Member Reviews

London Granger is an ex-model turned investigative journalist. She’s smart, capable and funny, but it is the sexy and seductive part which inevitably leads to her being underestimated and overlooked. She’s a wonderful character to follow, and I was thrilled she was the main character in Georgia Beers’ latest work, Can’t Buy Me Love.

Trying to get herself noticed for more than fluff pieces, London accepts an assignment to examine ‘What it’s really like to be a billionaire.’ It helps that the billionaire in question is the good looking, smart and capable Kayla Tennyson, who isn’t the morally bankrupt sociopath she could have been. Instead, Kayla is fundamentally decent, even if she’s tough in business and a player between the sheets.

I thoroughly enjoyed the set up, which gave Beers lots of opportunities to skip around with gorgeous people in great locations and give readers a holiday away from home. It also offered room for miscommunication, misconceptions, and adventures, which was really fun to read. Like most romances, I knew where this was going but the journey was a delight with some lovely surprises along the way. London is a fabulous character, and I laughed out loud several times. She’s a treat!

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Ugh, this is going to be a hard review for me because I really love the author but this time something was missing for me. I didn’t felt the chemistry between the characters and the plot itself felt a little flat. Overall it was a nice summer reading.

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Georgia Beers delivers a captivating, feel-good romance in Can't Buy Me Love, a novel filled with sharp wit, sizzling chemistry, and heartwarming moments. With a plot that blends investigative journalism, wealth, and the complexities of finding genuine love, this book offers a delightful mix of drama and charm, set against the picturesque backdrop of St. Kitts.

The story follows London Granger, a former model turned journalist, who is struggling to be taken seriously in her new career. Frustrated with fluff assignments, London is desperate to break into hard-hitting journalism. Her big break comes in the form of an unusual opportunity—an undercover assignment to explore "What’s it Really Like to Be a Billionaire?" Her mission lands her in the luxurious world of Miranda Northbrooke, a powerful media mogul, posing as her platonic companion on a glamorous getaway.

Enter Kayla Tennyson, the head of Tennyson Security, a successful businesswoman who protects high-profile clients and knows the billionaire world inside and out. Kayla has her own history with Miranda, a messy breakup that still haunts her, making her wary of new relationships. However, when she meets London while on assignment protecting a movie star at the same resort, sparks fly instantly. Kayla is intrigued by London’s charm, intelligence, and beauty, though she’s unaware that London is at the resort under somewhat false pretenses.

Beers does an excellent job developing the slow-burn tension between London and Kayla. Their attraction is palpable from the moment they meet, but both are hesitant—London because of her undercover assignment, and Kayla because she assumes London is involved with Miranda, her ex. This misunderstanding drives much of the tension in the novel, creating a delicious push-and-pull dynamic that keeps readers invested in their burgeoning relationship.

The setting of St. Kitts provides a perfect backdrop for the romance to unfold. The luxurious environment, coupled with Beers' rich descriptions, creates a sense of escapism, making the reader feel immersed in the tropical world of billionaires and beachside resorts. However, the opulence contrasts with London’s internal struggle—her desire to prove herself as a serious journalist while navigating her feelings for Kayla. This balance of internal and external conflicts adds depth to what could have been a simple romantic plot.

One of the key strengths of the novel is its portrayal of the two leads as fully realized, independent women. London is ambitious and determined, but she’s also vulnerable, unsure of how far she should go to achieve her goals. Kayla, on the other hand, is strong, confident, and successful, yet scarred by her past with Miranda, making it difficult for her to trust again. Their individual journeys are as compelling as their romantic one, giving the novel a satisfying emotional arc.

The primary conflict arises when London’s deception—her undercover investigation—threatens to undermine her relationship with Kayla. The tension builds as London wrestles with the ethics of her assignment and the risk of losing Kayla’s trust. Beers handles this dilemma well, giving the characters space to confront their insecurities and build genuine emotional intimacy despite the high-stakes scenario.

Final Thoughts:
Can't Buy Me Love is a delightful and heartwarming romance that explores themes of trust, honesty, and the search for authenticity in a world of wealth and status. Georgia Beers weaves together a light, fun story with moments of genuine emotional depth, making this novel both a page-turner and a feel-good escape. Fans of smart, witty contemporary romance with strong female leads will thoroughly enjoy this tale of love, ambition, and second chances in paradise.

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This was very difficult for me to write because I’ve been an avid fan of the author.
In general I felt like this novel was missing soul and pasión, could possibly be chemistry or that swoon factor proper of a romance story.
I didn’t really connect with the main characters or the circumstance in general.
Although the book was well written, it was just lacking a bit.
Do not recommend as being representative of the author’s work.

