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Review for 'When The Sky Falls' by B.R. Spangler

This book is very well written and had me hook, line and sinker from beginning to end. The descriptions were so in depth and vivid that the hair on my arms was standing on the ends and my heart was pounding throughout. The synopsis, title and cover were perfect for the storyline.

This book is an absolutely brilliant dystopia post apocalyptic novel that I absolutely devoured in one sitting listening to the Audiobook version. It is the first book in Spangler's 'Dark Skies Apocalypse' series and this book is set over two parts. The first part tells us how the world changed after poisonous clouds cover the sky hiding the sun, buildings collapse, communications fail and corrosive fog consumes everything in its way. Emily and her baby sister Sammi seek refuge in the mall with other survivors. She helps anybody who is injured and goes on supply runs but what she cannot tell anybody is that it is her father who caused the disaster in the first place!! Part one tells us of the devastation the disaster has caused and how the survivors try to continue to survived. It is only Emily and Sammi left in their family at the mall after their mother died on the way and their father left to try to stop the disaster from getting worse. The first part is ram packed with suspense, tension, heartache, stress, action and everything you could ask for in a very fast paced post apocalyptic dystopia storyline. It is a scarily realistic situation to be in especially after what happened in the world with Covid some things don't seem as science fictional as they may once have seemed. My heart went out to Emily and Sammi and I cant even begin to imagine the terror and fear they were feeling throughout. Part Two is set fifteen years later and Emily's secret about her father is out. The survivors are trying to live as best they can although the danger is still there and they live in darkness surrounded by burning fog. However, it is not just these disasters that they are in danger from but now the threat also comes from a savage gang called The Outsiders who will attack anyone and everyone and take children from their parents. Emily even lost her son to them and fears for Sammi's life. Sammi has now found love with another survivor called Declan but Emily cannot find her. Emily has one chance to save Sammi and that is through her father who is the only one who can bring the sunlight back and is currently within the machine that turns the sky to acid. I was rooting for Emily and Sammi every single moment of the book. Thanks to Spangler's evocative and emotive descriptions as well as the narrator Marie Smith's fantastic narration skills they ensure the reader can feel the fear, love, tension, stress and every emotion they are feeling throughout. I even ended up with tears in my eyes which is not an easy feat so make sure you have the tissues at the ready! This fantastic book leaves the reader/listener needing to know what is going to happen next!! Thankfully the second book in this series is already available to purchase and is called 'When The Dawn Breaks' which I am off to read as soon as I have finished typing this up!!
With realistic, strong, likeable and unlikeable characters that make you want to shout at, sympathise with and more this book will keep you glued to the pages. I really could not recommend this book more!!! It has got to be one of the best dystopian books I have read in a long time and I would definitely recommend it to fans of apocalyptic and dystopia novels!! This is one of the few books that I have listened 100% on Audiobook. If I listen to a book on audiobook I usually also read the physical book between but I listened to the whole book and I was impressed! I must say a HUGE congratulations to the narrator Marie Smith who did a great job bringing this story to life. I would listen to it in the car and while walking at any opportunity and Marie did a fantastic job on both male and female characters voices as well as managing to convey and portray the characters emotions through her voice!!!

This is one of those books that once you have picked it up you will not be able to put it down and it is also an absolute emotional rollercoaster ride of emotions so clear your schedules and get the tissues at the ready as even I shed several tears and that is not an easy feat!!!

Congratulations B.R.Spangler on another absolutely fantastic and addictive page turning read!!!

Overall an absolutely captivating, gripping, action packed and heart racing addictive suspense packed post apocalyptic dystopia novel!!!

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In the book When the Sky Falls, author B.R. Spangler writes about Emily and her family. Emily’s parents helped her escape with her baby sister Sammi as the world was crashing down around them. Why was the world crashing down? Because of poisonous clouds with a corrosive fog that is causing everything to crumble. What is causing the fog? Some kind of machine that Emily’s father helped to build and run.
This was a strange story that had a lot of holes in the story line and the ending was confusing. I might recommend this book if the next one is good and fills in some information. I received a copy of this audio-book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I think that this book is relatively good- but suffered in a few ways that I struggled to look past just because of how much they broke my immersion. The younger sister's dialogue was completely inconsistent. Sometimes she is speaking in broken and simplistic baby talk and then suddenly she has full sentences conveying her thoughts clearly. I don't know what age she was and couldn't guess based on her characterization.

