Member Reviews

I initially requested this book from NetGalley expecting a typical Sophie Kinsella romcom. However, when I discovered it was autobiographical fiction, I paused because I wasn't emotionally prepared for such a personal subject. This book hits too close to home for me; I usually read to escape, and I knew this would be painful.

Despite my initial hesitation, I’m so glad I finished it (actually in one sitting). It is beautifully written, and Kinsella manages to bring humor even to the heavy topic of cancer. Reading it has given me a more positive perspective.

Read this book if you:

- Want a good cry
- Need inspiration during tough times
- Appreciate supportive families

Thank you to NetGalley for providing this copy. And thank you, thank you, thank you, Sophie Kinsella, for sharing your story with us. I feel truly honored to have read it. Hugs from a devoted fan. To everyone reading this who is either suffering or supporting someone who is, our hearts are with you💕

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This was a very personal novella by Kinsella. She has Glioastoma and she shares her experiences. My best friend died of this cancer 10 years ago and I still feel pretty raw from it. I sincerely hope she makes it, a cure is found. I enjoyed reading this novella, it was a quick one and am easy read.

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For Kinsella's fans who might expect her latest book to be like her others, this novella will surprise but not disappoint. The protagonist is Eve, whom we first encounter when she has a stroke of insight that cures her of her writer's block. She feels extremely lucky when she goes on to become popular and successful as a well-known author with a doting husband and supportive community of friends. Fast forward several years, when she realizes that she is extremely unlucky, diagnosed with a serious cancer that carries a grim prognosis. Following her cancer symptoms and treatment becomes immersive for the reader, thanks to Kinsella's skill at finding a balance of emotion and straightforward narration. This affecting story can be consumed in one sitting but leave a lasting impression.

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It was tough to follow at times, given the format but I commend her for sticking with such positivity while going through such a life altering diagnosis AND since it is based on her own life. In her authors note, she mentions she wanted to write something to give others going through the same thing something to relate to; and to have even that positivity from someone that “gets it” can be major.

Thank you to NetGalley, the author + Random House for my DRC. I wish all the best to the author.

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Wowowow what a book! So emotional and well written. I couldn't put it down! So glad that I got to read this early. Amazing writing!

Thank you NetGalley and Sophie Kinsella!

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This is an autobiographical book about Sophie Kinsella's journey with brain cancer (Glioblastoma), but it is written as a short novel with Eve as the main character.

I lost a good friend to Glioblastoma in 2008. I read this book in memory of her, as a tribute to her.

Ms Kinsella does not pull any punches, she tells it like it is. She inserts dark humour into the story to throw in some balance. How ironic, as balance was one of her issues. I believe that writing this book was a means of coping.

I wish Sophie/Eve sunshine and comfort going forward.

I wish I hadn't read it but I’m glad I did. How contradictory!

Thank you to NetGalley and the Publisher for the Advance Readers Copy.

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What Does It Feel Like, Sophie Kinsella
I've been reading Sophie Kinsella for over 20 years (author of The Shopaholic series). Her wit and banter in books are laugh-out-loud and funny. However, this new short novel is really not that.
Eve, a young mother of 5 children, is recovering from brain tumor surgery. She's lost most of her short-term memory, can't recall most things, and needs a lot of help with just about everything.
Eve's story is really Sophie Kinsella's story! I had no idea she was sick or had been through quite so much. This book is nothing short of a true example of bravery and helps us all to take a closer look at what's really important in life.
Luckily, I received an early copy of this book. Thank you, Netgalley and Random House!

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Sophie Kinsella has been a favorite author of mine for many years and reading this story was both heartbreaking and interesting as she chose to fictionalize the events from her own life, likely in hopes of continue to process what she was (and is) going through.

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Only Sophie Kinsella could turn a true story about an author getting a devastating cancer diagnosis into a story filled with sadness, grief and anxiety and still make me laugh and smile.

Thank you, Sophie for sharing What Does It Feel Like. I’ve been a reader of yours since the early 2000s and your books have brought so much joy into my life. Thank you for sharing your story through Eve and giving us readers a glimpse in to your own story.

Thank you to NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group - Random House, The Dial Press for an advanced copy of this book!

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This is the first novel I have read by Sophie Kinsella, and I feel privileged to have gotten such an intimate look at the trials she has endured over the past few years.

This story was written in a series of vignettes about the fictional character Eve's diagnosis and recovery from a brain tumor and cancer. It is in good part autobiographical, as the author noted that her story is Eve's story, just with minor fictional adjustments.

She did a great job painting the picture of a cancer diagnosis with all its shades of despair and hope, and there were some truly beautiful moments throughout this book. It was a quick read, but it was also very impactful.

Thank you to Random House and Netgalley for the e-ARC!

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Eve, an author, has brain surgery because of a tumor. The book opens with Eve awakening after an eight-hour surgery to remove a glioblastoma. The book takes the reader through Eve's recovery. As the story progresses, the reader follows Eve as she recovers. From catheters, walking devices, the reader follows Eve and her family during her healing. Although, a serious subject theory is told with both humor and compasion. My favorite chapter was I Don't Need A Carer. As a brain injury survivor, it was totally relatable. It was both tender and humorous.
This is a story that needs to be read.

