Member Reviews

Let me preface this by saying that I thought I had a bad weekend of “meet the parents”, but this takes the cake! There are twists and turns that make you gasp while simultaneously wondering all the whys and hows. The push and pull between the characters makes for an interesting thriller to sit down with.

I love that we get the POV from Marta, Owen, and Gina – it helps build the anticipation of learning the history of what brought the characters together and seeing how things play out. Owen being the only son of Marta and Grant, so I understand the hesitancy of their son moving on. But he’s successful and is happy — right?

Owen and Gina are rushing right along on the premise of “when you know, you know”. Yet we all know there has to be more behind it. And there is for each character and their motives/actions. Marta and Grant’s attachment to Owen is a bit creepy and completely overboard for the fact that he’s over 40. Gina isn’t as innocent as she seems and it doesn’t take long for her and Marta to bring the claws out.

One of my favorite aspects of the book is how truly awful everyone is as a character! Not awfully written, but their personalities are absolutely vile – and I loved it! It was fun to read a book where no one had more than a sliver of decency. Twisted, wicked, and fun!

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Gina’s aunt was killed by a serial killer and she suspects the killer was her boyfriend’s dad. When he takes her to meet his parents, she plans to find out the truth of what happened that night.

I had to keep reading as I couldn’t believe the ridiculousness of the plot. The decisions Gina made throughout the weekend were stupid and reckless, as if she was trying to get herself killed. She kept referring to having a plan but it seemed as though she was making it up as she went along. I also found the book repetitive as she kept repeating her motivation over and over, almost as if she was trying to convince herself and the reader why she was doing this.

There was a plot twist at the end which I didn’t see coming. I quite enjoyed this book in the sense that I had to keep reading to find out if Gina was as stupid as she appeared.

I received a free copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I absolutely loved this book and highly recommend, I’ve never read anything by this author before but I’ll definitely be keeping an eye out for more of their books in the future.

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I originally said that I wouldn't be finishing this book, but I decided to give it a second chance. I really enjoyed "Three Drowned Girls" by this author, but this book was not for me. It was really repetitive and had unlikable characters. It was a bit cliche in a lot of moments. I did like the premise and the storyline, it just wasn't for me. I will still be trying books by this author though.

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Future Monster-in-Law … I have so many feelings about this book, that contradict, but fit. This book was slow, yet fast. I liked and hated the characters. It’s one of those “I know, but do you know I know? What do you know about what I know?” Situations. There are 4 main characters, which keeps the plot simple; Owen (the boyfriend), Marta (Owen's mom), Grant (Owen's dad), and Gina (the girlfriend). Gina is meeting Owens parents for the 1st time, which in itself is terrifying. You find out fairly quick that everyone is hiding a secret. It seems that everyone knows each other (but don’t know if they all realize they know each other). This book had me hooked, and reading every chance I could.

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When I started this thriller I was very excited because I love domestic thrillers. Gina starts off basically stating how she’s out for revenge for her aunt and how she used her boyfriend Owen to get close to his parents. They spend a weekend with his parents, Marta & Grant, who she thinks is responsible for the tragedy that hit her family as a kid. I could not wait to see how this story unfolded but unfortunately it moved incredibly slow. It was beyond repetitive of her seeking revenge, the overly obsessed mom, & how much she loved Owen. Gina made so many questionable moves while she was visiting the parents it honestly didn’t make it sense. Especially with her carrying out majority of her plan even tho her aunts son Wade was involved but was only really in the shadows. Like what?I was curious to see how this story ended & I think the author definitely is a good story teller and keeps the suspense going so it was a solid read. The repetition is my biggest complaint for this book. The ending was wrapped up nice for a thriller, even tho I figured it out but not a bad ending. Grateful for a complimentary copy for my honest review.

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This book is WILD! And the ending?! Gina is meeting her boyfriend’s parents for the first time… but is it really? Emily takes in-law drama to a WHOLE. NEW. LEVEL. I love books with dark family secrets and this book did not disappoint.

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This book gripped me from the start! A slow burn yet fast paced thriller that never slowed down once.
A few times throughout, I thought I had guessed the ending but nope! Not once.
The writing style, the POV changes, the pacing and the TWISTS were absolutely perfect. Can’t wait to read more by Emily Shiner!

If you’re in the mood for an un-put-down-able thriller, make this your next read!

Thank you to Netgalley for an eARC of this book.

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Thank you to Netgalley and to bookcouture for early access to this fantastic author @emilyshiner.
This book had me gripped from chapter one, which isn't a surprise as I've had a previous audiobook of Emily's 'The Wife in the Photo' which was equally as good!
The narrative is built around a young couple and his in laws and a past murder many years ago. The young couples relationship is essentially based on a Web of lies and yet they are truly in love. The book is full of twists and turns and each chapter leaves you 'wanting more', I love these kind of books. The conclusion is unexpected.
I loved this book. A fantastic psychological thriller! A great 5 star read!

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This book earned 5 stars and this author usually does. This book did not disappoint. Emily Shiner writes some really great psychological thrillers! I could not put this one down and did not guess the plot twist correctly. You will not be disappointed!

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Thriller meets mother in law nightmares! Great book. But that ending!! & I don’t think there’s enough there for a part 2.

Special thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for a free, electronic ARC of this novel received in exchange for an honest review.

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If you are a "Freida readah" then you will love Meet the Parents. This book was filled with suspense and twists and moments of "wait, did I just read what I think I did?!"

Owen is the only child of Marta and Grant and has lived a charmed life. He is the center of his mother's world...and it is possible that she loves him more than her own husband. Owen becomes a successful doctor and crosses paths with Gina. Owen realizes after a mere seven weeks that she is the one. He wants to propose to Gina, but first he must take her home, to his parents cabin (mansion) in the woods.

