Member Reviews

I believe that DBT should be given a greater role in therapy and therapy approaches when treating PTSD and C-PTSD, as well as it should be recognized more (along with C-PTSD being recognized more). Meanwhile, it feels like a huge step forward that there is a book like this one. I’m sure it will be helpful to many, both patients and therapists.

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So, I have my pretty big share of mental health disorders (among other fun things). I have spent time in both inpatient care as well as outpatient. I have been seeing a therapist weekly for several years. I am no stranger to DBT.

I was pleased to get the chance to get an early look at this workbook. I am a fan of how Sheri Van Dijk creates these tools that are oriented towards specific disorders allowing us to tackle our needs individually. I appreciate her for making a very user friendly workbook for those of us who want to better understand how our complex traumas and reactions affect us and how to better manage C-PTSD.

***Thank you to New Harbinger, the publisher, and NetGalley for this advanced digital copy in exchange for my honest review.

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C-PTSD is such an underrepresented population and I love to see more time and attention given to its specific nuances. DBT can be such an effective treatment modality for patients and I am very excited to incorporate this material into my sessions with my clients.

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Thank you to New Harbinger (publisher) and NetGalley for the free ARC in exchange for my honest review.
First off, Van Dijk has written a bunch of these DBT workbooks for various modalities, and I appreciate her for it. They are all succinct and they do mention each disorder with grace, empathy and knowledge. In particular, the C-PTSD intrigued me because, as she writes, C-PTSD is not recognized in the DSM-5, which is the clinical diagnostic manual for psychotherapists. The workbook provides an accessible way for those who cannot access other mental health services to take action for their own care and well-being. As I perused this workbook, it became clear that van Dijk urges readers to have a steady and solid support system in place: what are ways that the reader can practice self-care as they work through the stages of recovering from trauma? I do think it's responsible to also mention the roots of DBT that are semi-appropriative and give them due credit (Buddhism and meditation,) but for the most part, this is an excellent guide to learning DBT skills in order to apply them to C-PTSD. Thank you!

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This book gives useful guidance on how to work through your c-ptsd using a type of therapy that was originally created for borderline personality disorder. This form of therapy has proved fairly effective for other mental illnesses.

I highly recommend this book especially if you have comorbities such as borderline personality disorder. I also recommend reading it several times a year. Keep how it teaches you fresh in your memory. Utilize its tools that it offers you!

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