Member Reviews

In More than Christians, Norman Hubbard explores how the early church used common words in uncommon ways to make sense of their relationships with God and with one another. I found that this book is realy engaging to each reader and I love this book so much.

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The premise of this book is to look back at the early Church & pay attention to the way that believers would address each other. The author theorizes that one of the ways that this brand new church made up of a wide variety of peoples was able to achieve such radical unity was through the way the members addressed each other. They called each other names such as brother or sister, beloved, fellow laborer. Each of these names reflects a different aspect of their new belief in Jesus & emphasized their unity over their many differences. Hubbard believes that if we call each other by such names, we would also be taking a big step toward Gospel unity & community. I appreciated his approach & the way he reflected on & honored our fellow believers in those early days of the Church. The book was enlightening in regards to Church history & encouraging in how those early brothers & sisters lived out the truths of the Gospel in practical, everyday faithfulness.

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I've known for awhile thatwe cannot transpose 21st centruy life on th ebiblical story, or do the same in reverse. We need to conside when the books were written and who they were written for. "More That Christians" adds to the richness of scripture by showing how the meaning and use of cerain words have changed through time, and how reclaiming their original meaning and use canchange how we relate to fellow Christians and the larger society.

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