Member Reviews

Count My Lies had me literally counting all of the lies from all of the characters as I binge read this un-put-downable novel in one sitting. You know from the beginning that Sloane is a compulsive liar but at first her lies seem harmless. She is just trying to fit in and make people like her. There is no way you will ever predict the twist that comes when you hear Violet’s story. And then, the ending will totally blow you away.

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This was a fun, twisty, and absorbing novel. I particularly enjoyed the multiple points of view which kept the narrative surprising and fresh. The book is character driven as well as driven by voice in compelling ways.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Gallery Books for providing this book, with my honest review below.

Count My Lies was a solid thriller with a few great twists that kept me engaged as I read it (and I can be a bit jaded when it comes to thriller plot lines).

Sloane Caroway is in fact a phony and a liar, trying to give everyone what they want (essentially to not glaze over at someone else) but she ends up telling the wrong lie and getting in over her head. We spend the first, and lengthiest, part of the book learning her background - why she lies, what that’s done in her childhood and her adult life - and getting into where her newest lie has led her, which seems like a dream as it’s a new job with a great couple. She starts to set her heart on the husband which is where we move to the next part of the book - the wife Violet’s perspective.

Violet turns the tables on us a bit and I loved this part though it ended just a bit too quickly. Still it was fascinating to learn what Violet knew and what she was planning, and it was great to get to know her own background and how her marriage was behind closed doors. When we got to the final unique perspective, Jay, the husband, I was ready to dig in for a harrowing ending. This is where the book fell flat a bit for me as this wrapped up way too quickly (including the climax as it related to him… both of them really).

I loved the build up here and while the ideas behind it aren’t wholly unique in the thriller genre they’re so well done that they feel fresh. I only wish the ending was better explored as it would have made this close to the perfect thriller.

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COUNT MY LIES by Sophie Stava is the perfect addition to the collection of wholly fun, delightfully romp-y, genuinely twisty thrillers. Sloane may be a liar, and she may do slightly (or very) suspect things to ingratiate herself into the Lockharts’ lives, but being in her head is an absolute pleasure since her voice is so, so strong. Then the TWISTS! I truly could not put this book down because I just needed to know what happened. Give this to readers who loved FIRST LIE WINS, LISTEN FOR THE LIE, and GONE GIRL.

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