Member Reviews

I was so surprised by this book. I have been a Janet Oke reader for decades, I was thrilled to grab this copy. However, it is nothing like her usual books (Love Comes Softly/When Calls the Heart offerings).

This book felt like it was rushed and not that well written. The two main characters were irritating, and the supporting characters were fairly one dimensional.

I might have enjoyed this more if I had been a new reader, instead of already her backlist in every format (Kindle, paperback and reprints lol).

Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC in return for an honest review.

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It's been quite awhile since I read a Janette Oke book, so I was happy to receive this book as an ARC. I loved the cover for starters. This book--while taking place during the time of Christ--isn't like some where the character meets Christ during their lifetime. This one instead begins about weeks before Christ is crucified and then continues years after His death.

Our lead character goes from being a 15 year old lovely young woman seeking to find the "Carpenter" to help heal her father--to the wife of a passionately anti-Christ Pharisee in a matter of weeks. the book gives insight about what it would be like to be curious about the message and rumors of Christ but living in a household and social standing where everyone is full of rage and hatred against him.

I also appreciated how it ended with them seeking the return and desperately wondering when it will be...a reminder for ourselves about still eager awaiting it.

All in all--it really didn't have the mmmf. I'd say it's about a 3. Just okay.

Like typical Janette Oke, you will see her own faith woven throughout the story.

*Thank you to the publishers and NetGalley for the ARC of this novel. All opinions are 100% my own.

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This was my first book by Janette Oke and it won’t be my last. I love historical fiction and this was so different, being Biblical Historical Fiction. I was completely engulfed in this world from the beginning. I loved getting to see the biblical world come to life on the page.

The descriptions that were given were so mesmerizing and made me look certain things up multiple times. (Which I always think is the best sign of a good historical fiction book.)

I loved the way the story was woven together and the greater message of Jesus and our faith was beautiful.

If you’re looking for a historical fiction book that will pack a faith punch, this is the book for you.

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Mary is the young but stunning daughter of a poor millwright who is injured in an accident. On a visit to a village, chasing after Jesus to ask him for healing, she has the misfortune to be seen by Enos, a student Pharisee.

Enos is truly a white-washed sepulchre and even worse. I hated him thoroughly. He thinks he's the cat's whiskers and everyone else is dust beneath his feet. Pah!! This attitude extends towards his finding a wife. He has decided he must possess the beautiful girl he saw in the village, so he will be the envy and the cynosure of all eyes, whispered about as the husband of a most beauteous wife. 🙄

Possess her, he does - as a thing, so much so he arrogantly changes her name to Simona because 'Mary', is "too common", and sends her to "train" to be a Pharisee's wife and learn to follow all their extraneous rituals and traditions.

Being the awful, proud, full-of-himself man that he is, he is 100% against the upstart Rabbi, Jesus and we are told of his contempt repeatedly.

What will he do when he finds out his carefully, chosen beautiful wife has an affinity for the despised, despicable, false prophet he has decided Jesus is, and needs just eye-witness testimony to believe that He is indeed the Messiah?

Read the novel to find out what happens to Enos and Mary, aka Simona. I didn't much care for it. I found Enos rather one dimensional - wholly wicked! With zero redeeming features. Mary is the good, obedient, quiet, Jewish girl. The plot develops upto a point, beyond which it is just a narrative of the everyday, ordinary and life of the early believer in Israel. Stirring events are just reported in a paragraph or two. If the intention was to show the mundane, daily life of a Christian in the first century AD, even in the midst of persecution and stirring events, it's a resounding success.

I was given an ARC for my reading pleasure. The opinions expressed here are mine alone.

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The Pharisee’s Wife is a very powerful and thought-provoking story about redemption by Janette Oke. At age ninety, Oke has granted her readers with a truly remarkable and unique story of Biblical fiction as she transports us to the time when Jesus walked this world spreading the word of God.

