Member Reviews

Definitely a fast read with no idea who is good and who is bad. And maybe it's that no one is good??? All characters are pretty unlikeable which makes for a good read when you don't know who will make it to the end. The twist at the end was pretty good and one I had thought about earlier in the book but let go. I was enthralled by this one- a quick read. Thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Well this was interesting and a real page turner I didn't know who was good and who was going to do the deed. It kept me guessing right to the end, I just had to keep reading. It is just what you need for a lazy summer day. Oh yes you totally have to suspend belief and sometimes these are just brilliant and what you need - a great old fashioned airport thriller.

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A gripping tale of family secrets and twisted loyalties. This book is a rollercoaster ride from start to finish. The author masterfully builds suspense as Gina navigates the treacherous waters of her boyfriend's family. With every page, the tension escalates, leaving you breathless. A must-read for fans of psychological thrillers.

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Yet another fantastic book fr0m this author. When her successful boyfriend takes Gina home to meet his parents for the first time she is on edge, Owen doesn't seem to notice that his mother has taken an instant dislike to Gina, is she just jealous or is there something more to it.
Gina already knew just who his parents were, especially his father but did they know who she was and this them being nice was all an act.
I couldn't put this book down it was that good. Look forward to reading many `more from this author.

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I love a good thriller and this one delivers. The story takes place over a couple days. The 2 pov have you guessing who might be guilty and the twist at the end is chef's kiss.

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Wow! This book really pulled me and kept me wanting more.
The characters were something else though.. Marta was legit creepy not just because of her story but her relationship with Owen was just weird, she has such an obsession with him that felt off.
Gina had such a sad story but so determined, I really enjoyed reading her POVs. I really wish we were able to see a glimpse into Grant's POV, just to see more of him.

This story had such a great twist and I had no idea it was coming!

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Thank you to the Author, Publisher & NetGalley for allowing me to read an Advanced Reader Copy of MEET THE PARENTS in return for an honest review.


After a member of Gina’s (a child at the time) family has been murdered in front of her. She sets out on revenge alongside her cousin.

Gina met Owen, they went to visit Owens parents for a weekend. Marta & Grant where not best pleased to meet Gina and neither was Gina at all pleased to meet them.

The story takes you on a journey and is set in 2 Characters perspective allowing you into the thoughts of Gina & Marta over a weekend.

The story line was good although it did take until very near the end for a KILLER Twist. The author has done amazingly well with the 2 Characters first person perspective and that is written very well - as if you were actually in the MC’s heads and the ending is what made it worth it.

At times I felt that the story would end how it did however I was never certain and as the book continued I ended up moving past the ending and it did end up being a huge shock with the way it does eventually plan out.

I personally did find this hard to follow sometimes and was I think it was just because it was quite a slow read until I started reaching the end. It took me a lot longer than I anticipated to get through and I will admit I am now left with so many answers and also I just feel like the ending should have been 100% obvious from the end.

Clearly the authors writing techniques well and truly tricked me. I definitely will say that this book is worth a read as normally I do love this sort of book. There just was too much build up and I feel it was dragged out a lot longer than it should have.

I do say the ending, although I did have suspicions, shocked me to my core. I really was not expecting it to end the way it did and actually has led to me really enjoying this book.

Give this book a go as this review is just my opinion!
I would like to hear what everyone does think of this!

I feel like I need to read more of the authors books because I do think I’d enjoy them however this one just wasn’t an absolute favourite of mine.

Psychological thriller for sure!!

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A mind blowing psychological thriller!! This is my first read by Emily Shiner and I certainly picked a good one to start with. It held me right from the start and the end didn't disappoint.

A whirlwind romance between Gina and Owen leads to a weekend meeting his parents. But everyone has secrets and their own agenda and sure enough it explodes into a devastating situation. Revenge always has repercussions and this is no exception to that.

This was a fun, twisty ride that was well written. Some of the characters were cringe worthy but that made the read all the more fun.

Thanks to Netgalley and Bookouture for the advanced copy of this book

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The premise sounded sooo good but it did unfortunately not live up to my expectations. In the first part of the book everything is told. What will happen and why. Why? It takes the thrill out of the thriller.

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Meet the Parents by Emily Shiner had me hooked from the very start, and kept me guessing with enough twists and turns to leave my head spinning.

Gina has fallen hard for Owen, knowing that she wants to spend the rest of her life with him. A trip to meet his parents seems the next logical step, but Gina is focused on much more than making a good impression on her future in-laws. Marta, Owen's mother, is determined to hang on to her precious son at any cost, while his father, Grant, clearly has his eye on Gina in a way that is not altogether appropriate.

This was a pacey and tense thriller that kept me fully invested throughout the narrative, up to and including its jaw-dropping conclusion.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for an ARC.

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I have been in the mood for popcorn thrillers lately and this fit cleanly into that category so the pages turned easily, but ultimately this just wasn't a winner for me. The premise was interesting - I like when you aren't sure who knows how much and the tension that comes from waiting to see who strikes first. The challenge was the repetitiveness of it all. By the time things picked up the pace and the plot progressed I was nearly two-thirds of the way in. The epilogue was maddening too; can't imagine why that situation was even considered and also... duh? (trying to be spoiler-free). Still fun to binge and was a quick read.

Thank you so much to Bookouture and NetGalley for the advanced copy in exchange for my review. I appreciate you!

