Member Reviews

3⭐️⭐️⭐️.5 🎧

This world was fun and diverse all the characters are interesting, and I want to get to know them more after reading about them. Just to name a few we have mermaids, vampires, werewolves, Fae, demons, witches, warlocks, and probably more that I can't think of right now.

The book is set on Earth, but our FMC can open portals to other realms and that is always interesting when you don't expect the main characters to have such an ability. But she has more surprises up her sleeve that is for sure.

I love that our main character is a feline shifter you don't see many of those, and the fact that she is in a relationship with a werewolf was a bit surprising, but I enjoyed it.

I want more and I need more from this world. The narrator does a great job with each character but doesn't overdo it. It was very entertaining and if you enjoy a slow burn with a great plot this one is for you.

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🎧 ALC Review

A Shift In Shadows (Lost Legacies 1) by Maddox Grey
Narrated by Krys Janae
Released 15th February 2022
Paperback on Greymalkin Press, 18th October 2021

This first Lost Legacies book ticks a lot of my boxes: a badass FMC, vampires, shifters, fae, morally grey characters, magic, slow burn romance. But, there are also things I'm not so much a fan of: not finding out the FMC's name until someone mentions it halfway through, no backstory, info dumping, spice just for the sake of it, inconsistent timelines.

Nemain (shifter) receives a bloody heart on her birthday each year from her ex Sebastian (warlock). Nemain has been captured by Sebastian but is broken out by Magos (vampire) just before her birthday. The next thing we know, it's a year later, and she's flat sharing with Magos while seeing Andrei (werewolf). Sebastian is hunting her, but there's little mention of her birthday again, or the heart. There's also mention of a tattoo turning up each year, but that isn't explained further. Lots of things DO happen, and there's a good story there, but my mind was too busy trying to work out what was happening with the things that weren't explained to enjoy it properly.

In some places, the narrator was really good, like with the different accents of the characters such as Mikhail and Magos, but in some places, she sounded a bit like Alexa!
Everything I've said hasn't put me off reading the next book in the Lost Legacies series, but I'd probably prefer a hard copy next time.


Thanks to the publisher and author for providing an ALC via NetGalley; this is my honest review.

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Loved!!! This story had it all! Literally! We have shifters, vampires, fae, deamons, mentions of angels, witches, and warlocks! Plus creatures! To say I’m obsessed is an understatement!! Our FMC is a fighter and a bad ass! She gives me some Bryce MF Quinlan vibes for sure! There is a tiny bit of spice but the romance plays second fiddle to the plot in this one. I’m a romantacy girlie through and through but I still ate this one up and can see if having more romance as the story progresses!!! 10 out of 10 would recommend! I’m off to read the next one right now!

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i loved the premise of this story and i will be getting in to book 2 whenever it’s released. i liked the world building and the premise of the main characters (especially the FMC being such a badass). i was left a but unsatisfied by quite a few things in the book, like the lack of a complete backstory but that didn’t hinder being able to enjoy the book. overall was good & again, will be looking forward to book 2

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"Feline Fine in the Face of Dark Magic: A Purr-fectly Twisted Tale"🐱🌑

⭐⭐⭐⭐ (4/5 stars)

Maddox Grey's "A Shift in Shadows" kicks off the Lost Legacies series with a bang, delivering a gripping urban fantasy that'll have you purring for more. This audiobook, narrated by the talented Krys Janae, is a feast for the ears and imagination alike.
The story follows a fierce feline shifter navigating a treacherous magical world. Our protagonist's past comes back to haunt her in the form of Sebastian, a possessive warlock who can't seem to let go. Just as she finds new love, Sebastian's return threatens to unravel everything, pushing her towards unleashing forbidden magic that could cost her everything.
Grey's world-building is rich and immersive, creating a vivid backdrop for the unfolding drama. The found family dynamic adds depth to the narrative, providing a heartwarming contrast to the darker elements of the plot. Character development shines throughout, with our morally grey heroine stealing the show with her strength and complexity.
Janae's narration is a standout feature, bringing each character to life with distinct voices and emotive performances. Her pacing complements the story perfectly, ramping up tension in all the right places.

🐱 Shifter romance
🔮 Forbidden magic
👥 Found family
🌙 Slow burn romance
🦹‍♀️ Morally grey characters

Trigger Warnings:
💔 Past abuse
🩸 Violence
🧠 Trauma

While the plot is intricate, Grey manages to keep it coherent and engaging. The balance of action, romance, and character development is well-executed, though there is a romantic subplot, it takes a backseat to the main conflict. I do have a sneaking suspicion that it is setting me up for something delicious further into the series! The cliff-hanger ending was well done and not thrown in as a Hail Mary. It effectively sets up the next instalment to make you want to continue.
"A Shift in Shadows" is a must-listen for urban fantasy fans who enjoy complex characters, magical intrigue, and a dash of romance. It's like catnip for audiobook addicts - once you start, you won't want to stop.

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I loved the story of Nemain and her band of friends. Nemain is trying to live a "normal" life after being tortured by a former lover. She wants to feel like herself again and with the help of friends she slowly gets there, but as her birthday approaches she feels less safe. Loved the audiobook. it brought me into Nemain's story and built an amazing world.

