Member Reviews

It was beautiful! I really love the magic system especially Elia's magic (I think her conjuring key magic is so cool!). Beside her magic, Elia is a strong lead and I was cheering for her all throughout the book. Poor baby has gone through a lot and I just admire her willpower. We need to protect Trys at all cost tho this one prince is too precious (he is so smooth too, bless him). Also I need Cuddles, stat.
I really, really enjoyed this book!

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First off, a huge thank you goes to NetGalley and HarperCollins for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I went into this book totally blind (I requested it from NetGalley many moons ago and forgot everything about its description) and I loved every moment of it. Well, almost. I wasn't a fan of the insta-love and constant bedroom eyes the characters gave every other page. The romance aspect of things was cute, but also felt incredibly juvenile at times.

The plot, on the other hand, was fantastic and made up for any awkwardness and gawking that took place. It was an incredibly fast-paced read, and I really appreciated the depth that we saw in each of the characters- especially Elia. I also LOVED Cuddles.

The ending was a little too rushed, in my opinion, but it didn't detract from my overall enjoyment of the book. I'm just not entirely sure I'd count this as a "romantasy" like it's being marketed as.

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3.5 stars
This started out as a 5 star read. It really hooked me from the very first page, and the concept was so promising. However, it fell flat by the end. The world is AMAZING, so unique and magical. I loved the vibes and the whimsy atmosphere. The magic system was really cool and I wanted to see more of it. The main character has the ability to conjure keys to unlock anything, including doors to other worlds. Trys was a good love interest. Great? No, but good. We didn’t see enough of him for him to be great. Which is what made the romance not very believable for me. The humor and chemistry was there until about halfway through the book where they split up and the plot really takes a plummet and drags for way too long. I still think this will be a great read for others, it just didn’t reach its potential for me.

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3.5! I enjoyed this one for the most part! I always love finding new fantasy standalones because it’s so hard for me to keep up with series nowadays. Though I do think this might have worked better as a duology! There are some pacing issues and the relationship doesn’t get the time to flesh out as much as I would have liked. It also just feels like there was so much more to the worldbuilding to explore! Especially the creatures, which quickly became my favorite part of the book (the exclusion of Cuddles in the epilogue was egregious). But overall I had a nice time with this and would look for other books from this author in the future!

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I absolutely loved this book! I read it in one setting because it was so good and I could not get enough of the characters. I really loved the characters the author created and there journey that they took. The story was fast paced but detailed where I felt immersed but not bored. I will be recommending this book to all of my family and friends.

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I have been waiting for a YA fantasy book to fall in love with as it's been a while and this book did just that. Elia was such a wonderful MC she was likeable and made you want to root for her. The way she adored and cared for her family really resonated with me. Trys was also super likeable and sweet and I could see why there was instalove. The world building was wonderful paired with this magical story it was just phenomenal. My only complaint was I wish this was a duology soni could get more!

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4.5 + stars

This was almost a 5 star read for me. I have been having trouble finding books to love lately (with a few exceptions), but this one caught me right from the beginning. Elia is such a great heroine, and I loved her journey. Her relationships with her siblings and all the side characters were wonderful. And Trys was a sweet love interest.

My only quibble was the end. It felt...abrupt...quick...too neat? A little much deus ex machina. I was expecting a cliffhanger because I was running out of pages, but everything was suddenly tied up with a bow.

Definitely a good debut, and I look forward to reading more from this author in the future.

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Hmmm...a tricky one. The world-building and setting of this story was truly phenomenal. Vivid and unique and intriguing. As was the magic system. I felt the writing style was also well done. Unfortunately, where the story lacked for me was in the relationship between our two characters (I felt it just lacked in so much depth and growth) as well as the plot pacing.

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I wanted to love this so much but unfortunately it didn’t hit the way I wish it did 😔 I almost don’t want to write this review because there were so many things I didn’t enjoy about this.

Let’s start with the good. I loved the setting, it’s whimsical and I just loved it so much. Another thing I loved was the magic, and I wish we got to see more of what Elia could do. I also did really like both of the main characters but I wanted more Trys.

