Member Reviews

to be honest sophie kinsela is such a girlboss i absolutely love her work and this was such a great booK! her writing is so fun and amazing

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Knowing what the author has gone through in the past few years, makes this book very real and special. I loved the quick views into her life. I was confused at some parts and then realized this is what it is/was like for her. I wish her well and hope she gets everything she dreams of.

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This book is very different from her other novels and I really enjoyed reading because it gave readers a glimpse into what her life has been like since Kinsella’s cancer diagnosis. This autobiographical novella does have names and some events changed to make it more fictionalized. It was clear while reading that it was still a deeply personal story. The chapters were creative snippets of what life looks like dealing with cancer which made the book more beautiful, heartbreaking, humorous and raw. For example, one chapter is all the kind emails Eve receives from friends while another is a one-sided conservation about how she doesn’t need a carer. This was a touching book and there were many moments while reading that I teared up. Kinsella stills manages even with a heavy topic to write with her trademark humor and heart. I hope to read more books from her in the future.
Thank you to Random House Publishing Group and NetGalley for ARC!

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Thanks to Random House Publishing and NetGalley for a free advanced copy of this ebook to review. All opinions are my own.

What Does it Feel Like is heartbreaking and inspiring all at once. It's a quick read, but impactful.

Hearing part of the story behind the book only added to it.

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Rating and reviewing this book is challenging. This is a beautiful and devastating quick read. A deep dive into the real life of the author, it is told through the lens of fictional author Eve as she navigates the diagnosis and treatment of stage four glioblastoma.

Sophie tells this story in a light-hearted way with as much of a happy ending as possible when the prognosis is terminal. I found myself close to tears several times as this hits close to home with a friend currently battling glioblastoma and the loss of my brother to cancer 9 years ago. Seeing what cancer, and particularly glioblastoma, does to the patient and the family, the positivity in this book is magical and needed. I hope others battling cancer or helping loved ones in their fight can find hope and glean this positivity in their own journeys through this story.

Thank you to Sophie Kinsella for her vulnerability in sharing her real-life, incredibly difficult journey with us, even through the fictional Eve and her family. Thank you to NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Oh my gosh, I was SO excited to get chosen to read a book written by Sophie Kinsella! I have been a huge fan for a long time so this was a dream come true! From the minute I started reading I could immediately tell despite not really knowing what the book was about, that this was based on the author's real life. The story kept me hooked and broke my heart over and over again. I appreciate her sharing her story in fictional form. It was an emotional journey to go on as a reader and I am so so sorry that this happened to her and her family! Great book!

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This was completely different then any Sophie Kinsella novel I’ve read. Thanks to NetGalley for an ARC. The main character, Eve, receives a life changing diagnosis and the story of how she and her family rally is heartwarming, touching, and has you rooting for her. It was a touching book and I thank the author for giving us insight into her life.

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What Does It Feel Like - Sophie Kinsella

Novelist Eve wake up on day with no memory of how she got there. She is diagnosed with stage 4 brain tumor and works hard to regain control of her life and body. The story is inspiring and brave. I enjoyed this short story.

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Such an honest and heart wrenching story of what the author has been going through. I liked the format of this novella and as a nurse I really appreciated reading a patient's perspective of the experience. 5 stars!

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This is a very touching book. The author really laid it all out, feelings and fear showing in the wake of a brain tumor. This memoir is quite emotional in its honesty. I admire this author even more after this book and I want to thank her for sharing. Sending prayers for her and her family. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the complimentary ARC. This opinion is all my own.

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To be honest, I didn’t know what to expect when I picked up this book. To say that I was moved is an understatement. This book is a very personal story about Sophie Kinsella. I like the style in which is was written. The only spoiler I will mention is that I was crying throughout the book and rooting for the “main character”.

Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher, The Dial Press, and mostly to Sophie Kinsella for inviting us into her life. We are all out here rooting for you!

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I read this in like 2 hours! Sophie does it again! And I guess this was even more honest, raw and beautiful than ever before because it reflected what she’s going through. I’m glad she gave Eve a happy ending. And I pray Sophie gets hers. She’s brought so much joy into our lives over the years and I hope her good luck never runs out. God bless you and your family, Sophie.

