Member Reviews

This is classic Jayne Ann Krentz, it continues the world-building of her previous paranormal romances but is based in modern-day Earth.
This can be read as a stand-alone book, but you will get more backstory if you read the other two books in the series.

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Shattering Dawn ( Book Three) by Jayne Ann Krentz is the third book in her newest series The Lost Night Files. The book is full of paranormal happenings as well as some real creepy people. The storyline that starts off the series is that three young women were all kidnapped, given drugs and left to die. Instead they woke up realizing the building was on fire and escaped only to realize that they lost a day in their life and someone tried to harm them. Talia March, Pallas Llewellyn, and Amelia Rivers are bound together by this memory and start a podcast called the Lost Night Files to help share their stories and work on solving mysteries of the paranormal. The drugs they were given have seemed to make their psychic senses stronger and more vibrant.

Amelia is positive something or someone is stalking her. She contacts a private investigator Gideon Sweetwater to catch the stalker. What they find is more than just a stalker, they investigate where the first incident occurred to Amelia and her friends and from there the story moves quickly with people hunting people and some twists and turns that are unexpected. I love how the novel wrapped up the investigations and allowed the reader to enjoy the couples moving forward. I also think the ending was written in such a way as to allow more books to be written about the basic premise.

Shattering Dawn Book Three in The Lost Night Files by Jayne Ann Krentz was a great read!

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Shattering Dawn by Jayne Ann Krentz is the captivating conclusion to the thrilling Lost Night Files trilogy. This contemporary romantic suspense series keep me on the edge of my seat until the very end.

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Shattering Dawn is the third and final book in the Lost Night Files trilogy by Ms. Krentz and answers all of the questions that have been left unanswered.

Ms. Krentz's descriptive writing allows a reader to feel like they are experiencing each moment with Amelia and Gideon as they uncover more clues about Amelia's "lost night" as well as the current threat of a stalker. Amelia is a strong woman but vulnerable at this point because of her awakening psychic abilities. I liked that she was trying to learn to not only control them but to learn how they work. Gideon Sweetwater was a supportive of Amelia and helped her to understand more about control of psychic abilities and he learned something new about his own as they worked together on the case. Perfectly paced suspense, psychically enhanced villains and romance made this a book that was hard to put down. A very satisfactory conclusion to the trilogy that also leaves a door open with Pallas, Talia and Amelia agreeing to continue to investigate cases with a paranormal twist.

I enjoyed seeing a member of the Sweetwater family in this one. I've always been intrigued by their particular paranormal gifts since Owen Sweetwater's appearance in QUICKSILVER in the Arcane series written by Ms. Krentz under the pen name of Amanda Quick. It was also fun to catch the reference of The Foundation and Victor Arganbright from the Fogg Lake trilogy by Ms. Krentz.

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This is the final book in the thrilling Lost Night Files trilogy and it is an excellent conclusion to this contemporary romantic suspense series. Amelia Rivers, the last member of the podcasting team from the Lost Night Files podcast, can see auras and energy prints, particularly at night. She knows that she is being stalked and reaches out to the private investigator, Gideon Sweetwater, for help because she is certain that he will relate to her psychic abilities. While Gideon is initially hesitant to take the case, he is sucked in very quickly because of his interest in Amelia and her ties to a list of people with known paranormal talents.

In true Jayne Ann Krentz fashion, they go on a fast-paced adventure running from one location to the next, gathering clues and coming up against several villains. I always love her characters, they are what keep me coming back to all of her series, time and again. Gideon and Amelia were no exception, they were fun to watch work together and fall in love. I think this provided an excellent ending to the series, wrapping up most of the storylines but definitely leaving room to expand this universe and connect to other stories.

I love how Jayne Ann Krentz pulls everything together inside of the JayneVerse. As I mentioned before this is the final book of a trilogy so you should definitely read the first two books, 'Sleep No More' and 'The Night Island', before 'Shattering Dawn', but I would also highly recommend reading the Fogg Lake trilogy starting with 'The Vanishing'. You do not have to read that series to follow the Lost Night Files, but Krentz does an amazing job rewarding her long-time fans by linking pieces of her stories and character genealogies together. If you really want to deep-dive, you should definitely check out the Arcane society series and somewhere in there, although I forgot which book, readers are first introduced to the Sweetwater family. If you don't want that commitment but do want to read about some other members of the Sweetwater family, you should definitely check out 'Sweetwater & the Witch' under her pen name Jayne Castle in her Ghost Hunters series.

