Member Reviews

I love supporting Canadian authors and Kelly Jamieson is one of my faves - her Bears Hockey series and characters are some I have looked forward to since I picked up the first (Must Love Dogs… and Hockey), and discovered the link to a very important story with a very real local thread in it (the Humboldt junior hockey team bus crash). This thread has been woven through her entire Bears series, including Light ‘em Up and the characters who make a mention of their story and struggles.

I love how she brings light to how important it is for everyone, especially male athletes, to talk about their experiences, struggles and mental health. Thank you!

This storyline is not just about hockey, or about the one night stand between a girl who knows the guy is her brother’s biggest rival, who later becomes his enemy after a major injury sidelined that brother… just to fall into bed with him again a year later when they cross paths again and a big “whoops” happens. It is much more - excellent family dynamics along with that great representation of mental health, and huge family support.

I enjoyed this one a lot, and the way she takes such care in all of the topics means that even those normally opposed to that accidental storyline will probably quite enjoy how it is written. Please don’t bypass this excellent book because of this trope! I’m definitely recommending it to one and all in the romance community. Jamieson is an author not to be missed - this book is a great 4.5-star read. I look forward to going back to the rest of the sibling’s books by the other authors, now!

Thank you to the Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op for an advance copy. This is my honest feedback.

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Light ‘em Up
By: Kelly Jamieson


Fighting for approval!

In this amazing book from The Bang Brother’s Hockey series we get book 5 written by Kelly Jamieson. Follow along with the Bang family and five other amazing authors. We see old friend from from Kelly’s Bears Hockey ll series and the Heller family. So fun. Annie and Logan have so much chemistry and I was cheering them on from the beginning. The authors writing is flawless and the words are so captivating, the plot had so many twists and turns and none that I was expecting, and many shockingly intimate I have become a huge fan of this author. The author writes with so much intensity and emotion pulled from each book it’s felt page after page. Some are quick witted story lines are so perfect and lets you believe you have a front row seat. So being able to read this love story didn’t disappoint. The authors ability to have two separate individuals struggling in their everyday life and try to navigate someone else’s thoughts, needs and desires was intense and gives all the fills.

Authors Blurb: Annie Bang

I’m thrilled to be working in professional hockey, since my five brothers are all hockey players. My new role as skating coach to the New York Bears is the perfect fit and I can’t wait to whip all these guys into shape so we can win more games. Except one of the guys is Logan Coates—the guy who sent my brother to the hospital in a memorable game three seasons ago. I want nothing to do with him.

Logan Coates

I don’t need some tiny figure skater telling me what to do. I know how to skate. I wouldn’t be in the NHL if I didn’t. Although, I am a fourth liner. I do want more ice time. I want to make a difference on the team. But learning how to figure skate isn’t it. Especially from Annie Bang, who hates my guts. Speaking of guts…she has ’em. She’s a pint-sized badass. And that’s sexy as hell. When I’m around her, my skate blade’s not the only thing made of steel.

This book has everything I love in a book. Then you add that it's beautifully written and believable. It is easily a five star read. Written in single POV this story flows so incredibly well that the next thing you know your 80% into the book and loving every second of it. The believable way the characters interact is perfect. Run, Hop, Jump or use your (1 click) finger to do whatever you have to do and get this amazing book. It'll break your heart, you'll want to scream with frustration and it'll let you discover that love just might conquer all. The chemistry is steamy and sweet and oh so romantic.

Thanks Netgally for letting me read and review.📚💕

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I loved Logan figuring out want he wanted!

Annie Bang is thrilled that she has gotten her dream job of coaching skating at the NHL level but the bad part is one of the players is Logan Coates. Her family hated Logan because he had broken her brother Jensen’s ankle in what everybody thought was a dirty hit. Only problem was Annie already knew Logan from one night at the Winter Olympics.

Logan didn’t think he needed lessons on how to skate especially from a figure skater but he wanted to be a bigger part of the plans for the team especially since it was Annie Bang. He knew that Annie hated but he couldn’t get her out of his mind especially since her coaching has improved his skating.

I love how the authors have taken the Bang family and wrote stories within their own series. Mama Bang is still my favorite with wanting her kids to find what she had with Lars.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book from the author and NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I have been waiting for the only Bang daughter and I loved Annie so much. “Light ‘em Up” is a flirty, steamy and heartfelt workplace hockey romance that was a fantastic addition to the series.

Annie Bang is a former figure skater and now one of the new coaches for the New York Bears. Her years on the ice have trained her to help the players skate faster and better. One of the players on the team, Annie has a personal history with. Logan Coates is working his hardest to remain on the team and even more up in the lines. He’s hesitant at first working on his skating and spending time with Annie. But as the two spend time together, the chemistry they had all those years ago starts to resurface.

