Member Reviews

Siobhan works a minimum wage job and to keep her sanity, posts chapters of a romance book she is writing on her blog. She never expects an agent to sign her or to get her a deal with a publisher. She also doesn't expect to get into a mini war on twitter with Marcel... A seasoned thriller writer. When they are challenged to blending their two genres in one book, they decide to do it, Marcel more begrudgingly but can the two put their differences and egos aside long enough to meet their deadline?

OMG This book was so good. I actually wasn't sure about the plot at first but I'm a dummy haha and I am so glad I listened to this brilliant audio book. The narration was fantastic! It was a tad long. I think I could have loved it more had it been a bit shorter but it was truly a wonderful read.

The characters are well rounded and realistic. I loved the way they bantered and how they developed through the book. It was fun. Marcel keeps his identity a secret but Siobhan shakes him loose into the world and I really enjoyed that.

I loved this book HIGHLY RECOMMEND

5 stars

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This book was really cute and truly enjoyed myself as I read it! I would definitely love to check more books out by this author and read more of her books. I will definitely recommend this one

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Thank you NetGalley and publisher for this audio!

I really enjoyed this book. Such a cute quick and easy read. I loved the storyline and the characters. Great writing style. Perfect summer read.

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I must be in a reading slump. This is the second book in a row I chose to DNF. I'm not sure what exactly wasn't working for me with this one because I am usually all there for a rival authors bookish romance but I couldn't get into the Plot twist. Fans of Emily Henry's Beach reads might enjoy this more than I did though. Many thanks to NetGalley and Brilliance Audio for an early audio copy in exchange for my honest feedback!

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Plot Twist by Carmen Sereno
4/5 Stars

•••Spoiler free review below•••

After a debut romance author and a seasoned crime novelist have a viral fight over which genre is better on twitter, their publishing house forces them to write a book together. Baxter Books wants the perfect blend of romance and crime with a three month timeline on a first draft. This is how Siobhan and Marcel find themselves collaborating on, what they feel, is a mistake. They are forced to work together and make their genres compatible— but they might also find they are compatible as well.

Read this book if you like:
-enemies to lovers
-books about books
-grumpy x sunshine
-NYC setting

Plot Twist is being newly translated to English and will be released on August 6th! If it's not already on your tbr, it should be!
Special thanks to Brilliance Publishing for sharing a free copy with me in exchange for my honest opinions.

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This was a difficult story to get into because neither character was particularly likeable. I loved the premise of creating a novel with two writers of very different genres but Marcel was such a terrible person that I just didn’t care what he came up with. This would have been better served as a single POV; it might have been easier to get through but I didn’t need to spend any time in his head. There was no chemistry between the characters so any romance felt forced. Narration was well done, no issues.

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DNF pretty shortly after starting. It wants to be Sex And the City too much and even stole a quote directly from it I think. Just too much too fast.

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𝟐 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 .𐦍༘⋆

𐙚 𝙬𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙄 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚𝙙:
I enjoyed the overall idea of the plot although it did give me (very vaguely) the same vibes as “Beach Read” by Emily Henry, in the sense of it’s a story of two authors who write different genres who come together to work and end up together.

I liked that all the characters had a complicated yet realistic past. I think it helped humanise the characters for a bit of the story and it also justified why they acted the way they act.

The narrators did a great job at bringing the book to life although I did think that they were reading at 2 different speeds sometimes because I had to keep readjusting the speed of the audiobook.

𐙚 𝙬𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙄 𝙙𝙞𝙙𝙣’𝙩 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚:
Marcel was unlikable for about 95% of this book and the other 5% he was just bleh. He was so judgemental and egotistical right off the bat about romance books and tried to discredit Siobhan’s talents and knowledge. It was just really annoying.

I actually really liked Siobhan as a character and her plot points were really interesting, i just didn’t like how unrealistic her instant attraction to Marcel was. It felt way too forced in my opinion. Other than that i was really into her as a character.

Needless to say I didn’t feel the romance at all. It felt like there was no real build up or romance. I truly cared more about the book they were working on and the family drama going on in Marcel’s life.

I really need more romance authors to know that not every epilogue needs a proposal or marriage. It’s so unnecessary.

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This audiobook was just absolutely adorable and definitely what I needed after reading so many fantasy books and thrillers! It was so cute and I feel like it’ll be a big hit!

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