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A brief, semi-masked moment-in-time memoir told in bits and pieces. What I walked away with is Sophie Kinsella and her alter-ego are darn lucky in spouse and family. I'm happy for her and sad for all the others who go through trauma without the ideal support system. A tip I learned from this was to create silver linings with "luckily." While it's awful what Kinsella went through; <o>luckily</i>, she can count her blessings instead of dwelling on the awfulness.

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Sad yet inspirational. Heartbreaking yet at times humorous. Novel yet autobiographical. Written by a very brave and optimistic woman. Highly recommend with a box of Kleenex nearby.

Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with an early release in exchange for a date and honest review.

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Sophie Kinsella is my favorite author of all time. She has a short novella releasing on 10/8/24 called What Does it Feel Like. Thanks to NetGalley and Dial Press, I was able to read an advanced copy and this is an emotional rollercoaster. This novella took me maybe 40 minutes to read, but it is semi-autobiographical. We follow Eve who is a writer. She writes a bestseller called Hey Big Spender which becomes adapted into a movie. She feels lucky having a loving husband and five children as well as a flourishing career, but then the tables turn. She wakes up in a hospital. She’s struggling to remember events. She had to relearn how to perform everyday functions. We learn that it’s a glioblastoma tumor. It’s rare, aggressive, incurable and has a 14 month survival rate. Sophie Kinsella also has a loving husband, five children. Her Confessions of a Shopaholic series was wildly successful and adapted into a movie. this past spring announced she was battling brain cancer. We discover in the afterword that the same rare cancer Eve is battling in the book is the same cancer Kinsella is currently battling. This novella was her therapy and her way to show her raw self because she’s a very private person. This novella was triggering, emotional, devastatingly sad and yet so incredibly special. Kinsella has given us a part of herself that we can take with us. She’s taught us a lesson in how to grieve, a lesson in humility, and a lesson in finding the positive and humor in the most dire of situations. I’m not sure if we will get another book from Kinsella but I’m hopeful. I believe she’s past the 14 month mark and doing well. I wish her the best and send my love. Her books have brought me immense joy over the years. Thank you Sophie for letting us into your life in such a raw way. It was truly an emotional journey, but one I won’t forget.

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I was absolutely honoured to get an e-ARC of this book as a long-time fan of Kinsella's books (my mum introduced me to them!). This is an amazing novella, knowing the background and how similar it was to her own life made the story even more poignant. It's definitely worth the read (despite being quite different, for obvious reasons, from her other books).

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I have loved Sophie Kinsella since first reading the shopaholic series many years ago. Her characters are always fun and quirky and I just love a happy ending and her endings never dissapoint. Her new novella "What Does it Feel Like?" is much different from her past books. In it she shares her real life story of being diagnosed with an uncurable form of brain cancer through a fictional character in the book. Her optimism throughout her diagnosis and treatment is really amazing and I hope only the best for her. This was a short, fast read and I would recommend it to anyone who likes her work.

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Sophie Kinsella wakes up to discovering she has had a large tumor, which turned out to be cancer, removed from her brain. She has lost some memory, and has to relearn so much, and she is a writer, so how she processes things is to write about it. This is her journey told by using fictional names, and all that she goes through.
I am thankful and grateful that Sophie Kinsella, told her story, because nowadays, it can be a reality that it could happen to anyone of us, and it feels to me, it is less scary now, because she shared her journey going through it.
I received an ARC from The Dial Press through NetGalley. Will I buy this book? Yes because I know the day will come that someone I know will be diagnosed, and I think it is a book that would help me and help someone else that is diagnosed. When things are bad, we try to find what gives us hope that keeps us going, and moving through it. To me, this book does that.

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this advanced copy!

I've loved Sophie Kinsella for years and this semi-autobiographical story was no exception. I enjoyed the vignette set up of this story and while times were sad, I felt hopeful by the end. This novella tells the story of a writer who wakes up in the hospital after having brain surgery to remove a cancerous tumor. Pretty intense right? Her husband and children provide some sweet moments to the story to balance the heavy diagnosis. I had no idea the author went through this experience and I feel like I need to read many of her books again now. A quick read but I definitely recommend!

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I can't say enough wonderful things about this book. As someone who's read all of her romance/comedy books, this was such a heartbreaking and powerful change of pace. I made the mistake of starting this right before bed one night and was up until well after midnight in tears; it was THAT good that I couldn't finish it in any less than one sitting. It's a grave reminder that life is fragile and time is limited, and I appreciate Kinsella's bravery in sharing her story with all of us. Thank you SO much for the ARC!

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