Told by two points-of-view, Oke, with her exquisite prose, takes her readers back in time where we meet Mary (a.k.a Simona), a humble country girl, and Enos, an ambitious Pharisee in training. Throughout their journey, Oke painted vivid images, which kept me totally engaged from beginning to end. I felt every single moment of Mary’s love, loss, and doubts as she struggled with being the wife of a Pharisee. Enos, so concerned with prestige for himself, goes into debt to possess Mary. Oke had me in awe with her ability to get so deeply into the minds of both of these fantastic characters, making reading this book an amazing experience.

I highly recommend The Pharisee’s Wife, an unforgettable story, written by Janette Oke, an amazing author who has been writing some of the best historical Christian fiction books I have read for over thirty years.

A complimentary copy of this book was provided by Tyndale House Publishers via NetGalley through Interviews & Reviews. I was not obligated to write a favorable review, and all opinions are my own.

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I wanted to love this book more than I did. I think this might be a personal preference, because the writing was great and the characters were realistic with a well developed plot, but there was something about the subservience of the main character that I didn't like. I couldn't understand her motivations especially when faced with such an unloving husband. I confess that I put this book down many times, but that is in no way a reflection on the author. I'd love to read more from them in the future.

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The story started well enough. We were introduced to Mary, and soon saw how drastically her life would change. But we never actually got to KNOW Mary, and we certainly only got to know her husband on the surface. Their stories were very separate. It was strange. Things would just happen to one of them, but there was no investment on my part as the reader because I never got to know anyone well. Three-fourths through the book the story slowed down. There was even more telling about all the things going on, and the story of Mary seemed to fade. Time flew by and things happened at an alarmingly fast rate. It was like reading an overview of someone’s life. Nothing to keep me engaged or make me feel for these characters. It was like there wasn’t a story there anymore so we just finished it off by saying what happened to everyone. Very strange.

*I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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What a treat to have another book by Janette Oke! A beautiful work of fiction set in biblical times. The Pharisee’s Wife follows the life of a Jewish woman from the start of Jesus’ ministry until the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD. The writing pulled me into the story from the start and I loved getting a glimpse into what life could have looked like during this time. The perspective of the Pharisee intrigued me, although his treatment towards Mary infuriated me. At the end I felt like things happened quickly and I wanted more of a story. But reading about the longing for Jesus’ second return inspired me and challenged me on how I have been praying. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book!!!

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The Pharisee's Wife was an inspirational story about a young girl named Mary, who is chosen by the Pharisee Enos to be his wife. He isn't a nice man though. Cruel and hungry for power her life quickly becomes a nightmare. But as she begins to hear about the carpenter who some people are saying is the Messiah, she realizes she and Enos have some very different dreams for their lives.

Janette Oke is a masterful storyteller and the main characters were well developed. Having Mary and her family begin to believe in Jesus amid all the turmoil in Jerusalem is fascinating to read and I thought the author did a great job with having the characters feel as they they were in that time and setting.

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I was given an advanced copy of this book by the Author and NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

Just when I think Janette Oke can't get any better.....I have been reading Janette Oke for 30+ years. And once again, she swept me off my feet. From the very first page, I was taken on a front row seat into the life of Mary "Simona" and how she was raised in a humble home. Only to be bought for a bride price by a Pharisee even at a young age. I felt like I was sitting there in the same room watching her life unfold. 'Simona" quietly obeys as she is taught the ways of a Pharisee's wife. Yet while she is learning, her husband is actively trying to find and persecute Jesus. The author made it seem so very real and as intense as I'm sure it was at that time. The very hatred of the name of Jesus was astounding. I love how this author made me feel like I was in the streets AD33 watching this unfold as they find and persecute Jesus while Simona is yearning for Jesus and His redemption and His love. You can feel the excitement as they find out 3 days later His body is missing. And even when Simona's life isn't turning out like expected, the author kept Simona's heart always longing for Christ. You can feel her desire for the Lord's return. The ending wasn't what I was expecting, yet was absolutely perfect for the setting of this book. I highly recommend this book as you will not be able to forget it!!