I loved the connection and chemistry that Annie and Logan had. It was instant from the start and only grew as the story went on. Annie, known as Mini Bang, has always lived in the shadows of her five successful brothers and had been trying to shine on her own. I loved that she became a skating coach in the NHL, being able to use all the natural skills she had from figure skating. She’s smart and a hard worker, which shines throughout the story. Logan is an incredible guy and I liked him from the first chapter. He too had lived under the shadow of his former player father’s schedule and wanted to be his own player. The two had that connection and I think that helped bring them back together as more than player/coach. The steamy scenes were delicious and showed how connected they were. Mama Bang makes her appearance and it surprised me how she wasn’t excited for Logan to be in Annie’s life. It showed how differently she treated Annie and it opened her eyes to things she had been missing in Annie’s life. The ending for them was perfect and I can’t wait to read the youngest Bang sibling’s book next.

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We've finally gotten to our female sibling, Annie Bang. Annie was a figure skater (pairs) and she was good. Too many concussions meant her skating career was over. She has gotten a new job with the New York Bears, the team an old flame, Logan Coates, plays for. Their relationship was short lived and didn't go anywhere because of a hit that Logan gave Annie's brother on the ice. Annie knows she is going to have to be professional with Logan if she is going to be successful at her job and Logan does a great job of slowly redeeming himself with Annie. This book will give you all of the feels and I really enjoyed their story. Logan is book boyfriend end game, for sure! Great read, strong 5 stars!

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This was a great read! I loved that no matter how many times Stella, Annie's mom tried to paint Logan as the bad guy because of an on-ice incident that had happened between Logan and one of Annie's brothers to try and push Annie and Ivan, her former figure skating partner together to be a couple, Annie stood up for Logan and defended him every time.

I also loved the after a rocky start when they reconnected after being apart for several years, friendship between Logan and Annie that eventually developed into more than just a friendship.

Two of my favorite things about "Light 'em Up" was the mental health aspect of the book where the Bears players talked about how it's okay to ask for help if you need it among other things. That's something you don't typically see in romance books and I loved it. 🙂 I also enjoyed the little Easter eggs that were scattered throughout the book of actual events that have happened in hockey.

I LOVED the character Igor "Barbie" Barbashev! Ivan Barbashev was one of my favorite St. Louis Blues players before they traded him away. 😥

My favorite scene from the book was the one in chapter 27 where Annie and Logan went ice skating together, that was a really cute and sweet scene. 🥰

This was the first book of the "Bang Brothers Hockey" series that I have read but I look forward to eventually reading the earlier books and the upcoming books in the series.

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Sweet & Spicy! Annie Bang is the best! I so enjoyed this installment of the Bang siblings series! It was an extra bonus to be back in the Hellers’ and Bears’ worlds too! Seeing Annie & Logan’s relationship develop was a treat! Can’t recommend this one enough!!

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Great sports romance! Quick read, great plot, excellent characters. I have read quite a few of Kelly Jamieson's books and she never disappoints. This book is part of the "Bang Brothers" series even though the main character is actually the Bang daughter Annie. I have not read any of the other books in this particular series but this can be read as a stand alone.

This book follows Annie Bang, a former figure skater turned skating coach for the NHL, and Logan Coates, an NHL hockey player. Annie and Logan met years ago at the Olympics and had an epic night together and an undeniable connection. Nothing ever went further than that one night however especially when Logan inadvertently puts Annie's brother in the hospital due to a "dirty" hit in hockey. She never forgave him for that and cannot stand him. However when she gets hired by the Bears hockey franchise and Logan is on the team, she has no choice but to at least tolerate him. Logan doesn't think he needs a skating coach but his management thinks otherwise. He is definitely not open to learning from Annie. But Logan wants to change his playing style. He no longer wants to be the enforcer on the team but wants to work his way up to a higher line. If working with Annie helps that, he'll do it. As the two work together, Annie also starts to learn a little bit about Logan's upbringing and why he plays the way he does. Both have a lot of emotional baggage from how they were raised even though both came from good homes. As the two form a relationship, Annie knows it will affect her job with the team and her relationship with her family that dislikes Logan. Logan doesn't feel like he deserves love unless there is something in it for the other person...always an ulterior motive. Will the two be able to find their footing and make a relationship work or will they not fight for what they want?

Great read - I love the emotion in the book. It makes the characters more real knowing they aren't perfect and have their own issues. I especially love how she delves into the emotions and baggage of the male lead (Logan). Definitely recommend.

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Overall a fun and interesting story. Educational as well, learned a little about how to skate.....the relationships between the 2 main characters was well developed and I particularly liked how Annie stood up to her family showing them the facts of the incident!!!!

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Kelly Jamieson’s Light ‘Em Up brings the heat to the ice in the fifth installment of the Bang Brothers Hockey series - which I didn't realise was a team effort which was cool! The story ignites with the clash between strong-willed skating coach Annie Bang and the brooding hockey player Logan Coates. Their undeniable chemistry is the driving force of this captivating romance.

Jamieson skillfully intertwines the world of professional hockey with the complexities of a budding love/hate relationship. The hockey scenes are well-described, offering readers a genuine feel for the fast-paced and competitive nature of the sport. It's refreshing to see a romance novel that doesn’t shy away from delving into the intricacies of the game!

