Member Reviews

This book healed me. I loved it so very much. This was the perfect close to the series. We get lots of glimpse at where all the previous couples are at in their lives. As far as this couple, Charlie is the biggest sweetheart and Nova was an absolute delight. Together they had such chemistry!

Beckett will continue to be my favorite of all the characters, but this book has made it into my top read of the series!

I love the couples in this series. I love the town of Inglewild. I love the heart put into these books. And I love the friends I’ve made through reading them. I’m sad it’s all over now, but I know I can return to them anytime through rereads.

The narrators did an excellent job as well!

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I’m so sad to be leaving the world of love light farms. However I loved how it was closed out. I needed to check this out on audio because I’ve listened to every other book in the series as audio as well as reading. I was not disappointed. The narrator’s did a great job portraying Charlie and Nova. I love Charlie so much. Friends with benefits. No third act break up. I literally ate this up!

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One night stand
.Friends to lovers
.No third act breakup
.Small town
.Dual POV

This was such a gentle read. From the charming community to the refreshing honesty between the characters, this book was sweet and soft, and so rewarding.

This author's writing is just lovely, she has such a way with words, effortlessly pulling you into the story until you forget where you are for a while. The characters feel real, and the lack of unnecessary drama is a breath of fresh air in the romance genre. Sure, there's pinning, but there's no miscommunication, and that's what really makes it a solid romance in my book.

Now, about the one-night stand trope, I'll be honest, it's not usually my thing, and it did take away a bit from the buildup I usually enjoy. But that's just my personal preference. Despite that, this book is still great, even if it doesn't quite top the others in the series, especially the first one.

I had the pleasure of receiving an audiobook copy as well, and I must say that both narrators did a fantastic job. The story is great, and the audiobook makes it even better.

Overall, it's a winner, and I'm sure it'll be a well deserved hit when it comes out. You can totally dive into each book in the series on its own, but they all deserve to be read. I'm usually guilty of hopping around series and reading whatever strikes my fancy at the moment. I'm a savage, I know. But trust me, you won't be disappointed if you read all four.

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I rarely DNF a netgalley review book but I'm at the point where I'm just not enjoying the story (at 34%). That said, I loved the beginning chapter - made me laugh at points and want to know more about this big family. What I didn't enjoy: the detailed steamy scenes. I don't need those and honestly, made for lots of eye rolling. I know there's an audience for this (and I'm sure they'll love this book) but I didn't. I wish Borison all the best in her writing career. Thanks to the publisher and NG for the opportunity to read it.
Narration: I thought both narrators did a fine job.

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I started ducking out when Charlie said Nova smells like jasmine, paper, and ink. She … smells like …. Paper? Is that a compliment? This one lost me though when Charlie (inner monologue) said he wants to spend lazy mornings with Nova under the sheets with the kettle on and wearing nothing but socks. Socks??? Really? Pass for me, sorry.

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A beautiful end to a charming series! Though I could have spent much more time at Lovelight Farms, seeing Charlie and Nova get together and checking in with the other characters made for a satisfying finale.

Charlie sends his sister and her new husband (from book1) to Italy on their honeymoon and stays at Lovelight to run the business in their absence. This was a great tactic to get Charlie in town long-term, as he’s been visiting from New York throughout the series. At first, he and Nova are casually hooking up, but as we would except in a romance novel, they become more involved, process some baggage, and find their happily ever after.

This was a fast-paced story and I finished it in one day! All of the beloved characters are here as is the famous phone tree that spreads gossip around the town.

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Why did I wait so long to start this series? I’ve seen it everywhere and Nova and Charlie are such a great introduction to this world. I immediately want to go back and start at the beginning. With that being said, I don’t think I was negatively impacted by not starting at the beginning. The other couples and towns people are well introduced in this book so that you can start here without being lost and without major spoilers from the other books. Nova and Charlie are what black cat x golden retriever dreams are made of. Nova is strong and independent while also melting for Charlie. Charlie flirts with her at every chance and is shocked when she asks him for a one night stand. They sleep together in an effort to ‘get it out of their system’ but obviously they cannot stay away from each other. This small town has all of the fun side characters and the gossipy phone tree that you love in a small town romance. Both narrators are new to me, but each do a fantastic job portraying their characters and their emotions.

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the SECOND i received this, i couldn’t stop listening. the narrators were amazing and im so sad that this series has finally come to a conclusion. as for the previous books, none have captured my attention quite as well as this one- packed with steam and laugh out loud moments (i was literally crying of laughter) this one has stolen my heart!!!!!

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even better in audio 🥰

ive said it once and ill say it again, this is a taylor swift song in book form. i loved everything about charlie and nova 😭

every lovelight farm book i read while moving onto the next i think “surely i cant like this one even more than the last” and i am so happy i get proven wrong every single time!!!!

my himbo king charlie, the phone tree, bad ass grumpy tattoo shop owner nova SO MUCH GOODNESS IN ONE BOOK

i already cant wait to reread these books once again during the holidays 😭

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God, I can't believe this is the farewell to Lovelight Farms, a series that gave me so many moments of happiness and made me dream of moving to a small town and working on a Christmas tree farm 🥹💗

Charlie and Nova's story was beautiful, charming, and funny. There wasn't a moment when I wasn't smiling or crying at how lovely it was. Charlie and Nova are two people who constantly seek the approval of those they love, and little by little, they realize that just being who they are is enough to be deserving of love, and I think that's a beautiful message.

I also LOVED all their cheeky moments and interactions. The chapter where it's just them sending messages because they miss each other, I cried at how lovely it is 🥹💗 (+) it's always nice to see the other characters and the continuations of their happy endings 💗

I had the opportunity to listen to the audiobook of this story, and I must say the narrators did an excellent job. They both fit the characters perfectly and made the book flow much better!!

