Member Reviews

Through his book Sacred Attachment, Cusick could help a lot of people who cannot move on from his traumatic experience and come near to God. With his own story journey of life, I think I can relate a lot with him in this topic.

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This is a thoughtful, heartfelt book that will likely help a lot of people. I appreciated Cusick's vulnerability and his compassion. The book posits that tendencies to sin - our tendencies to distrust God and turn to other things for security or satisfaction - stem from past pain. I do not think all sin issues stem from trauma or attachment disorders from childhood, and we are still responsible for our own choices. The book should have made clearer in places that we must repent of sin to be restored to a right relationship with God. However, the book was clear that sin has awful consequences and that we ought to work through past pain with help from God and people. As Cusick states, struggles such as addiction can have multifaceted causes, and just trying harder, reading the Bible more, etc., aren't always a solution. This book offers some strategies (e.g., contemplative prayer) that may be more helpful. Most importantly, Cusick emphasizes God's love for us.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the free eARC. This review will be posted on Goodreads and Amazon closer to publication.

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An interesting examination of attachment styles and how they interact with our connection to God in physical, mystical, and emotional ways.

(I received a free digital copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review)

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