Member Reviews

This one has two POVs from two different women that we don't initially know how they are connected, if at all!

Laurel and Rob move into a house on Cold Creek Lane and things start getting weird. The neighbor is always on Laurel about how to raise her kids and all the neighbors seem to be hiding a secret about the house they just moved into.

I could not predict what was going to happen in this book. I was trying to figure out how two of the characters were connected and int the end was very wrong about one of the neighbors.

This one has a lot of postpartum issues women face and a husband who doesn't always seem supportive!

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I went into this book not knowing too much about it and I suggest you do the same.
This had me going back and forth as to which characters I could trust and wondering how both Mothers stories connected. I feel like it was a little predictable but it was a fun ride.

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Thanks to #NetGalley and #DreamscapeMedia for the book #TheHouseOnColdCreekLane by #LizAlterman. Rob and Laurel have moved into a new house on Cold Creek Lane and the neighbors are not really normal. There is the old lady who is very opinionated about their kids, the flirty neighbor and the overly nice neighbor. Corey used to live on the same house. She knows the neighbors very well and blames one of them for her daughter’s death. Corey and Laurel have never met, but maybe they one can save the other. What a wonderful, suspenseful book!

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I enjoyed this book. I listened to the audiobook and it kept my interest. I didn’t care for the husband’s character. He seemed to know it all. The ending was unexpected, but also tied everything together which I liked. I liked the narrator and her different voices, except the child voice drove me crazy.

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“The House on Cold Creek Lane" is a gripping dark thriller that explores themes of motherhood, loss, and grief through dual perspectives. The novel keeps readers engaged with its thrilling storyline from beginning to end.

Laurel is a mother striving to meet her family’s expectations and dealing with a husband who constantly undermines her efforts. I was not a fan of her husband Rob, he doesn’t get what his wife is going through. Laurel tries so hard to prove to him she is a strong and capable mother. I really felt for her but I was sad she just let him walk all over her.

The other view point in this book is Corey, a grief stricken woman who lost her two year old daughter. She is the previous owner of the House on Cold Creek. After her loss Corey sells her home and moves to Florida to stay with her mother. Her life is at a crossroads while she struggles to face her grief, she wishes revenge on those who did her wrong. This leads her to make questionable decisions. I really liked Corey she had a take no crap personality. I didn’t agree with her decisions, but I could understand them.

The House on Cold Creek is a satisfying read and brought me out of my reading slump. I highly recommend checking this one out.

Thank you to NetGalley for giving me an audio ARC of this book. The narrators were amazing and did a great job with the characters.

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Liz Alterman has given us a tense thriller to sink our teeth into. The characters were well fleshed out and relatable – I can certainly relate to the perils of Motherhood, the difficulty making friends and dynamics between husband and wife. I think that’s why I enjoy reading about suburban life - especially when you throw in some murder and mystery!

I enjoyed Alterman’s writing style, it was easy to follow even though there were lots of characters to keep track of. The book kept me on my toes throughout, I knew it would all become clear in the end, but it had me guessing who was responsible for this awful thing. Just when I thought I had called it, Alterman surprises me again with another twist at the end.

It was nice listening to this on Audio, but I did find some of the characters voices quite annoying – especially Jasper and the husband. The husbands character was also very frustrating throughout.

All in all, I enjoyed my introduction to Liz Alterman’s work and I would definitely check out her other titles. Thanks to NetGalley and the Publisher for this ARC.

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When Laurel and her husband move into a seemingly idyllic New Jersey suburb, they're confident they've made a great decision for their family. Unfortunately, they soon find out that the neighbors are an interesting- and potentially dangerous- cast of characters. Laurel has to figure out who she trust and who is threatening her family before someone gets hurt.

I really enjoyed this one! At first I struggled a bit to keep some of the women straight because there are a number of similarly aged woman involved and a lot going on, but I got it down pretty quickly and the story moved fast. I love that there were two different storylines colliding, loved all the people involved in both storylines, the whole thing just moved really well I blew through it quickly. I would definitely like to read more from this author!

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When Laurel and Rob West move into their new home in New Jersey, it seems too good to be true. But Laurel can't shake off her old feelings of anxiety. The neighbor who pays far too much attention to the Wests' two young children . . . Rob watching her every misstep . . . and there's something people aren't telling her about this house . . .

