Member Reviews

I loved the quirky characters and the banter in this adorable romance! Blake and Izzy were both relatable, likable characters.

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Thank you to the publisher and author for this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

This was a cute and quirky romcom. I was a bit bored in the middle. Blake and Izzy were fun characters, if not a bit one-dimensional. The nickname “Chest” and “Mr. Chest” really drove me crazy. The amount of pop culture references started to take me out of the story half way through. The humor kept this story alive. The premise was unique and a fun way to start a book. Overall, a solid and silly romcom.

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Accidentally Amy’s beat quality is the super sharp and super funny banter between Blake and Izzy. Lynn Painter is so good at this. And good banter is like foreplay. I was worried this was going to be a billionaire romance kind of story but Blake was so relatable and Izzy was not the young naive ingenue. I loved both of them and just enjoyed the ride.

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I truly wasn’t sure about this book at first. The premise is a little goofy- and Blake annoyed me for like one second in the beginning. But Izzy won me over, she’s so silly and quirky that you have to laugh. Once I learned about billboard a-holes I was convinced. The banter between the two of them was so funny and there were. So. Many. Cats.
If you like:
✨Forbidden Romances
✨Quirky characters
You’ll really enjoy this one :)

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This book was really good! I was immediately drawn into the characters and their chemistry. Love the slow burn of this book. Recommend for those looking for a light, romantic read.

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A meet cute, grumpy/sunshine, He falls first that is hilarious and spicy at the same time. In order to save time she grabs a coffee meant for Amy as she doesn’t want to be late for work. She gets rewarded for this action by spilling the coffee on Mr Chest and they exchange witty banter. She realizes her error when he says see you tomorrow Amy. She didn’t know how to explain that wasn’t her name.

Turns out Mr. Chest is her boss. They set up rules on how to be friends and communicate but the sexual tension is off the charts with them. It is great to watch relationship blossom from lust to love. Her books are always a delight to read!

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A meet-cute romance. With undeniable attraction to each other at first meeting in coffee shop. But, he doesn't know her real name since she was in a hurry and took someone else's coffee. And of course, turns out he's her new boss with a thing about honesty. I enjoyed the story, but a little too much angst about "dating" rules and a lot of "flip flopping" around these rules. No such thing in real life as in "cut and dried". Life is too messy.

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Thank you to Netgalley and Berkley for an ARC.
Loved this fast paced, witty romance. I could tell by the format it began its life as a serial and became a novel. This premise of accidental meeting--oops you're my new boss--I like you, but we shouldn't--I love you so so much--is not new but this was not in a charming, comedic way with great character chemistry.

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It's a cute romantic comedy with the grumpy/sunshine trope.

Izzy is running late for her new job. While waiting for her coffee, she takes someone else's order, which belongs to someone named Amy. As she hurries, she accidentally spills the drink on Blake and sparks fly... To her surprise, Blake turns out to be her boss. He mistakenly believes her name is Amy, which adds a humorous twist to the situation. However, Blake is not amused as he despises dishonesty and believes Izzy to be a liar. This story is a lighthearted romantic comedy filled with witty banter, office romance, and the journey of two people from different backgrounds falling in love. It also includes spicy scenes and plenty of humor.

Thank you NetGalley and Publisher for the eARC.

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This was such a fun rom-com! Izzy is in a rush to get to her new job, and she's waiting in the Starbucks line. When Amy-- who ordered the same drink Izzy did-- doesn't show up after calling out for her drink several times, Izzy, in a panic, picks up Amy's drink. Then she runs smack into Blake, and they have this instant connection. The two exchange numbers, knowing they have something special.

Except when she gets to work, Izzy realizes he's the VP at her company, and her boss. Oh, and he thinks her name is Amy. Blake's been burned by his ex-fiance lying to him, so this is not something he just laughs off.

We have a workplace romance here that's enemies-to-friends-to-lovers, where the romance really is forbidden given Blake is Izzy's boss. But the two become such amazing friends, setting the stage for a beautiful romance that is so satisfying! The banter and antics were so much fun, too-- this had a similar feel to Happily Never After without it feeling repetitive at all. It's Painter's voice that keeps us glued to the book and loving every tidbit we can learn about these characters. (Read: they are the cutest cat people ever!! And this is coming from a dog person!)