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I received this audiobook as an arc from NetGalley, I was drawn to the cover and description but I just was not connecting with the audio itself. I’m not sure if it was the accents, or what but I couldn’t bring myself to finish it. I think if I had a physical copy of the book I’d enjoy it a little more. I might try it again in the future because I want to know what happens. I can tell the story is good and I wanted to know where it went but I ended up DNFing just based on the audio.

If you like audiobooks, this would be the perfect fantasy book to listen to.

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I enjoyed this story. I listened to it, and I loved the way the accents from the characters really added depth to the story. I was quickly caught up with the characters and what was going on in their lives. The FMC draws trouble her way, so you're never bored, and you're always wanting to know what's going to happen next! I was feeling all the *vibes* while reading this story and I can't wait for the release of the next book.

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I loved this book! The world building was spot on, I loved the hierarchy and the dynamics. I also really liked all the male characters Magos, Andrei and Mikhail 🙌🙌 (even Sebastian was the perfect bad guy) Nemain was a weird FMC, sometimes I loved her, sometimes she confused me and sometimes I hate her 😂 overall the story it’s super engaging and I definitely recommend it to all my urban fantasy friends ♥️ ((Last note, I absolutely loved how the LGBTQ+ community is totally integrated in this world building 😍))

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The story doesn’t seem fleshed out enough for a higher ranking. I loved the premise and look forward to seeing how the story is further explored in book 2

3.75 stars

Read the story again and I’m upgrading from a 3.75 to a 4.25, immersion read and it felt better the second time around

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Definitely love the book, plot and characters. But the voice actor has a siri, Alexa tone and style voice that makes it hard to not think it's being read by them. But I really do love it maybe this voice actor isn't my cup of tea

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Unfortunately, this book for me was just confusing. I did not understand pretty much anything from the get-go and at around the 27% mark I just realised that I just didn't even know the main character's name. I will definitely be trying to read it again at some point because I do think there is potential to the story, but for now this book just wasn't for me.

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This was honestly refreshing to read. It's not your typical urban fantasy. The fmc isn't a damsel in distress, but more morally grey, and chooses violence at every turn because she wants vengeance and to protect the people she loves.
It was fast-paced, and the world building had me wanting to learn more. It does end with a cliffhanger, but for the most part, your questions do get answered as you read.

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This was a suspense-filled urban fantasy read with a diverse cast of fantastical characters such as shape shifters, demons, warlocks, etc.

I enjoyed the slow burn romance in this story, as well as the character development and world building. Our main character, Nemain, also struggles with PTSD and trauma due to being locked in captivity at the hand of her ex-boyfriend and a slew of vampires. I always appreciate a character who struggles with mental health issues, but ultimately overcomes them.

I am excited to see the other books to come in this series, as this one leaves off on an ending that leaves the reader wanting more!

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The story seemed to jump around for me and the narrator wasn’t that great, and made it feel like the story was dragging on. I ended up DNF’ ing at 60% cause try as I did I just could not get into the book.

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Without giving any spoilers I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed this book. It gave 'Crescent City' vibes without as much drag during the world building that I struggled with reading CC1. I love world building but I don't like to be bored while sorting the details either. Grey does a great job building this world, fleshing out the characters and it left me wanting more! I'll definitely continue this series.

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I am just not connecting with this audiobook. The narrator is fine but the characters and the relationships seem flat.

Maybe it would be different in print but I'm over 60 % through and just cannot finish it.

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I loved this book the characters were well-developed and I loved the story. I loved the main character she was a great lead.

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DNF AT 30%
I got the audio book from Netgalley
I loved the diversity and I love a scrappy strong FMC
But there was a load of little issues with it
The narration wasn’t great but wasn’t terrible but I didn’t like the inflection or tone and found myself drifting off, it didn’t quite sound natural. So I would miss things here or there.
In terms of characters, half the characters HATED the FMC which makes me wonder why I should root for her
These aren’t like antagonist it’s like her brothers boyfriend for example
The fmc feels a little immature especially considering she’s a couple of centuries old
There was a little info dumping and a little telling throughout which meant I didn’t overly connect with the story and the final straw was an inconsistency with the timeline
So she was held captive for less than a year it mentions loads that her birthday is significant etc and he took her on her birthday
And there was no mention of her birthday after she escaped so I was thinking ok had her for like 9 months maybe she’s been out for a few
It’s mentioned her birthday coming up
All adding up so far
Then she says she was taken a little under 2 years ago
But that would mean she’s been free for over a year ??? So what happened on her first birthday when free or is this an error
Also she seems to be chasing a guy and wanting to hide from this same guy which makes no sense
And she seems to be a damsel a lot

Overall just not amazing
I think I would have preferred to read rather than listen because the audiobook did affect it a little but it wasn’t terrible just too many little things

I would possibly read more from this author but not this book or series

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An epic urban fantasy audio book. The narration was great! I enjoyed the characters and the danger they ended up in. It felt like a lot of important information was left out about parents, who is hunting her, why are people protecting her, what exactly is she, why are her powers so unique, etc.

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