This book is told from the point of view of two women, One is a new mom ish that just moved into neighborhood with secrets and the other living with her elderly mom in Florida but has some drama in her past.

When I tell you I did not like this husband in this book I did not like this husband. He was not supportive, never took his wives side, and even made plans with people she did not feel comfortable with.

That being said, this is a solid thriller. I listened to it at 2x speed and had it done quick just to see what happens. Great narrator!

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Book Title: The House on Cold Creek Lane
Author: Liz Alterman
Format: 🎧
Narrators: Emily Ellet and Gail Shalan
Publisher: Dreamscape Media
Genre: Mystery/Thriller
Pub Date: August 6, 2024
My Rating: 4 Stars
Pages 346

Laurel and Rob West are expecting another baby and need more space. Laurel has been ordered bed rest so Rob does the house hunting.
He finds an ideal Cape Cod-style house in New Jersey- it seems too good to be true especially when the owner accepted the offer of $20,000 below asking price.
Although Laurel likes the house, she is not comfortable and has a bad feeling.
The neighbor on one side is Marion a nosey elderly woman who notices everything and anything regarding Jasper and Poppy.
On the other side is Addie: who is appears to be the kind of friend Laurel needs.
However Laurel believes there is something no one is telling her about this house…

Story is told from the POV of Laurel and Corey who used to live there.
Corinne ‘Corey’ Sutton is recovering from a recently divorce as well as the loss of their three-year-old daughter Frankie.
Corey sold her home and moved into her widowed mother's Florida retirement condo in Florida.
Everyone says Corey just needs some time to recover and rebuild.

I was saddened by Corey’s lost – cannot imagine anything as horrible as losing a child. I ‘get’ that she is upset and angry. She believes a neighbor had something to do with Frankie’s death. She is trying to deal with Frankie’s death on her own terms.
She is so unlikeable; I found myself dreading her chapters. She definitely needs to come with a ‘foul language’ warning.

Laurel is dealing with the loss of her mother who was killed when Laurel was twelve. Her mother worked in the loan office at the ban an irate customer shot her when his load was declined. The killer has been release on ‘good behavior’ and Laurel believes she sees him and he wants to do harm to her and her family.

I do love a good audiobook and although these two narrators were both great – I had a problem with three year old Jasper’s annoying voice. However, I was curious.
I read a lot of thrillers so am always suspicious and expect a surprise at the end. I was not disappointed. The ending had me pleased that I put up with Corey’s language and Jasper’s voice.

Want to thank NetGalley and Dreamscape Media for this early audiobook.
Publishing Release Date scheduled for August 6, 2024

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Thank you NetGalley and Severn House Publishing for this ALC! Release date 8.6.24

The House On Cold Creek Lane is a now and then POV from two different characters in two different time frames, both going through tragic or difficult times. Laurel, mom of two, moves into a new house with her husband and kids, and is finding it difficult to adjust to suburban life. She is weary of an elderly neighbor and is being pressured by her husband to “relax”. Corey, has suffered a catastrophic loss and is longing for something and someone she cannot have. When the two worlds collide, the twists and turns come together for a dramatic and unpredictable ending.

I loved listening as both stories unfolded, wanting to know more about Corey as it felt like Laurel was more of the MC. I did find the audible voice for Laurel’s son, Jasper, obnoxious, but then again, toddlers are just that otherwise, the narration was smooth and easy to listen to.

I struggled a bit at the end, trying to understand what was planned/surprise. It felt rushed, like the whole book lead up to this big finale and there wasn’t enough time left to fully explain it.

Overall, I still gave the story a 4⭐️ review. It’s one I will recommend when someone requests a “twist I don’t see coming”!

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I previewed "The House on Cold Hill Creek Lane" from NetGalley as an audiobook that follows two women, Laurel and Corey. Initially, their connection was unclear, leading to some confusion. However, the plot intensifies, particularly with Laurel's development. The child's voice narration was occasionally distracting but the ending was satisfying and kept me guessing about the intertwining of the narratives. Corey's story was particularly engaging, while Laurel's husband Rob evoked frustration. Some mysteries were predictable, suggesting the need for more misdirection. I anticipate reading more works by Liz Alterman.