For a romance that you might just read in one sitting -- and be happy about it-- go for this! I'll be thinking of these two and grinning the next time I'm at Starbucks ordering a PSL...

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Accidentally Amy was so good. I loved Izzy and Blake’s connection and banter. The work storyline made me a little uncomfortable at points from an administrative standpoint? lol. But overall this was one of my favorites of the summer. Izzy is a strong, quirky heroine that I found extremely lovable. Blake was incredible likable also and despite obviously being a rich, successful dreamboat was also awkward and flawed in his quirky way. Highly recommend! Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the e-arc.

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<b>1.5 ★</b>

what the hell was this 😂

let me start off with everything i <b>didn't</b> like about this book.

the story starts off with the fmc, izzy, at a starbucks, waiting for her coffee and she didn't want to be late to her first day of her new job, so when the barista calls for “amy” three times and no one gets the drink, izzy gets it! she's such a rebel am i right?! 🫥

she ends up running into the mmc's chest, which happens in almost every book at this point. anyways, that's how they met and he thought her name was amy, she didn't correct him. when he found out it wasn't, he was so upset about it?! it really wasn't that serious...

→ the fmc was giving <b><i>“i'M nOt LiKe OtHeR giRls”</i></b>

<i>“Now, don't be jealous of my strength, Blakey,” she said, dancing around like a boxer getting ready for a fight. “This isn't something everyone can do.”

“To be honest, I've never been a fan of the dough-dome pizza that they call calazone. I like my slices big, open, and melty. Just like my men.”

“Side note: Every time he called me Iz, a sex angel got its wings.”

“She grinned at me and said, ‘You couldn't stay away, could you? You just had to touch me.’”

“I was smiling again like a damn fool. You want me to text you before I sex you?” → mmc</i>

→ seriously got the ick multiple times throughout this book 😭😭 fmc reminded me of liz from bttm (she was annoying as well)

→ her literal nickname for the mmc was MR. CHEST. it was so cringe. your telling me there both almost 30 years old and they were texting like TEENAGERS. a solid 1/4 of the book is just chapters of them texting or calling.

→ the third act breakup was so bad 💀 lynn painter couldn't even do that right. it wasn't even his fault either

→ i also hated how the POV switched throughout the chapter, multiple times sometimes. one second it's izzy and the next were reading blake's POV for no reason.

→ THE SPICE. <b>lynn painter, stick to YA.</b> that was so poorly written i was internally screaming. the MC's were saying “you want me to sex you up?” 🤦🏻‍♀️

→ the office romance. he's her boss but that did not contribute AT ALL. the main point of the book for a while was that they could only be friends because he was her boss, and then out of no where he just was like “hey, if you want to be more than besties, lmk! 😉”

→ the “meet-cute”. IT WAS NOT. when she ran into him, she spilled coffee on his shirt and started looking at his chest. he asked why and she said she was looking for a THIRD NIPPLE. if i were him, i'm running as far as i can 🏃🏻‍♀️

the 1.5 stars is for the blake, he was a lil cute.

there was random and pointless scenes 😭 for example, why was josh (fmc's cousin) in the book? he didn't contribute at all. or the fact that blake had cats, it was just... well, useless.

i did enjoy some of this, it was a little interesting and i was excited to write my hate review. best part of my day 🤪

also, just to clear things up this is the NEW EDITION that is being released in 2025. on the app it doesn't let me go to the different editions and i'm too lazy to get on the website



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I LOVE LOVE LOVE Lynn Painters books and her writing. This book was SO cute and I absolutely devoured it! I was SO ecstatic when Berkley approved my request through NetGalley.

