Member Reviews

Have you ever met someone who is in love with love? Or maybe someone who is so over love they simply quit looking? This book looks at both extremes.

If you have ever watched Sleepless in Seattle and swooned at their love growth and development, then this is your kind of story. Borison nails it with her tender-hearted main characters and delightful secondary characters. Lucie’s ex is fabulous and provides so much lightness.

This story is everything you want in a sweet, powerful, deeply touching romance. We get to watch these two learn about each other and slowly fall without even realizing it! Gahhhh. So Sweet! They are both hurting yet learn how to heal each other. The magic surrounding this story is impactful and god, I just love her stories so much! Borison says this one is a love letter to love. I agree and I think you will too.

If you are in love with love, grab First-Time Caller. Your heart will sing.

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This was my first B. K. Borison book! I can definitely see why this author is so popular. Loved the characters and the super sweet story. This was a really fun read that I didn’t want to put down.

Thanks to Berkley Romance and NetGalley for the advanced copy!

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This book... Oh boy was it adorable.

"I dont know how to be a hopeful person anymore, its easier not to be." Picture a jaded radio DJ whos last name is Aiden Valentine and hosts a romance show, and add a tall beautiful auto mechanic named Lucie whos 12 year old daughter thinks it would be a GREAT idea to call into the radio, and! What do you get? Well, Obviously you get the next amazing read by B.K Borison!

"Lucie laughs, bold and bright,. I want to yank out the headphone jack and fill the studio with it."
You have the fun dynamic of a man who has been jaded by so many phone calls all complaining about love, and a woman who still believes in magic and romance and maybe someone out there is meant for her, she just hasn't met them yet. Clashed together due to a viral clip of their late night radio conversation has the two MC spiraled together.

This book was funny, sweet, found family, personal growth and a man who keeps all her favorite things written down on a list so he EVER FORGETS.
4.5 stars out of 5!

Thank you Berkley Romance and NetGalley for an early e-copy to this book. I am SO grateful!!

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My 90's baby millennial heart is so obsessed with this book, it isn't even funny. I ATE THIS UP in less than 24 hours and was grinning like an idiot the entire time. It was so damn cute, and so funny that I absolutely could not put it down.

As a person who grew up listening to late-night romance talk shows on the radio, the whole premise of this story instantly spoke to me. The Sleepless in Seattle vibes were excellent, and I love the idea of starting to feel a connection with someone over the radio before you ever even meet them. I absolutely loved the characters – both of the main characters were so great, and the side characters were delightful. The flirty banter was top-tier, and I absolutely loved the radio transcripts in between chapters.

Overall, I absolutely loved this book and would definitely recommend that romance lovers add it to their TBR!

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B K Borison’s books speak so deeply to my soul. I loved everything about this. The home-iness of the writing, the tender love between the characters, the characters themselves. I could cry.

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What happens when Lucie's tweenage daughter calls into a love themed radio show. Who doesn't love a good radio-themed romance? She's a car mechanic with a kid, he's just a sad radio host. It took me a little bit to get invested but once I did, the romance was very satisfying and it looks like it might start a series? Curious to see where it goes. Thanks for NetGalley for this one.

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I adored this book. I really saw a lot of myself in Lucie, and found myself relating to her so much. I, like all the radio show listeners, wanted to see her get her happy.

My heart hurt for Aiden, as someone who has lived through cancer diagnosis and treatment, I also found myself relating to him, sometimes you want to hide from people so they don't get hurt.

This was a really slow burn romance, but I loved that because it made Lucie and Aiden's romance more realistic.

The author continues to write delightful romances, and I can't wait for more!

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I went into this book with little to no knowledge about it's plot and it was my first B.K. Borison book! I feel like all I really need to say is that after reading this, I went out and bought three more of her books. Aiden and Lucy were so lovely to read about. The way the author wrote them as perfect opposites, but somehow made them to bring one another out of their comfort zones was so seamless. I also really enjoyed the radio show setting!

One thing I always appreciate in a romance book is strong relationships outside of the two MCs and this definitely delivered. I found myself looking forward to all the interactions Lucy had with the supporting characters :)

The only part I left wanting more about was Aiden's backstory. We got some glimpses into this past and why he is the way he is, but I would have loved if we got more of his story.

Overall, I loved this book and WILL DEFINITELY be reading more B.K. Borison!