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This is one of those great twisted books that keeps you reading long into the night! Owen has been Gina's boyfriend for only seven weeks when he takes her home to meet his parents. She's delighted as she's in love and hopes to marry him one day. But there's something odd about Marta and Grant as it's clear Marta favors Owen over her own husband and does everything in her power to keep him close--and unaware. But nothing is ever as it seems and there are so many secrets and lies as the novel fluctuates between "now" and "then." Loved it!
Thanks to NetGalley for this ARC!

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This book was ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️! Gripping from page 1, it was twisty and such a great read. The characters were written so well! We follow Owen and his girlfriend Gina, as they go to his parents so she can meet them, or so we think.. we very quickly realize that nothing is what it seems and there is something far more sinister at hand. It was a little predictable but not so much that you couldn’t enjoy the ride!

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This was a page turner! I was hooked from the beginning and loved the cat and mouse chase! I thought this story was very well written with short chapters that keep you wanting more. I was on the edge of my seat wondering what was going to happen next! I was sort of disappointed in the ending though. I found it predictable but i still enjoyed this book and think it was a fun read!

Thank you for the opportunity to read this ARC!

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Gina and Owen have been seriously dating for seven weeks when they go to meet/visit Owen’s parents, Marta and Grant, for a long weekend.
And no spoilers! This was a good book, a page turner. It was a fast read and I was immersed in it; it’s a good book for the beach or a snowy weekend. This is the first book I’ve read by Emily Shiner, and I look forward to reading more of her books.

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This book was truly great. I couldn't put it down!!! The twists and turns just made me not want it to end. Can't wait for this to hit the market!

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This book was a 4.5 star read! The twists and turns in this book were incredibly executed, and the writing style just gripped me. The plot line was very well constructed, and I liked how realistic the characters and their emotions felt. Such a good read!

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Meet the Parents by E. Shiner, published by Bookouture is a masterpiece at writing goosepump inducing crime/thriller.
A fantastic read that had me right from the start.
Blurb: The Stay-at-home mother Marta lives in her successful husband’s shadow, overlooked by him ever since her darling son Owen went to medical school. She’s not about to let the beautiful Gina take Owen away from her. Marta will play nice, get Gina to trust her. And then she has a plan of her own.
The Owen is already certain he wants to marry Gina. She’s perfect. They just have to get through this weekend and then he’ll propose. Sure, his mom can be overprotective. But Owen knows why. He knows what she’s hiding.
The Ever since purposefully running into Dr Owen Whitlock at the hospital, Gina has been playing the doting girlfriend. She didn’t mean to fall for Owen’s charms for real… Now she’s finally meeting his parents at their sprawling, secluded home. Gina knows all about the terrible secrets this family is covering up. And she’ll do anything to make sure they never find out who she really is.
By the end of the weekend, the Whitlock’s beautiful house will have burned to the ground. And someone won’t make it out alive…

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From the start, we see that Gina is with Owen for revenge, and that Marta knows something about Gina’s past. Though they’ve just met, they already have a horrible, and unspoken, bond - the question is, who will crack first? These women both want to kill each other, and only one will be victorious. The event that binds them is surprising, and the surprises keep coming all the way to the final page, even after the Whitaker house burns to the ground. This was a really fun thriller - it was suspenseful with some dark humor sprinkled throughout - or maybe that was just me laughing at how deviously delicious this story is!

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Overall: 2.5⭐️

To preface, I'd like to note that I was initially super excited to read this book because I am a domestic thriller girlie, through and through. Anything that has to do with domestic thrillers, complicated relationships between an FMC and her husband/boyfriend, and hair raising family dynamics, are my jam. Unfortunately, as someone who spent the previous year reading nothing but thrillers, this book did not meet my expectations, despite the novel premise that originally drew my interest.

Beginning this review with our FMC... I have truly never been more angry at the stupidity of a main character before in my life. She knowingly puts herself in harms way time and time again, despite knowing EXACTLY what the most dangerous situation and outcome is and having literally all the knowledge available at her disposal. Not only does this happen recurrently throughout the book, she also shows all of her cards / tells the main antagonists that she's onto them and their shady plans from the very beginning.

I also did not like how we were told the plot of the entire book within the first 3 chapters. By the time chapter 3 was done, we knew a) how the book was going to end, b) could deduce what the main plotline of the story would be, and c) nothing throughout the rest of the book came as a surprise. There was so MUCH POTENTIAL that was squandered, and the author definitely could have built the tension gradually over time without info dumping every single character's main motivations (including spoilers for their own plotlines) in the first three chapters.

Lastly, I found Marta and Grant to be incredibly one dimensional and the dialogue stilted and unnatural. Marta was the stereotypical, emotionally incestuous, overbearing boy mom and Grant, a shady father who clearly had something to hide. I think the story would have benefited from Marta not being such an OTT (over-the-top) caricature, and I wish her her cunning nature and cruelty had been more gradually demonstrated over time. There were so many moments where her interactions with Gina could have been more nuanced in a way that left both Gina AND the reader truly guessing, but instead she was relegated to stereotypically childish quips in exchanges with her son's girlfriend, and cringey predictable lines.

Overall, I'm super disappointed and was not at all shocked by the twist, especially considering all signs pointed in that direction throughout the entirety of the book. Nothing was left to the imagination, and as someone who reads thrillers with the hope of ending the book totally mindf*ked... that's the whole problem.

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