Izzy or (Starbucks Amy) and Blake (Chest) bump into each other at a Starbucks. Little did they know they would keep bumping into each other and basically try to resist their chemistry until they can’t. I love the witty back and forth banter between Izzy and Blake. It reminds me of Gilmore girls, which I enjoyed so much. The characters were made for each other which is one of my favorite tropes! I highly recommend this read! I have read some reviews that the main characters are immature and just ramble nonsense, but i thought it was fun and adorable how they communicated with one another.

One thing I didn’t like about this was Blake was written as a very ethical person with morals. He was very upset with Izzy for pretending her name was Amy at Starbucks, but later in the story Blake withholds information that affects her job and even refers to feeling guilty but was upset with her about taking someone’s drink at Starbucks in the beginning of the story to the point that he cold shouldered her. I thought it was silly and he could have at least heard her out.

Second, I feel like Izzy constantly referring to pizza was a little excessive. I get that she loved it but i feel like towards the end of the book it was becoming overkill. I like that her character was unique and not your typical female main character, but it was too much. These two things didnt bother me enough though to rated anything below a 5.

Overall, i really enjoyed this book and will buy it to keep on my bookshelf. The female lead is fun and different, and her male lead is your typical good looking mans man.

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You can tell the author had a lot of fun writing this. It was written as if I’m having one of my many conversations with my closest friends and getting the tea on their love life. It was a quick, easy read and thoroughly enjoyed it!

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First time reading a Lynn Painter book and wow!
This was a great book. The banter from the very beginning had me hooked! I love how the two characters had a misunderstanding at the beginning after all the banter and the MMC (Blake) just couldn’t get over it and the FMC (Isabella) was like oh okay forget this dude. Isabella is such a goofy funny character and Blake you would like would be a more serious character but he’s just as goofy. I loved how it was a dual pov so you understand both characters. There is a 3rd act break up that’s was well written and flows with the story. Over all this was such a good read and had me giggling the whole time.

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5/5 stars for me! This is my second Lynn Painter book and I’ve very quickly fallen in love with her writing style. I loved the concept this book and found it very unique and unlike other romance books I’ve read. The banter in the book was fantastic and felt giddy for this couple throughout the entire book. Very fast paced and an overall great read!

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Literal perfection! I originally read this as a newsletter and I absolutely loved it and I love these new changes! I really missed really miss Mr. Chest and Starbucks Amy and I loved getting the opportunity to experience their relationship in first person now. Their relationship is just so cute and I loved their journey! It’s also the absolute perfect fall read!

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I read the reviews on here before I started this book and wasn't expecting much. Well I was pleasantly surprised. I enjoyed this fun rom com story. Maybe it's because I didn't think I would even though I love Lynn Painter's other books. Either way I'm glad I read it. Even read it in less than 24 hours. Thanks NetGalley for the advanced copy. #AccidentallyAmy #NetGalley

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In this updated and revamped version of Accidentally Amy, Izzy is waiting for a coffee on her first day of work. She’s already late and Amy isn’t coming to grab her order, which happens to be the same as Izzy’s. Izzy makes a snap decision to take Amy’s drink, only to result in meeting the man of her dreams in an unfortunate way a few moments later. Blake, Izzy’s dream man, later turns out to be her boss. He doesn’t appreciate her explanation and the two of them must find a way to work together despite their discomfort and obvious attraction.

I am a huge fan of Lynn Painter’s work and loved the original Accidentally Amy, so I was incredibly grateful to receive an early copy of this book! It has been changed to third person POV and quite a bit of material has been added to the original story. I rated the first version four stars because I loved it, but with these updates it’s without question a five star read for me. The banter is perfection, it’s light hearted and funny, and instills the perfect amount of tension and romance. This is one of my favorite meet cutes of all time as well. Basically, Lynn Painter can do no wrong and I’ll continue to read whatever she writes!

Thank you so much to Lynn Painter and Berkley Romance for the ARC and the opportunity to read and review this book.

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This romance novel enchants with its heartfelt story and relatable characters, pulling readers into a whirlwind of love and emotion. The author's vivid descriptions and genuine dialogue make the romance feel authentic and deeply moving. With its perfect blend of passion and tenderness, this book is a delightful escape for any fan of love stories.

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