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Aiden & Lucie are now the two great loves of my life. I love Sleepless in Seattle, and was so excited to see a gender-bent edition coming to the small screen (aka my kindle) and this exceeded all my expectations.

Aiden Valentine is the host of “Heartstrings” a Baltimore romance radio show. Lucie’s daughter Maya calls into get some advice for Lucie’s dating life, and Lucie’s conversation ends up going viral. The radio show offers a guest spot to Lucie to help her on her “Road to Love” and help Aiden maybe believe in romance again.

This delivered on so many levels. The banter was phenomenal, the pining was perfect, and the burn was slow. Lucie was a tall girl, upwards of 5’10”, which is something I have been actively searching for. I love a tall FMC & it’s so nice to have another one.

I highlighted a ridiculous amount of Aiden moments. Aiden is such a grumpy “I don’t believe in love, romance is a construct” kind of guy but homeboy is smitten. He is a perfectly imperfect guy, and I loved his arc & how he not only worked on himself but on his relationship with his family.

Lucie is a darling, I loved that she was a mechanic & I especially loved the healthy coparenting with Grayson & Mateo. She’s so funny and I loved how realistic her feelings about love were.

This was a 12/10, I’m already dying for a physical copy so I can read and annotate it.

A massive thank you to NetGalley and Berkeley Publishing for the digital arc!

I posted on my instagram story about this book, and will be doing a full review closer to the publishing date on my feed in January.

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Lucie hasn't made love a priority since welcoming her now 12-year-old daughter, Maya, with her best friend. But then Lucie discovers Maya making a late night phone call to the local radio station's romance hotline to help her mom find love. Lucie ends up chatting with the show's host, Aiden, and their conversation goes viral, resulting in Lucie's own recurring segment on the show. Lucie and Aiden develop an easy rapport and start to develop feelings for each other, but Aiden has his walls up after watching his mom battle cancer for the past decade. Can Lucie learn to prioritize her needs and can Aiden open himself up to love even if it means the risk of heartbreak?

I really enjoyed the cast of characters in this story. Lucie and Aiden had great banter and this was a lovely journey for both of them, but I especially loved the addition of Maya's dad Grayson and his husband Mateo. As the mom of a young teenager, I could relate to Lucie's struggle to prioritize her own needs. And one of my favorite romance storylines is when one of the characters has to do the work to heal themselves from past heartbreak before they can move their relationship forward, so I really enjoyed seeing Aiden come to terms with how his mother's health journey impacted him and learn to move past that.

Overall: 4.5/5 rounded down
Spice: 1.5/3

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I loved this book. It was so fun, I loved Lucie and Aiden and all of their family and friends. The book was clearly inspired by Sleepless in Seattle and I loved that but feel like it was also original enough that it wasn’t just a copy paste of the movie. I thought the chemistry between Lucie and Aiden was great and I would happily hang out with other people in their world in more books.

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Jaded radio host Aiden Valentine has fallen out of love with love, while Lucie Stone thought she was doing just fine until her daughter calls into Aiden's show looking for help for her Mom. Lucy quickly becomes a radio sensation and everyone wants her to have her happily ever after, but date after disastrous date makes Lucy wonder what's wrong with her, while Aiden comes to realize he might not be done with love after all.

The banter between Aiden and Lucy was great. The side characters were lovable and laughable. Overall, one of the best romance books I've read in a while.

I received this advance review copy from NetGalley & the publisher for my honest review.

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Mark this down as one of my favorite books I read in 2024 and I did it all in one sitting.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Berkley Publishing for this early access e-ARC!!

This is my first time (no pun intended) reading a B.K. Borison book ( I know, I’ve been living under a rock apparently) and this won’t be my last!!!

I absolutely adored Aiden and Lucy’s story! Sleepless in Seattle inspired, umm hello, immediately yes!

Lucy is a single mother working as a mechanic to support herself and her daughter. She has a found family in her best friend, her coworkers and her ex-partner and father of her child and his husband Mateo. She isn’t looking for a relationship at all but one night she overhears her daughter talking to someone on the phone WELL past her bedtime. She bolts into the room and hears a full grown MAN on the phone and flips the crap out on him only to find out he is a host of a popular radio station show called Heartstrings. Lucy’s daughter had called in to get advice for her mother to the love hotline! How embarrassing lol! Lucy ends up having a conversation and gets very open with Aiden and Baltimore falls in love with her when the call goes viral.

