Member Reviews

Elodie is computer software developer who still study , she's a nice girl who believes woman sould got each other back so when she saw a woman seems to argue with a guy despite her fear she intervene but found out, fact the due are supernatural being and they weren't arguing but conversing, though it was too late and the bond with the dragon August triggered by her coming near him and put her smell in August system unintentionally and nothing could be changed except they move together and stick together in not a really platonic way but if they could resist the heat , they can break the bond, wich was preferable for both August and Elodie but their heat won't go out and as much as they have the reason to deny it , they still complete the bond

The book is set in a fantasy world in which dragons, humans, vampires, and demons exist, so a world full of hot guys and red flags since Elodie's ex was a vampire and he hurt her previously, so not all the creatures meant good. The book is fast-paced, and there is a dual pov of August and Elodie. Their chemistry worked like that from the start of the book, and the author seems to be in a hurry to bond Elodie and August because the book is like page 2 and the great start. There is a special open mind, something that makes me question some morals, but still, the book has the potential to be funny to some extent.

I especially think nothing would start if Elodie just stock her nose to her own business like always and ignore her surroundings as usual, but no, she has to exactly intervene when it's not even necessary because it was just August and his sister talking about something and she should assume things on her own. It's really cliché but fun; there are times you have an impression, but when I hear August think, I have this thought, The poor guy doesn't know what he should do, and especially since Elodie is, and especially since Elodie is hot-headed and chaotic, but I think it's an added charm since if you are a veteran reader, you could guess the book easily and lose interest.

The narrator's voice was too hot.

I decide the plot, however easy to guess, but it was entertaining since the book is full of teasing and fun times, so I rate it 3.5, and the spice... they start the heat from the first 2 pages. How about you guys read it and find out? The book guarantees the good time, and if you haven't read other Lola Glass books, you might like to start since the previous couple's interaction in the book seems hilarious and sure can be intriguing, like Brynne's relationships with Bash from August pov are hilarious, and, nor gonna lie, I want to know what really happened to her, so yeah, good book.

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For me, this entire thing was about s*x and had no real plot. I wanted the dangers and adventure of being mated to a supernatural being, and instead got a whole book about being in heat like animals.

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In this steamy standalone romance, Elody finds herself trapped in a cabin with August, a dragon shifter she unintentionally triggers into a heat-induced mating process. They must resist their intense attraction to avoid sealing their bond and facing a lifetime together. The twist? August is about to go to prison for protecting his sister, and if they give in to the heat, Elody will be bound to him and face prison too. The story is filled with tension, and while the plot and world-building are minimal, the chemistry between the characters keeps it engaging. Dual narration adds depth, making this a quick, passionate listen for fans of supernatural romance.

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I absolutely loved this story! I knew immediately that it would be a new favorite and I could not put it down. Dragons, fated mates, look at her and die, and dominant female. I am obsessed with this book now. I can’t wait for the next book. Everything was perfect, I could not have asked for a better story with everything I wanted. The narrators did an amazing job in this story and helped bring it to life. The only thing that might be a problem for other readers is that this story has the miscommunication trope which is not a favorite for most but I don’t mind.

I definitely recommend this book to everyone and I hope they enjoy it as much as I did!

Thank you to the author, Dreamscapes Media, and NetGalley for this audiobook.

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This is a dual narrated audiobook. The voice actor for Elodi did a great job, different voices for the different characters and kept a great pace and flow through the book and keep the listener engaged. I wasn't super into the voice of the male voice actor, but he did a good job on his chapters. His voices were a little harder to distinguish for some of the male characters, but overall still able to tell who was saying what (more or less).

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Never Fall for a Dragon is like fantasy romance lite. The story is rather simple, but that's not a bad thing! This was a great one sitting read that I didn't have to think about to much and could turn my brain off and go along for the ride. I'm interested in picking up the sequels and finding out more about the world. The spice was fun, I enjoyed the forced proximity, and the audiobook was well done. I wish the conflict had been a bit more fleshed out. It felt like it was resolved a little too quickly.

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World building is minimal, plot is minimal, but the angsty sexual tension bits are well done.
Did the lack of plot and world building matter much?
Did I enjoy it?
Will I read the next book?
Much love to NetGalley & Dreamscape Media for my ALC.

