Member Reviews

Not a bad satire. A bit in the nose in some places, but I like that element of it. I wonder where our democracy will go to this November and sadly this book is fair warning about what can happen if we’re not careful. There were some missed opportunities in the story, I thought, which makes this a 4 star book, but for the mist part, you take our poopshow of current political climate, add AI, and some very hyperbolic scenarios and you have 2040. Fingers crossed it doesn’t happen exactly like that. It’s a fun book.

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I had high hopes for this book but it fell short. I felt like it had so many opportunities to not fall into so many stereotypes and be overly abrasive but it didn’t happen. The debate scene was fun to read even if it was ridiculous. I wish I could give it a better review.

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2040 was a book I chose way outside my typical genre but I couldn't pass on the political satire! I really enjoyed reading this laughing throughout at how ridiculous the candidates were. I think the novel sheds some scary realities of robots and AI and just how big companies can get if not properly monitored. The writing was easy to follow which made for a quick read, as well.

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I love this novel! When I first tried reading it, I set it aside, thinking "Too much dialogue," and the Native Americans are not being shown with any dignity or respect, but, but, I have to review this ARC, so I tried again. Third time was the charm. I was hooked!

If you love the dark humor and slapstick mishaps of the TV series "Fargo," you will surely appreciate the action and antics in this story.

Pedro Domingos is witty, satirical, clever, and funny. I'm motivated now to see what else he has written.

In the days when I wrote long, thoughtful book reviews for Perihelion Science Fiction ezine, this novel would have had three pages of praise and excerpts. It seems people want short and simple, not long and detailed, so, here it is.

Great political satire, just in time for the 2024 presidential debates and election. Read and enjoy!

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Strange Look At The Future

I’m thankful that this was a relatively short story or I never would have made it to the end. The year is 2040 and there is a deranged 1/1024 Native American Indian and an artificial intelligence running for President. The Indian wants to kill everyone but Indians living in the United States, the artificial intelligence is literally falling apart. It’s a really strange story that failed to capture my imagination.

I received an advance copy of 2040 from NetGalley, this is my honest review.

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by Pedro Domingos

(Almost spoiler free)

Overall, I enjoyed this book. It was an easy read. After reading the first page or so to get a feel, the following day I read the rest in one sitting.

This story is an absurd satire. However, it's something of a fairly large pool that's only several inches deep. When all is said and done, it's entertaining, but it left me wanting and somewhat disappointed.

The abstract does this book a disservice. It is not what it claims to be. This story is not a scathing critique, nor is it dialog driven in the manner of, say, the witty banter of a good vintage film or a Mamet play. The description set up expectations that were not met.

The premise of the book is intriguing. A number of interesting scenarios are presented. Unfortunately, none of them are explored. The topics include sentience, artificial intelligence, the rights of living creatures, the rights of indigenous people, politics, democracy, identity, discrimination, the rights of corporations, and more. There's a lot broached here. None of it is investigated to any degree. It's all for show.

I thought this book was going to be satire, but it's more general humor. Some of the humor seemed like it would be grounded, but the book leans into slapstick and the absurd. The story seems to reference many aspects of reality within the United States, but doesn't explore them - either their current state or the history leading up to it.

While reading the book, several unexpected left turns took place, including tonal shifts. Some of these new elements didn't make sense considering what came before them (e.g., how the city is divided).

The ending of the book feels abrupt, unearned and unsatisfying. As always, your experience may differ from mine.

This feedback may seem like a list of issues. However, parts of the book are entertaining and, as mentioned earlier, it's an easy read. The story introduces a lot of interesting topics ripe for deeper exploration. Unfortunately, all of them are glossed over. If you're looking for a silly surface level humorous quick read, this may be for you. I had high hopes for the book, but came away disappointed.

Side note: There is a sole real world reference that stood out to me that was out of place and seemed ill-advised. It was simply a name drop that, like everything else, wasn't followed-up on. It didn't seem in keeping with the rest of the book.