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A 4.5/5.
This book had me sucked in from the first chapter.
I had anxiety listening to this whole book. I loved the use of foreshadowing in this book. It did make things a little obvious for me but Laurel wasn’t seeing that…so I was holding my breath the whole time.
I definitely didn’t see the ultimate ending coming.
Highly recommend!

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This was my first experience with Liz Alterman's work but it will definitely not be my last! This book grabbed my attention right out of the gate and sucked me in for what turned out to be a crazy and wild ride. Domestic suspense is my favorite kind and this book did not disappoint. And while there were parts that were predictable - there were enough twists to keep it fresh and engaging.

I can't say there were any really likeable characters - but the way the story came together had each of them perfectly cast. The audio narration was great and this was an all-around great listen! I definitely recommend putting it on your TBR - you won't be sorry!

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3.5 stars

"No kids? No spouse? NO REGRETS!" is what readers may be thinking as they enjoy this disturbing (partially) domestic thriller!

Laurel's life isn't entirely distinct on its surface, but she's struggling. As a wife, mom of two, and new co-owner of the titular house on Cold Creek Lane, her life may even appear idyllic. However, the pressures of motherhood and the impending release of her mother's killer (!!!!) have her questioning reality and making wild choices.

While Laurel is having her own challenges, another character, Corey, has some unexpected connections to Laurel and troubles of her own. The emerging ties between the characters are a highlight of this read.

Novels like this make me consistently even more thrilled about my life choices, and other people's problems are a nice break from the realities of our own. While many elements of this novel feel expected, there are some absolutely solid twists, along with an ending I found quite satisfying, that knock this read up a few notches in my estimation.

Domestic life many not always be bliss, but we can all find some joy in an escape like this.

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This was an addictive and dark domestic thriller with a hell of a twist. I really enjoyed most everything about it. The characters, while not likable, were extremely well developed. The plot was suspenseful throughout and the pacing of the story was excellent. While the narrators did a great job with these characters, I had major issues with the voice used for three year-old son. Why was it so screechy and whiney??? Every time the child spoke it was like nails on a chalkboard. I was listening to it while making dinner and my boys walked in and both of them had a less than desirable reaction. :-{ But I have to say, that ending was chef's kiss! Highly recommend! Thank you to the author, NetGalley, and Dreamscape Media for the ALC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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The House on Cold Creek Lane is a great suspense thriller full of characters I absolutely hated. Like, seriously, h-a-t-e-d all of them. Through most of the book I felt frustrated by the behavior of many, and questioned why we were supposed to care. Two female main characters each carrying baggage, stories that are connected but the reader spends a lot of time wondering how, a husband who makes the reader want to punch someone......Liz Alterman has another hit on her hands. I listened to this audio arc in a single day, and had my a-ha moment at the end which explained everything. The kind of book I will likely revisit one day knowing what I know and looking for the clues.

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This was my second book by Liz Alterman. I like her writing style. It’s descriptive in an interesting way but concise where it needs to be. Lots of unexpected twists, but I wasn’t shocked by any of the big reveals. The ending was satisfying…but I felt it could’ve been wrapped up in a more interesting way.

3.8 rounded up to 4.

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The House on Cold Creek Lane was an addictive story that grabbed my attention from the beginning. I liked that it was unpredictable. It was hard for me to decipher which characters were being truthful or not. So when I got to the ending I was pleasantly surprised. I did enjoy the audiobook It was fun to listen to on my way to and from work.

Many thanks to Dreamscape media for my gifted ALC.
This review will be shared to my Instagram
Closer to publication date.

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Thrilling. Didn’t really see the twist coming. Two interconnecting stories.
I did absolutely HATE the husband.

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I had never heard of this author prior to reading this book. And I was pleasantly surprised. This is one of the best audio books I’ve listened to in awhile. I looked up her Goodreads profile and she has a few other books so I’ll definitely be checking those out. This story was slightly predictable but only because I’ve read so many thrillers. Otherwise the twist would have thrown me off. The story moves along at a great pace. I was hooked from the beginning and it held my interest all the way to the end. The characters were well developed and likable, except for the characters that were meant to be disliked. I don’t consider most books 5 star but this was a 5 star book for me.

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