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I did not expect for this audiobook to be as SPICY as this was! Honestly, it was so well done by the narrators - they took on the roles of the two main characters perfectly. I am not typically a fan of insta-love, but this one I enjoyed! There was angst, sexual tension, banter and some comedy served on the side. Also, August is such a perfect book boyfriend - I loved how much he adored Élodie but he also had a grumpy confidence to him as well. That dragon is HOT! It was fast paced and I really loved the world building and side characters. I can’t wait for Miranda and Jasper’s story next!

Thanks so much to NetGalley, Lola Glass and Dreamscape Media for providing me with an advanced listener copy of Never Fall for a Dragon.

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Yes, yes, yes! I've found a new must listen series and I am so here for it! I have been on a shifter romance kick lately and am thrilled to have found a dragon shifter series that is perfect as there are also other supernatural's mentioned so that leaves the field wide open for the author to create a vibrant, varied and widely creative series of stories to feed my needs! The characters are wonderfully written with a bit of instant attraction with a potential mate bond being activated, but enough angst and intrigue with a prison sentence looming in the future to keep things really interesting. The spice is wonderfully hot, I mean dragons, so heat is to be expected! Yep, double meaning absolutely meant! LOL! Seriously though, the book was so much fun to listen to while feeding the spice needs as well as the plot needs of this rabid reader to be fully satisfied....although ready for more, more, more! I can't wait for other characters to get their chance to shine in their own stories! The dual narration really helped bring the characters to life and I will definitely be adding this series to my must listen list!

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"I'm trapped in a cabin with a gorgeous dragon shifter."
A sweet and steamy paranormal romance 🥰

I'm a huge fan of Lola Glass work and to have the opportunity to listen to an audio of this book was such a good experience. 'Never Fall for a Dragon' is the first book of her 'Mate Mountain' series.

The main characters are Elody, is a human girl trying to live a normal live and August, is a dragon shifter and guard of the supernatural prison. Different worlds right? Yes, but with a little incident everything will change in their lives.
I've read various dragon romance but and can affirm that Lola Glass is an expert in dragon smutty romance. August and Elodie had such intense chemistry and passion you can deny.

If you're looking for an entertaining plot storyline a with a force proximity trope is one is for you. But it doesn't end there. The reader will find also in this book, banter, angst, a virgin hero and heroine a "normal girl" in a paranormal world trope. Overall, this book is mostly smut with a very sweet love story.

This audiobook was told in dual pov via dual narration by Nick Mondelli and Renee Thorne. And they did an awesome job!.

I'm most grateful to NetGalley and Dreamscape Media for approving me for this audio ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I adored August and Elodie's chemistry. The push and pull throughout the book made me burn up right along with their combined heat. I've now been sucked into book 2 because I couldn't stay away from Mate Mountain!

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I absolutely devoured this book! The way Lola tells a story is nothing short of amazing. The spice was perfect and never felt uncomfortable. The main characters were all portrayed well and in a way that helped you gain a knowledge of who they were without unnecessary information.

From the very beginning this book had me giggling and kicking my feet. Auggie is the perfect book boyfriend.

I look forward to the rest of the series and more of Lola's work.

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finished this audiobook in one afternoon, its fast paced which made it easy to keep my headphones on while doing all me weekly meal prep.

while the *plot* is there, this book is pretty centered on the smut. with not much depth to the characters imo, in such that any potential romance is overshadowed by the sex.
the main trope of this book is forced proximity - when the FMC (Elody) and a dragon shifter (August) spark a mating bond and have to live together for weeks.
there isn't much in the way of worldbuilding for this tbh if you are looking for a surface level easy read/listen here you go!

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Super cute modern shifter fantasy romance!
4/5 peppers
4/5 stars overall!

Forced Proximity
One Bed

This one starts out hot and fast and doesnt stop!

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Thank you, NetGalley, publisher, and author, for giving me the opportunity to listen to this e-audiobook arc.

"Never Fall for a Dragon" This book was predictable in the best possible sense. If you're familiar with a not-so-serious shifter romance, this book is exactly that. I've read a couple of books from "Lola Glass,"  so in a sense, I had an idea of what I was getting into. The spicy scenes were good but I would've loved a bit more banter and a hint of more romance between  Elodie? ELodi & August. I will be continuing the series and I'm interested to see what the brothers are up to!