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See my full review at

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Five kids is a lot, but Eve is lucky to have a wonderful husband who shares the work, allowing her the flexibility needed to write. As an award winning novelist Eve often imagines her life is simply too good to be true. Until one day she awakens in the hospital feeling very confused. With Nick at her bedside Eve can barely form the words floating through her mind. Slowly she learns that she has survived an intensive eight hour brain surgery to remove a malignant tumor, stage 4 glioblastoma. As Eve struggles to put her life back together she endures endless hours of therapy relearning basic tasks while her short term memory damage leaves her repeating the same questions over and over. Determined to fully get her life back, Eve remains hopeful, accepting help from her support team of professionals, family and friends. Learning to manage endless physical difficulties while suffering the emotional rollercoaster of cancer, Eve lives honestly and openly, accepting every moment as a blessing. Normally an author of light, fun comedies, this autobiographical fiction is quite different for author Sophie Kinsella, a beautiful soul who remains positive, gracefully sharing the most terrifying story of her life.

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For as long as I can remember, Sophie Kinsella has been one of my favorite Authors. When I started getting into reading again as an adult, her Shopaholic series were some of the first books I read. I’ve always enjoyed her writing so much. She has this way of pulling at your heartstrings while making you laugh out loud, that I just adore.

When I found out Sophie was battling Glioblastoma earlier this year, I felt as though my heart broke. I knew that when she announced her new novel, I would have to read it. What Does it Feel Like is Sophie’s autobiographical story told through Eve, a successful Author diagnosed with Stage 4 Glioblastoma, a terminal form of brain cancer.

The story starts where we meet Eve Monroe, who has just written another hugely successful novel that has been made into a motion picture. Eve’s last sense if normalcy is a night of glitz & glamour walking the Red Carpet with her family. Some time later the “After” portion of her story starts and so her cancer journey begins.

This book filled me with so many layers of emotion. Having been there for my Father in Laws cancer journey, I’ve read my fair share of articles, essays, and books on this difficult topic. But nothing truly prepared me for this book. It has to be one of the most honest and brave accounts of what it feels like to have cancer that I’ve ever read. And knowing that this is how one of my most very favorite Authors is feeling, is devastating.

If you have been a longtime Sophie fan, What Does it Feel Like is a must-read for you. Not because it’s a feel-good story, but because it’s Sophie’s story. She was so very brave to put all of her heart and soul into this book, and I feel honored to have read it.

Many thanks to NetGalley and The Dial Press for allowing me to review an ARC of What Does it Feel Like. Wishing Sophie and her beautiful family all my best!

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I am a huge fan of Sophie Kinsella. I love all of her books, especially the Shopaholic series. This short autobiographical book was difficult (but important) to read. Five stars.

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What Does It Feel Like by Sophie Kinsella is the story of Eve, a successful novelist, who wakes up in a hospital with no memory of how she got there. Her husband tells her she had surgery to remove a large brain tumour. As Eve relearns basic skills and grapples with her diagnosis, she reflects on what truly matters to her, cherishing moments with her husband, family game nights, and treating herself to things she loves. The novel, told through brief anecdotes, explores themes of grief and resilience with warmth and humour, offering both heartache and healing.

I must admit, I didn’t peek at what this book was about before reading it. As I was reading this book, I thought to myself, is this going to be a new series for author Sophie Kinsella? This type of story is usually not what she typically writes. Until I read the author’s note at the end and was completely shocked.

I would like to thank Net Galley for a free advanced copy of the book in exchange for an honest review. :)

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What Does It Feel Like? is a moving novella by Sophie Kinsella, based on her own cancer diagnosis. This story is autobiographical fiction and although shorter in length and told in more of a vignette format than Kinsella’s typical novels, she delivers her standard humor, even with the serious topic.

It’s brave of Sophie to share such a personal story and I’m glad she did. What Does It Feel Like? is an emotional read that reminds us to live for the now and I wish Sophie all the best.

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This is a hard review to write because the book and the story are so raw, real and personal. I used to devour Kinsella's books when I was younger. I haven't read any of her newer works since 2019's I Owe You One. I wasn't aware that Kinsella was ill until this book came out. She deserves a medal for her strength and bravery and the fact that she kept her sense of humour. I love that about the book as well, both Sophie and Eve never lose their positive outlook on if you're expecting a pity party or a woe-is-me story you won't find it here. Eve (and Sophie) have a wonderful support network including a loving husband.

I love the structure of the book as well, each chapter is a little antidote on going through a health crisis, it includes: telling family, all of those plastic chairs in waiting rooms and how brutal physical therapy can be. I'm so thankful Kinsella shared her story it really helped me see it from the ill person's perspective. I really admire her resilience, I applaud you, Sophie Kinsella. This book is very poignant relatable and believable. It was a hard read but a really great one too.

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Eve is a hugely successful writer with a loving husband in five beautiful kids. She feels like the luckiest woman in the world until the day she finds out that she has a cancerous tumor in her brain. This story is mostly autobiographical about the author’s own experience. Highly engaging story. Beautifully balanced - at times funny and other times poignantly sad. A very quick read that I recommend.

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This was a great semi-autobiographical novella detailing the authors experience with brain cancer. I found it to be emotional but also uplifting. I enjoyed how my was told in vignettes.

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