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Pedro Domingos’ *2040* presents a satirical vision of a near-future America, where the absurdities of politics and technology collide in a comedic yet unsettling narrative. Set against the backdrop of a presidential election, the book features an AI candidate, PresiBot, juxtaposed with an outlandish Democratic contender—a faux Native American chief named Raging Bull. While the premise brims with potential, the execution leaves much to be desired.

From the outset, Domingos draws readers into a world that mirrors contemporary political chaos while exaggerating it to absurdity. His portrayal of Silicon Valley’s quirks—from self-driving avocado delivery drones to outlandish tech jargon—evokes both laughter and a sense of dread at how plausible this satire might be. As an AI researcher, Domingos brings an informed perspective that enriches the narrative; however, this depth doesn’t entirely translate into character development or thematic nuance.

One of the book's strengths lies in its humor, particularly embodied by PresiBot, whose algorithm-driven charisma offers a witty commentary on modern electoral politics. Yet, the humor sometimes veers into caricature, with characters feeling more like exaggerated tropes than fully fleshed individuals. Raging Bull, while intended to be a critique of identity politics, often comes off as too absurd to be taken seriously, diminishing the potential for meaningful commentary.

Despite its engaging moments, *2040* struggles with tonal consistency. The political satire, while ambitious, is often heavy-handed, lacking the subtlety that could elevate it beyond mere farce. Readers may find themselves yearning for a more nuanced exploration of the implications of such an AI-driven political landscape, particularly as the narrative unfolds towards an ending that feels too neatly resolved. In wrapping up the story in a matter of pages, Domingos sacrifices the lingering questions and complexities that could spark deeper reflection on contemporary political dilemmas.

While the initial premise is enticing, the execution falls short of its potential. The narrative is entertaining but lacks the depth to leave a lasting impact. Domingos’ critique of a chaotic political system and the absurdity of modern technology offers ample opportunity for reflection, yet the superficial treatment of its themes ultimately detracts from the reading experience.

In conclusion, *2040* serves as a light-hearted satire that may entertain those looking for a humorous take on future politics, but readers seeking depth and a thought-provoking exploration of these themes might find themselves disappointed. Domingos provides an amusing romp through a bizarre political landscape, but the execution doesn’t quite match the intriguing premise. For readers looking for a quick and amusing read during election season, it’s worth picking up, but with tempered expectations.

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I am not American to state the fact, but I can say we can all find the irony in everything happened in the book.
For the plot. As it is not a long story, every second something was always happening. It was action-packed and interesting the whole fricking time.
My favourite part was when Ethan went on a journey because of a lost gadget so valuable in the time of need.
This trip was humorous, absurd, but other than all that we got to know more about this world's society and community. In the beginning of the book I did not realise that this was in any way dystopian or utopian other than the date we know it takes place in, but as we got more information, the world-building turned out to be one.

I think this story has a few moral lessons to learn and share. The faulty of our kind and how we humans can and will always make mistakes. At the same time we can have a great time and laugh at all these things.

Brilliant, and I enjoyed every word of it!

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First of all, thank you to NetGalley and Book Baby for providing me an eARC for an honest review! Unfortunately, this was a DNF For me. I think I see what the author was going for, but I am not sure I was the audience for the book. I like the concept and see the potential in a satire like this, but for me it just never quite got me hooked.

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I was very excited about starting this one. Not only do I appreciate political satire, but reading a narrative about an AI presidential candidate during election season—when AI is a prominent topic in the tech industry—seemed like an incredible opportunity. However, upon completion, I found myself with mixed feelings. The premise is excellent: a tech startup develops an AI, integrates it into a robotic body, and campaigns for it as a presidential candidate. However, I encountered some issues with the execution. The author effectively extrapolates a satirical near-future, both politically and technologically. The writing is engaging, featuring several humorous moments. The characters involved in the startup are relatable, even if not always likable, and the PresiBot is entertaining. Conversely, the opposition candidate and his supporters felt excessively exaggerated and appeared over-the-top and absurd. I believe the author pushed the satire too far, leading much of the book to feel farcical and causing it to miss its intended impact. I understand that the idea was to mirror the present absurdity and dementia of the today's US political climate, but Domingos goes a bit too far with the story.

