Member Reviews

Love on the Rebound begins on a high with Angela Richards celebrating her birthday with her family and friends. After a lot of drinking and a few bad decisions, the morning after opens old wounds for Angela and sends her into a cavern of insecurities. Kinston Jordan is a fitness entrepreneur and hopeless romantic. He wanted Angela from the moment he saw her and vows to put in the work it takes for her to be his.

Kinston is quality Book Bae material. He is thoughtful, kind and romantic. Angela is selfless, bold and down-to-earth. The chemistry between the two is hot, hot, hot! The dialogue between the couple was adorable. I loved their friendship.

I really enjoyed the plot of this story. I didn't see that last plot twist coming! It was an awesome depiction of that "grown and sexy" kind of love. I enjoyed catching up with the other characters in the story. It was nice to see the growth of Kannon and Nissi's (Love on the Ninth Floor Book 1) relationship. Looking forward to the next story in the series!

Favorite Quote: "You only get one shot to make a lasting first impression. I took me forever and fate to get a chance to make mine, so I was determined not to miss. I ain't trying to be amongst the stars. I need to be with the moon."

**Thank you to Black Odyssey Media and NetGalley for the ARC. All thoughts and opinions are my own.**

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This is was pretty cute , kinda cheesy but I like cheesy 😂😂😂 this is what I call a comfort read for me so I definitely recommend it

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Where do I start???

I received an ARC of this gem from Black Odyssey Media and NetGalley-- thank you!

I read Love on the Ninth Floor (a really good read) by this author earlier this year and was so excited to read Love On the Rebound. This book was everything I expected and so much more. I read it in two sittings. It was that good! There was the perfect amount of tension between the main characters, Angela and Kinston. I laughed out loud; I cried more than once.

This book is the second in the series about the three Richards sisters: Nissi, Angela, and Aquila. I enjoyed learning more about Aquila in this book and being "updated" on Nissi. Angela and Kinston, face many challenges from their past hurts on their way to their HEA, but they each have supportive friends and family to love, encourage, and call them out along the way. I loved the ending and how everyone got what they deserved, whether it was love or something else altogether.

I can't wait to read the next book in this series (and I hope we get Nia's story, too!). Aries Skye is now an auto-buy author for me.

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i love angela and kinston together, but this book was so so cheesy and stereotypical to me. it felt so basic and i guessed all the plot points

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I enjoyed Angela and kinstons story. I didn’t enjoy the 3rd act break up or <spoiler>the not such a baby surprise baby</spoiler> I felt like that was super random. Angela’s trauma was heartbreaking and frustrating. Just let a good man love you already!!! I love that the author presented a man who is pro therapy.
I was happy to see less brand new dropping than the 1st boom of the series.

Overall this story was spicy, sad and sweet. Looking forward to Aquila’s story.

Thank you Black Odyssey Media and NetGalley for this Advance Readers Copy ebook in exchange for my honest review

3.5 stars on storygraph

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This book has a good mix of inner dialogue and character interactions to give readers a good insight into the characters. Angela annoyed me in the beginning until her full past with Nigel was revealed. Luckily Kinston was patient and encouraged her character growth.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book and the opinions expressed are my own. I really enjoyed Love on the rebound by Aries Skye. It tells the story of how a full figured, insecure woman finds love only after she learns to believe in herself, put the past behind her and realize that she's being wanted for who she is. And that being full figured is not a crutch but an enhancement to her. Even though her ex berated her for being as he claimed over weight, there is always somebody who wants and will love and want you exactly theway you are. I highly reccomend this book!

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This was a very cute romance. The buildup of the romance between both characters was entertaining and I could see this novel being a fave.

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A romantic chase in which a fitness guru falls for a full-figured paralegal, however, her self-esteem and past relationship struggles leaves her doubting if Mr. Fitness is Mr. Too-Good-To-Be-True.

After Angela Richards’ fiancé abandons her for another woman, she is left with the lingering aftershocks that keep her heart sealed off from love. To the outside world, she is the same fiery and sassy spitfire woman with a larger-than-life attitude of the norm, but personally, she immerses herself in a contented existence while living vicariously through her sisters, Nissi and Aquila. Besides, it’s easier to mind their business than deal with the devastation of her own.