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This was an ok read for me. The expectations of and training for being the wife of a Pharisee was a topic I haven't seen explored before, and I found it interesting. But the pacing was off and there seemed to be gaps in the storyline.

The author is a talented writer, but this is not up to her usual standard.

This is biblical historical fiction so expect discussions about Jesus.

Thanks to Netgalley and Tyndale House. I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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I was fascinated by the era when a Pharisee had so much power over the Jewish people they were to be serving.. Janette Oke never fails to open our eyes. The Pharisee's Wife is thought provoking.

The life of a Pharisee was one of privilege when Jesus walked the earth., Scholar Enos was at the top of his class. He lets his fleshly desires propel him to change the life of young, poor Mary. Enos' fervor over Jesus' claim to the the Messiah blinds him to reality and his true nature reaps the rewards that destroy Mary's new world.

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I believe I’ve read every inspirational fiction book by the beloved author Janette Oke. Most of these novels feature strong female protagonists and are set in the pioneer times. Each one has been a blessing, beautifully highlighting God’s love and care.

Now, at the remarkable age of 90, Janette Oke has written a fresh take on Biblical fiction with The Pharisee’s Wife. As the title suggests, the story is set in Jerusalem in 33 A.D. It begins like a typical romance: a young, ambitious Pharisee in training spots a beautiful girl, desires her, and marries her.

But as the story unfolds, we see that the Pharisee becomes consumed by worldly ambition—the desire to appear successful, to be better than others, and to use his wife to further his own opportunities. His kind-hearted wife means little to him, and their relationship is anything but loving.

Everything changes when the Pharisees in Jerusalem decide it’s time to silence the presence of a poor carpenter from Galilee who claims to be the Messiah. The lives of the young Pharisee and his wife are dramatically altered, and they are forced to confront their faith and purpose in ways they never expected.

This book is unlike the sweet and gentle stories Janette Oke is known for, which have been so meaningful and entertaining to me. But I believe that at age 90, the author felt called to boldly proclaim the Gospel to a world in desperate need of God’s love and care. The Pharisee’s Wife is a powerful and thought-provoking read, reminding us of the radical love and sacrifice of Jesus.

Thank you, Janette Oke, for writing such an inspiring book. I highly recommend it to anyone seeking a deep, soul-stirring story.

I received a complimentary eBook through Tyndale House Publishers via NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

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The Pharisee’s Wife by Janette Oke is contemplative and moving biblical fiction novel that explores the beginnings of Jesus’ ministry through the eyes of the Pharisees. From the perspective of Enos, a Pharisee-in-training, we see how one man valued money, power, and prestige above his supposed service to the Lord.

We also see what it was like for Mary, a country girl Enos must have because of her beauty. He cares nothing for her, but only thinks about how others will be jealous of him, with her at his side. Mary is then thrust into training to become a Pharisee’s wife. She quickly finds that doing one thing wrong could cost her. Especially with Enos’ vile temper.

Oke excels at her ability to get into the mind of Enos and his devious plans to make a name for himself. In addition, her thoughtful portrayal of Mary, who is a bright light in this story, will have readers praying that Mary’s prayers are answered.

The author weaves a tale of woe that unfolds into a beautiful redemption story. Readers who enjoy the works of Mesu Andrews, Tessa Afshar or Angela Hunt will find much to admire in Janette Oke’s latest offering.

The Pharisee’s Wife is a captivating tale of innocence in the face of brutality, set against the backdrop of the beginnings of Jesus’ ministry. I highly recommend it.

I received a complimentary eBook through Tyndale House Publishers via NetGalley, for my honest review.