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2040: A Silicon Valley Satire by Pedro Domingos
Genre: Humor/Satire, Sci-Fi, Politics
Pub Date: Aug. 20, 2024

It's America in 2040 and time for the presidential election. A mere 16 years from now, things have NOT improved in the political climate, and the candidates are absolutely BIZARRE.

The GOP has put forth an AI candidate named PresiBot, created by two guys from a tech start-up. The Democrats' candidate is a fake Lakota Native American chief named Raging Bull, whose #1 goal is to destroy America... if you thought the 2-party system was extreme now, you haven't seen anything yet... will Americans in this very separated and crazy society actually elect one of these bozos, or will the mud-slinging and extreme ads lead to absolute chaos?

The second I saw this book available for request, I just had request it! In this insane time in our society with elections coming up, this book was the PERFECT satirical message. Though everything that happened to the people behind the scenes seemed so outlandis, you could really see how the author was making a statement about our current political climate on both sides. I think this is truly worth a read and I laughed out loud a few times at the zoo-like situations that were created by the debates, conferences, etc. in the book.

Thank you to NetGalley and Book Baby for the e-ARC of this book. The opinions given are solely my own.

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During the 2040 presidential election, an AI Republican runs against a 1/1024 Lakota Democrat who plans to abolish the United States. The book starts off with a heated debate between the two. It caught my attention immediately. However, the rest of the book left a bit to be desired. The way we just jumped from one catastrophe to another was jarring to me. The storyline did keep me intrigued enough to keep going. The thing that brought the rating down to a three for me was the last major action that caused the final catastrophe. It just seemed a little predictable and easy. I overall enjoyed myself and would recommend this book to those who aren't swayed by my negative points. It was almost a four-star for me. I would also be interested to read more by the author.

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I absolutely love this concept but the execution is very lacking. I feel like treating this with a bit more subtlety and more of a grounded approach would have made for a much more interesting and thought provoking read; as is, it made me want to stop reading about 10 pages in, although that could very well the result of a mismatch in our senses of humor

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2040 by Pedro Domingos was a surprising read that I didn’t quite anticipate. I'm open to all genres, and this satirical take was no exception. The story’s wild and chaotic elements were entertaining, but there was a surprising depth to the book that wasn’t immediately apparent. The absurdity of the characters cleverly masked the underlying themes.

Set in the year 2040, the book begins on the night of a highly unusual election. The Republican candidate is an AI named PresiBot, created by a startup called KumbAI, whose team is clearly in over their heads. On the other side, the Democratic candidate is a fabricated Native American chief with plans to dismantle the United States. Yet, the story doesn’t focus much on these two characters. Instead, it centers on KumbAI and its CEO, Ethan.

At its core, this book is a thought-provoking commentary on the potential pitfalls of our current trajectory, delivered with a hefty dose of absurdity. The narrative ends on election night, and while my husband asked if the abrupt conclusion left me frustrated, I found it fitting. I wasn’t particularly attached to any of the characters, as none of them were particularly likable—a choice that might be deliberate.

This would make for a timely and entertaining read leading up to our current election. The release timing couldn’t have been better.

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This was a funny one! I had a good time with 2040. This book is a satire about a robot running in the American presidential election in 2040. There was a little more slapstick humor than I had anticipated and there were lots and lots of puns. It won’t be for everyone’s sense of humor.

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3.5 stars-- 2040: A SILICON VALLEY SATIRE by Pedro Domingos is a satirical look at American politics, specifically the past eight years. In 2040, KumbAI has developed a robot, an AI Republican candidate for president named PresiBot; The Democratic candidate is a fake Native American calling himself Chief Raging Bull. A televised debate sets the scene as the ‘puppet’ candidate goes off-script, and the ‘panic button’ is lost in the ensuing melee of rioting and anarchy. No longer able to control their candidate, KumbAI sells their company to rival tech giant Happinet but the result is another spiral into chaos leading up to the day of election, and the resulting win.