Ok let’s move on to what I didn’t like. I think my biggest problem is the pacing of the book. I think this would have done so well as a duology. Before the big conflict I wanted more relationship development between the characters and seen them go through a hardship together before the big one. I think the second half would be so much better dragged out (not in a boring way obv) but in the way that we get to see the characters go through their feelings on what to do and what happened and maybe the aftermath of all of it as well. The romance was cute but it was insta lovey, if the characters went through more together I would love them sm more. And can’t forget Cuddles <3

Overall I loved the setting but wish the pacing and depth of the characters was more developed.

Thank you to NetGalley, the publishers, and the author for the arc <3

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I haven’t been this excited about a fantasy world since the first time I read Harry Potter.

The world the author creates is absolutely intoxicating. I will cry my heart out if this is the only book set in this world that Sasa Hawk writes. I am literally begging for more of this world.

I’ve had such a hard time writing this review because there is so very much to love about this book! I can’t stop thinking about it and I absolutely plan to re-read this, I am in love.

Because I’m at a loss for articulate worlds to describe how fantastic this book is I’ll default to list style for now.

What I love…
- There has never been a book (since HP) that I wanted to desperately to be able to be magically transported into.
- The world building feels rich and it’s done in a way that’s not forced or info dumpy. We get little tidbits as they become relevant in a natural way.
- The world and magic is unqiue and so f-ing cool
- I felt emotionally attached to these characters within the first 20%
- the connection between the FMC and MMC is not lusty - their relationship and attraction is built on shared trauma, and mutual respect.
- did I mention the magic was so freaking cool???!!?!?
- The FMC is strong, smart, and makes difficult decisions
- This feels like a book that can be loved by the masses - the themes are appropriate for middle YA, but feel mature enough to grab and keep the attention of adults.
- The CREATURES, are you kidding me with this? Unique and interesting and I want more.
- the family dynamics are so well done and I love the emphasis on family.

What I did not love…
- This could have easily been a duology and I think it would have done better as one (see below)
- I wanted more of their relationship development, had we spent a little more time prepping for their adventure/quest we could have seen their feelings develop more and turn into a deeper stronger relationship. I saw another reviewer mention that the romance was the least strongest aspect and I agree, but it didn’t have to be! It was set up to be an amazing romance but got rushed bc of the standalone book imo
- I did not like the split plot line, it felt like two different conflicts were fighting to happen and I would have strongly preferred the book stick with the main FMC and MMC conflict and plot.

I will be reading anything Sara Hawk writes from this point on.

More things of note…

I need a prequel of the FMCs time in the floating world.
I need a sequel.
I need more, please, now.

P.S. While this was not a perfect book, I am still giving it 5⭐️ because all the things RIGHT with this book greatly outweigh the mild plotting/pacing issue.

A cozy family forward story with an incredibly lush fantastical world that will have you craving more.

Thank you NetGalley and HarperCollins for sending this book (eARC) for review consideration. All opinions are my own.

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Thank you to NetGalley and HarperCollins for the arc! Hm, I’m conflicted on this one. This book was engaging, but the weakest aspect of this story was the romance, which is unfortunate for a romantasy. I did like some other aspects about this story though. I’ll break it down into pros and cons.

-I really liked the world building we got, but as always I wish there was more.
-I know this was a YA romantasy, but the romance read very cliche and juvenile. Once again, it was easily the weakest aspect of this book.
-I thought we’d see more of Elia using and pushing her magic. We got way too little. It was essentially a zero to hero arc, and it felt very underdeveloped.
-Third act was a decline in quality, especially towards the end. Some plot points frustrated and/or confused me.
-Speaking of the ending…nah fam

-Loved the world building we did actually get. I can see (and I want) more interconnected standalones in this world
-Speaking of which, I want more Serratura. What a fascinating country we spent too few pages in. I especially want to see more of the big city with its Rings, culture, advancements, and library. That being said, the countryside also had its own culture and appeal. The lore of this country was fascinating too. I just want all of it. MORE SERRATURA PLEASE!
-Loved Elia’s family and all their dynamics. This is the relationship I wanted more focus on. This was way more developed than the romance.
-Interesting yet underutilized magic system. Elia’s type of magic was unique and interesting.
-Cuddles -ikyk

All in all, this book was a fascinating concept with a lukewarm execution. That being said, I did love this world, and would love to see more in it, particularly plot/character forward as opposed to romance. I do see potential for this author, and will watch out for what she writes next, all though cautiously. -3.5 cursebound scrolls

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