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I became a lifelong fan of Janette Oke from the moment I was gifted a copy of Love Comes Softly as a teenager in the 1980s. Having read every one of her novels since, I can honestly say that the pioneer of Christian fiction has arrived in 2025 better than ever. Mary’s journey moved me. I felt her pain, her loss, her doubts. I related to her personally in her struggles as a woman of faith despite the centuries between us. It was intriguing to view Jesus through not only her life and circumstances, but also through the eyes of the Pharisees, the spiritual leaders who should have known who He was.
The ending was a bit unpredictable, but the more I think about it, the more I like it. The connection between the first century church and the church today is an important one. The story is not over. We look forward to Jesus coming back for us just as they did 2000 years ago. Time may seem long, but God the Father has a plan and is on His own schedule. It is easy to get distracted, but we must keep looking up. In the meantime, we have His Spirit, and, like Mary, we are never alone.
The Pharisee’s Wife is an unexpected treat. I certainly hope that Mrs. Oke will bless us with more books; her continued wisdom and talent are a gift. Whether you are a long-time fan or never heard of her before, be sure to pick up a copy. You will see the Biblical setting of Jesus’ life, as well as our own wait for his return, with fresh eyes.
*I received a complimentary copy of this e-book courtesy of Tyndale House Publishers and NetGalley through Interviews & Reviews. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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5 stars all the way for this book! It amazes me how perfectly Janette Oke writes her books! Her use of imagery placed me in the midst of the market, the sanctuary of the Pharisees, and traveling with a caravan.

Mary and her story connected with me immediately. Her devotion to her family is admirable. She endures loneliness, an unhappy marriage, and the loss of several family members. Her journey towards faith in Jesus is inspiring. The servants Una and Ira loved Mary and became her family. Enos is a crafty and undesirable man. There is hope, though, that his heart changed.

The focus towards the end of the book turns toward the return of Jesus. Mary and her family anxiously await that glorious day. As a Christian, I, too, wait for His return. The author's note really reminds those who believe to not give up hope and to be ready for His return.

I was provided a complimentary copy of the book from Tyndale House Publishers via NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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The Pharisee’s Wife is more than just a novel; it’s an exploration of faith’s enduring power in the face of adversity. With its compelling characters, rich historical detail, and a deeply moving narrative, this book will captivate readers and leave a lasting impression.

Full Review at

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When I discovered that I hadn’t read a book by Janette Oke, the author who pioneered Christian fiction, I made it my goal to discover her for myself. I started with When Calls The Heart (1983) at the beginning of this week, and then continued with The Pharisee’s Wife (2025). I’m amazed to discover that Oke is still writing spectacular stories at 90 years old. Furthermore, that she’s stretching her comfort zone and trying a new-to-her genre - biblical fiction.

I appreciated a bird’s eye view of how different communities reacted to Jesus’ arrival, how different groups practicing the Jewish faith interacted with each other and with Gentiles, and how women were viewed in that culture.

Oke is known for her rich storytelling and it flows into this genre, too. I was able to connect with reimagined characters from bible times and still feel their emotional highs and lows. At times, I felt I was in the story, feeling Mary’s lack of purpose and fearing Enos ben Elias’s return.

I was disappointed with Mary’s mother and her attitude toward Mary’s leaving and wanted to step into the story and warn everyone! I had to keep reminding myself of the culture and time. I also struggled with the open-ended threads Oke didn’t tie up and the seeming lack of climax in the story. However, when I read the author’s notes, Oke pointed out that the ripples of Mary’s story haven’t stopped, even in our day. Perhaps this is a good way to start a new year - asking the same questions Oke raises in her narrative.

Oke’s purpose was to share with readers what it was potentially like to live in Jerusalem in 33 AD, what it was like to experience a mixed-faith marriage, know a little more about the Pharisees' beliefs and practices, how to navigate new circumstances and accept new ideologies, and to deal with regret. Her exploration of the final two still apply today. She more than met her goal.