Logan's character arc is particularly satisfying, with his transformation from a cocky player to a teddy bear of a partner being a highlight. The sweet gesture at the end was a perfect touch, adding depth to their relationship. However, while the central characters of Annie and Logan are compelling, the large cast of characters can become overwhelming at times. Random details, like the Uber driver's name, felt unnecessary and disrupted the flow of the story.

Overall, Light ‘Em Up is an entertaining read for fans of sports romance. Despite some minor quibbles, the sizzling chemistry between Annie and Logan, combined with the engaging hockey elements, makes for a thrilling and satisfying story.

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I haven’t read any of the other books in this series and can honestly say this does stand-alone within the bang brothers series itself but you will want to not only read them all but also the wider series that this book (and I’m sure the others) are set in. So reading this book opens a big Pandora’s box of hockey romances to binge read! Heaven! Also, what amazing authors this series is penned by…hockey romance royalty indeed

I liked the storyline, and how the relationship developed from reluctant attraction to grand gestures of love with everything from denial to secret dates in the middle

Lots of hockey, which is not as common as you would think in the hockey romance genre….which I loved and I liked the whole family vibe of the team too.

Steamy and satisfying, this book hit all the right notes for me and I’m now a fan of the author for sure

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I loved the concept of this book. Annie Bang comes from a family of hockey players. To fit in the best way she knows how she became a figure skater. When that came to an end she took up coaching skating for hockey team. And she is really good at it. She gets results that catch the attention of everyone.
Logan also comes from a family of hockey players. He also has a hard time fitting in. It's when he finally decides to quit trying to fit in that it all clinks for him and he becomes the best hockey player that he can be.
I like the banter that goes back and forth between Annie and Logan. Made me laugh more than a few times.

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Light 'em up starts with the main femal character Annie at her new job training professional hockey players how to skate better. At this new job, Annie has the work with her former fling Logan, that also has bad history with one of her brothers. Along the way Annie and Logan learn to work together and better understand their differences. Light 'em up is quick a read.

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I love that the book starts and end with a diary entry. Lets you know how much momma Bang loves her kids and wants the happiness she has.

Annie and Logan have a history. A very HOTT history and also a very not so nice history so coming face to face with the man isn’t easy but having to coach him is even worse especially because the attraction is still there!

I loved the friendship that Annie and Logan formed and the fact that they had a history. It really played beautifully into their story. I love the strength that Annie has and her need to be her own person. I also love the focus on mental health in this book and the need to speak what you feel. You don’t see alot of books touch on sensitive issues and Kelly did a beautiful job weaving in the need for help and that it’s a beautiful thing not something to be ashamed of.

So much love in the pages!

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Solid hockey romance - further adventures of the highly successful and competitive Bang family. The rivalry of hockey and figure skating comes to the fore, with a strong set of characters and a rollercoaster of angst on many levels. Great for the weekend or vacation, really grabs you a bit more than the usual in this trope.

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Annie is a skating coach for the NHL New York Bears. Logan doesn't want her help. They eventually agree to work together and become more...

A terrific book. Love how Logan grows... And hockey romance is always terrific. A great series.

Thanks to the publisher for the arc.

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Omg where have I been?! I didn’t even know about this series!! I do admit I’ve been set on mystery thrillers , romance books are just blah for me lately but I decided to take a chance on this book because I love this authors other work! Boy oh boy I’m glad I did! This book was freaking awesome! I’ve already searched for the other books in this series! I can’t wait for more! This book was hot hot hot!! It also had a fantastic storyline! I’m in love with the characters just from one book! So I highly recommend this book and series!! It was well worth reading! Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for sharing this book with me! Big thank you to Kelly Jamieson for your amazing words! Can’t wait for more!

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3.75 / 5. This was a quick read, hard to put down with some spicy scenes! Perfect for those that love hockey romance. Very much enjoyed the read

Logan is a hockey enforcer for the NY Bears who is trying to change his game style to play smarter and not just hit harder. He a current fourth liner who wants more ice time but it will take placing his ego aside and relearning the basic of skating from the team’s new skate skills coach Annie Bang. Annie is not just a former pairs figure skater, she’s from a family of elite hockey players and all 5 of her brothers play for the NHL, including one Logan sent to the hospital from a dirty hit.

I appreciated that Logan had more depth than just being a simple brute and showed emotional growth as he tried to repair his strained relationship to his father, who is also a former NHL enforcer. Annie and Logan has great chemistry and connection though I would have liked to see a little more tension before they got together. Loved the support they shared for each other.

Thank you Netgalley, author Kelly Jamieson for this arc! I love hockey romance! Pub date: 8/6/24

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I haven't read any of the other Bang Brothers books, but I have enjoyed the Bears Hockey books so I knew I had to read this one. It can easily be read as a standalone. Annie and Logan were a lot of fun. I liked that they had a couple of previous connecting connections that made them start out wary of each other. I loved how that all resolved and the love they found for each other. The only thing I didn't love were their parents. They were frustrating. Other than that, this was a fun read.

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