A sincere thank you to NetGalley and Berkley Publishing for providing me a free eArc in return for an honest review.

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The third member of the podcast, Lost Night Files, Amelia Rivers is being hunted by a stalker while trying to do some pursuing of her own to figure out what happened to cause some intense psychic skills which were previously nascent, to escalate. She hires a private detective, Gideon Sweetwater, who has some woowoo talents of his own though skeptical of Amelia’s professed ones. Gideon is highly doubtful of Ameila’s claims of both a stalker and her own capabilities.

Amelia and her two friends of the podcast were essentially kidnapped and experimented on; however, they have no memories of that fateful night, or what exactly happened. Once Gideon is convinced of her authenticity, he and Amelia try to track down all the bad actors involved going back to the decrepit, burned out, and super creepy hotel where it all took place.

Their discoveries lead Amelia and Gideon to understand a deadly enemy must be stopped before more people succumb to the formerly government backed experiments. While dealing with an attraction for her that seems like a bad idea to Gideon, he and Amelia find their talents actually complement each other. This is the third book of the trilogy where secrets are revealed and mysteries cleared up. Ms. Krentz stories are always entertaining, and while this book can be read as a standalone, it is best read in order.

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I did not realize this was part of a series and I didn't have the context to understand this book. Consequently, I was unable to finish this book and thus will not be providing a full reivew. Thank you for the opportunity and consideration

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Satisfying final novel of this trilogy. Action moved along nicely. There were some twists and surprises along the way.. Story wrapped up but there are hints of connections in future books.

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The final book in the Lost Night Files trilogy stars Amelia Rivers and Gideon Sweetwater.

Since her lost night, Amelia has had her psychic gift of aura reading enhanced. She has also developed a phobia about the dark of night and attracted a stalker. She goes to private investigator Gideon Sweetwater for help finding and discouraging her stalker.

Gideon is still recovering from a previous case when he rescued a young man from a cult. He has a stalker of his own. Fascinated with Amelia, he decides to take her case despite his doubts about her aura reading ability. Gideon has psychic powers of his own which are causing problems in his life.

They travel to the deserted desert hotel where the events of Amelia's lost night occurred and make some discoveries and learn more about each other.

This episode brings many of the events of the trilogy to a satisfying conclusion while still leaving the door open for further books. I enjoyed the romance between Gideon and Amelia. The growing relationship between Gideon and Amelia entertaining to watch. I also enjoyed the paranormal aspects of this story.

Fans of the earlier books in this trilogy will also enjoy this concluding story.

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We finally find out what happened during the Lost Night in this thrilling adventure that wraps up the Lost Night mystery. Amelia is smart, sassy and empathetic. Gideon is grumpy and gifted. Between the two of them they manage to air the mystery that has plagued Amelia and her friends. I really enjoyed this exciting episode.

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This book is full of suspense and twists that kept me guessing what would happen next. The book is part of a series but could easily be read as a stand alone. Thank you to net galley for an advanced readers copy.

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This was a fantastic conclusion to the Lost Night Files Trilogy and I loved it. Amelia and Gideon had amazing chemistry and they figure out who was behind the organization that drugged them on their lost night and why they picked them. They of course have a compatible powers and instead of scaring her Gideon’s power helps her remember what happened that lost night. I love that there is still the parent organization who is behind all the experimentation that is still at large and ready for the next trilogy to deal with them. The love story is always my favorite part and I really enjoyed the exploration of their powers and how it colors how they see the world. I can’t wait for the next series to start

Thanks to Berkley and Netgalley for the complimentary copy of this book. All opinions in this review are my own.

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SHATTERING DAWN is book 3 in the ‘Lost Night’ trilogy by prolific author Jayne Ann Krentz. Krentz (and her pseudonyms) is a very interesting and consistent author. The mystery is finally tied up by the psychic women, but ends in a way that leaves circumstances open for the series to continue. I personally found this to be the best of the three books. Enjoyable PNR as always, and I like how a Sweetwater character was tied into the storyline. Krentz is still at the top of her paranormal game.