Another part that confused me was the introduction of Isla. I spend a good deal of time around Spanish- speaking people with Spanish names. Not a single time has one of them felt compelled to tell me their name is Spanish or what it means in Spanish. That is just a white person's filter thinking that kind of clarification is needed. And then immediately after making certain to explain her "cinnamon skin" made the intent clear.

I suggest a continuity and sensitivity read before this officially releases.

Narrator did a good job for their part.

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I could not be more excited for the next book in this series after reading BR Spangler's WHEN THE SKY FALLS. What an exciting pivot for this fantastic author. I loved the characters, I loved the premise, I loved the world building, I loved the narration, I loved everything about it!

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This book was AMAZING! The narrator did such a great job. I felt like I was watching everything play out in my head. I could not put this down. I was almost sad to finish this book but I’m excited for the next one to see where the story goes. It gave very much Netflix “The Rain” vibes and now I want to go rewatch that show. It does have a time jump which was interesting to read on how people have adapted. Emily has suffered so much and that ending left me with my jaw on the floor. I am searching information on the next book immediately!

I recommend this story to everyone especially people who love Sci Fi and apocalypse vibes.

Thank you to the author, Bookouture Audio, and NetGalley for this audiobook.

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Not many books leave me speechless when I finish them, after finishing When the Sky Falls this book left me not only speechless but had me immediately looking for the sequel.

When the Sky Falls mostly takes when the fog first arrives. The fog is poisonous and will burn anyone who gets stuck in it. The fog is also burning through different structures like houses and eating through different car parts making them not run. Emily’s dad is a scientist and engineer who was on a team working on machines that caused the apocalyptic event. He knows what the fog is capable of so he tells his family to flee to the mall, knowing the the structure of the mall will survive the fog.

Emily and her younger sister Sammi head to the mall with their mother. The trip to the mall is eventful and will keep you on the edge of your seat. Once they are at the mall ideas on survival and rationing take over and everyone's survival instinct kicks in.

This entire segment was so well written that I felt like I was in this mall with them. We then move into the future and without talking about what happens here just know I was left in utter disbelief. I loved how it ended and can not wait to see how it continues.

If your TBR is long, bump this one up towards the top.

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I’m a sucker for apocalyptic tales. Good or bad. I usually don’t care if they are hyper-realistic or outrageously mindless, it’s rare I can’t find something to enjoy from such tales. (Not sure what that says about me, but I probably don’t want to know, lol). Well I wouldn’t say B.R. Spangler’s When the Sky Fell is ultra-realistic, but I also won’t call it mindless. What I will say is that it was definitely entertaining, at least the first half. Don’t get me wrong I enjoyed the entire experience book, but the first half really hooked me. Spangler pulled me in right from the start. And it wasn’t just the deadly fog that descends upon the world or the mystery of what Emily and Sammi’s father had to do with it. It was little Sammi. Let me reset. The story starts with the Stark family preparing to flee their home. The fog is coming. It’s all mysterious of course as we don’t truly know what is happening. But Emily’s father seems to have something to do with it, insists he must try and correct the situation and wants his wife to take Emily and her little sister and escape to the mall, which he believes will be a safe spot. Without going too deep into spoiler territory, tragedy occurs, leaving Emily responsible for getting her little sister to safety. There is just something about putting little kids in danger that tugs at the heart strings and pulls me into a story, especially when it’s a kid you can really like. But getting to the mall is just the start of the adventure and their struggle to survive. As I said, I was hooked early on and must admit before I even realized it I had listened almost 5 hours of the story or roughly half of the book. Ina Marie Smith does a good job with the narration, capturing the characters and the intensity of the story quite well. It might not be perfect but it was mostly definitely entertaining and was a great break from reality. I’d like to thank Bookouture Audio | Second Sky Books, and NetGalley for the opportunity to listen to and advanced audio copy of When the Sky Falls.

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A dystopian apocalyptic end of days book…yep, sign me up. Started off fast and kept my attention, I really enjoyed When the sky falls by B R Spangler. Solid 4/5.

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Apocalyptic world? Sign me up!
I literally listened to over 80% of the audiobook in one sitting and it killeeeeeeed me to have to wait for the next day for the last 20%! What a world building!

The story starts it’s still the “normal” world and then this virus or whatever it is (listened to it/ready if and you’ll find out) happens and then you get into the action straight away. A little bit of the story happens at the beginning of the apocalypse so they all try and understand what’s happened and how to survive and then the rest of the story takes place few years later where the apocalyptic world is just the new “normal” world and so many kids only know this world!

10/10 for the story, the action etc’!
10/10 for the characters and the narrators!

Loved it! I need book 02 like right this second!

