Member Reviews

this was a fun book! i'm not usually into a rock star famous vibe, but this was pretty cute! i like the characters and the writing style was pretty good!

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I Hate Rock Stars - 2.5 Stars (DNF at 60%)

I really wanted to like this book.
There were several things about it that I really liked. I feel like the characters had potential and so did the story itself. I could definitely see the vision for this story.

It might just be that the writing style isn't for me but I found that the plot felt so rushed. Like the events of the plot were just brushed over. Personally, it made it hard to build an emotional connection to the characters and to feel the spark and desire between the them. There were only a few moment where I felt something.

I think it just came down to the writing style not being for me. I really wanted to love it!

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If you’re a fan of light, breezy romances with a touch of steam, I Hate Rock Stars by Mia McCoy might catch your attention. It follows a familiar yet fun formula—grumpy/sunshine vibes, second-chance romance, and, of course, a bad boy rocker turned community service intern. But does it hit all the right notes? Eh, not quite.

The story kicks off at an animal shelter where we meet the rule-following protagonist, whose life gets turned upside down when her high school crush and rock god, Nate Hart, walks back into town. Cue sparks flying, old memories resurfacing, and the will-they-won’t-they tension bubbling up, especially when they’re forced into situations like sharing a motel room with—you guessed it—only one bed.

Now, I love a good “only one bed” trope as much as the next romance reader, but something about this one didn’t fully land for me. The chemistry between the characters was decent, and the banter had its moments, but it never really built to the point where I was completely rooting for them. The romance felt predictable, and while the story had all the ingredients for a fun ride, it didn’t leave a lasting impression.

One thing that did stand out was the unique setting. I enjoyed the fact that a lot of the plot revolved around an animal shelter and its sweet furry residents. That was a refreshing change from the typical office or small-town coffee shop romance settings. It added a little more heart to the story, though I wish the characters had been fleshed out more deeply.

Speaking of which, Nate, our brooding rock star, wasn’t quite the “bad boy with a heart of gold” I expected. His backstory—why he ended up in community service—was teased but never fully explored, which left me wanting more depth and complexity from his character. And while our heroine was likable enough, her desire for a promotion and her interactions with Nate didn’t feel compelling enough to drive the story forward in a meaningful way.

Overall, I Hate Rock Stars is a quick, easy read. It hits some romance beats well, but it might not stick with you long after you’ve finished. If you're in the mood for something light that doesn’t require much emotional investment, it's a decent option. But if you're looking for a romance that packs a punch and leaves a lasting impression, you might want to look elsewhere.

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This was a really sweet and fun story combined with many things I love; animals and rock stars. I really enjoyed the dynamics between Nate and Bev - they had a history and they worked through many unspoken conversations that they had carried in the span of 15 years. I loved the characters and the animals, especially Moose! My only complaint was this book just wasn't long enough, I would've loved Nate and Bev's story to have been longer!

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This book follows Bev, an employee at the Melody Bay Animal Shelter that loves her job dearly, and wants nothing more than to be promoted. How does her boss plan on having her prove herself? By working alongside rockstar Nate Hart, who's at the shelter to complete his community service. The two go from enemies to lovers as they're sent on a trip to rescue a neglected dog.

I read this book in one sitting. It was a silly, goofy, fun time - but it wasn't anything groundbreaking. I felt it was a little rushed, especially considering the book's length. We didn't really get a lot of time on the "enemies" side, skipping very quickly to friends and then lovers. Bev's reasoning for not liking him was a little weak, but that's just my opinion. I also found there was some inconsistencies with the book, and there could've been a little more development as far as the characters' personalities go. Bev's strongest personality trait is "bratty," and Nate's is simply "horny." I personally would've swapped out a little of the spice for more romantic development. All in all, it was fine, but it wasn't my favorite.

Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC!

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I just couldn't get into this book and ended up giving up about a quarter of the way in and skim reading through.

There wasn't anything that stood out as "bad", this just wasn't for me

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Thank you Netgalley and Victory Editing Netgalley Co-Op for this e-ARC.

I love books about rock stars. I thought this was incredibly fun, and I love how the two characters interacted.

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This book had the premise to be great, but it fell flat (for me) in a lot of places. The premise of it sounded great, and I think with some more work from editing and beta readers this could have been good, but there was a LOT that was missing and it just did not flow well. That being said, it was a cute book and if you're wanting something fun and quick to read, I don't think you'd be disappointed.