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Sometimes I read a book like this and I wonder if real psychics exist and how much of what I read could be grounded in reality and how much is simply an entertaining read. Normally, I am a very rational person but it is neat to speculate about the possibility that some have another sense. With that said, it does not take a psychic to know that this book is very well written as I would expect for this author. She is one of the main voices in my opinion for unique paranormal suspense stories with a psychic twist.
Amelia, the final of the 3 ladies, from the Lost Night podcast will finally face the man responsible for the lost night. Along the way, she meets another psychic, her other half who makes her stronger. Together they become the best versions of themselves as they navigate the fog to find answers. Gideon Sweetwater is interesting in his own right and there is something about the Sweetwater name that is been tickling the back of my mind making me wonder if he ties to another book. There is a lot of really like about him - he is strong despite being not fully healed, he is smart and a good investigator and while he often disagrees with Amelia throwing herself into danger, he stands at her side when she does. Over the course of the story, Amelia finds herself as she works to help Gideon with his talent. She is totally unafraid to speak her mind regardless of how touchy the subject is.
As for the mystery, this is the final piece in the lost nights story and is another good book. I'm actually a tad surprised that she stood on her own for much of the book without the other 2 ladies with her. It was truly her story and with Gideon's help was able to pull enough of her story together to be the one to solve their lost night.
Whether you believe in psychics or wonder what else might be out there or you just want to be entertained, I recommend this page-turner. I am anxious to see what Jayne brings us next.
Thanks to NetGalley and Berkley Publishing Group for the opportunity to read this ARC.

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This is the third book in the Lost Night Files. In this one we have the story of Amelia Rivers and Gideon Sweetwater. As with the other two books, we continue on our quest to determine what happened to the ladies on their "lost night". This book gives us some answers and leads us to the decision to continue the Lost Night Files podcast.
I enjoyed this one. I think I might have liked it the best of the three books in this series personally. To read for yourself what happened on the "lost night" and why pick this book up in January 2025.

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This installment of the Lost Night Files brings together two wary people. Amelia has hired a reluctant PI to catch her stalker. He thinks she's a little nuts, but soon comes to realize the real danger -- to both of them. Together they return to the site of her lost night in an attempt to stop the people experimenting with dangerous drugs.

Highly recommended for all fans of the paranormal. #ShatteringDawn #NetGalley #SaltMarshAuthorSeries

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The latest installment in the Lost Night Files finds Amelia hiring a private investigator because she fears being kidnapped again. A thrilling read from start to finish.

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I didn’t read the 1st two books in this series but that was okay. I was able to jump in and enjoy the story. I loved Amelia and Gideon as they navigate their problems, discover their talents, work on a cold case all while falling in love.

I plan to get the 1st two books in the series and see what other shenanigans the Sweetwater family is up to in those books.

Thank you NetGalley for chance to read this ARC. All opinions are my own.

#ShatteringDawn #NetGalley

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Amelia Rivers hires private investigator Gideon Sweetwater because she's being stalked. And she's afraid that it's linked to the night that she was drugged and woke up in a burning hotel. The catch, she wasn't the only woman to wake up that night, and they are all searching for clues.

Why I started this book: I requested this ARC because Krentz is a very consistent author. If you like one of her books, you will like the next... and the next. She's also a prolific author.

Why I finished it: This book satisfactorily closes the Lost Night Files trilogy while leaving open the possible of more. Amelia and Gideon make an effective couple that Krentz loves to write, a nervy but determined heroine bravely confronted her problems after hiring a suspicious hero longing for a home. Solid romance and enjoyable book.

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I don't think you can go wrong with any book written by Jayne Ann Krentz. Her books are fast paced, exciting, and fun reads. Over the years of writing you can see how her female and male characters have changed with the times and are more realistic and human. For me, it makes the story more enjoyable and gives the dialogue between the characters more life.
This is the third in the series but it is also a stand alone book. I didn't remember the first two books but now I am going to have to get them so I can get the whole story!

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