Lucy agrees to come on the show and do a series with Aiden so she can find true love. Of course, along the way they end up falling for each other. *awwwww*

Aiden is the cutest with his secret list of Lucy’s favorite things and jealousy over her dates. He even shows up for her when she gets stood up! He knows he is not what she needs and can’t be the type of man to settle down but can’t come back from how hard he’s fallen for her.

Top tier banter and TENSION!!! 4 ⭐️ and 1.5 🌶️

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I couldn't put First-Time Caller down. The concept of this story was fun. I loved the radio show plotline. I liked that Borison sprinkled in clips from the show. Lucie and Aiden were fantastic main characters. They had all the traits you want to see in your main characters. Lucie was funny, vulnerable, and tough. Aiden was charming, sweet, and protective. The chemistry and banter were done perfectly. The back and forth between Aiden and Lucie had me swooning and laughing. I liked how Aiden was around Lucie. Their scenes together were sweet and romantic. The skee-ball scene with them was creative and cute! The side characters added a comedic and supportive layer to the story. I enjoyed Grayson and Jackson's characters. I also adored Maya and her shenanigans. I thought Lucie's co-workers could have been featured a little bit more. The story takes place in Baltimore and there are a lot of references to the city. Baltimoreans will read this book as a love letter to their city. I liked the little coincidences between Aiden and Lucie before they met in person. This was a fun little nod to the invisible string theory. I'd give the writing a four out of five stars. There were some instances where the writing felt too long. I also thought the metaphors were a little too heavy. Some of the metaphors felt unnatural to the characters voices. Overall, I really enjoyed this book. Thank you to NetGalley and Berkley for the ARC.

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Great banter and I loved the way it reminded me of Sleepless in Seattle! I love the grump sunshine trope and think fans of rom coms an Borison's other series will love it too!

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I thought this was a really cute and warm read. I was in a major reading slump and this pulled me out of it. It was so good! I really enjoy how relatable B.K Borison's writing is especially when it comes to the current dating scene. I loved it and I hope we can hear more about what happens next in Aiden and Lucie's life! I can't wait to see what comes next in the Heartstrings series! :)

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You know when a book leaves you speechless and how you just feel restless because how did you even exist before reading it? This book gave me that feeling! I finishes this book about a week ago and it's still in my heart! i can't stop thinking about it gaah!!

It was such a beautiful spin on the iconic movie, and it just really pulled at my heartstrings (you see what i did there ;,)) This is my favorite book so far from B.K., and I can't wait to pick up the physical book on release day!!!

Aiden was just perfection. i saw so many parts of myself in him. He was so human in a nutshell. I feel like so many people wait for the other shoe to drop, and the author did such a good job displaying the complexities of dealing with this perspective.

lucie! what a woman! I just resonated with her dejection of all things romantic but at the same time still whole heartedly wanting it! It gave me so much comfort and a feeling of community in the fact i am a hopeless romantic, but I am also done with romance!

The friendship and building of their relationship was so beautiful! I could talk on and on about this book! Please pick it up on release day you won't regret it!! and Maya what a sweetheart! She was the cutest ever!!! <3

I love how the author navigated these complex characters and their stories with such grace and sympathy! I love lovelight, but this one knocked me off my feet! I am so excited to see what is store for us !! <3

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When i finished Business Casual, Borison’s most recent release I remember thinking to myself, ‘each book seems to get more and more better than the last. I can’t wait to see what she does with her next one considering how good this one was.’


This book was the warmest hug a rom com could provide. It was not only entertaining and fun to read, but i cried (not just damp in the eyes, i mean CRIEDDDDD) for both sad and happy moments.

AND THE TENSION!?! I’m GAGGED!!! Borison really hit me with the “we shouldn’t do this. Tell me to stop” while they were rubbing noses. CALL A NURSE I’M GOING TO TO FAINT!

I fear BK might be writing too close to the sun at this point. Will my soul leave my body in her next work? Will she ascend to godhood, thus missing out on a US Tour? Will the Illuminati claim her for themselves? I guess only time will tell 🤷🏼‍♀️

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This was adorable quirky rom com. This will forever be a top pick and I will forever recommend it. I will definitely get a physical copy once it’s released.

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