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I wasn't really sure what I was expecting from this book, but I am left feeling a bit underwhelmed all the same.
We are dropped into this world with no map, no compass, no satellite phone; just the clothes on our back and hope for the best. Miss girl was eavesdropping, got the wrong impression, and decided to take matters into her own hands and confront this huge guy because... why? I don't know. We don't know anything. Then we're being kidnapped without our phone and being told not to look at the demon, and like... So much happened, and we're left reeling because WHAT? I don't even know. Nothing made sense, and nothing was explained.
And that's the vibe for the whole book. Throw in some sex scenes - okay, a lot of sex scenes - and some down time chilling on the front porch swing, and that's the whole book. Oh, and a visit to the prison that's as anti-climatic as the "project for school" she keeps working on.

Some things I liked about this book:
The cover is STUNNING. The flowers, the mountains in the background, the shades of red with a pop of green foliage. The cover is what drew me in immediately; dragon in the title sealed the deal.
The flying scene was pretty neat. I like how dragons enjoy flying with their mates, sharing that part of themselves.

Some things I didn't like about this book:
After the initial "heat is upon us" scene, which literally happens 2 pages in with no backstory on any characters, nothing significant happens. The temp goes up and some sexy times ensue. But that's pretty much it. The plot itself would have been good if done right, but this was not the way to go about it. It was stagnant and really, non-existent for 75% of the book.
The world building was minimal. We have a list of supernatural creatures, but no explanation about how the world works, how they interact, power dynamics, etc. We know dragons can shift, but do any other creatures shift? Do they have magic? Does everyone get along? So many basic questions were left unanswered.
The ending left much to be desired. How the prison issue was handled was baffling. I didn't understand any of it. It should not have been that easy for Elody to sneak into August's cell. The commanders shouldn't have allowed her to stay. It was ridiculous and caused a decent amount of eye-rolling. Also, Elody's illness was never explained. It seemed to be this big issue, and then it was suddenly never spoken about again.

The only thing I really gathered from this book is she fell for him because he gave her foot rubs every day. We really don't see them doing anything else non-sexually.

The narrators did a wonderful job bringing these characters to life. They gave them more personality than the writing did, which honestly is what helped me to finish the book.

2.5/5 stars rounded up.

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A fast-paced and steamy paranormal romance

If you want something quick and straightforward, this is for you. If you're looking for a story with more depth and world-building, you might want to skip this one.

***Thank you to NetGalley, Lola Glass, and Dreamscape Media for graciously sending me the audiobook to review. As always, all thoughts are my own.***

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4 ⭐️ 4🌶
Dragon Shifter spicy romantasy, HEA, stand alone

Elodi (I hope I'm spelling that right as I only heard the name pronounced) and August accidently ignite a dragon mate process called heat, right before August is supposed to go to jail for the illegal means he took to protect his sister (which i personally think he was completely justified in doing). Mates cannot be separated once their seal their mate bond, so Elodi and August have to resist the mate bond's magic, despite the insatiable lust they feel for each other... for four weeks. It should come as no surprise that this book is essentially smut. Did I enjoy it? Absolutely! I kept finding myself thinking "girl why are you resisting this man?!... oh right, impending jail..." Someone please stick me in a gorgeous cabin in the woods with a gorgeous, built man who caters to my every need and cooks for me, with no financial or work responsibilities. That sounds like heaven! Does our duo manage to stave off sealing their mate bond and keep Elodi from going to jail with August? Read this book to find out.

This is a dual narrated audiobook. The voice actor for Elodi did a great job, different voices for the different characters and kept a great pace and flow through the book and keep the listener engaged. I wasn't super into the voice of the male voice actor, but he did a good job on his chapters. His voices were a little harder to distinguish for some of the male characters, but overall still able to tell who was saying what (more or less).

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2.5 out of 5 stars (rounded up) | 4 out of 5 peppers.

This fated mate romantasy was extremely romance and spice heavy - the first fantasy I have read that was less plot and more spice. I do like the fated mate trope as well as the inexperienced MMC sub-trope. The characters were very likable but the lack of romantic build-up before they became fated mates left without much emotional attachment to the success of their relationship. I also struggled a lot with the involvement of side characters in their relationship and the painful nicknames the FMC & MMC had for each other.

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The audio bumped this review to a 4 stars but the story is more of a 3 star. This is a very fast paced low plot book. August and Elodie invoked a dragon mating bond meeting as strangers and have 4 weeks to sort of fight the cycle of the bond while towards the end August also has to go to jail for protecting his sister. This is one for those who love straight mating bond only plots. The ending has a very slight tease of the next storyline as well.

I really loved the narrators by Nick Mondelli; Renee Thorn. They were a first for me and they both did great jobs.

I received this audiobook at my request and have voluntarily left this unbiased review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

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