Member Reviews

A great sapphic romance, fun read, and summertime book to cuddle up with. I enjoyed the main characters and the intrigue that came with the central plotline. Claire was my favorite, and I loved that it was an easy read to breeze through.

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An excellent beach read with a whole package of excessive luxury at the backdrop of gorgeous paradise island, missed chances, hot people -- all that familiar jazz but made sapphic, which is why I picked it up in the first place. It scratched the itch, and now I'm wistfully looking at the map wondering if the island is as good as it was described! :D

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I want to start by saying thank you to Georgia Beers and Bold Strokes Books for the ARC copy of Can't Buy Me Love. I deeply appreciate it.

Can't Buy Me Love is a fun, light, summery read about money, fame, miscommunication, and complicated love. London Granger, on assignment, gets to live the high life with billionaire Miranda Northbrooke, who she quickly finds friendship with. While at their St. Kitts resort for the week, she runs into Kayla Tennyson, the strong, confident, and thoughtful owner of Tennyson Security, and it doesn't take long for a spark to form between them. Little does London know, Kayla is actually the ex-girlfriend of her billionaire companion - one of many complications on their path.

Beers wrote an enjoyable beach read here. Candidly, though, it was not my cup of tea. I'm sure many will enjoy this playful romp, but I did struggle as the book progressed with a lack of substance. There were a few words and phrases that I could tell were author favorites, and it was hard not to notice the repetition. I also found the brief mentionings of wealth disparity without any real substance to be more offputting than insightful, as though they were thrown in to show the main character in a better light with no other purpose.

Readers who seek escapism, easy reads, and a little bit of tension to kick it up a notch will probably have a good time. There were a few scenes that had me glued in, and I enjoyed learning about Miranda more than I expected to. I wish it was more my cup of tea as I loved the concept, but preferences are there for a reason.

Thank you again for the ARC!

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First of all, I would like to thank Bold Strokes Books for giving me this free Arc and especially Netgalley. Thank you to these publishers for the opportunity to read this book for free and in advance. I would like to thank the author of this book for writing this story. I really appreciate your work, and I hope you create and write more stories!

The description of the book caught my interest, and I really loved mysteries and spies. Besides that, I also loved reading romance books. Well, this book is mixed of those, and that's why I picked it. This book is about London Granger, whose boss gave her an assignment about "what's it really like to be a billionaire" so her boss assigned her to St. Kitts to meet Miranda Northbrooke, a media mogul.

I liked the writing of this book, and it was nice. It keeps me reading, and the story is getting interesting. I like the plot of the book, which got me hooked up like it surprised me. This book also has a touch of humor, which made me giggle for some of the chapters. I recommend this book to anyone who likes to read adventure with a touch of romance. I will rate this book 4 stars.⭐⭐⭐⭐

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I love a sapphic romcom, I love a missed connection romance, and I love a story with a great setting, and this book has all three. London, Kayla, & Miranda Make for a spectacular trio for a love triangle, but all isn’t what it seems, which is really enjoyable to read about. I’ve never been to St. Kitts or Nevis, and now not only am I determined to go, but I’m also determined to have my own little romcom vacation there— maybe not a missed connection, and certainly not with an ex, but the resort setting in this book is a character in itself, and I’m so looking forward to finding out if Georgia Beers undersold a country that, according to Can’t Buy Me Love, is nothing short of paradise. I do wish there’d been a little more comeuppance for our B-story bad guy— the ending there felt a little unsatisfying, if I’m honest, and I was left wishing there was an aside to a more fitting ending while we got our happily ever after (one of our heroines does work for a magazine after all, and I can’t imagine his presence on her research trip didn’t make the story she was working on even in a passion mention). Over all, I had a great time reading this book, and I’m excited to dive into more of Georgia Beers’ stories.

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Can't Buy Me Love was a fun read full of emotional ups and downs. A beachy read that never got too heavy with a HEA. And as a native New Yorker, I especially liked the realistic descriptions of NYC.

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Lovely summer read. It was nice to get a glimpse into the life of a billionaire !! I liked London and Kayla equally but loved the supporting role from Claire. It was an enjoyable read, predictable but heart warming !

