Member Reviews

Meet Cole, a successful businessman who seduces his assistants for sport and has done so since his marriage to Meg, a loyal wife and extremely protective mother, began. In this enthralling novel with shocking twists until the end, Shade Owens shows how dangerous the webs an adulterous father weaves can be, demonstrates how far a mother is willing to go for her child, and reveals just how dangerous a scorned, off-kilter woman can be.

Thanks to NetGalley, Red Raven Publishing, and Shade Owens for the opportunity to read this novel before the release date!

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ARC review

Thank you Red Raven Publishing and Netgalley for giving me this opportunity to give my honest rating of The Webs You Weave by Shade Owens

Firstly, I would like to say that this story is very much character driven and there isnt a lot happening really up until the 2/3 mark of the book, however thats not to say it isn’t a thrilling story, lots of twists and turns.

My ⭐️⭐️⭐️ star rating is based on the fact that it isnt an action/story based plot in the first half of the book there is a lot of in depth description about characters Megan, Hazel and Cole, there being chapters in all their POV’s.

- short chapters
- quick read
- overall good thriller if you prefer character based stories

*all opinions above are my own

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Thank you Red Raven Publishing and NetGalley for an early copy of The Webs You Weave. This was a fast read, some of it was repetitive but it kept me interested. The first twist happened 3/4 of the way in and it was WOW!!!!!!! The second twist I had figured out way before it was revealed. Cole is sleazy allllllll the way. Great plot, fast reading and maybe a second book???? I really enjoyed this story.

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“He tries to act like he isn’t interested and like he would never cheat on his wife. But I know he wants me. Probably more than he’s ever wanted her”

Cole only hires the prettiest assistants. A compulsive liar, professional gaslighter and serial cheater, he’s playing a hazardous game. After all, a woman scorned is a dangerous woman, indeed. And his wife is no exception.

The characters in this book are CRAZY! I enjoyed the multiple points of view and the short and engaging chapters. I empathised with Megan, and was totally behind her getting revenge on her rat of a husband.

There were some good twists, but I did find it a little predictable and a bit drawn out in places. However, it did keep me engaged and turning those pages!

“Don’t worry, Valeria. Soon, you’ll be ancient history, just like the rest of Cole’s little playthings”

Thank you to NetGalley and Red Raven Publishing for my advanced copy.

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Thank you to the author, publisher, and Netgalley for the ARC. #TheWebsYouWeave #NetGalley
Wow. This one really kept you on the edge guessing who was writing those diary entries. Definitely lives up to name of the book. Oh the webs we do weave, you eventually get caught or tangled in the web. Be sure to grab you a copy, publishing date Aug 6, 2024.

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This was such aan awesome read! This storyline kept me on my toes until the very end. I devoured this in just two sittings. The story was creative and a bit different from other thrillers I've been reading lately. The characters were really well done and the twists were amazing! Didn't see them coming
Highly recommend

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I have not heard of this author before which is why I requested this book as I love discovering new writers, I found the book to be more like a family drama to be honest but with thriller elements thrown in.

Meg is married to Cole, and they have a teenage daughter Hazel. Cole has a history of affairs of which Meg has been aware of for many years but as a mother she is trying to shield her daughter from knowing this. Meg suffered a brain injury several years ago and at times Cole has used and continues to use this against her, many times inferring that it is the injury that is clouding her judgement and trying to portray himself as a wonderful husband. Hazel thinks her father is amazing and does not understand why her mother seems to always be angry at him and herself at times. He always stands up for her and allows her to get what she wants. Hazel is also feeling angry, as she feels her mother is constantly on her back and wants her mother’s love and support more than anything.

As the book progresses Meg at times is questioning herself, are there still actions she does that are clouded by residual affects from her injury, or more so is what she believes true, that her husband is a lying cheating bastard and always has been. Cole is now regularly coming home late which is very distressing for Meg as she knows what is really going on, her unfaithful husband is just that. At one point she begs him for some intimacy as this is lacking in her life and she misses being loved, especially by the man she married.

Soon this becomes a game of cat and mouse as we must question who is playing who. Will what Cole has done be her tipping point, and will she decide she has finally had enough? At this point, the book becomes much more interesting and the action ramps up.

Thank you to Netgalley, the author and publisher for an advanced copy, all opinions are my own.

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An excellent psychological drama.

Such well written characters that i actually got angry with a couple of them!

Devoured in two sittings. This really is one not to miss.

My thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for my copy.

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Thank you to Netgallery and the publisher for this ARC. The publication date is the 6th August. This is the first novel I’ve read from this author and it was fantastic!

I loved this psychological drama! This story follows Meghan, Cole and Hazel it’s told through different POV’s and I enjoyed the alternating POV’s as I was able to have an emotional connection with the characters through their circumstances.

The plot is well built the and the psychological damage they inflict on each other was jaw-dropping. This novel had many twists that had me gripped to my kindle I couldn’t put it down! I’d highly recommend this book! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ stars

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#TheThreadsYouWeave #NetGalley
A fab read.
MEGHAN My husband is a cheating bastard.
If it weren't for my daughter, I'd have gotten rid of him years ago. But I don't want my sweet Hazel growing up the way I did. So I've continued putting up with Cole's indiscretions. But this time around, Cole crosses a line that he can't come back from. And I'm going to teach him a lesson he'll never forget. COLE I love my wife dearly, but she needs some serious help. Ever since her traumatic brain injury, she hasn't been the same. She's constantly accusing me of cheating on her. Yes, I've made mistakes, but that's in the past, and I've apologized for those. Now, I think she might even be following me to work. She's taking things too far. I don't know how much more of this I can handle. The only problem is, I'm afraid that if I try to leave her, she'll kill me.
Thanks to NetGalley and Red Raven Publishing for giving me an advance copy.

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Wow! This book was so good. I read it in one sitting. Lots of twists and turns. Very unpredictable. It was the first book I have read of Shade’s and love it. Such a good psychological thriller. Highly recommend.

Thank you to Red Raven Publishing, Netgalley and Shade Owens for an ARC copy. All opinions are my own.

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I’ve never read anything by Shade Owens before, but oh my gosh, The Webs You Weave was a fabulous thriller. I loved it.

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This was my first SHADE novel and man was it good! I loved this psychological drama! This story follows Meghan, Cole and Hazel. This family had it all together until Meghan got into a wreck that messed her up pretty badly. Now the parents fighting Hazel feels like she’s always caught in the middle and she’s just trying to stay out of the way. There are so many details that I want to share but you’ll just have to read it to find out! This book is definitely worth reading!

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