Member Reviews

I had high hopes for this book, but honestly, it fell flat for me. After all the drama was revealed, it was as if the plot and the characters stopped developing. I rushed to finish it as I felt that it was dragging. A wonderful premise that unfortunately, did not meet my expectations.

Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with a copy to read and review.

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"Before you say I do" is an absolute rollercoaster of emotions that keeps you hooked from the very first page! This isn't just your typical chick-lit fare; it's a thrilling blend of laughter, tears, and suspense that had me breathlessly flipping pages late into the night. Who is this enigmatic magician who feels he's found his Queen, and what tangled mess from his past is he desperately avoiding? The dual storylines weave together seamlessly, taking you on a journey from the spark of Tom and Ari's first encounter to the complexities eight years later. It's brilliantly crafted and utterly compelling!

The cast of characters is rich and vibrant, each one bringing their own magic to the story. Tom and Ari's captivating love story wouldn't shine as bright without the delightful contributions of Marnie, Reine, and Stella. Every character is meticulously crafted, adding layers of depth and charm to the narrative. Ari's serendipitous meeting with Tom during her year of travel kicks off a fate-driven adventure filled with secrets and revelations. "Before you say I do" is an exhilarating read that keeps you guessing and leaves you deeply satisfied. Don't miss out on this gem—it's a must-read!

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I really enjoyed reading this book. It was a sad, emotional but beautiful love story.

Ari met Tom when she was about on a year of travel. They met by fate, though Tom was not truthful about who he was and where he came from, they both fell hard for each other. Tom had to leave suddenly due to family health issues and promised he would be back for her.

I really enjoyed the back and forth with timelines and also the multiple POV's with this story. I also really enjoyed it being about love and emotions and not just spice (if you are chasing a spicy book this isnt for you!).

I loved the banter between characters and I really think this brought the story to life and gave it a bit of 'giggle' edge. Hallmark meets Modern Family is what I get from this book.

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It was fun and entertaining but I really think it had everything to be more interesting if I'm being honest, it didn't stand out but yes I still would recommend as a fluffy romance but I wish I could it see it more..

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Nah, this book was not a one I fell for... It fell really flat for me. The story was really lame, didn't bring much at all and the romance between Ari and Tom wasn't something that convinced me... The premise of this book could have been much better, but unfortunately everything fell flat for me.

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Thank you to netgalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

If you think "Before you say I do" is just another chick-lit, predictable storyline, then think again. I laughed, I cried and I found myself holding my breath as I read it.

I was hooked at the first chapter, who was this smooth talking magician who had just found his Queen? Why the change of surname? What mess had he left behind him and why didn't he want to go home to face it all?

The book runs two storylines simultaneously, from when Tom & Ari first met and eight years later. It's simple to follow and to me, it just made sense.

The book is full of wonderful characters, each unique and all adding extra to the storyline. I appreciate Tom and Ari were the main characters, but the book wouldn't have been as good without Marnie, Reine and Stella.

I also loved Sebastian and Luis, their humourous, sarcastic sass and interactions were brilliant. They did give me "Mitch and Cam" vibes from modern family- another duo who I loved to watch. I'd love to read a side story just about those two.

I liked the ending of the book, but hoped it could have continued for one more chapter, I'd like to have read about the wedding at the end (no spoilers) and the families reaction to the main characters.

The only bit I didn't like was there are parts in Spanish. I relied on Google translate to work out what was being said.

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I enjoyed Before You Say I Do for the most part, but after a while it felt stretched out and I started to care less about the characters.
I did read to the end and I quite enjoyed the last part.
I loved the supporting characters, especially Stella.

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read an advance copy of this book.

At one point, Ari says "there's a lot to like" about Tom. Really??? And what would that be? I couldn't stand Tom. It seemed like he spent half the book saying "I'm sorry." He and Ari were my least favorite characters. I loved Luis and Sebastian! So funny, and they practically had their own book going here. Which is not an exaggeration, considering this felt at least 100 pages too long. The way the "past" story lines were inserted in the middle of the chapters - and in all italics, no less - took me right out of the narrative. And unless you can read Spanish, you're going to miss a lot of what Luis says.

A great premise that would make a fantastic movie, unfortunately it didn't deliver for me.

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I am enjoying this book so much! Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher, and the author. All opinions are my own.

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This was okay, it was good I'm just kind of in the middle about it. There is plenty of angst, great chemistry between the characters and likable characters.

I didn't enjoy the flashbacks, they were too frequent and way too long I was so bored, I fully believe that flashbacks should be as brief as possible unless they're seriously engaging. I love dual POV so I was happy with that but then there were also like other POVs such as the MMCs mom scattered throughout? And just, why?
Ari and Tom's story sort of gives me Mamma Mia vibes with how he left and she had a kid and he finds out later except obviously the kid is younger.