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Spending a week on a beautiful island resort with a billionaire? Sounds like a great job if you can get it...or in London's case, a great assignment. She is accompanying Miranda as she vacations so she can interview her, and live the life of a billionaire for a week, then write an article about what she learns. There is a lot going on in this summer loving read. Beers even throws a few twists in for Kayla, the hot security company owner, and ex of Miranda who happens to be at the resort guarding a famous young actress and her cousin and BFF,
Just reading about the scenery alone is worth the read. I wanted to jump in a private jet and go the St Kitts right away. (once I found out where it was and then someone loaned me there private jet and and gave me a million dollars.)
If you are looking to fill a Bingo reading slot, there are several options here. Kick back, grab an old fashioned (just hearing about Miranda and London drinking one in the pool makes me want to try one) and enjoy the read.

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This was a home run hit! I love Kayla and London together, and their first kiss was described so perfectly! I appreciate how Miranda has many layers, but it's clear that Kayla deserved the best. I enjoy the way Miss Georgia Beers writes her characters in such great detail. I always feel like I'm part of the story, and watching everything unfold from a corner. The setting on St. Kitts was truly magical, and I loved reading this story while I was on my own vacation. I felt like this story had everything! - romance, suspense, heartache, and excitement - all kept me turning the page quickly. I would definitely recommend this book to everyone who is a fan of beautiful love stories. I cannot wait for your next one, Georgia! Keep 'em coming, thanks so much for the great reads!

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This book was FANTASTIC! Oh my goodness, I could not put it down. The creativity behind this story was unbelievable. It was so unique to watch the characters evolve. I felt like I was at St. Kitts as well, and I desperately wanted to be a security guard on Kayla's team! I loved the chemistry between our two main characters. It's so relatable when you want to be with someone, but navigating through various circumstances can be tricky. I always enjoy the way Ms. Beers describes her characters. Miranda is a very complex person, but I love the way she acknowledges how special and wonderful Kayla truly is as a person. I also like that London is not just some former model, but a truly passionate and credible writer. It was easy to root for Kayla and London from the moment they met. I only wish that this story was longer! I cannot wait for the next one, and I highly recommend you read this immediately!

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"Can't Buy Me Love" is a delightful read that follows London Granger, a former model turned investigative journalist, as she embarks on an assignment to write an article about what it's really like to date a billionaire. Her target is the wealthy and glamorous Miranda Northbrooke, CEO of the media group that owns the company she works for. But things take an unexpected turn when London meets Miranda's ex, Kayla Tennyson, who owns a top-notch security firm.

Georgia Beers deviated a bit from her usual formula with this one, just as she did with her previous book, but it totally worked for me. The fresh approach, combined with her signature style, made for a refreshing and enjoyable read.

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I received an ARC copy of this book from the Publisher via Netgalley and voluntarily leaving my review.

London wants to be taken serious with her journalism after she gave up a career as a model but all anyone will give her to write is fluff stories. When her friend Claire courage her she pitches an idea to write on how the other half lives as she accompany media mogul Miranda. Kayla has build her company from the ground up she protects the rich and famous but she has troubling finding who is real and fake especially having been involved with Miranda. London and Kayla meet and there is an interest but there are misunderstandings because each is withholding from each other. This was cute read with angst but not too much.

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Not a millionaire but a billionaire....hummm. Kayla Tennyson, built "Tennyson Securities" from the ground and caters to the rich. Kayla has more "benjamins" than she can spend. She was in a relationship with Miranda Northbrooke that did not end well. On a current assignment she meets London Granger, ex-model that gave up her career for investigative journalism. London is bummed that she is assigned to write "fluff" pieces. She decides to be more assertive with the encouragement of her apartment mate, Claire and gets an assignment that has her writing about the life of billionaires. She is able to travel with Miranda Northbrooke. London and Kayla meet and there is interest. Neither London nor Kayla have all the information, therefore as they interact, interest is there but both can tell something is missing. The secondary characters are a positive addition to the story, especially London's friend Claire. St. Kitts sounds lovely. What an easy read while laying on the beach under an umbrella sipping a lemonade :)

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This is a great mix of a perfect light summer read with just a little more substance to it. While the romance between London and Kayla was a little too full of easily-solved misunderstandings for my taste, it was cute to see them get to fall for each other in such a beautiful location.