2040, set in a futuristic America, reflects upon much of the past eight years of American politics, the run for president, and the ensuing fall-out when a political dare becomes reality, and the people in charge lose control of their presidential candidate. A caustic, cynical and farcical look America’s current political machine, reminiscent of an extended SNL satirical skit, 2040 mirrors the spiral of respect; the growth of racism and discrimination; the sectioning off of the American people, and the narcissistic attitude of the people in charge.



B&N (Sandy_thereadingcafe)

Chapters/Indigo (Sandy sch) posted

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A satire about the political agenda between a 1% Native American and an AI robot.

I was honestly so excited for this book and was greatly disappointed . I felt the characters were a little too unrealistic even for the satirical plot. It felt like the AI was from 10 years ago and not from today’s age. There’s no way a bot would need someone to constantly monitor and override 10 years from now considering the strides that happen on a monthly basis now.

There were so many parts I had to skip because it felt too ridiculous and even sometimes very inappropriate.

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Ghost Busters Meets Dr. Strangelove

On the eve of a US Presidential election an unusual contest is unfolding. Will technology outpace traditional human electioneering tactics? Will people be too engaged with their devices and apps to care? Or simply lulled into indifference of expected stability?

Sound familiar?

Pedro Dominguez’s satirical science fiction, “2024”, imagines a near future US presidential election with opposing candidates playing out in in a dystopian urban San Francisco as a microcosm of the country:

• Posing as a Democrat, John Raging Bull, a wannabe Indian, intent on evicting all peoples except the original native Americans
• With Republican backing, PresiBot, a work-in-progress AI robot whose creators struggle to update while warding off corporate raiders and other disgruntled denizens

Readers should be forewarned the political party affiliations are a passing reference and have little to do with the madcap antics of this novel. In fact, the 2024 fictional world incorporates elements such as contained population zones, above and below ground; free-lance enforcement groups beyond the police; over-the-top buildings - not unlike the city of 1984 Ghostbusters!

The plot trails after three principal characters: Ethan Burnswagger, CEO of KumbAI (kumbaya?); his CTO Arvind Subramanian; Chief Data Officer, Emma Zong.

A seemingly diffident West Coast personality is Dave Newald, all-powerful head of Happinet interconnecting various public communication devices. He lives in his 300th floor office of the Flower building with floors named after the Seven Deadly Sins. The company motto: “Happinet Listens”. He is also inventor of the “neurosniffer”, an “unprecedented window into the individual’s emotional state.”

In fast paced chapters with titles like “Lords of the Valley”, “The Singularity Is Here”, “Only We Can Save The Planet”, “Ethan’s Run” and “The Machine Room Where It Happens” the author builds the story of the struggle to control the election’s direction and outcome while slyly sending up recent political, technological, even fictional tropes.

A quick, enjoyable ride and much welcomed breezy relief from the recent media humidity.

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While "2040" was an engaging read, featuring an intriguing premise, it seemed to rely too much on satirizing current-to-2024 events to move the story forward. The characters felt a bit one-dimensional and the plot was on hyperspeed (I would classify this more as a novella than a novel, it felt much shorter than its advertised 228 pages and I finished it in only a few hours), so most of the ideas and concepts felt a little half-baked. However, it did feature some amusing dialogue and could be useful to some readers as an introduction to satire and speculative fiction.

2/5 stars.

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2040: A Silicon Valley Satire by Pedro Domingos offers an intriguing blend of satire, technology, and politics that hits close to home, reflecting the extremes currently seen in the US. While the premise was promising, the execution left me wanting more. Despite being a short read, I struggled to stay engaged, and the ending felt disappointing. The characters lacked depth, and I found myself wishing for more focus on the actual political aspects rather than the drama surrounding the founders of PresiBot. Although the book had its moments, it didn’t fully deliver on its potential, leaving me somewhat unsatisfied.

Thank you to NetGalley for a copy of this eARC in exchange of an honest review. All thoughts are my own.

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