Member Reviews

A case of mistaken identity allows an old curmudgeon to come out of his shell and make connections. After receiving a letter which simply says "I love you" (lost in the mail, and delivered by a spirit on the wind), Mr. Cat goes out to discover WHO loves him. Along the way, he helps neighbors, and, while initially disappointed that none confess their love, all eventually return to him to show their appreciation for his kindness, allowing Mr. Cat to make 3 great friends.

My kid enjoyed this one a lot, and I also appreciated it. The animals have just that right bit of humanism, looking most like themselves, with just an air of sentience. The style is pretty cartoonish, but not overly simple. We're not seeing detailed fur, but there's great emotion and also good backgrounds to keep the page lively.

The book also ends with the letter disappearing once more, perhaps setting things up for a sequel? This book was about the love of friends, but the message on this letter could also have some cathartic effects for familial and romantic love.

I'd like to read another book by this author/artist team. This one is just so cozy!

Advanced reader copy provided by the publisher.

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This sweet story showcases an afternoon of good deeds and how when you do something nice for someone they are likely to reciprocate. When Mr Cat receives a letter saying "I love You" he gets up and goes out to find out who sent him the letter. He guesses that it might be one of his neighbours and helps them with their day. At the end, they join and bring Mr. Cat some gifts and friendship. This is a sweet short story and written in a perfect and understandable way. I really like the illustrations as well.

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Thank you Netgalley for giving me the opportunity to read and review this book. These opinion are completely my own.

This is such a beautiful story book, I want to buy it for myself and I do not have children. I love the message and the illustrations are amazing.

The Letter warmed my heart and I think others will feel the same

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Thank you Charlesbridge, Irene Verdu, and NetGalley for the advanced electronic review copy of this delightful book. This beautifully written and illustrated story is about the value of kindness and helping others. I definitely recommend it and am looking forward to reading it aloud and having discussions about it with my students.

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Thank you to the author, Charlesbridge and NetGalley, for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This children's book is perfect for reading aloud and looking at the themes of love, and making those around us feel appreciated and welcome. A very grumpy main character gets an anonymous love letter, and in his seach to find the sender he encounters neighbors - each of who negate having sent the letter. All of those he met show up for him later, and we realize what a difference friendship and community can make in our lives. The illustrations are whimsical and I'm sure we will be reading this again and again.

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This book reads in the second person, so from the jump makes for an excellent resource in showing different point of views. The descriptive prose allows children to feel the emotions of Mr. Cat from expectant excitement to heartbreaking disappointment to unexpected connections. It's a lovely story with room for some many meaningful conversations about generosity, kindness, gratitude, community, and friendship. The illustrations do a superb job of showcasing emotion, whimsy, and fun. We LOVED this story!

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This was a very sweet book! I loved the set up: a magical love letter knows who needs a little extra love. I do think the cadence and wording might occasionally make a younger reader stumble, but that is sometimes just par for the course with translated works (and it's good comprehension practice!) The illustrations and the story made this a very cute book.

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The Letter follows a lonely Cat after he receives a letter with no sender. I loved the illustrations and the story is so sweet!

I received an ARC from Charlesbridge via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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This was such a sweet and thoughtful story. The main character finds a letter and is trying to find who wrote the letter. The MC being very on itself usually, finds out there’s so much happening around him and people caring for him. It really opens his eyes. I love the hidden message in this book.

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A very good story that isnt educational is few and far between but this hits the nail on the head. Very cute and colorful.

Thank you NetGalley, Irene Verdu, and Charlesbridge for allowing my family to review

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This was SUCH a hit for my four kids at bedtime this evening. They absolutely loved this story! They asked to read it over and over again. I can not say enough good things. Such a great kids book!

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This was a lovely story about a cat, who prefers to be alone rather than be disappointed by his friends. One day he receives a letter that says, "I love you", and he excitedly goes around town treating everyone with kindness, thinking that they may have been the one that sent the letter. At first, he's disappointed by their responses, but then everyone shows up at his house with gifts to say thank you. This was such a sweet, heartwarming story with a lovely message for children about the importance of community. Highly recommend!

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Thank you Netgalley and Charlesbridge for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

The Letter is about a grumpy cat receiving an anonymous letter saying ‘I Love You’. This leaves the cat searching over town for the sender. During this journey, the cat meets many, reminding him of the importance of others and acts of kindness. In the end - the cat realizes it doesn’t matter who sent the letter and releases it back into the wind for another to find. It’s a very cute story filled with beautiful images that really elevate the story. It has a message that translates well to many. It shows how something little can really change someone’s life. I’d recommend this easy story to all. There’s no harm in spreading some kindness.

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When a letter gets lost saying “I love you” it lands at the most unlikely place a grumpy cats home. But the letter might change his fate. Such a charming story of how doing kind acts leads to more kindness. Always remember to be kind sometimes you’ll get cake, fruits and fresh milks.

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4 Stars ✨

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for this advanced copy of The Letter, in exchange for an honest review.

The Letter by Irene Verdu is a children’s book full of beautiful illustrations. The main theme of the book is how random acts of kindness can change a persons heart. By being kind to others, it can sometimes break the walls they have built around themselves and allows them to let others in. Very cute and heartwarming. Would recommend.

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We follow the wind who carries a mysterious unaddressed letter throughout a town of animals. This story is cute and heart warming.

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This is a fantastic picture book showing how people are there for you when you don't even see it. It follows a very grumpy main character who gets an anonymous love letter, and sets out to find the sender, and with no avail. All those he went to later show up for him, and truly makes his day, and he realizes he didn't need the letter after all, and lets the wind take it again to find it next "owner".

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The Letter is such a beautiful story of love within the community and making those around us feel appreciated and welcome. A simple letter that says "I love you" can make such a difference in a person's life and this is a wonderful way to teach that important lesson to children all over the world. The illustrations are stunning and elevate the story being told. I look forward to paging through this book again and again.
Thank you to NetGalley for allowing me to read the advance copy of this book.

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