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When the Sky Falls
3 Stars
TW: Animal Abuse, Self Harm, and SA in 2nd portion of the book

Thank you Netgalley for letting me listen to this Audio ARC. I was really excited to get the chance to read this as I hadn't heard of it before and love apocalyptic survival thrillers.

I enjoyed the beginning part of the book, but after the 60% mark in the second half, I found myself not enjoying the storie's direction as much. There were suddenly multiple POVs and some of the characters lost the qualities that had made them some of my favorites in the beginning part of the book. I was also incredibly frustrated with how the book finished. The ending just fell flat for me and I finished the book with more questions than answers.

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NetGalley ARC Review

Star Rating: ★☆☆☆☆

If you go to read this I have great news for you! You get two books for the price of one. Warning: I had more fun writing this review than reading the book. I kind of feel like Olaf telling the story about Elsa and Anna's parents. I assume reading my review will also be more fun than you will have actually reading the book. If you don't though, try reading the book it'll be right up your alley!

TL;DR - Love life. Time travel, Love life. With a hazy fog of sci-fi sprinkled over the top.
(I enjoyed the narrator much more than the book, thought I should point that out)

Book One
Is about a post apocalyptic world brought on by a killer fog. The fog is caused by a machine that was created by the main characters dad. How far does the fog extend, you'll never know. Why was the fog created, you'll never know. Why a couple character aren't effected by the fog, you'll never know. Why the characters make really dumb decisions sometimes, you'll never know. What you do know is they need to get to the mall. Mom dies first. Quickly followed by dad. They make it to the mall. Instantly re-falls in love with her crush and what do you know he loves her too. They need food and medicine, they get food and medicine. Wait! Dads alive and he can stop the machine. Alas, there is a hurricane on it's way. It starts to rain. The fog is safer now, but the rain has the capabilities to melt a person down to goo. Good thing the eye of the storm is here! "I'll save us and stop the machine" - Dad. "Okay, I lied, the machine can't be stopped. I just stay inside it to continually stop it when it turns back on" - Dad. "You won't die on my watch Isla they'll fix you" - Dad. Who are they you ask? Say it with me, you'll. never. know. The fog never leaves, but turns out it's at least safer now. just bundle up when you go outside. The End.

Book Two
Is set 15 years later. They have successfully set up shop in big office building. They have successfully explored the fog and found others. The main characters got married; had a kid; kid got kidnapped; they never talk anymore. Who kidnapped the kid? You'll nev...... The Outsiders did it. Who are the Outsiders? You'll never know! You remember how the dad said he had to go back to the machine, turns out the machine won't let him out. Why? You'll never know. They can't see into the machine, but he can see out of the machine. He also likes to stab himself, because he's mentally unstable and needs to know what is real. Why? You'll never know! What happened to Isla? You'll never know! Emily is a teacher now and has a super cool and super advanced robot. Where is came from and how it works? You'll never know! The coolest part though is the executives that you hear so much about. Well... you really only hear that they have super fancy rooms at the top of the office building and they have super scary guards that will kill anyone. That's about all that said, all the time, every time the executives are brought up. Then you find out the they have a day that celebrates the end of the gray skies, because of the fog. Why? The fog is still there. The younger sister is attacked multiple times by a creepy thug kid. Multiple times in front of people. They never see. Personally I think the bully has super duper cool invisibility powers or something. You remember the machines that have been keeping the fog going for over 15 years with no signs of stopping, there is no way that they are going to.... Oh crap, they stopped. The skies are clearing. Too bad the main characters little sister has a full stomach and can't enjoy the celebration with everyone else. Are you still wondering about Isla, the stolen kid, the outsiders, the machine, the alien/ai/whatever, the dad, the day celebrating the end of the gray skies even though the gray skies were still there. why the fog stopped, why was the robot there and how is it so advanced? Well, keep wondering because then the book ends and you have no idea about anything.

Altogether you get a lot of pages about a girls love life, with a sprinkling of sci-fi. Time travel Then more pages about a different girls love life. The End.

Like always read it and decide for yourself!

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Thank you Bookouture Audio, Netgalley and B R Spangler for the audio Arc of When The sky Falls.
Narrated by Ina Marie Smith

Recently getting more into Sci- fI genre of books, I enjoyed this dystopian fantasy. When the Sky Falls, follows the journey of Emily and Sammi Stark, who have to make their way meet their Dad after these machines were switched on to cleanse the air on Earth. They did exactly the opposite and starts producing toxic clouds, fog and rain which acts like acid. The first part of the book tackles the survival of these 2 MC, mainly from the POV of Emily. The second half of the book is set 15 yrs later and what has come to pass and the struggles that Emily is now encountering as a young adult.
I felt the pacing of the book started out very quick and then slowed down to a medium pace. I can understand, due to the nature of the storyline. why and I felt it was well done. It did feel a little disjointed when part 2 jumped 15 yrs and left some questions ( which hope will be answered in book 2!) The ending, well, was left on a cliff hanger and enough for me to read the 2nd book. Its certainly a thought provoking book.