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I love Georgia Beers books she always captivates me with her characters and makes me enter their world so easily that many times I end up angry with one of them in particular , I can’t help it. But I promise you that in this book you are not going to get angry with anyone, in fact I feel that it lacks a little bit of angst, just a pinch.
I know how important representation is and I like that there are characters of different ages, but everything was so smooth. I wanted a little conflict, for the characters to fight for their happiness.
Regardlees, I really enjoyed the book and it made me think a lot about an Andy Anderson on how to lose a man...but sapphic version
London left the world of modeling and began a career in journalism with the dream of writing serious content about socioeconomic realities, but her editor only offered her vain articles about dating or lifestyle.
That's why when it occurs to her to change one of her articles and her editor manages to get her to follow one of the most relevant businesswomen to a luxurious island for a week, she thinks that nothing can go wrong.
But on an island full of millionaires and jet-setters, unforeseen events can always arise, which is why they both agree to keep the secret that she is a journalist and say that she is her companion. London can't risk this opportunity for anything or anyone, not even the beautiful woman she just met.
Kayla Tennison is not only the bodyguard of the star of the moment who is on a secret vacation, she is also the owner of the company and knows very well what the world of the richest is like, which is why she tries to stay as far away as she can, but London is nothing like she seems, especially when she discovers that she is her ex's companion, the most frivolous and dramatic woman she ever met in her life
I really enjoyed the book and the beautiful scenes that Georgia painted in my head while I was reading it. It is one of those books that allow you to travel to dreamy places and perfect dates while you’re comfortable reading in your cozy spot.
Thanks to Georgia Beers and Bold Stroke books for give me a copy of this beautiful book in exchange of my honest and voluntary opinion

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Can't Buy Me Love by Georgia Beers is a fun, light romance set against the backdrop of luxury and miscommunication. The story follows London Granger, a former model turned writer, who joins billionaire Miranda Northbrooke on a lavish vacation for an article. Enter Kayla Tennyson, a confident bodyguard, and sparks fly. However, complications arise from misunderstandings, especially Kayla’s belief that London is romantically involved with Miranda.

While the premise is intriguing, I found the relationship development between London and Kayla a bit lacking. The miscommunication trope felt overused, leading to frustrating moments, especially since the connection between the main characters felt rushed and not fully realised. There was potential for more depth in the narrative, but it leaned heavily on surface-level drama.

Though the story didn’t fully resonate with me, fans of slow-burn romances with a touch of escapism may enjoy this breezy, beach-read. Despite its flaws, it delivers lighthearted moments and some entertaining tension.

Many thanks to Netgalley and Bold Strokes Books for a copy of this novel. ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.

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I ended up not being a fan of this book. I think readers who like insta-love would have a better time reading this book. I didn’t find the relationship between London and Kayla believable, since they developed such strong feelings for each other after relatively few interactions.

The main obstacle to their relationship is the fact that Kayla believes London is dating Miranda (Kayla’s ex). London is a journalist, and she is actually traveling with Miranda to research a story she is working on. London doesn’t correct Kayla’s incorrect belief and her rationale for that decision didn’t seem satisfying to me. The main conflict in the story is also revealed on the back cover of the book, so it felt predictable when it finally happened.

I also didn’t find Miranda’s character interesting. London is spending time with Miranda in order to write an article about what it’s like to be a billionaire. I wasn’t curious about learning more about Miranda’s life or the difficulties associated with being a billionaire. It also felt like the narrative never resolved the tension between London wanting to write an article criticizing wealth inequality, but also wanting to become Miranda’s friend and write an article that showed her in a positive light. Readers more willing to suspend their disbelief around the premise of the article might not have as much of a problem with that aspect of the story.

Finally, I wished the book had contained a trigger warning. There is a subplot involving a side character being stalked and having her privacy invaded.

Thank you to NetGalley for an ARC of this book!

- bodyguard romance
- set on an island resort
- insta-love
- falling for your ex’s fake girlfriend
- secret identities

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Georgia Beers latest, Can’t Buy Me Love, is a well-crafted story with an engaging, fun narrative. This contemporary romance contains alluring leads that readers are sure to enjoy. However, while London and Kayla are solid, likable leading characters, it is Miranda Northbrooke, London’s boss, that really grabs one’s attention. Her “Miranda Priestly” overtones add rich, dynamic layers of complexity and tension. She jumps off the page every time she enters a scene, making the storytelling so much more engaging. She’s the perfect secondary character and I could not get enough of her!

Miranda is what I would call an ice queen with a soft center. The stark contrast between her cool exterior and her warm, vulnerable interior creates a compelling character dynamic. This duality makes her character more complex and interesting. Watching her gradually reveal her softer side to London provides not only a satisfying story arc but impactful storytelling as well. Those moments when Miranda’s true feelings break through her icy facade are potent and affecting for London; it all works to build a powerful and heartfelt connection with the reading audience.