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Such a cute story for a modern day romance. Kinda similar to the book Kiss the Girl. Great writing, similar yet great building of events

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A contemporary romance novel that blends workplace comedy with a second-chance love story. The book cleverly employs popular tropes in the romance genre, including enemies-to-lovers, forced proximity, and the classic "only one bed" scenario.

The story follows the narrator, an ambitious employee at Melody Bay Animal Shelter, whose professional goals are complicated by the arrival of Nate Hart, a famous rock star assigned to community service at the shelter. Their shared history adds depth to their current dynamic, promising both tension and chemistry.

The author sets up an engaging premise with the contrast between the rule-following protagonist and the rebellious Nate. This dynamic likely creates opportunities for witty banter and entertaining conflicts. The inclusion of animals and the shelter setting adds a heartwarming element to the story, potentially appealing to animal lovers.

The plot takes an interesting turn with the road trip assignment, a clever device to force the characters into close proximity. This setup provides ample opportunity for character development and the exploration of their changing relationship.

The writing style appears to be light-hearted and humorous, with the protagonist's inner monologue providing entertaining commentary on the situation. The author seems to balance humor and romantic tension effectively, likely creating an engaging read for fans of the genre.

The book touches on themes of personal growth, second chances, and the balance between professional ambition and personal happiness. The question posed at the end suggests a satisfying arc of self-discovery for the protagonist.

Overall, this novel seems to offer a fun, sexy, and emotionally satisfying read. It likely appeals to readers who enjoy playful rivalries, sizzling chemistry, and stories of personal growth set against a backdrop of animal rescue work.

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Great short story about Nate and Bev; although their paths crossed before at school, they don't anticipate seeing each other again. I enjoyed the chemistry that the author built up throughout however it did feel a little rushed at the end. Thanks to Net Galley for the advanced copy

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I tend to either love or meh a book. Unfortunately, this was more of a meh for me.

I enjoyed the setting of the animal shelter and the way the animals were all given personalities and woven into the story. Bev and Nate have undeniable chemistry but I feel like they get together too soon, which made it hard to finish the book. There wasn't much tension to push the story forward.

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I enjoyed the romance in this book, but I did not mesh well with the writing. It seemed a bit underdeveloped. With that being said I think it was a sweet story and worth the read if you’re looking for something simple.

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Cute rom com. Bad boy, forced proximity! You know the drill 😂 3 stars!

Thanks NetGalley for this ARC.

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This was such a cute and short summer read. I love how the story started out with a rich and luxurious ML and transitioned to an animal shelter volunteer vibe. Having the MC start out so unrelatable and transition to such a wholesome and relatable character created such a feel-good story. The chemistry was so strong, and it was so clear that they were meant to be together. This story gave small town, second chance, forced proximity, enemies to lovers, workplace romance, and rockstar tropes all in one short book. At times the plot/dialogue felt a little rushed, but seeing how short the book was, it made sense and all came together in the end. Such a fun read!

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This was a really cute book. I'm a sucker for any trope that involves musicians or bands so I knew I had to try this one out. There was definitely less rockstar in it than I thought there would be, but that kind of made it better. 

Most of this takes place on a small island that the two main characters grew up on. Something happened in high school that led them to dislike each other for the last 15 years but when he has to come back for 6 months to do community service they're thrown back into each other's lives and discover unresolved tension and reasons to mend them over this time. 

I feel like a couple things could have been done differently with the plot to make it a little more immersive. But overall, if you're looking for a quick, cute read, you'll get that with this book.

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Cute, easy read that made me smile. Bev was such a fun character to follow and I loved all of her interactions with Nate. I am excited to see what McCoy does next.

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Just didn't like this book. Couldn't get into it and not fond of the characters. Loved the animals especially Moose.
Not a favourite book. Thought it would be much better when I requested it, I like a musical or rock romance the author did mention panic attacks and handled this well which is why I gave an extra star.
Thanks Netgallery

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This was a very 'meh' book for me, I liked the overall story and the characters, but some of the scenes didn't make a ton of sense. It didn't draw me in as much as I hoped it would.

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This story had so much potential but the writing style wasn't for me. I had a hard time reading this book, I had to drag myself through it. I love all the tropes but again this book wasn't for me.

Thank you Netgalley and Victory Editing Netgalley Co-Op for this arc.

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