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to listen to this audiobook in exchange for an honest review 💌 and thanks to B. K. Borison for giving us these beautiful love stories.

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Business casual

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ to ♾️

Becs has crafted a breathtakingly ethereal small town romance that pulls on your heartstrings and fills your heart. Reading Becs writing again after so long made me cry, I’d missed it even stronger than I’d realised.

Business Casual was like coming home, comforting and fulfilling in more ways than I can describe.

Charlie, charming, flirty, needy, never puts himself first, minimising himself.

Nova, independent, determined, ,never asks for help, never wanting to be a burden.

Charlie and Nova both not looking for anything but inexplicably drawn to each other, each caught in the other’s gravitational pull, unwilling and unable to break away. Finally, when they collide, it’s life changing, breathtaking, so fitting for them.

They’re opposites, but, like magnets, their opposite attraction is what forces them to gravitate towards each other. Charlie and Nova are inevitable. Always drawn to each other over and over—nothing can truly keep them apart. They bring out the best of each other, complementing and supporting the other without taking away their independence.

Like Charlie, I’ve always wanted to feel like I belong, that I’m not an imposition. My heart breaks for Charlie and what he yearns for so deeply. One scene between Nova and Charlie both breaks my heart and warms my heart something fiercely.

I’m not sure I could ever imagine a life without the Lovelight family; they’re the family I’ve always wished for.

Lovelight is my comfort series, never failing to fill my heart and make me feel this is a place I belong, like Charlie, in Inglewild.

I know that if I ever try to find a place I belong, with my heart full, feeling loved, I’ll find myself in Inglewild among the Lovelight family. Nothing is better than that.

My hopes for Business Casual were high, the anticipation for Charlie and Nova growing with each day, but Becs’ exceeded this in all the perfect ways and in all the ways it matters most. With unique and deep characters like Charlie and Nova, each with their own fears and hang ups, to the sense of community and unity within Inglewild, to the unconditional and overwhelming love of all those around Charlie and Nova, those who matter most.

While I’m devastated the Lovelight series is over, reading Business Casual was the most beautiful experience and also the closure I needed in so many ways.

Charlie and Nova are inevitable.

I adored the narration! Benjamin and Pippa were great! Pippa wasn’t exactly what I’d imagined for Nova, but she made it work so damn well!

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Business Casual is absolutely charming!

It is filled with fantastic characters & a cozy small town setting. Inglewild is a place that I wish were real haha.

Charlie and Nova are definitely opposites. She's the black cat to his golden retriever but they just work. They find a home and a place of belonging in each other which I found incredibly sweet and romantic. The development of their relationship from no strings to falling in love was done perfectly. It was a slow build up to their romance and I loved every moment of it. This book will definitely have you in your feels!

I was not expecting this to be as steamy as it was! I was pleasantly surprised. I mean we have hand necklaces, sexy selfies and biting?!? Hold my fan! I found the intimate scenes were sexy and tasteful. The chemistry Nova and Charlie had was undeniable.

The narrators did a fabulous job. They brought the character to life for me and helped me check out of reality and get lost in a book.

Absolutely adored this book!

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Friends to lovers, let's bang it out of our systems, dual POV perfection and the most incredible bittersweet end to my absolute FAVORITE smalltown romance series ever!! I have been a HUGE BK Borison fan from the very start before she blew up and got the much needed recognition she more than deserves!!

This book featuring NYC finance whiz and people pleaser Charlie and small town homebody tattoo artist, Nova was everything I wanted it to be and more! The ADHD rep (him) and the chronic migraine rep (her) was excellent, as was all the fun small town charm with all of my fav recurring side characters!

HIGHLY recommended, especially if you are in the mood for lots of heart, swoons and small town charm. I cannot scream enough about how much I love and will miss these characters! Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an early audio copy in exchange for my honest review! While it took a while for the narrators to grow on me, reading this book a second time on audio was a pure joy!

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Okay I hate saying this with my WHOLE HEART. I read the book and absolutely loved it. Love love loved it. It’s my fav in the series. But the female narrator in this just didn’t do it for me. She was way too dramatic and just did NOT fit Nova’s character well at all. It grated on my nerves, bad. I hate saying that, I hate leaving negative reviews. But the female voice is just a no go for me and ruined the audio experience

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4.5 stars! Rounding up to five because I think this pairing is ~~brilliant~~

"What about now? Do you feel like you need Charlie?
"I want him. I don't need him, but I want him all of the time."

I have to say that this is my favorite book in the Lovelight series. It is by far the most different. When I think of the first three books in the series, I think cozy, sugary sweet, good vibes. And while Business Casual does have those elements, it is also super funny, sexy, equal parts lived in and idealistic, and in my opinion has a much deeper and fully realized love story.

I am a sucker for an independent girlie who is actually a secret softie and wants to be taken care of from time to time and Charlie was her PERFECT foil. Like I think the reason why I'm rating this so highly is because the pairing of Charlie boy and Nova girl is pretty top-tier. They balance and highlight each other so well. They also had insane physical chemistry and I can easily say this is Bec's spiciest book yet.

And their relationship had so many moments of feeling super realistic. How they flirted is how I expect real-life people to flirt and it was fun to have that grounding here. And yes there is some major wish fulfillment/romance too!

It's not a perfect five stars from me because sometimes I do feel like Bec's takes that wish fulfillment too far (particularly with her men), but it's a slap this book is gonna demolish once it goes live!!

Missing them and already want a physical copy.

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