Upon arrival, Gina feels as though something is off. Marta is smiling too much and Grants eyes are saying what his mouth isn't. Soon, this will become a game of cat and mouse. But, alas, Gina has an agenda of her own. You see, it isn't a coincidence that she met Owen...

Huge thanks to Bookouture, NetGalley, and the author for the ARC!

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Ever since Gina made sure to "accidentally" meet Dr. Owen Whitlock at the hospital, she’s been pretending to be the perfect girlfriend. But she didn’t expect to actually fall for Owen. Now, she’s about to meet his parents at their large, secluded home. Gina knows the dark secrets this family is hiding and will do whatever it takes to keep them from finding out who she really is.

The story reveals its plot early on, but the suspense feels slow and drags on. The pace only picks up around second half of the book.

The tension between Gina and Owen’s mother started off well, but it quickly became repetitive and lost its edge. I found myself getting frustrated as the same situations kept happening. It wasn’t until the last few chapters that the big confrontation finally occurred, but by then, I just wanted to finish the book.

When some secrets were revealed, the main character made some choices that didn’t make sense. After all those years of planning, she still put herself in danger. It felt unrealistic.

Overall, I was disappointed. The twist didn’t surprise me at all because the hints were obvious throughout the book.

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Meet The Parents was a page turner of a book! It was told in multiple points of view, which is my favorite! The plot and the characters were all very interesting and well written, There were moments where I didn’t trust anyone. The ending was perfect- it was expertly delivered and completely unexpected. Lots of great twists in this new novel by Emily Shiner. I would absolutely recommend reading this book to other readers

Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.

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Emily Shiner delivers yet again! By now, I’m fairly certain that she can do (write) no wrong. Each and every book of hers that I read gets even better. This one is no exception. A claustrophobic domestic psych thriller where you don’t know what REALLY is going on – check. A twisty ending – check. Fast-paced, well-written – check.

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“We’re so excited to have you here in our home.” My boyfriend’s mother smiles at me a little too wide. His father’s eyes are hard at the edges. It’s like they’re hiding something. But of course, I already know that
This book had me on the edge of my seat wanting to know more everyone had a motive behind each other

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Gina is riding with Owen Whitlock in his Lexus to visit his parents, Grant and Marta Whitlock. Owen is a surgeon and they have only been together for 7 weeks.

When Gina was 8 years old, she was staying overnight with her beloved Aunt Bethany. They always had so much fun together. After watching a movie and eating snacks, Gina went up to bed to wait for her aunt to come tuck her in. After a while, she went downstairs to see what was delaying Bethany. There she was met with voices in the kitchen. A man was threatening Bethany and he ended up killing her. Now, 20 years later, Gina has zeroed in on who this serial killer is and plans on getting revenge. But, first she is ready to meet Owen’s parents. She is so in love with him and he is the kindest man ever.

The Whitlock home is huge and located in a large and remote area. Marta is cold and standoffish to Gina and only wants to shower attention on Owen. He is her son and always wants to come first in his life. Grant is a big man who used to be a drug salesman traveling to different towns over the course of his career. Now, the two of them are enjoying their life in their beautiful home.

Gina does what she can to conceal her dismay at Marta’s rudeness because she is on a mission and keeping her temper is key to doing what she has come here for. Thus begins a dance of fear and determination to carry out her plan. Is murder hereditary?

This book really shocked my socks off. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time I was reading it. The ending was a real shocker. Don’t miss this one!

Copy provided by NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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Gina is 28 years old and works in a hospital. That’s where she meets 41-year-old surgeon, Owen. A short romance blossoms, followed by an invitation to meet his parents, who live in a huge house in a secluded and peaceful spot.

As soon as Gina enters the house, she realised that Marta, Owen’s mother, hates her. Nothing that Gina does is ever good enough and Marta is very quick to point that out. Gina soon discovers that Marta is overly protective of her son.

Grant, Owen’s father, is a bit friendlier, but Gina feels unnerved by his stares.

All of them are hiding something.

Wow! I was blown away by this story.

I was hooked straight from the beginning. I knew that Gina witnessed something horrific as a child, which has had huge impact on her future life.

It was also clear that Grant and Marta knew more about Gina then what they let on.

I loved how this book was written from different points of view. You could really get into the character’s head and see what made them tick.

This book also features a tremendous twist at the end. I couldn’t put it down.

Many thanks to Sarah Hardy of Bookouture for the e-ARC and for my spot on the tour.

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Meet The Parents by Emily Shiner

Rating 5 stars 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟

Oh boy, what a ride! Intriguing with a twist!
Emily never disappoints

My review
Gina is off to meet Owen's parents. They haven't been dating long. It's clear right away that his mother does not like Gina
Something happened to Gina when she was little, and Marta Owen's mom just may know something about it.
Marta doesn't want Owen to have anyone but her.
Gina is out for revenge. Meeting Owen was on purpose. Get him to fall in love with her. Meet his parents and deal with them. She never intended on falling in love with him back, and this Hard
When Gina gets to the house, strange things happen. Her cell phone charger is suddenly missing, and everything, including the garage, is locked
Gina knows Owen's parents are hiding a secret of the past that can bring them both under. Gina's aunt was killed long ago, and one or both of Owen's parents has answers about what happened
She just needs to stay alive long enough to get the proof she needs and without bringing suspicions to Owen as to what she's up to

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Wow. This book held me on the edge of my seat the whole time. I thought I knew the ending until I didn’t! Great twists and turns the entire book!

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