The character building, I felt was great. I gelled to Emily and Declan, which they do make some ropey decisions along in their story but what young adults don't?! They felt relatable and real enough which is probably why I gelled with them both.

The Narrator, Ina Marie Smith did a superb job in reading this book. I love her voice. Her pacing suits the narrative, with the right kind of tension and emotion.

4 stars

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When the Sky Falls is an easy dystopian read with an interesting premise.

I was sucked in quickly with the concept of the mysterious machines which had resulted in the apocalyptic scenes at the opening of the story. Unfortunately this one wasn’t quite for me. I found the storyline disjointed, and struggled to make sense of the character’s choices. I think seeing more about how the society developed, and the sister’s experiences post disaster would have helped me better understand the second part of the book. There was a lot of questions left remaining, and unfortunately too many to entice me to pick up the next book.

Having said that I can see this being enjoyable for someone looking for a quick and action packed read. The audiobook narration was wonderful, and the narrator really brought the character’s emotional experience to life. The production really added an extra degree of creepiness when the characters are first grappling with understanding the fog. Overall the premise is really intriguing, and does have me tempted with the next book, to resolve the mystery of the machines. It’s great that the next book is already available!

Thank you Bookouture and NetGalley for a copy of this book. Opinions expressed are my own.

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I assume the second book in this series explains something….anything? I refuse to take the chance that the next book ends like this one.

This book started out great. It jumped right into the action of a world changing event and a family trying to find safety. After the family got to where they were going, it was a snooze fest. Then part two jumped 15 years into the future and seemed promising. However, it only left me wishing I had been able to jump 8 hours into the past and tell myself not to listen to this audiobook.

The teenager had just lost both her parents and 24 hours later she’s starting a budding romance? Come on. WTF is the machine? In part two the dad just pokes himself in the neck with skewers, trying to commit suicide, and says that the machine will bring him back? Who are all the other people at the machine??

Rating this a 2 because it had moments of suspense building and had my attention. Overall, it was bad.

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The fog burns everything it touches…

I don’t know where to begin with this audiobook. The writing by B.R. Spangler is amazing and Ina Marie Smith does fantastic narration. The story is action packed. By the end of chapter 4 you find yourself going “holy shit”. The story doesn’t let up there. Right until the end you’re on the edge of your seat. Smith’s ability to voice multiple characters only serves to pull you deeper into the world Spangler has built.

The 15-year time progression and character shift may be a jolt for some, but I found a relisten helped. Again, Smith tackles the multiple characters with ease and Spangler leaves you on your seat. I still have so many questions and hypothesis that leave me craving the next book.

Whether in audio or written When the Sky Falls is binge worthy to say the least. I will caution the reader or listener that some scenes are graphic. Spangler does a wonderful job with description, but it may be too disturbing for some audiences. I was horrified by what happened to people and I found myself crying at points. I won’t tell you why because that would spoil the novel.

When the Sky Falls is gripping, terrifying, and action packed. I give it 5 stars and highly recommend it.

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This a high quality post apologtic world novel which is book 1. The narration started off well. Part 1 was full of emotion action well written scenes realistic characters and kept my attention and I really enjoyed it. It had hints of romance and was full of emotion.
However part 2 felt like thenarrator was reading something written by someone else. There eas no clea plot. Sammy was still child like despite all the years that had passed amd the world just got on. It was like anything else. It felt flat and although rhe ending chocked me up it could have been set anywhere. It felt like part 1 should hsve been the ending.
This might appeal more to young adults or people who xan switch off easier. Thank you netgallery and publisher and author and narrator

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I got to listen to the audiobook and read at the same time the advanced copy, and I must say that helped me understand better what was going on. The book/audiobook starts in a very high note, something different of the normal was taking place, our protagonist Emily was raised of her sleep during the night by her mother, her family got out of the house just in the nick of time and driving themselves until the shopping mall, while her father was supposed to go to the machine, and this is a piece of very mysterious centre of the story, what really are the machines, how do they work and how to reverse what they do…

