!

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Do you want to ugly-cry? This auto-biographical short story will do the job. I was heartbroken when Kinsella announced her diagnosis of Glioblastoma last year. This story will lead you through her initial battle and surgery.

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I read with shock about Kinsella’s struggle when she posted it on social media.
Her newest book, much shorter than her usual offerings, chronicles her journey but through a more fictionalized lens.
I zipped through the pages and my heart broke. There’s no rhyme or reason why things like this happen.
I hope by writing this book the author gained a small modicum of support and catharsis and comfort for a truly heartbreaking experience.

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5 stars

I've been wanting to read Sophie Kinsella for a while, but this a book I wish she never wrote. It's a semi-autobiographical tale of a writer and mom of 5 who is diagnosed with incurable brain cancer. It hurts my heart to think of what she and her family are going through. I wish her all the best.

Thank you NetGalley and Random House Dial Press for the digital ARC in return for an honest review.

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I had no idea what to expect from this story. Sophie is one of the best writers, and this book and story are brave. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.

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