Member Reviews

A huge thank you to BooksGoSocial and NetGalley for letting me read this book!

The first thing I want to touch on is that this book is unconventionally written and while that may seem cumbersome at first keep going because I promise it will make a lot of sense and it’s very sweet and worth it in my opinion!

Secondly, I really enjoyed reading this. It was a very unusual but enjoyable experience and the storytelling was perfect for what this book is. It’s hard to talk about how the book is written without giving any spoilers but we have a wholesome, clean romance with likable characters and a cute romantic happily ever after.

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Almost a fable - bit of magic, as only Scotland can provide - the strength if love and true friendship - the strength of belief, whatever that may be - and the courage to fight all odds to realize your dreams. A quick and feel good read.

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The way this story was set up was a bit unconventional and there were a few times when I was a bit lost. It was set up as more of a play or script of kind. It was also very history based on chocolate and Scotland.

This book follows Polly mainly who is a chocolate taster which Scottish origins. It includes a bit of a love triangle between her, Matt, and Ian. There are a few passages on Ian's "remembrance". Ian is a gravedigger from Scotland. Polly recounts her love story for the adorable Jimmy (Ian's cousin).

It was a cute story that showed great determination for love. But to me it fell a bit flat. I get that love at first sight can happen and that it runs soul deep. But in this story I couldn't really feel that emotion. I even kind of felt bad for Matt who always was there for Polly even after his one mistake of letting her go during a pretty busy time in his life. I thought he was a pretty great dude. Not saying that Ian wasn't. I just didn't feel the love in the story.

The family aspect though was great. The depths of love for those around you and how you try to keep their legacy alive. Jimmy had to be my favorite character in this whole story. He was adorably innocent and he's what made this story for me.

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Romance, death and chocolate: original🍫

I really enjoyed The Gravedigger. It's romantic, with magic realism that brings a unique element that sets it apart. And most of the key scenes are set on the Scottish island of Skye and in the Scottish Highlands, one of my favorite locales. It's fast moving, easy to read, has a great cast of characters, and includes some definite unexpected twists.

I would definitely read more by this author.

Thanks to BooksGoSocial and NetGalley for sharing a complimentary advance copy of the book; this is my voluntary and honest opinion.

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Such a sweet romance for the chocolate princess. I loved every minute of this book and the completely unexpected twist at the end. I never saw that coming! This book will make you want to travel to Scotland for it's rich history and soul. It's a page turner filled with an unlikey romance and humor filled with the power of friendship and duties we are assigned in life.

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Whoa! The story is going along all normal. Her dad died and she traveled to attend the funeral. She meets interesting people and also see the gravedigger waiting to bury her dad. During the book she learns more about her dad's life and how he fit into the area. But she feels a pull to the gravedigger. Didn't expect the whole change in the storyline. Interesting change and a good ending. The chocolate part of the book had me drooling for some of those candies I have not bought lately.

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3.5 stars, rounded to 4

That was a very fast paced read.

What I didn’t like:
While I liked the story, I found the “facts” or “poems” to be a bit much and I found myself skimming them sometimes.
While I do prefer fast paced and enjoyed the FMC taking charge, it felt a bit rushed. “Tell me you don’t love me” I think might’ve been the second time they actually spoke to each other? I enjoyed the surprises but felt the “in love” to be a bit rushed (from the FMC at least)
There is also an “ex” who, in my opinion, is randomly always “there” and I don’t get it. He shows up to help her countless times - sort of like a “Sweet Home Alabama” thing with “two nice guys” but it just didn’t work for me.

Overall a cute and very easy to read if you’re looking for something short and sweet. Even though it’s a quick story, the author does a good job of making you care about the characters and you will quickly be invested. There is also a sweet sweet character in Jimmy! We love him.

Thank you to NetGalley and the Publisher BooksGoSocial for this ARC!

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Title: The Gravedigger

Author: William Baer

Rating: ★★★★

Polly Kinnell is no ordinary protagonist. As a renowned chocolate taster for the world’s most famous chocolatiers like Ghirardelli, Godiva, and Hershey, her life is filled with sweet delights and exotic flavours. But when her father passes away, Polly’s world turns bittersweet. She travels to the Isle of Skye for his funeral, where she encounters the enigmatic gravedigger, Ian MacIan.

Ian isn’t just any gravedigger; he’s part of a lineage that views burying the dead as a sacred duty. His dedication to this vocation seems to grant him unusual privileges, making him a fascinating yet unsettling figure. Polly is initially disturbed by her strong attraction to Ian, but as their paths cross, she finds herself drawn deeper into his world.

The plot thickens after a horrific car accident leaves Ian in a deadly coma. Polly faces a heart-wrenching dilemma: How much does she truly love Ian? And what sacrifices is she willing to make to save him?

Baer’s writing is both engaging and atmospheric, pulling you into the misty, rugged landscapes of Skye and the rich, velvety world of chocolate tasting. The novel’s blend of romance and mystery is perfectly balanced, keeping you hooked as Polly navigates her feelings and the strange occurrences around her.

Polly’s journey is filled with suspense and emotional depth. Her initial conflict—being both attracted to and repelled by Ian—adds a layer of complexity to her character. As she grapples with the possibility of losing Ian, her decisions and sacrifices reveal the true extent of her love and determination.

The Gravedigger is a story that lingers with you, much like the aftertaste of a fine piece of chocolate. It’s a novel about love, loss, and the lengths we go to for those we care about. Baer’s ability to create tension and build a connection between Polly and Ian is impressive, making you root for them even in the darkest moments.

If you’re looking for a book that combines the sweet allure of romance with the chilling intrigue of mystery, The Gravedigger is a perfect choice. It’s a tale that will engage your heart and mind, leaving you contemplating the nature of love and sacrifice long after you’ve turned the last page.

Highly recommended for those who enjoy a touch of the unusual in their romantic reads!

Thank you to The Publisher BooksGoSocial, the author William Baer & Netgalley for an advanced reader copy (ARC) in exchange for my honest review.

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I was completely caught off guard by the story. I absolutely loved this book. By the time I was a third of the way through, I knew I was not going to be able to put it down. I was very lucky to have the day off to finish it and now I'm going to have to find more books by Mr. Baer. I love the way Scotland came to life and how the characters found a place in my heart so quickly. I can't wait to see this one at my store. It will be my staff pick!

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The Gravedigger is an engaging romance book. How far Will new lovers go for love? This book has it all. A thrilling story and a heartwarming romance.

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The FMC and MMC are both very charming. Jimmy is heart melting! I love the setting and the use of Gaelic charm throughout to give you a good feel. The story line with ex feels a little forced as she is very clearly over it and I feel she likely should have just came out with it. Also it’s very instalove and we don’t really find out why until later. I think over all the story is a fun and quick read with some slight pacing issues. At times it feels too fast with not enough character development and then other times it’s slowed down too much with fun facts that while I love learning them do not really have an impact on the story. I feel like once the editing process is done it will still be a really sweet read to pull you out of a slump or as a cleanser if you’ve been reading too much heavy.

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The Gravedigger By william Baer.
This was a good read. I did like the cover that's what drew me to this book. It was different. This was a short read. I liked Polly. This was a short read and it didn't take me long to read it. Likeable story. 4*.

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