I also really enjoyed London's friendship with Miranda (though I do wish we got a little more of /why/ Miranda and Haley clicked so well, we're just kind of told it, and given how both of them are shown, it doesn't quite make sense, but this isn't their story) and her jump into how the 1% live. There were a few things that were jarring - that she kept thinking about having an expensive, extravagant meal while someone slept in the doorway next door, which....definitely also happens in New York, where she lives, as well as aside from one brief mention of a housekeeper, we don't at all consider the tailored luxury of the resort versus the people who live and work on the island. It made the jump from an article to a whole book really rather strange, since I didn't know what sort of topics (other than Miranda never having anyone around her who will tell her the truth) would be covered.

The last section of the book also felt like a jump, almost like a different book in how different the tone was and the insta-love. But overall it was a quick, fun summer read.

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A confusing blurb had me mistakenly anticipate a possible relationship between Miranda and London, though it was quickly cleared out when the two mc met.

It was a sweet and slow pace romance where two mc met on vacation island during different assignments, their attraction with each other were immediate, conversations flowed easily, though I had a some issue with insta-love, I still thoroughly enjoyed it, it's a solid good book written by author.

Special thanks to netgalley and publisher for the arc.

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Okay, WOW. Thank you NetGalley for sending me this copy and finding me a new author that I enjoy reading. This is why I love NetGalley, because I can explore different authors and find my favorites. Can't Buy Me Love was very enjoyable. Georgia Beers knows how to describe authors perfectly and it feels like you're watching this play out right in front of you. I definitely didn't expect the plot twist to happen. You would expect London to fall in love with Miranda, because that's how the story usually pans out. But I was shocked when the story line went with London falling for Kalya (which was Miranda's Ex-girlfriend) and head security for high end actresses/important people. I really liked how London was a former model, turn journalist/writer, who exposed the truths. Her article about how millionaires differentiate from ordinary people was very shocking but it was all truthful. I really enjoyed this author and I'm excited to read more books by her.

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I wasn't too sure what to rate this book but I settled for around 4 stars read. It is a good cosy romance book with a bit of drama on the side. The characters are likeable which is always a plus (I found Kayla to be the most likeable - with a few side characters sticking my liking too!).

The concept of the story line is one I have not seen before. You get a lot of billionaire romances but you don't see ones with the character researching into their world - thus, I really enjoyed it! I did wish we got more insight into what London ended up writing in her book.

I really liked the twist of which character knew who and a bit of drama with the actresses fan. The ending scenes were quite romantic and I also really enjoyed how it all tied in together.

As someone who doesn't like a lot of descriptive paragraphs that are not really part of the action, I did struggle at times as there are loads of those in the book. It dragged out some scenes a bit and sometimes they felt like they were not that necessary. I also wished the chapter were shorter and not just divided between the characters in one chapter - then they could be character specific.

Nonetheless, I see how this read be everything other readers are looking for and would recommend if someone is looking for a quite quick summer holiday romance read.

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This wasn't the best of Beers books. I enjoyed her most recent one much more than this.

London Granger was a model, now a writer and gets a big break when she pitches an idea for a story about billionaires with the elusive Miranda Northbrooke who whisks her off on vacation to see how the other half lives.

Kayla Tennyson is a bodyguard to celebrities and has built her company from the ground up and made it one of the most successful private security firms in the country.

London and Kayla meet and there is an instant connection, but there are complications galore. The blurb was a little misleading in regards to why London is with Miranda and there was a ton of miscommunication. It was a very very slow burn with not much relationship between the MCS till the very end.

Overall, it wasn't a bad book. but it won't be at the top of my favorites list. I received and an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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A romance set against the glamorous backdrop of St. Kitts between a former model turned journalist and a self-made security mogul. Their chemistry is undeniable, and the story beautifully explores themes of trust, authenticity, and ambition. With smart dialogue, sizzling tension, and heartfelt moments, this book is a winner for me.
Free ARC via NetGalley.

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This is one of those books where the side characters and friendships really shined for me rather than the main plot. I did really like the chemistry between Kayla and London. Most of the time I don't favor the instant attraction/instant love angle, but something about them made it work. Their interactions were cute and the whole situation with Miranda created an impending sense of disaster that kept me reading. However, the relationships between Kayla and Aria, Miranda and London, Kayla and her mom, etc, appealed more to me. Particularly, I liked Miranda and London's relationship. At first Miranda isn't painted in the best light, but as London sees more to her than the stereotypical, so do we. I ended up rooting for their friendship a lot by the end of the novel. Overall, while not my favorite from Georgia Beers, "Can't Buy Me Love" is still a cute fun read. 4.1/5 stars.

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