Enter Kinston Jordan. He’s quiet, handsome, rugged, and a renowned fitness instructor. He’s also the older brother of her sister Nissi’s soon-to-be husband, and he has his sights set on Angela. The only problem—Angela refuses to travel down heartbreak lane again, especially with a man like Kinston. How could a fitness guru have eyes for a full-figured woman? Unbeknownst to Angela, Kinston has his own pitfalls with love and just as many reasons to protect his heart as she does.

Can these two wounded souls rebound from their past to find love in their future?

My Take:
Having read the first book in the series, I found it compelling enough to seek out the second—and I'm pleased I did. The author's growth is evident, which bodes well for subsequent novels (I anticipate a story for the eldest sister, and perhaps Nia too). The book fulfills its premise, including the inevitable third-act breakup, which I overlook since Kinston proves to be an endearing "book boyfriend." The romance offers more of a jalapeño-level heat than habanero, yet it's still sufficient to elicit an "alright now" from the reader. In summary, if the first book was to your liking, this sequel will not disappoint. If you were undecided about the first, this one marks a notable improvement and is worth your consideration.

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First thank you NetGalley and Black Odyssey Media for the chance to read this ARC.

I loved everything about this book, I physically could not put it down. I read it in one sitting that’s how good it was. I loved Kinston for Angela so much. He was just such a great man in every way. It annoyed my a lot that she was stuck on her ex for soooo long but I understand why. I was so happy Angela and Kinston got their happy ending. I did not like that Angela was very self conscious and that a man did that to her but when she realized who she was and how beautiful she was I was so happy.

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I was able to read this ARC and I am excited to read more from this author. This is my first book by her. I truly enjoyed this book and the banter between characters. I absolutely loved the slow burn between the FMC, Angela and the MMC, Kinston. I read a review before starting this book about there being too many side characters, however I believe the addition of these characters (Angela’s siblings and their partners, Kinston’s brother, Angela’s ex). I appreciate the representation of mid-sized/plus sized characters in the book and the realistic body image discussions that take place. Also, I enjoyed the portion about seeking mental health professional help for difficulties with trauma, anger management and overall forgiveness

Kinston’s determination despite multiple setbacks made for a wonderful read.

There are well notated trigger warnings at the start of the novel as well as a wonderful pronunciation guide for the names of the characters.

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Black Odyssey Media and NetGalley provided an eARC of this book in exchange for an honest review. Opinions expressed here are solely my own.

I had very high hopes for this Black Romance featuring a fabulous plus sized FMC and a super fit personal trainer/gym owner. Unfortunately, I was disappointed. The premise was promising but the book was overstuffed with side characters, unnecessary inner dialogue, and descriptions of small details that didn’t truly matter. I had to force myself to finish 😔

#LoveontheRebound #NetGalley

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Love on the Rebound is my first book from this author, and I absolutely loved it. The characters were entertaining and had me laughing out loud. This story was full of great friends, family, lovers, heartfelt moments, steamy scenes, sweet surprises, undeserving exes and so much more. This book gives us Angela and Kinston's story but their family, friends, and unexpected exes are very much involved in their story and their relationship. Angela has experienced what it's liked to be betrayed, unwanted, unloved after standing by and supporting the person she thought loved her as much as she loved him, but her ex-Nigel showed her differently. Kinston knows what it's like to be betrayed by the two people he thought he could trust but things aren't always what they seem. However, once he sets his sights on Angela, he's willing to risk his heart but Angela isn't so open to doing the same. Kinston isn't willing to give up so easily but he's willing to fight as long as he believes there's a chance. Their path to love is not easy and not without drama but the journey was s0 worth it. The ending was even better, and I loved every page of it. This is a romance story worth reading and it definitely left me excited to read Angela's sister Aquilas story. This is a story I will be recommending to all of my romance loving friends, and I'm looking forward to reading many more books from this author.

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