I welcomed the message that Jesus in our midst, whether it be in our hearts or in our community (as it was here), will always cause a stir. I hope I continue to make room for Him and give Him welcome. I appreciated the author’s sense of urgency in her notes to readers.

I was gifted this copy by Tyndale House Publishers and NetGalley and was under no obligation to provide a review.

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Mary is such a common name in the first century that her husband Enos decides she will be known as Simona. Seems kind of strange to give your young wife a new first name, but hey! Lots of things were different about marriage in the first century. Mary seems like an obedient, nice enough young Jewish girl. She comes across as a little naive, but this makes sense due to her young age and lack of any education. She has heard about the preacher/prophet Jesus, and wonders if he could be the messiah.

Then a Pharisee (one of the devout elite religious establishment) notices her and offers her parents a large sum of money to take her as a wife. I'm telling ya. Not much about marriage in the first century remotely resembles what we would view as marriage. Anyway, she is bored a lot, gets a maid and a lot of fancy new clothes, he is really controlling of her, but it is hard to know if this is weird for the time or not. She becomes pregnant but loses the baby, which makes her very sad. Simona is alone a lot. Turns out Enos is one of the Pharisees trying to bring down Jesus, they believe he is a false prophet and Herod's governor Pilate will have him executed.

Somehow Mary has faith in Jesus, really without much reason, not having heard him speak and just praying to him. It does have a happy ending although Enos is pretty upset when he learns she is a "Jesus follower."

I definitely felt sorry for Simona/Mary, and it was a very good historical/Biblical fiction story, I just felt that the characters, particularly Enos, were pretty one-dimensional. When I was younger, I always heard about the Pharisees and thought they were the bad guys, and OF COURSE if I were there I would be a Jesus follower. But as I have grown older, I wonder if the Pharisees didn't really think they were doing the right thing, they were very devout, religious people like myself. I personally believe Jesus was the best teacher of all time, and I like considering how tales about his miracles and teachings spread across Judea.

A quaint story about a young girl that helps us imagine what life would be like in the first century. This book reminded me of the American Girl doll historical fiction books but about Biblical times.

Thanks to NetGalley and Tyndale for the ARC. Book to be published March 11, 2025.

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Oof, this is tough for me to write. Because I wanted to really enjoy a deviation of Janette Oke's norm (or at least what I think of as norm with her Love Comes Softly/When Calls the Heart offerings). However, the more and more this book progressed did I feel that it was rushed and not that well written.

It has potential. Mary is a young girl whose father has heard of the man who heals (yes, Jesus) and they journey to find him. They don't but what has occurred is Mary catching the eye of a Pharisee named Enos. This Pharisee determines to take Mary for his wife because of how she looks and that alone. So he marries her, changes her name to Simona, and has her go through training to be a good Pharisee's wife.

As you might imagine, this does not occur. Enos is driven by his hatred of "the false prophet" whereas Mary/Simona finds herself seeking. She becomes a follower of Jesus, unbeknownst to Enos...and life is never the same.

Neither character is fully fleshed out, especially Enos. <spoiler> if you are expecting a conversion of him as well, this is not it. His desire for riches gets the better of him and yet, while we think he has fallen in with thieves, we are never given those pages. Instead we encounter him about to be crucified and he asks Simona for forgiveness. It felt VERY implausible. </spoiler> As for Mary, well, I found the last quarter of the book was her complaining, or VERY LOUDLY YEARNING, for Christ's return. (Which as this book depicts both Ascension and Pentecost, that isn't happening). Mary was likeable to a degree but she just drove my crazy. All sub characters stayed very one dimensional which was disappointing. I have been reading books geared for elementary school kids that have better character development, voice, and purpose.

This book very much shows how the early days of Christianity (think the beginning chapters of Acts) could have indeed gone down for Christians. However, to me, while this has a scriptural message, it's just not that good. Sigh.

THank you Netgalley for letting me read in advance in exchange for an honest review.

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