The whole other woman thing was handled very well and this is a really well done second chance romance I think I just wanted more from it or I just personally wasn't vibing with it as much as I wanted to

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Ari and her brother Sebastian are wedding planners, they plan the most magical weddings for the most demanding brides. When they are invited to plan the wedding of the year, Ari finds out that she will be planning the wedding of het long-lost love and father of her child. Her long lost love, Tom Miller/Tom Somerset, was supposed to come back for her but never did. She never got to tell him she was pregnant. The book switches between past and present to tell you their whole story.
I truly love this book, I couldn't put it down. It's so well written, the back and forth between the past and present is exactly right and the build up in the story is just perfect. If you love a second-chance/ accidental pregnancy romance with a bit of spice... You really need to read this.
I fell in love with each character. For me this book is a 10 out of 10!!!

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This book honestly gave me the feels

The Yes’s and No’s:

Angst? Oh yeah
Chemistry? Big time, palpable and hot
Cute kid?! Yes, the cutest
So many flashbacks only indicated by italics that go on for pages at a time? Unfortunately, yes
OW? Yes, but that is a big part of the plot and handled quite well (ishh)
AMAZING side characters? Yes, Sebastian and Luis are 🧑🏼‍🍳💋
A satisfying ending? Eh, I wish there was more of a lengthy HEA (there still certainly is one, but I wanted more from it)

This book is told from multiple POV: The MMC, FMC and at sparing times the MMC’s mom (idk why) and tells the story of a single mom Ari who falls completely in love with a man Tom on her year abroad. He ends up having to go back to the U.S because of a family emergency and leaves her only with a phone number that doesn’t work and (unknowingly) a baby

Years later she has never seen him again until she is planning a very high end wedding for a social media influencer and her fiancé TOM. Sh*t hits the fan as he sees her again and finds out he has a child

Although there were some aspects of this book I did not mesh with, over it was fun and enjoyable to read

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The book begins with our main characters, Ari and Tom, in a flashback of their meeting at an airport, hinting at a developing romantic connection. Tom then has to return to the States but promises Ari that he will come back. The next chapter fast-forwards to the present: Ari is now working as a wedding planner, has a seven-year-old daughter, and still hasn't heard from Tom since he left eight years ago. Ari becomes contracted for a wedding in the States, unaware that she is planning the wedding of her long-lost love, Tom.

The beginning of this book was too slow for my liking. I felt like I had to trudge through the first 20% until it got interesting and I became invested. It was a very cute, fluffy romance read, and I enjoyed the plot because it was unlike anything I had read before, but, as previously stated, it moved a little too slowly for my liking.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for allowing me to read this book early in exchange for my honest review.

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A great second chance romance.

Ari is a single mother who has been waiting 8 years for the father of her child to return. She is a successful wedding planner trying to expand her business to the United States. She finally has her first job in the states to plan the wedding of no other than the man she has been waiting for all this time.

Tom never forgot about Ari and he did go back for her but when he saw how happy she was he left and started a new life.

The author did a great job writing this second chance romance. When I first read the synopsis I was worried. Cheating is a hard limit for me. She handled everything perfectly. I also loved the passing of time. I never understood why authors think they need to rush everything. These two characters had a lot to get through. The author slowed them time to do just that.

If you like second chance romance, single mom romance you will love this book.

Thank you to NetGalley and Choc lit for this title. This is my very honest review.

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Before You Say I Do is a gut-wrenching, heart breaking romance that caused me to shirk my adult responsibilities in order to finish the story because there was never a place that I felt satisfied with where the story was headed to put it down. Don't get me wrong - it was a beautiful and beatifully written story, but it was sad from the beginning of the book forward. It is a second chance romance that left me drained after reading it and I couldn't stop thinking about the story and all the places that Tom could have altered the trajectory of the relationship if he had just had the guts to do so. I also was left feeling bad for Ari as she waited for Tom's return and thinking that she must truly love him to be willing to keep the hope alive for as long as she did.

Read this book. Just make certain to have a box a tissues nearby and your calendar cleared before you start.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this arc.

I SNF this book in the first chapter. I was very interested in the premise of the book but I just didn’t enjoy this read. I think it was the writing style, it hurt my head reading, just not for me.

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I cried like a baby while reading this book. Cried so hard that I couldn’t read the pages. the book was good, you experience so many emotions while reading

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Tenía mucho potencial y es una lastima que se desperdició.

