Member Reviews

24 hours. That’s how long it took me to absolutely devour King of Flames by Kathryn Ann Kingsley. I was absolutely enthralled with this dark Romantasy that feels part Phantom of the Opera and part Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Lydia is a quick-witted, feisty FMC who actually makes smart decisions when faced with the darkness that has come to collect her. Edu and Aon are both intriguing kings of under who definitely make you question if you would run from or toward them. With a diverse cast of supporting characters and the mysterious ancients weaving fate behind the scenes, Kathryn Ann Kingsley has created an enticingly dark world that leaves you wanting more.

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I'm so happy and thankful I got to read a book of my favorite author early through NetGalley! ❤️

I've read and already liked King Of Flames before. Now that the author has re-edited it, added new scenes and is rereleasing the series, I like it even more! I'm pretty sure there's more Aon scenes than there were before, which is great, since he is the MMC (and since he is a great character). I've upped the book from already 4 stars to 5 stars.

I love the worldbuilding in this series. The world of Under is super interesting, and it's full of interesting characters, and thankfully, we get to know them slowly throughout the story.

Aon is an amazing villain, I always love the insane ones. Not to forget his black clothes, black hair and mask - such a textbook villain.

I also have to mention- I love the new cover.

Now I can't wait for the next book!

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ARC Review

A great read with a very intriguing world and characters.

Lydia wakes up with a tattoo she didn’t get & her day gets weirder from there - she’s been marked as a target of the hunt. Cue monsters chasing her and dragging her to the world of Under, where everyone is a monster reigning from one of six houses, into which she will be sorted during the Ceremony of the Fall. Unfortunately for Lydia, she’s attracted the attention of the worst of them all…

I struggled to get into the book as Kathryn uses a lot of purple prose, but thankfully the story line soon picks up and makes the read worth it. Overall, I really enjoyed it, especially the various inner monologues from the characters.

I can see how this series is going to build into a slow burn dark romance, but only ground work lain in this book.

Triggers: death, murder, gore, torture
Romance tropes: slow burn
1/5 🌶️ rating

Favourite quotes:
<potential spoilers>

Turns out that shouting at a tattoo wasn’t very effective, go figure.

All at once she was thinking too quickly and not fast enough, her thoughts a jumbled mess as they tried to vie for supremacy.

I was doing an autopsy, and like everyone’s worst nightmare, he got up and tried to kill me.

He had come, for it was time for the Fall, and he would not miss it for all the glory of Under. There were few things he relished so keenly as the hunt. For when the Ceremony of the Fall began… there was prey to be gathered.

She was not one who would fall victim to the world if she could help it. What a goddess she would become in Under before long.

“It’s going to be fine.” “It’s really probably not.” “No, but that’s what you say to people.”

“Buddy, don’t get huffy with me like I’m inconveniencing you.” Lydia didn’t quite know where she got the nerve to be so spunky with him. Maybe it was the drugs he had given her. “I was abducted by monsters. and I’m strapped to a fucking table. Sorry for taking up your precious fucking time.”

“Oh, good. I’ve dreamed up an insane nightmare man.”

Oh, be still my black heart.

“Toto, I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore,” Nick muttered.

“Do you drink blood?” “Yes.”“Do you have fangs?” He paused reluctantly. “Yes.”“Then you’re a vampire.” She smirked. “If it looks like a duck and it quacks like a duck…”

“I say that I am a monster who drinks blood, and you do not falter. I tell you my age, and that frightens you? You are an odd one.”

Whatever Under was, whatever its purpose might be… it was a world of monsters.

“You insist on continuing to become more interesting, don’t you, my darling?”

She was no longer running from a monster⁠— She had run into the grasp of one. A dark voice purred down to her, amused. “You called?”

“Edu has not taken your body yet? Surely, you jest. The oaf cannot keep his paws off anyone.”

“How I will delight in unraveling you.”

“My dearest lady, allow me to introduce myself. You know my name, yet you do not know with whom you have parlayed with so much as of late. I am Aon, King of the House of Shadows. High Lord of Warlocks, and—if you are to ask any others—the paramount madman and sadist in Under.”

“Careful, my dear…” Aon purred from the darkness. “I am not one to be trifled with. I would not so casually insult a king.” “I thought Edu was king.” A growl of frustration floated from nowhere. “Edu is a king. Hardly the only one to rule this world. I am equal in rank to him, and far greater in all other matters, I assure you.”