As wonderful a character as Miranda is, she would not have much purpose without the leading ladies’ romance. Beers does a fine job scripting their journey to HEA, too. London and Kayla’s narrative offers a rich blend of themes, character dynamics and conflicts to captivate readers. By weaving together intriguing subplots, light-hearted humor and resonating emotional moments, Beers gives readers something to chew on. This is more than just a romance; it explores deeper issues: identity, trust, friendship and true connection. Ultimately, these characters’ journeys serve as a reminder that love, when rooted in honesty and understanding, can emerge even in the most complex of circumstances.

Final thoughts…

Friendships play vital role in this lovely narrative about falling in love while least expecting it. They not only provide a gateway for London and Kayla’s romance, but comic relief and introspection as well. Most importantly though, they help the storytelling truly resonate with readers. Through the significant and important friendships London and Kayla have in their lives, Beers shows the importance of true connection and how it can be a guiding light to true love. This well-crafted approach ensures that readers will not only be entertained but also inspired by the power of genuine, transformative love and connection, especially in a world that values distractions and showy facades. Ultimately, Can’t Buy Me Love underscores why Beers fans don’t hesitate to lay their money down for one of her novels.


Wonderful supporting characters
Intriguing subplots
Nice exploration of friendship
Engaging romance
Nice potential for sequel

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Really good book the main characters were such fun to get to know. Can't Buy Me Love was a well-written contemporary romance with low angst,and drama which made everything run smoothly. But I have to admit that I lost a bit of interest in the middle of the book it got a bit boring, but still this was a really good book to read, and I would definitely recommend this book to my friends and family and if you're looking for a fun book to read.then you cargo wrong with this one. I will definitely be looking out for what's next from this author.

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personally this was mid. i liked the idea of it and it had potential, but it fell flat with the plot and writing. the characters were fun and the cover is super cute

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Another great romance from Georgia Beers. Somehow she manages to take the basic romance troupe and turn it into a special story. She has a gift for dialogue and her characters are always interesting and engaging.
Sitting down with a romance novel written by her is like reuniting with an old friend.

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This was a decently cute sapphic romance with fun locations. It was a bit flat for me character and plot-wise, but it was a quick, pleasant enough read.

I read an ARC of this book from NetGalley. All comments are my own.

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I mean who doesn’t love a bodyguard. Clever that it wasn’t a predictable protectee/guard plot. There was a more interesting story than that, which developed very cleverly. I liked Miranda’s trajectory. Her character anchored the whole book. I also liked that Aria wasn’t written as a brat. Meaning the author didn’t dumb down anyone. The romance was well paced and sizzled in a couple of places. A good summer read given the tropical setting.

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A model-turned-investigative-journalist finds herself on the fast track to loving someone she probably shouldn't. A fan of reality TV shows or no, you're bound to be enraptured by this book!

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I'm a longtime fan of Georgia Beers and have read everything she's published. I'm finding lately that her books are either hit or miss for me - however, this one landed somewhere in the middle.

The premise of the book was promising and the characters were pretty well hashed out and believable. The characters of MIranda started as obnoxious and sleazy but is redeemed at the end. I especially liked the relationship she formed with Kayla's friend, which gave off Taylor Holland/Sarah Paulson vibes.

Overall I was underwhelmed by the book. Beers is at her best when she creates highly-charged emotional stories. This unfortunately missed that mark.

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Tennyson Securities got the call when media star Aria Keller with a couple of her friends to vacation with her while visiting St. Kitts. The hotel they’d be staying in had good security but with the press always after her it was decided to hire Kayla Tennyson to keep her safe. This was a world where Kayla was used to being around seeing that most of her clients were famous for one reason or another. The closest Kayla came was when she dated one of her clients, Miranda Northbrooke. It didn’t end well.
London Granger found herself on St. Kitts, working on a story about what it would be like to live like the super rich. To get there she was traveling as a companion with Miranda Northbrooke (Kayla’s Ex.). She is having fun but she didn’t seem to have enough time to pursue the beautiful security guard. Said guard was just as interested in London.
Ms Beers can and routinely does write books that I and other fans eagerly wait for the publishers to put out there for many romance readers. Very, very enjoyable read.
ARC via NetGalley/Bold Stroke Books

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Brooklyn is invited by a wealthy woman, Miranda, to accompany her on vacation and document her story. During the trip, Brooklyn encounters Kayla, a security guard for Aria. The narrative explores the mutual attraction between the women and their hesitation to act on their feelings. The book weaves together romantic tension and various dramatic elements. It comes recommended for fans of romance novels.

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Nice simple romance. We get a glimpse into the resort living of people with lots of money but nothing more than what we expected. There is instant attractions, the usual misunderstanding and then the getting back together. Epilog is predictable.
I'm sure I will be in the minority but it seems the last few Beers novel's have been light weight compared to previous novels, for example: Too close to touch; 96 hours and Fresh Tracks. I miss that author.
I was given this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Georgia Beers is one of my favorite authors and she did not disappoint with this beautiful well-crafted sapphic romance. Well done!! I recommend.

Thank you NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books.

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Georgia Beers is one of my favorite authors. Her characters are always well developed and fun. The stories are believable

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