Member Reviews

I’ve read so many poetry books before and I can safely say Kate’s words have touched me in a way that I didn’t even know was possible.

I found myself reading some of these poems out loud to my boyfriend because I was flabbergasted about how someone could encompass every feeling I’ve ever experienced and write them down exactly how I felt them. Truly blew me away.

Kate, this book is beautifully written and you now have a new fan!! <3 Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to read this arc!

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I loved this poetry collection. I was immersed in Rosewood's words and the poems were definitely something I could apply to my life. I really recommend this book. I would highly recommend reading it on your phone if you have a paperwhite because the colours made the book such an amazing experience

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“In following shadows, I found my darkness.”

It’s been a while since I read a book of poems. While reading this one, I was amazed at how the author’s words were raw yet so beautiful. It provoked deep thought and a genuine reaction that lingered with me. I love how the poetry is simple, yet so meaningful. As someone who often worries and has anxiety over the smallest things, I felt the poetry truly spoke to me. Life can be hard at times, and finding an author who can capture that perfectly in words is incredible. Thank you, @katerosewoodpoetry, for for this beautifully written book of poetry.

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My Story & Me by Kate Rosewood
5 Stars

This book is so beautiful and made me so sad yet relate so much to Kate. This was real, raw, emotional, and so many other things. The words were so lyrical and beautifully written. Honestly made me think of past and current me in many different parts of the book. It also made me feel seen and know that I am not alone. I just wanted to crawl into the book so many times to give Kate a hug because I know how it feels to be lonely or like i'm not good enough. I loved how each section, she seemed to realize how much she matters, especially in the last section. The pictures were perfect and went along with the poems so well. I loved how she made it colorful in the last section too to show that growth and how important we are as women and as human beings.

I highly recommend this book to all girlies and poetry lovers.

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My Story & Me written by Kate Rosewood was raw, powerful, heart breaking, relatable, real, and beautiful. This poetry collection lyrically reminded me of a Taylor Swift song. If I could rate this poetry collection higher than five stars, I totally would because it deserves all of the love in the world. As Kate was telling her story through poems, I just wanted to reach into my kindle and give her the biggest hug ever. Kate, as I was reading your story, it felt like I have known you for years, your words broke my heart, but Kate, girl, I love you, you're so strong, I admire you so much. I have never related so much to a few poems that were written in this collection. In this book, Kate crosses out her own words and puts blanks for your own words, which I really appreciated. Honestly, it felt like Kate wrote poems about me without ever knowing I existed. In this poetry collection, you are going to find poems about mental health, acceptance, growth, relationships, and healing. The cover is just GORGEOUS. The artwork was so insanely beautiful. I can't wait to get my hands on a physical copy. TO MY POETRY GIRLIES, THIS ONE IS FOR YOU!!!!!!!


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who did this to you?
me, myself, & I

Each time a person exits my life, it affirms everything I have feared, I am unlovable.
I just need to be enough.

you just have to
and pretend, everything is okay,
hold back
the tears,
walk away.


When I think back
on my younger self,
all I want to do is hold her,
carry her tears,
remind her
that I'll always
protect her.
she was always enough.

I have chosen five poems from this collection that have spoken to me or that I found relatable. It felt like so many of these poems were written for me, but I chose five that deeply touched me or spoke to me on a different level. I want to take a minute and thank Kate Rosewood for writing this beautiful yet personal poetry collection because it opened my eyes. As I was reading, I smiled, I cried, I laughed because these words spoke so much to me. While I was reading My Story & Me, Kate made me realize we are all HUMANS. No one is perfect, It's okay to not be okay from time to time, we all struggle at one point, but no matter what there is always going to be a light at the end of the tunnel. I can't recommend this collection enough, I feel like every single one of you will relate to one poem or multiple poems. After I finished reading this book, it made me take a minute and take a deep breath, and focus on all the good things in life. I wish I could hug every single one of you that is struggling with your mental health, but just know it's going to be okay. This beautiful book will remain in my heart for the rest of my life. Like I said before, I can't wait to get my hands on a physical copy so I can look back on the beautiful artwork and the growth I have made since reading this book.

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This book is absolutely breathtaking. From the first to the very last page, it made me experience so many emotions. The author wrote this book in a way that the reader can replace certain words for a more personal experience. I chose to read the book the way it was written, as the words resonated quite deeply with me.

I am blown away by the beauty and the creativity used in this book. The words were powerful, albeit heartbreaking at times. Yet as the poetry came to an end, so did the darkness of the page.

I highly recommend this to lovers of poetry, or anyone that longs to feel deep emotion. My Story & Me was beautifully written, and I’m so grateful to have read it. Thank you to Kate for an arc copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This was a beautiful collection of poetry, one that I am so happy i was given the chance to read. I related to a lot of these poems, all of them spoke to me one way or another, This collection is very lyrical and personal. It made me feel all of the feels, everything sometimes all at once.

This is a poetry book that i'll be recommending to all my friends as I believe this is a book everyone should read at least once. Absolutely incredible.

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There are things deep in the recesses of my mind, in the darkest parts of my soul - that I have never ever been able to find the words for. Words have failed me in explaining my heart and feelings, and then came Kate.

Kate wrote my heart song, without knowing a single thing about me. She gave me the words I so desperately searched for, for so very long. Poignant doesn’t even begin to describe the feelings and emotions that this book evokes. This book is a blessing, and going to give words to the hearts of so so many.

Thank you so much for the experience of reading this book.

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Finding it painful to suffer through the repetitious, angst-laden, pre-pubescent drivel of the first two thirds of this book I could not possibly force myself to read the whole thing.

Thank you to NetGalley, Author, and Publishers for access to a digital ARC. All opinions are my own.

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