“Edu wants me dead because he thinks I’m a threat. Aon wants to pull me apart at the seams for a laugh. Either way, I’m fucking doomed.

“Try to enjoy the party!” Evie waved goodbye. “It’ll be a ball!” She rolled her eyes. “How am I supposed to enjoy the party? I’m probably going to die right after it.” “All the more reason to have fun.”

Fear me and my fork, ageless monsters of Under!

His heart may have skipped a beat, but he was not certain.

“Crying won’t help. Begging won’t work. I can’t run, and struggling will do more harm than good. I… I’ve lost. The only thing left to do is die with pride.”

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What a book! I was absolutely blown away and can't wait to read more. "King of Flames" is an amazing introduction to the world of Under and to Lydia. I wouldn't categorize it strictly as a romance novel; it's more of an introduction to a rich, captivating universe. The steampunk vibe mixed with fantasy elements is fantastic. The author has done a remarkable job in building a unique and immersive world that pulls you in from the first page.

Lydia is a fascinating protagonist, and her journey is both thrilling and engaging. The intricate details and the vivid descriptions make the setting come alive, and the plot is full of twists and turns that kept me on the edge of my seat. I found myself completely absorbed in this new and imaginative world.

The character development is also noteworthy, with Lydia's strengths and vulnerabilities making her a relatable and dynamic character. The supporting characters add depth and complexity to the story, each bringing their own unique flavor to the narrative. While the romantic elements are subtle, they add an extra layer of intrigue and emotion.

Overall, "King of Flames" is a captivating read that left me wanting more. I am eagerly looking forward to the next installment to see where the story goes. If you love fantasy with a steampunk twist and well-crafted characters, this book is a must-read!

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I truly enjoyed this book! It sucks you in right from the beginning and makes it hard to put down. I liked that it was a different fantasy premise than most books I've read here lately. Lydia is an amazing FMC, headstrong and no filter, my favorite! Aon is still very much a mystery, and the ending of the book just has me desperate for book two!

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I was so not ready for this to be over!!!!! Seriously so good and that ending!!! Kathrynn Ann Kingsley never disappoints!

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Thank you NetGalley & Kathryn for the Arc!!

From the beginning this book had me hooked, the world building was just enough and not too much, the plot was very engaging and I’m conflicted about how i should feel about Aon….

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I’m a big fan of Kathryn. This was a fast paced, dark, and fun read. The main character was a breath of fresh air for me.

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So this is a super quick, fast paced read that I enjoyed quite a bit. The main character is so unserious which was actually kind of refreshing, a lot of the time with fantasy it’s very high stakes with a lot of emotion which I love but it was also nice to read from the point of view of a sarcastic fmc who just doesn’t seem to take any of it seriously. I liked the fmc however it did seem as though her and her male best friend just had zero loyalty to each other and honestly put themselves first a lot of the time which fair enough who can say if they were getting chased by a monster we wouldn’t run as fast as we could and leave our friends to fend for themselves. There was no romance or spice in the book but throughout the book it was building, I feel like the foundations for a good spicy romance were definitely there which will come to fruition in the next book maybe. I would recommend this book for a quick fun read, trigger warning though there is some gore which did make me feel a little sick.

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The world building is amazing. The plot hooked me in IMMEDIATELY. It’s a dark fantasy, kidnapping, monsters/shifters, kings/queens, mortals/underworld, and morally grey mmc filled book.

Lydia is a mortal that is kidnapped by a king of the underworld in an attempt to increase their population. They have a ritual that turns mortals into monsters if they have been marked/chosen. Lydia and her friend wake up with the mark one day and are taken against their will. She then undergoes the ceremony but instead of turning into some type of creature like everyone else, she remains human.

Aon is a powerful king who is asleep, but for some reason a strong bond between him and Lydia begin to form out of the blue. They call for each other i’m their dreams and she becomes the reason for his early rising. However, he is a ruthless and brutal king who everyone fears. He is known for his horrific torture methods.

Aon is completely unhinged but obsessed with her. He has his own twisted way of showing he cares for her and I can’t wait to start book 2 to see more of him and Lydia. The book ends with a cliffhanger just when the action is starting.