La historia de Tom se manejo bien, pero la de Ari no, fue horrible como se retrato a ella y terminó siendo una tonta, sin dignidad ni amor propio. En lugar de que me diera lastima terminó siendo un personaje patético. <-- En la parte de spoilers daré las razones.

Autoras, por favor 🙏 dejen de hacer dejadas, y estúpidas a las protagonistas.

Spoilers ⚠️ ⚠️
Ari y Tom se conocieron hace 8 años, salieron por 6 meses y estaban comprometidos (de palabra), pero él tuvo que irse por una emergencia familiar, le prometio que volvería y le dejó un número telefónico.

Cuando ella descubrió que estaba embarazada le llamó, pero estaba desconectado el teléfono, entonces lo espero y espero y espero y espero por 8 años. Y lo siguió esperando porque es tan tonta que sigue enamorada. Patética.

Mi gran problema fue que Ari estuvo esperando por 8 AÑOS a Tom, mientras que él siguió con su vida. Es que es una idiota por dejar su vida en pausa por alguien que la abandonó. Ella no se da cuenta que está dejando pasar su vida o si lo hace no le importa porque vive en su mundo de caramelos.
Pudo ser un buen libro si se cambiara esa parte y ella saliera, tuviera citas, novios y relaciones serias. - antes de que me digan que si tuvo citas esas no cuentan porque las hizo para decirse que lo intento, que no resultó y asi poder seguir esperando al otro -. Hubiera sido un gran cambio sí que la única razón por la que lo estuviera esperando fuera para decirle de la hija y que la niña tuviera un padre, pero nada más.

De principio a fin Ari fue una tonta, solo era necesario que viera a Tom para que se arrodillara ante él. En ningún momento se puso firme ni siquiera cuando tenía que pelar por la custodia se su hija.

No culpo a Tom por comprometerse porque hay ciertos acontecimientos que le hicieron creer que Ari estaba casada.

Tom quería a Shasha, pero nunca la amó y la utilizó para no estar sólo. Ella sabia y no le importó porque le gustaba estar con alguien de una familia distinguida.

Otra cosa que no me gustó fue lo del beso cuando aún estaba comprometido, no fue justo para Sasha.

Otra cosa que no me gustó fue como todos (sobre todo Tom) endiosaron a Doug como padre y esposo, mientras que a
Marnie la hacían menos, o sea el tipo se la pasaba viajando para poder pilotear, divertirse y serle infiel a Marnie. Si bien ella también estuvo lejos de sus hijos fue porque estaba trabajando y para ignorar las infidelidades de su esposo.
Me molestó como Tom hablaba maravillas de su padre a pesar de saber lo que hizo, pero cuando tenía que pasar tiempo con su mamá se molestaba porque no le gustaba estar con ella.

Amé a Stella y la manera en como no desaprovechado ninguna oportunidad para insultar a Tom.

Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I really enjoyed the idea of Ari having to plan a wedding for Tom. My favorite character was Stella. I loved that she just took photos and watched everything unfold.

I have a few issues with the book. The flashbacks were in almost every chapter. I would have liked to see less of them because it started to get in the way of the story. This book also seemed slow at times. The Spanish had no translations, so if you don't read Spanish, then you won't know what is said.

There were parts that I did enjoy, such as moments Tom had his child or the relationship between Ari and her brother.

This ARC was given to me in exchange for my honest review.

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Ari and Tom had a whirlwind romance, traveling across Europe with one another until Tom is called home to the states. Before he left, he promised he’d be back but he vanished, leaving Ari to deal with the aftermath of their unknown and unborn child. Eight years later, Ari is in the states to plan the wedding of the year. Only it turns out the groom is her long lost Tom.

This book just wasn’t what I was expecting. It was kind of hard to get through and I don’t know if it’s because of the third person point of view. It was mainly written in Tom and Ari‘s point of view, but it included bits of Marnie‘s and the other characters as well.

I didn’t like how everything unfolded. I felt like we missed out on the chance of them being shocked of seeing one another after eight years long years and the discovery of a daughter. I mean, yes there was shock, but it just wasn’t how I was expecting how they were going to find out. And I felt like their conversation was long overdue. I also wish we got to see a bit more of the wedding planning.

I did not like Tom at all. And I couldn’t really tell you why. It could be that he left and didn’t come back till two years later, but left again due to what he witnessed and assumed. What I did like was his few moments with Reine.

But really, I just couldn’t connect with the main characters. I felt like there was a huge disconnect. But it might have honestly been because it was hard to get through the past scenes when a huge chunk of it was written in italics which honestly just hurt my eyes. It would have also been nice to see some translation after a character would speak in Spanish, which was also in italics.

I think my favorite person in the book had to be Stella and her smalls. Or even Marnie.

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