While I did like the beginning of the story I have many questions, how did the population of the commune grow so much, why did they forgot what happened with the red neck family that was sent away from the mall, the outsiders are they all the red neck family? Are they really cannibals? The guards in the commune are inhumane jerks, and what did Declan mother find out? What really happened… I also felt that what happened 15 year later didn’t really belong in this book, I would much rather listen to the complete Emily story, and how she become a mother and how that changed all for her… going straight to 15 years after, without any explanations and changing the protagonist feels strange and disconnected, also felt a bit rushed for me…

The person reading the audiobook Ina Marie Smith was the high note for me, I liked her narrating and how she brought the characters to life, and to be honest she is the reason why I went 4 stars with the audiobook, because if it was only related to the story I couldn’t go higher than 3 stars, first because the story doesn’t match with the synopses of the book, some things don’t happen at all, and others get really strange seeing how the book ended, but I don’t really want to spoil even more the story.

Thank you Netgalley and Bookouture Audio | Second Sky Books for the free AAC, and this is my honest opinion.

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Emily and her little sister Sammi survive the poisonous clouds and find a form of sanctuary at the Mall. What has caused this disaster and how was their father involved? Well paced novel where we follow the survival of humanity following the fog of death.

Well written and well narrated novel (I listened to the audiobook). Emily and Sammi are strong and likeable characters whose lives are changed forever. Can this disaster be corrected? Can they find better shelter, food and water? Can human nature get people to work together or will many be selfish? Read to find out.

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2.5 rounded up. The premise of this book is great! The description makes it sound awesome! It's unfortunate that it doesn't match the actual story, or at least the ARC version I read. Maybe it is also describing the sequel, which is being released the same day? That would help the description make a bit more sense, but it doesn't help manage expectations for this specific book.

The book is divided into two parts. Part one is about 70% of the book and focuses on Emily and the initial days after "the machine" basically ends the world as everyone knows it. The entire book should have just been focused on this storyline, or it should have been shortened and more of Emily's story should have been developed so that the transition to 15 years later - part two - wasn't so harsh.

Part two doesn't make sense. Much of part one is plausible for early days of a post-apocalyptic world (as much as I can imagine them, anyways). This world 15 years later? No. So many questions are left unaddressed, too. Again, maybe they're in the sequel, but then they shouldn't be in the description. And the SA? While definitely plausible because.... humans... the circumstances or writing, something wasn't right.

Here is the book description, and my thoughts:

Poisonous clouds spill from the sky and erase the sun. Buildings collapse. Communications fail. Corrosive fog consumes everything in its path.

Emily Stark flees her crumbling home with baby sister Sammi and shelters with a shellshocked band of survivors. As she tends the injured and risks her life gathering supplies, she is keeping a secret… her father, her hero, caused this disaster.
*****Yes!! This is addressed in the book, although the "secret" doesn't last very long."*****

Fifteen years later. Against all odds, Sammi has grown up in the suffocating darkness and found love with soulmate Declan Chambers. When their hopes of a life together are jeopardised by mutiny in their commune, they slip past the guards and seek a life beyond its walls.
*****The mutiny isn't explicit?? They don't leave?!?!?!*****

But burning fog isn’t the only danger to face them in the wilderness. A savage gang called The Outsiders attacks anyone who crosses their path, even snatching children from their parents’ arms.
***** I guess this is fine. *****

Emily lost her young son to The Outsiders and she fears for her sister’s life beyond the commune. Not knowing where Sammi could be in the darkness, Emily has only one chance to save her: her father. Only she knows he has the power to return sunlight to earth, and only she knows where he is: deep inside the machine that churns the dark skies to acid.
***** What?! Is this the set up for book two? SPOILER Sammi isn't in the sequel given how the first book ends???*****

Can Emily find her father and make him reverse the catastrophe he caused? And will Sammi and Declan’s love be enough to survive in the brutal fallen skies?
***** These questions are not the right questions now that I've read the book. *****

Thank you to NetGalley for the advanced copy.

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Audio version
Narrator: 4/5

This book is split into two distinct parts and the jolt between them ruined the book for me. The first part is focus on Emily and how her world changed one horrible day. Part one was four and a half stars for me, if book one had continued with her story instead of the giant time jump that came for part two and disconnected the story for me. Everything that happened in-between quickly summarized by characters thoughts. The second part of the book was rushed.

The twist was good but does not line up with the synopsis which is why the book is a three star for me. I went in it expecting one thing and this book was not it. If not for the synopsis, I would have given the book a 4 star review rounding up from a 3.5. I just cannot get past the synopsis not matching up with the book.

Thank you to the publishers and netgalley for the advance reader copy of the audiobook in exchange for my honest review.

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