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First, thank you to Second Sky Publishing for allowing me to read the ARC of the revised version of King of Flames by Kathryn Ann Kingsley.
Second, not only is Lydia a strong FMC, but she is hilarious. Her comments and thoughts had me laughing from the very beginning. With this being a dark romantasy book, the humor is a nice offset.
I have not read the original version of King of Flames, so I wasn’t sure what to expect. There is a lot of world building in this book, but it is needed, as it is unlike any other world I have ever read about. Under is a one-of-a-kind world with more dark beasts and monsters than I can count.
I am very much looking forward to the second revised book, King of Shadows, to be released later this month and to dive deeper into what will happen with Lydia and Aon.

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I really enjoyed this book! It grabs you right from the beginning. I liked that it was a different fantasy premise than most books as of late. The story felt very new and fresh, while still maintaining the fantasy elements that I love. Lydia is a great FMC, headstrong and not afraid to speak her mind. Aon is still very much a mystery, and the ending of the book let me wanting more! On to read the next one!

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I received this book as an ARC. It had an interesting premise but I didn’t find myself compelled to be excited while reading it. I was not particularly intrigued by an of the characters, nor did I fully understand the whole crux of the story. I don’t think I’ll pick up the next book

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Human girl is selected to be apart of a sacrifice at random by a “monster” world. Human girl sees weird masked guy in her dreams. Definitely a dark themed story of a demon king that has done terrible things but some how is probably a tortured soul himself. Even though it’s labeled as steamy this is as steamy as a hot coffee. It’s also incredibly short. I felt like I was missing information to fully piece together the potential story the remaining books will figure out.

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Loved this book so much. I rated it 4 stars because it really transported me to another dimension. The dimension of Kings of Flames. I recommend everyone to read this book.

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Lydia is having an unfortunate day. First. She woke up and found a tattoo she has no recollection of getting. Second. A corpse at the morgue tried to murder her. And now third? She’s totally being hunted by strange creatures hell bent on capturing her. Her mantra? Act now, panic later, but later never seems like a safe time to panic. And with one kind hunting her and the other trying to kill her. Lydia is in way over her head.

This book is short. It’s hard to even give a synopsis because I don’t want to spoil anything. I have read a few other books by Kathryn Ann Kingsley. The Maze of Shadows series is my favorite, and this book will definitely appeal to people who liked that series.

I had a really great time reading this. I absolutely devoured it. It was hard to put down and I am beside myself that it’s over. I want the rest of this series like yesterday. I want more of Aon and Lydia. I want to know what is going to happen. I have questions and not enough answers.

Suffice to say. I enjoyed this. Not everyone is going to be a fan of this book, but if you like dark-ish romance or other things by this author then it’s a big yes. Just be prepared for a cliffhanger.

4.5 stars/5

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read and review this arc. While it is immensely appreciated it does not impact the content of my review.

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Book 1 of The Masks of Under

Lydia is abducted and transported to a planet where everyone goes through a transformation ritual and becomes magical. When she goes through the process she is rejected by the Ancients and almost drowns in the magical pool, making it out barely alive and with no magic whatsoever.
She is secretly under the protection of a mysterious dark sadist who is currently asleep in his crypt until it is his turn to wake and rule. Aon is drawn to Lydia but he cannot decide if he wants to hurt her or protect her or both.

This is the most unpredictable book that I have ever read. If you are looking for a book unlike anything on the shelves at the moment then this is definitely the book for you. The author really thought outside the box and was very creative with this book, however, this book was not suited for me.

I did not like the male characters in the book at all, every one of them were repulsive and off-putting. The book ended too abruptly and even though I didn’t enjoy the book as much, I am curious to know what happens in book 2.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts are my own.
A huge thank you to Netgalley and Second Sky for this e-arc.

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Well I didn’t love Lydia so that made this book kind of annoying to read. It also didn’t read as very “dark” to me. But i did love the world building though. I’ll probably still read the next book in the series regardless.

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Sadly I did not finish this book. I feel like the story could be great and has a lot of potential but the writing was a total miss for me. This book is told in 3rd person pov and I feel it needed to be 1st with dual pov of the 2 main characters. I think that would greatly improve the book. The long sentences and chapters were also a turn off for me. Some of the sentences were so long and the wording was very off putting. Words were added or in the wrong place and it made the story very hard to read. I think the book also needs better world building as well. I made it over 50% in and was so confused with this world of Under. The book has great potential but it definitely needs a lot of editing.

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I'm not one to read a story with no spice in it but this one had me hooked with it's incredible world building and interesting characters. It's a story like I haven't read before and I am definitely looking to the second story after that cliffhanger!!

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